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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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just to add for the thunderstorms point, for thunderstorms to occur, moisture in air is a must therefore, they don't occur in the south of Pakistan as the air has lost most of its moisture by then.
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Need help with this Islamiyat qs.
Q. Describe the main events that involved the Prophet with Abu Talib and Abu Sufyan. [10]

What points should i mention in Prophet's interaction with both of these personalities..... :confused:

fiz34 funky brat exploded diper asadalam
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Need help with this Islamiyat qs.
Q. Describe the main events that involved the Prophet with Abu Talib and Abu Sufyan. [10]

What points should i mention in Prophet's interaction with both of these personalities..... :confused:

fiz34 funky brat exploded diper asadalam

adopted him:took care of hime:syrian expedition:bahira
looked after his sheep
-early age
took care of ali
gave support:holy prophet (saw) said to him"o unlce even if they put the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left hand and force me to renounce my faith i would not do so untill allah fulfills it for me or destroys me in the path"
so he replied"go and preach what u will for by godd i will not forsake u"
bycott saab e abitalib
and then year of grief after his death....
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abhi ans karu?
fr abu talib u should mention how he faced persecution with him and how he had taken care of fim since childhood and maybe the year of grief while with abu sufyan i guess the most important thing is conquest of makkah and other battles whr he fought against prophet
PS m not sure:oops:
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adopted him:took care of hime:syrian expedition:bahira
looked after his sheep
-early age
took care of ali
gave support:holy prophet (saw) said to him"o unlce even if they put the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left hand and force me to renounce my faith i would not do so untill allah fulfills it for me or destroys me in the path"
so he replied"go and preach what u will for by godd i will not forsake u"
bycott saab e abitalib
and then year of grief after his death....

thanks.... Prophet's interaction with AbuSufyan bhi bata do????
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thanks.... Prophet's interaction with AbuSufyan bhi bata do????
hazrat ramlah his daughter was married to holy prophet
cause for the battle of bdr
fought agnst muslims in battle of uhad and trench(lead)
treaty of hudaibiya....heracluis spoke truth about prophe( he said"by allah had i not been afraid of my companions labelling me a liar i would have not spoken th truth about the prophet:"(bukhari)........ and he came bk for its renewal also after it was dissolved(he asked hasrat ramlah)
conquest of makkah accepted islam before it......refuge at house of sufyan
took part in seige of taif.....lost one eye
hope u understan
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thanks.... Prophet's interaction with AbuSufyan bhi bata do????

Abu Sufyan's daughter was married to Prophet(S.A.W.)
after hijrah, when his trade caravan from syria was coming back e feared of muslims n called upon quraish to take him Makkah safely
he led the quraish in battle of uhad (625A.D.)
when Prophet(S.A.W.) saw dream of going to makkah n when he went off to do umrah he didnt let him enter n treaty of hudaybya was signed
Prophet(S.A.W) sent a letter to Heraclius inviting him to islam, he called abu sufyan and asked him to tell about the Prophet n his family . at that moment he said, "By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labeling me a liar, i would not have spoken the truth about the Prophet" (bukhari)
He accepted islam at the conquest f Makkah(breifly describe the event if u want)
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For Abu Sufyan u can mention the following
Was a strong opposer of islam was one of the bitterest enemies and had a very hostile attitude
His daughter Ramla became a Muslim and migrated to Abyssinia with her husband and later when he converted to Christianity,she left him and was then married to Prophet(SAW)
Indirectly brought the Battle of Badr
After the defeat of Badr,many of Makkans approached him that they wanted to take revenge of their relatives who had been murdered in Badr
He took part in the Battle of Uhad and challenged Prophet(SAW) for another war next year
Prophet (SAW) waited for the Makkans at badr the following year with fifteen hundred men but he didnot show up with his army
Led the army at Trench and sent Hua'y bin Akhtab to convince Banu Quraiza to help them fight against the Muslims
When Prophet (SAW) sent a letter to Heraculis,he asked Abu Sufyan about his character and he told him about his truthfulness and fulfillment of promises
When the Quraish dissolved the treaty of hudaibiya he came to talk to Prophet (SAW) regarding restoration of the treaty but Prophet (SAW) refused to meet him
He went to spy the Muslim army at the time of Conquest of Makkah.He saw the candles lighted up at Mar ul Zahra and realized that The Muslim army would capture Makkah,in this fear he accepted Islam
Prophet(SAW) said at the time of Conquest of Makkah that if anyone went to Abu Sufyan's house he would be safe.

