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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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Can u plz tel me the services of hazrat Aisha(R.A) during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)????

She was the most beloved wife of Prophet Mohammad pbuh after Hazrat Khadija AS. Three years after the tragic and painful death of Hazrat Khadija AS, Hazrat Khawla, the wife of Hazrat Usman Mazoun, suggested that Rasulallah pbuh should remarry. In reply, Rasulallah pbuh asked, “Who should I marry?” upon which she presented two names; one was that of Hazrat Aisha, and the other was that of Hazrat Sawda, a mother & 30 year old widow. Rasulallah pbuh then sent Hazrat Khawla with
marriage proposals
to both families, and they both gave their consent. When news reached Hazrat Abu Bakr, in his immense joy, he wished to clarify a point so he said to Rasulallah s.a.w, “I am your brother.” Rasulallah s.a.w then replied, “You are my brother as far as the religion and book of Allah is concerned, and she is legitimate for me.” (Bukhari) Hearing this reply, the happiness of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique was clearly visible and he gave his consent.

This holy marriage holds a significant place in the history of Islam. For one, it reinforced the
between Rasulallah s.a.w and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, who had always stood by his friend in hours of distress. In addition to this, a lady of rare qualities was blessed with Rasulallah s.a.w’s presence, and the opportunity to spend her youth in the auspicious household of the Holy Prophet pbuh. In her youth, already known for her striking beauty and her formidable memory, she came under the loving care and attention of the Holy Prophet Muhammad pbuh. As his wife and close companion she acquired from him knowledge and insight such as no woman has acquired. Hazrat Aisha RA was born as a Muslim. She says: “When I got to the age of understanding my parents were already Muslims.” From this is it clear that not even a speck of Kufr was shadowed upon her. The bulk of her vast treasure of knowledge was obtained while she was quite young. There are 2210 traditions narrated from her. Mohammad Ali Qutb in his excellent book “Women around the Messenger”, has this to say about Ayesha (R.A.), “”she grew up in a home where Islam and faith were practiced and she entered the home of the Prophet while still a youth. She was intelligent and full of knowledge. She performed her role in her marital home in a most wonderful way, that was full of love and tranquility”.

Hazrat Aisha’s RA
were approximately 200, out of which were: Hazrat Abu Hurairah, Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Zubair (Radhiyallahu-Anhum). Men and women came from far and wide to benefit from her knowledge. The
of women is said to have been greater than that of men. Besides answering enquiries, she took boys and girls, some of them orphans, into her custody and trained them under her care and guidance. She conveyed the knowledge that she had comprehended and memorized. She directed people, taught them, guided them and gave them wisdom. She left a legacy that is rate to be found in others. The knowledge that she imparted formed a substantial part of the rules of Islamic jurisprudence and its principles.

It is of the greatest relevance to note the pivotal role she played as a teacher, exponent and interpreter of the religion of Islam. Aisha RA was an exceptionally intelligent and astute woman, a young prodigy, and this was the main reason why she got married to the Holy Prophet pbuh, as is clearly proved by events after the Holy Prophet’s life. She entered his household, shortly after his emigration to Madina, just at the time when the teachings of Islam in all fields of life for the Muslim community were starting to be
by the Holy Prophet and demonstrated by his
and practices.

After the Holy Prophet’s death, she acted as a teacher and interpreter of Islam, providing guidance to even the greatest of the male Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. They made a special point of going to her to gain knowledge and seek her opinion. Aisha was really a generous soul and a patient one. She bore with the rest of the Prophet’s household poverty and hunger which often lasted for long periods. For days on end no fire would be lit in the sparsely
house of the Prophet for cooking or baking bread and they would live merely on dates and water. Poverty did not cause her distress or humiliation. Hazrat Ayesha, showered the glory and
of worldly things. Being in the company of the Prophet, her standards of worshipping Allah, were lofty in nature. Once she was asked why she applied mask on her money, and she responded, “this money falls into Allah’s Hands before it falls into the beggar.

Aisha not only possessed great knowledge but took an active part in
and social reform. As a teacher she had a clear and persuasive manner of speech and her power of oratory has been described in superlative terms by al-Ahnaf who said: “I have heard speeches of Abu Bakr and Umar, Uthman and Ali and the Khulafa up to this day, but I have not heard speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aisha.” Hazrat Ayesha’s apartment is also of great significance in the history of Islam. It is the room that houses the Prophet’s grave and his noble body. It is the only room of the Prophet’s wives that still exists. It is the room where Hazrat Ayesha nursed the Prophet when he was sick. It is the room that
the remains of two of his closest companions and
of the faithful – Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with them).

During his final illness, it was at Hazrat Aisha’s apartment that he went at the suggestion of his wives. When the Holy Prophet pbuh was on his death bed, he had his head on Hazrat Aisha’s RA lap. At the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s pbuh death she was only eighteen years old. Hazrat Ayesha, in the month of Ramazan on its seventeenth (17th) day, in the year 58 AH, at the age of sixty six surrendered her soul and was buried the same night in Jannatul Baqee, after Salat Al-Witr. (May Allah be pleased with her).
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minimum 1 q from sec 3 comes in the exams and if u find trouble with other question u can attempt the question of sec 3
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minimum 1 q from sec 3 comes in the exams and if u find trouble with other question u can attempt the question of sec 3
Depends on your thinking, back in 2009, i prepared for all three sections but even then attempted questions frm section 1 and 2 and managed to score an 'A*' :)
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see i have this problem i have started studying for my c.i.e but not with a clear worked out plan.I mean there is hardly a month and a few days left, and i haven't completed my syllabus yet.I am having some serious problems in pak-studies p-2(geography) its like this i study from Huma naz and then fazle karim and then i see the syllabus but so far this isn't working out for me.It takes most of my time,and still my concepts remain unclear .What do i do? am i studying the right way?If not please guide me because there is little time left and i have to do A-LOT .
p.s any usefull notes on geography topic "Topography".
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see i have this problem i have started studying for my c.i.e but not with a clear worked out plan.I mean there is hardly a month and a few days left, and i haven't completed my syllabus yet.I am having some serious problems in pak-studies p-2(geography) its like this i study from Huma naz and then fazle karim and then i see the syllabus but so far this isn't working out for me.It takes most of my time,and still my concepts remain unclear .What do i do? am i studying the right way?If not please guide me because there is little time left and i have to do A-LOT .
p.s any usefull notes on geography topic "Topography".
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Can somebody help me in attempting lesson type of question in islamiat.
example. what lessons do we get from Conquest of makkah?