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not from sec3how successful have governmet been in the islamisation of pakistan between 1947 and 1988? Explain (14)
No need for a simplistic statement, wastage of time-At start we just have to write a simple statement to support our answer.
like: The war of Independence 1857 broke out between India and British in 1857 due to numerous reasons which agitated the subcontinent to such an immense extent that they revolted against the British.
-The content which is needed by a question.
like; (give the reason if asked in question) There were many causes that provoke this war. One of the most important was the military cause in which British launched a new rifle with a name "Greased Cartridges"
-Simple evaluation statement to support our view.
Like: Many other causes included implementation of Doctrine of lapse in 1852 etc were also important but according to me the most important factor was Religious one, therefore i agree with the statement that the Religious factors were the main causes of the war of Independence 1857.
This is how you have to write an answer.
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I don't know much about this part. though i could help!!how successful have governmet been in the islamisation of pakistan between 1947 and 1988? Explain (14)
This is not possible, it is endorsed by the CIE board in the 2059 and 2058 syllabus for 2012!!ITZ NOT A JOKEE I SWEAR..
I don't know much about this part. though i could help!!
Lets plan this out too!!
We will divide the question answer into two halves
Objective Resolution
1950 constitution(only the provisions)
1956 constitution
1973 constitution
Zia ul haq
repealing of objective resolution
repealing of 1950 constitution
repealing of 1956 constitution
repealing of 1964 constitution
extremely limited powers of islamic committee in 1973 constitution
The failure of Islamisation of Zia ul Haq.
If you are able to give full description of all the above mentioned factors you are able to gain 6 out of 14.(Level 2 complete)
This is a question that answer the nature of success and failures So our Level 3 and Level 4 will go along with each other.This is with all kinds of "how successful" questions.
So, lets take ZIA-UL-HAQ
the Islamisation process was success because it gave a lot of powers to federal shariat court to devise any law according to islamic principle.It meant that no law passed would be unislamic and the government will be based on islamic principle as a result it was unanimously accepted by the local population and the ulemas agreed over it without any objection.proved in the referendum of 1985 with majority of YES votes.(Level 4, 1 mark gained).However, the reforms were only a paperwork exercise and wasn't fully implemented properly or acted upon by the government.the death of Zia in 1988 put a stop on these legislation and these laws were just some lines on paper and weren't considered by the future government.(Level 3, 1 mark gained). now you are able to gain 8 out of 14 .
IF you keep on doing what i have done above with other factors , you'll surely gain 13 out of 14 and put the end statement about the failure of islamisation with a reason you'll gain 14 out of 14.
NOTE:- BE sure that you include 1964 constitution in the failure and 1973 constitution in success as both of them are contra of each other.
I HOPE you'll understand i'll advise others to give feedback because i still haven't attempted this question.![]()
thanx... it was ov gr8 help...Q) Pakistan performed better in military regime than any democratic form of government?Do you agree or disagree?Explain your answer.(14)
lets plan this out shall we!!
First:- We need to identify the points to be in this question
Military regime:-
Ayub Khan
Yahya khan
Democratic government:-
Malik Ghullam Muhammad
Skander Mirza
Zulfiqar ali bhutto
or benazir or nawaz sharif
If you are able to describe each of these in your answer then you will only gain 6 out of 14 marks.(at most) Level 2 complete.
Now lets go for level 3:-
the first factor will be military regime:-
Second:-But before writing we have to divide the points into two parts:-
1st part positive points of military regime + negative points of military regime
e.g) Ayub:- 7% GDP three times of that of india,economic growth rose sharply which represented Pakistan as a important country on the verge of mass developement internationally.(you gain 1 mark for explanation (understanding mark earned)).However,the wealth was only concentrated in the hands of few people mainly in West Pakistan. the poor farmers weren't benefited. Pakistan was highly dependent on Western aid increases negative balance of trade,thus, increases burden on Pakistan economy.High prices of food led to student protests and an assassination attempt on Ayub Khan,causes law and order situation in Pakistan with mass oppositions from East Pakistan.(This proves how was the military regime bad)(once u give the negative side of the statement then you gain 1 more mark as shown above(evaluation mark earned)).you can also talk about the constitution as a negative point.
Till now You have successfully gained 8 out of 14.
If you explain the other two i.e Yahya and Zia for 1 mark each or only Zia for 2 marks. You will gain 10 out of 14.(Level 3 complete).
