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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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The Hadith you quoted are perfect for this question. But your st
The fifth pillar of Islam is the pilgrimage to Makah during a fixed period of the annual month zulhujja. To perform hajj is a very strenuous form of worship though Muslims should attempt to go once in their lifetime if they have the means. The Quran says
Pilgrimage there to is a duty men owe to Allah; those who can afford the journey (3:97)
The pilgrims arrive at Makah on 8 zulhajj and wear ihram. It is the preparation of entering into a purified state at prescribed stations. Mawakhit by shedding ordinary clothes and wear onto seamless clothes one around the waist and one around the shoulder. Women do not wear these clothes but wear simple modest clothes to cover their bodies.
At the great mosque of makkah;masjid e harem the pilgrims perform the tawaf. This is the anticlockwise circumambulation of the kaaba during and during and before leaving makkah seven times. Then the pilgrims perform the sayi by running between the hills of safa and marwa seven times. The commandment of sayi is contained in the Quran. The Quran says:
Indeed safa and marwa are the emblems of Allah. So anyone of you who visit the house in the season or at other times should compass them round but if anyone of you who owns his own impulse to good let it be be known to him that Allah is the all hearer all knower. (2:158)
The pilgrims then proceed to mina and spend the whole night in prayer.
At the dawn of 9 zulhajj the pilgrims then leave mina for Arafat by reciting passages from the holy quran . they perform the wuquf by standing between the dawn and dusk and performing the holy Quran and they pray at jabal al rahma. The pilgrims believe that this is the climax of the hajj when many misdeeds of their lives are forgiven. The zuhr and asr prayers are performed together in this plain.
The pilgrims then proceed to muzdallifa where they spend the whole night in prayer and collect pebbles for the next day.
The pilgrims then proceed to mina to perform rami the stone pillar symbolizes satan. The animal sacrifice uddiya on 10 of zilhajj. The eid ul idha is performed at mina. Men usually have their heads shave at this time. The Quran says:
“These sacrificial camels we have made you as among the signs of Allah. In them is much good for you then pronounce the name of Allah over them and when they lay down on your sides after slaughter eat from them and feed others”(22:36)
Rami is carried on 12 and 13 as well. The pilgrims then return to kaaba to perform the final tawaf.
how much marks wil i get in this question
I think u would get around 6 or 7. Coz u didnt mention khutba, details of ihram,jamah prayer and qasr prayer of night, spending night in open at muzdalifah, details of rami. You wrote that piligrims offer eid ul adha, while they dont
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its mentioned in the book of nigel kelly after the end of section 2 .. they have written a sample answer .. i just kind of read it and though i hardly remembered wht i read in it , i wrote abt the day of delieverance,pakistan resolution,cripps mission,quit india movement,gandhi jinnah talks and wavell plan and simla conference

you are confusing it with the question of significant progress. 'Negotiations' wala is a different question ,we just had to write about the talks between the Indians ,Muslims or British regarding partition and NOTHING was achieved.
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you are confusing it with the question of significant progress. 'Negotiations' wala is a different question ,we just had to write about the talks between the Indians ,Muslims or British regarding partition and NOTHING was achieved.
I got the same question in my mocks and I wrote the same things and my teacher gave me 12
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you are confusing it with the question of significant progress. 'Negotiations' wala is a different question ,we just had to write about the talks between the Indians ,Muslims or British regarding partition and NOTHING was achieved.
the question was how succesful were the negotiations during world war 2 ? am I right .. u shud check nigel kelly's book in which there is a sample answer .. I gave my book to someone
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the question was how succesful were the negotiations during world war 2 ? am I right .. u shud check nigel kelly's book in which there is a sample answer .. I gave my book to someone

ok....so you're saying that the Day of deliverance,pakistan resolution,cripps mission,quit india movement were negotiations redarding indian independence?
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I wrote Pakistan Resolution, but not Quit India.
And Pakistan Resolution was a negotiation, had it not come about.. would Pakistan have been formed?

ok....so you're saying that the Day of deliverance,pakistan resolution,cripps mission,quit india movement were negotiations redarding indian independence?
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ok....so you're saying that the Day of deliverance,pakistan resolution,cripps mission,quit india movement were negotiations redarding indian independence?
ok lets not argue over it ... if u dont believe me then see this (Q4 part c)
http://papers.xtremepapers.com/CIE/...vel/Pakistan Studies (2059)/2059_w10_ms_1.pdf
it does mention day of delieverance,pakistan resolution and quit india movement.obviously i did not mention their whole historic details just those things tht were relevant to the questiom
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pak resolution, day of delivverence and Quit India movement are not negotiations. they were just developments
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of two people/parties involved in negotiation process. Negotiation is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. Negotiation is intended to aim at compromise.
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ok lets not argue over it ... if u dont believe me then see this (Q4 part c)
http://papers.xtremepapers.com/CIE/Cambridge International O Level/Pakistan Studies (2059)/2059_w10_ms_1.pdf
it does mention day of delieverance,pakistan resolution and quit india movement.obviously i did not mention their whole historic details just those things tht were relevant to the questiom

the answer you have posted here is correct but does it mention those things as negotiations?NO,it doesn't ,the failures and success of 'negotiations' were to be discussed .
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Lol it was a negotiation :p
a Muslim Negotation.
It never said that the negotiation should be between two different parties or communities.

Negotiation is supposed to be between two parties. To negotiate is to reach a conclusion based on agreement between two parties. Pakistan resolution was not a negotiation. It did help Muslims gain independence. But it WAS NOT a negotiation. There has to be a compromise, to consider it a negotiation. While In Pakistan resolution we see no compromise.
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Negotiation is supposed to be between two parties. To negotiate is to reach a conclusion based on agreement between two parties. Pakistan resolution was not a negotiation. It did help Muslims gain independence. But it WAS NOT a negotiation. There has to be a compromise, to consider it a negotiation. While In Pakistan resolution we see no compromise.
but it has been mentioned in the mark scheme
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The Oct Nov 2010 Question states:

How successful were negotiations aimed at Independence during the Second World
War? Explain your answer. [14]

This question is exactly similar to the one we got this time:

''Negotiations aimed at independence during the second world war achieved little'' Do you agree? Explain. [14]

Since the Marking scheme of Oct Nov 2010 clearly states we need to mention ''Pakistan Resolution'' as a Development that moved the subcontinent towards independence. The Question we got now also required us to mention that!
So those who failed to mention Pakistan Resolution, will definitely lose marks.
Okay, Pakistan Resolution may not be a ''Negotiation'' according to the Dictionary, but that doesn't change the fact that it was mentioned in the marking scheme in the ''negotiation'' question in Oct-Nov 2010.. and that it has to mentioned now as well.