This is all I remember ..if I have missed out something or written something wrong do let me know and plz remember me in ur prayers if I helped u directly or indirectly
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Q 11: What are the characteristics' of the Holy Quran?
can sumone ans this...write in points

Q 11: What are the characteristics' of the Holy Quran?
can sumone ans this...write in points

Question: What are the characteristics of the Holy Quran? [10]
Answer: The Holy Quran is composed of words and teachings which are of Allah (S.W.T) Himself. He alone is the author and protector of Holy Quran. Allah himself decided upon and set all the teachings contained in it the words of the holy Quran are the written expressions of Allah al-mighty through which he communicates with mankind no one have the ability to produce book like the holy Quran as Allah says in holy Quran “ even if human beigns and jinn’s should cooperate with one and other to bring forth the book like holy Quran , they would never be able to bring anything like it , even though they all helped one and other”(81:27)
The expressions and the teachings of the holy Quran are unchangeable no body among the humans and the jinn’s as the ability to change it because the Quran will always will be protected from change and alternations or as Allah said in Holy Quran “we have without doubt sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption) (15:9). The purity of of the holy Quran has been preserved since the last 1400 years which is the clear testimony of the Quran’s divine nature.
All distinct features of holy Quran are directives and the instructions contained in the holy Quran are of universal and addressed to all people of all ages "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2) while God revealed old books for particular nation for a particular period. So Quran is the last and perfect book of Allah it is comprehensive book ,it deals with every aspect of life as Allah says in the holy Quran: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion"(5:3). The earlier books contain only a code or morality and justices, but none was comprehensive to contain a complete code of life so undoubtedly the Holy Quran says “This is an Admonition to all the people of the world........”(81:27)
There are several places in the holy Quran where the stories of the previous Prophets and nation have been narrated by the Allah al-mighty these stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasy for e.g...the story of Prophet mosses and pharaoh is true for Allah said in the holy Quran “ we recites to you some of the news of the Moses and Pharaoh and truth “ (28:3) these stories are intended for mankind or severe consequences if they failed to obey Allah similar to those who refuses to obey him.
There are several matters which are concern to all yet they cannot be interpreted by human mind logically on its own as Allah says in holy Quran “these are announcements of the unseen……” (11:49) Allah alone himself expertly deals with the unseen things and revealed to us in the holy Quran and gives reasonable explanation to us for e.g. the creations of the universe, life after death, etc. As Allah says in Holy Quran: “and He had set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not shake with you ….” (16:15)

When certain scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran are studied in the light of 21st century scientific discoveries which were unknown to us like the Quran tells us about three developmental stages of human embryo, which only recently the scientists have discovered.
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For Abu Sufyan u can mention the following
Was a strong opposer of islam was one of the bitterest enemies and had a very hostile attitude
His daughter Ramla became a Muslim and migrated to Abyssinia with her husband and later when he converted to Christianity,she left him and was then married to Prophet(SAW)
Indirectly brought the Battle of Badr
After the defeat of Badr,many of Makkans approached him that they wanted to take revenge of their relatives who had been murdered in Badr
He took part in the Battle of Uhad and challenged Prophet(SAW) for another war next year
Prophet (SAW) waited for the Makkans at badr the following year with fifteen hundred men but he didnot show up with his army
Led the army at Trench and sent Hua'y bin Akhtab to convince Banu Quraiza to help them fight against the Muslims
When Prophet (SAW) sent a letter to Heraculis,he asked Abu Sufyan about his character and he told him about his truthfulness and fulfillment of promises
When the Quraish dissolved the treaty of hudaibiya he came to talk to Prophet (SAW) regarding restoration of the treaty but Prophet (SAW) refused to meet him
He went to spy the Muslim army at the time of Conquest of Makkah.He saw the candles lighted up at Mar ul Zahra and realized that The Muslim army would capture Makkah,in this fear he accepted Islam
Prophet(SAW) said at the time of Conquest of Makkah that if anyone went to Abu Sufyan's house he would be safe.

This is all I remember ..if I have missed out something or written something wrong do let me know and plz remember me in ur prayers if I helped u directly or indirectly

Thanks a lot :)
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can anyone give definitions of these
• understand the meaning of the terms raw materials, refined, processed, manufactured and valueadded
• understand the meaning of the terms infrastructure and services
• be able to define the terms primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry
• understand the definitions used in Pakistan to distinguish between large-scale industry, small-scale industry and cottage industry
•explain what is meant by the term dry port
• distinguish between distribution of population and density of population
• define the terms primary, secondary and tertiary in relation to occupations
• understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable sorces of electricity
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can anyone give definitions of these
• understand the meaning of the terms raw materials, refined, processed, manufactured and valueadded
• understand the meaning of the terms infrastructure and services
• be able to define the terms primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry
• understand the definitions used in Pakistan to distinguish between large-scale industry, small-scale industry and cottage industry
•explain what is meant by the term dry port
• distinguish between distribution of population and density of population
• define the terms primary, secondary and tertiary in relation to occupations
• understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable sorces of electricity
yes I can tell u all... u need the ans now?
o r u can wait for tom?