For the level 4:- if you explain 1 mark each for all three above i.e malik , mirza , Z.A Bhutto or B. Bhutto or sharif or explain Z.a bhutto for 2 marks and Skander Mirza for 1 mark .You will gain 13 out of 14
At the end give your final judgement which was better obviously military regime .You have now successfully scored 14 out of 14 .
(Note):- Remember facts are Level2 but the linkage of your points to the question is Level 3 and 4. The explanation that i have given of Ayub khan gives marks for Level 3 and the same kind of explanation in democratic form of government is Level 4.
I hope you understand it if you have any queries do post![]()
as far as i think:can someone explain what Musnad and Musannaf means?
Which book did you consult? These are all sort of unimportant reasons, except a few lines.Firstly, Bengal was partitioned due to administrative problems. It was a huge province and it was difficult to administer it as a whole. It was biggest of all provinces with 80 million population and 18900 sq. miles area. It was under a lieutinent govrner who could not manage its affairs properly. He could not even make a tour of province when needed.
Secondly, it was partitioned due to geographical conditions which were getting worse. In some parts there were thick forests and rivers but in the other there were plain and fertile area so it had a difficult terrain. When came famine in Orissa the govrnor couldn't provide aid to the area on time. As a result many death occured and so was it partitioned.
Thirdly, it was because muslims too demanded to do partition as in united bengal they were deprived of their rights & interests. Nawab Salim Ullah was first muslim to demand partition. They also demanded so because there were continous conflicts between muslims and hindus in bengal. So it can be said that partition occured due on religious grounds.
but its written in the marking scheme that we have to write the simplistic statement.No need for a simplistic statement, wastage of time![]()
yes because iquran wa compiled in book form only in hazrat abu bakr's khalifat..guys in this question how the Quran was developed into book form? (10)
Do we only have to right about the compilation during Hazrat Abu Bakr's khalifa?
thnk u1-Another reason for slucnow pact was that in combined session of muslim league and congress, congress accepted demands of muslims. Congress first said that muslims should not get 1/3 seats and separate electorates and said that they had been given too much concession, but at that time they said that muslims had right of separate electorates as well as 1/3rd seats. They also accepted demand of muslims that no law should passed affecting them unless 3/4th(or maybe2/3 i don't remember) passed it. Thus when muslims saw their demands are now accpeted, they did not hesitate to sign the luncow pact.
2-One reason of lucnow pact was that the aims of congress and muslim league were common. Before WW1 congress alone wanted self-rule but muslim league was loyal. Congress thought that it is pro-british party. But during ww1 the muslim league,too, demanded that they should get self-rule. so, due to common aims, they signed lucnow pact.
3-A major reason was that both parties wanted concessions from British. When WW1 started they said that more than half of the seats in executive and legislative council would be elected. Both congress and muslim league accepted it. But they wanted much more concession. Congress said to muslim league that they can get it if they would cooperate. They knew that as the indians are fighting for british, they are on bargaining condition. So to get concessions from british, they signed lucnow pact
it us l3/7 answer. Hope it helps....![]()
see the 5 quranic passages about Allah's relation with his creator and the topic of prophets in paper2.Discuss the most important features of the teachings in the Qur’an about the
Messengers of God.[4]
Can anyone give me a relevant answer![]()
-The messengers are chosen by Allah himself to spread His message.Discuss the most important features of the teachings in the Qur’an about the
Messengers of God.[4]
Can anyone give me a relevant answer![]()
1) all of the messengers of Allah are men as only man is able to explain and preserve the teachings of islam to the mankind.Discuss the most important features of the teachings in the Qur’an about the
Messengers of God.[4]
Can anyone give me a relevant answer![]()
Thank u very much bro, learned alot from u.1) all of the messengers of Allah are men as only man is able to explain and preserve the teachings of islam to the mankind.
2) They are the most highly qualified among the whole mankind and born as a prophet qualities as the most Truthful, trustworthy, humble, generous,literate having exceptional knowledge and intellect.
3) they were all human being who had wives sons and daughters need to sleep, need food and water.
4)the whole line of PROPHETHOOD is been respected by Angels and help them against the unbelievers on the call of ALLAH.
5) started from hazrat adam and ended at Holy prophet(PBUH).
6)Holy prophet(PBUH) who have excelled the qualities of other previous prophets.reported that Holy prophet is like a sun while other prophets are like lamps.
I HOPE this was of some help to you!!!![]()
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