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Physics: Post your doubts here!

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June 2012, p13
Question 10
Considering forces acting on the barrel:
resultant = weight of barrel - T
120a =120g - T (eqn 1)

a=acceleration of barrel, T=tension in rope

considering forces on man:

since man moves upwards, the net resultant force is upwards:
80a = T - 80g (eqn 2)

Both the man and the barrel have the same acceleration, as they are connected by the pulley system.

hence we add eqn 1 and eqn 2:
120 a + 80 a = 120g -T + T - 80g
200 a = 40 g
a = 0.2 g ms^-2

now we can use equation of motion : v^2 = u^2 + 2as

we are required to find the man's speed when he is level with the barrel, at this point, the displacement of the man(and of barrel btw) is 18/2, i.e it is 9 m. They meet halfway.

so: s=9, a= 0.2g, u = 0
replace in eqn of motion and you have the answer :)

Question 14

Upthrust is an upward force resulting from the difference pressures acting at the bottom and at the top of a body.

difference in pressure = pressure at bottom - pressure at top

since: pressure= force/area

force = pressure x area

in this case:

upthrust = difference in pressure x area

Hence the answer is C

We do not consider the weight as the upthrust is not a resultant force, it's just one of the forces acting on a body immersed in fluid, along with the weight and drag force.

Question 17:

First of all, find the mass: density = mass/volume
2.0 × 10^3= mass/ (0.60^3)
mass = 432 kg

The simply apply the formula for gravitational potential energy: P.E = mgh

June 2010, p13:

Question 17

efficiency = useful output energy/total input energy

The total input energy here is the work done by the force F in moving the car up the slope.
total input energy= Fs

The useful output energy is the increase in gravitational potential energy
useful output energy = mg Δh
Δh = vertical height covered by car = s sin α

useful output energy = m x g x (s sin α)

efficiency = m x g x (s sin α) / Fs

as "s" is common to both the denominator and numerator, it is eliminated, and the answer is D

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View attachment 19137
i dont know how to do this ... plz help soon cuz i have an exam

the total mass of X+Y is m+3m= 4m, so the total force F is F = 4ma
now, both X and Y are individual bodies
the mass of X is m, so Fx = ma
from the first equation we can also write F/4 = ma
this means that it takes in one-fourth of the total force in accelerating and exerts the remaining three-fourths on Y.
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Force= change in momentum / time taken
duhhh! i know but its final minus initial so the answer choice b and d are weird . A and c are wrong cuz they don't consider change in time. p2 is negative so the answer should be minus p2 minus p1 over change in time.... Can u answer my other mcqs as well
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13 A particle is in a uniform field. The particle experiences a force in the opposite direction to the
Which field is the particle in, and on which property of the particle is the field acting?
property of particle on which the field acts
A electric charge
B electric current
C gravitational mass
D gravitational weight
Why the answer is A?
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When ball travels distance x,

s = x, u = 0, t = t1

Use s = ut + (1/2)at^2
x = (0)t + (1/2)a(t1)^2
x = (1/2)a(t1)^2 ------------ (1)

When ball travels distance (x + h),

s = (x + h), u = 0, t = t2

Use s = ut + (1/2)at^2
x + h = (0)t + (1/2)a(t2)^2
x + h = (1/2)a(t2)^2 -------- (2)

Solve (1) and (2) simultaneously,

(2) - (1) :

h = (1/2)a(t2)^2 - (1/2)a(t1)^2
= (1/2) a [ (t2)^2 - (t1)^2]
(1/2) a = h / [ (t2)^2 - (t1)^2]
a = 2h / [ (t2)^2 - (t1)^2]

Therefore Ans : D

Hope It helps.
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anyone has notes for Vectors complete notes as in vector addition,multiplication,subtraction,dot product cross product,,vector addition through rectangular components.....i missed the lectures and i cant understand frm the book so if anyone has pm me or post them here and tag me :)
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Please help me with the question below.. I don't understand how to solve vector questions!

A ship is pulled at a constant speed by two boats A and B, as shown in the diagram. The engine of the ship does not produce any force.


The tension in each cable between A and B and the ship is 4000N.

(i) Draw a free body diagram showing the three horizontal forces acting on the ship.
(ii) Draw a vector diagram to scale showing these three forces and use your diagram to find the value of the drag force on the ship.

Could anyone please spare some time and draw the needful diagrams?