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Poetry! =P

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jazakillahu khair 4 d tag n d poem...ma shaa Allah, a beautiful one(y). especially d last stanza...

Wa iyyakum!
Thank you, JazakAllahu Khair too!!!
Loved the poem sis :love:
its wonderful MashaAllah !
JazakAllah Khair 4 the tag......n Aameen!
Hope u hve a blessed Eid too :)

Thank you, wa iyyakum!
Jazakum Allahu Khair for reading it :love:

Eid Mubarek! :D
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Eid Saeed!
It’s coming close, it’s coming to pass,
The huge festival is due in days,
Tomorrow’s the day, tomorrow shall we fast,
A year comes to an end, to start a new phase…
My depression, my sorrow, and my sadness disappear,
The thought of your arrival activates me,
With a huge grin, and a laugh I shall cheer,
Because you are the one festival in which everyone is carefree!
Eid, oh Eid. Come fast I want to greet you,
Eid, Oh Eid, the animals await your arrival,
You bring the blessings to every Muslim, old or new,
You come and fill my mind, I forget every trial!
Every friend and every foe reunite forgetting the past,
Families reunite as if never apart,
Although we know you will come to pass by fast,
But those three days regenerate every shattered heart!
Allahu Akber! Allahu Akber! Allahu Akber! La ilaha illa Allah,
Allahu Akber! Allahu Akber! Wa lillahil Hamd!
This is the Takbeer on every mouth in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah!
Rabbi, we ask You to forgive all the ones who sinned!
Forgive us on this happy day, Oh Most Merciful, Oh ‘Adheem!
Cleanse us from the sinful deeds we committed throughout our lives,
Have Mercy on us, Oh Rahman, and protect us from the Rajeem!
Make us of the group of Salaf, the group that constantly strives!
Oh Eid, Oh Eid, we await you impatiently,
We busy ourselves and decorate our homes to celebrate you,
With Henna do the girls decorate their hands and their feet,
The young excited boys play tag, adding to the breathtaking hue!
Oh Muslims! Let’s smile and reunite this broken brotherhood,
Oh Mu’mins, let’s hold hands and strive in the Path of Allah,
Let’s forbid evil, and let’s enjoin what’s good,
Let’s be that perfect group, that group that’ll enter Jannah!
-13th October 2013-

beautiful n amazingly awesome like always <3
Happy Eid Mubarak :')
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Only if you could see me now
what Iam going through
You'd never have then made objections
Only if you had known me from the heart
You'd never have then broken my trust
Only if you had suffered with me
You'd have understood why I was crying
Only if you had loved me
You'd have understood why the heart was broken
Only iif you had known the truth
You'd never have then walked away
Only if you had known the meaning of my words
You'd have never have said those tearing words
Only if you had seen me alone
You'd very well have understood hiw it feels to be a loner
When everybody thinks that you are mad
Just give them a smile and say thats my problem
When life gives thousand reasons to be torn apart
Just remember those few moments that made you happy and bought tears of happiness :')

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Loved and lost

I looked at her and she returned my gaze
And my world was flooded with heavenly rays
And so I got lost in love's treacherous maze
That an eternity passed by in these few days

Ti's was true love I was sure
She was to be mine forevermore
But she took my heart and it she tore
And left me shattered on the floor

With her lover she took a stroll
And as she passed me by she stabbed my soul
This love it's hard it takes it's toll
A lover's heart only seldom remains whole

So now I spend my days in grief
For nothing in this world can provide me relief
And so it is I stress on this the most
It is better to have never loved than to have loved and lost
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Ya Allah,
Oh how we wish we could be one of those who will be walking to Mina,
How we wish we could echo"Labayk" with the melodious crowd,
How we wish we could take our pebbles and pelt the hated one,
How we wish we could lay our head on the blessed ground of Muzdalifah,
How we wish our tears could fall on the plains of Arafat,
How we wish we could see the kaabah and perform tawwaful ziyaarat,
Join me as I make this prayer,
Oh Allah with this ache in my heart to be amongst the those you have called this year, Let our names be amongst those who You call next year.

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Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote--Yuh na hoti azziatein dil main
Jis tarha aur log hua karte hai--Zindagi bhi na hoti mushkil mein
Be-talluq se be-tarruf se--Aasuo se na dosti karte
Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote--Apne dil se na dushmani karte
Beqarari na bekali hoti--doosro ki tarha hum bhi khush rahte
Na-mukammal na zindagi hoti--Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote...
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Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote--Yuh na hoti azziatein dil main
Jis tarha aur log hua karte hai--Zindagi bhi na hoti mushkil mein
Be-talluq se be-tarruf se--Aasuo se na dosti karte
Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote--Apne dil se na dushmani karte
Beqarari na bekali hoti--doosro ki tarha hum bhi khush rahte
Na-mukammal na zindagi hoti--Kaash hum tum ajnabi hote...

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I play the mp3 and let the music burst into my ears,
I relax and sit back except my unconscious movements with the song…
I forget my problems, my tasks and many of my fears,
All I want to do is let the music flow in, I just wanna dance along…
I’m worried, I play the sound to relax me,
The voice is beautiful, but the incredible words shake my soul,
I do feel the relief, yet I feel the weight of my reality,
The Qur’an, oh how its Words were always there to console!
I pause the music, although reluctantly,
Because I strangely remember how I wanted to be good,
I remember sharing my thoughts on the Qur’an sticking in my memory,
I remember how I complained that if I had a chance, I would…
As the Words pour into my heart, my lips begin to move,
Subconsciously the verses have been stuck in my mind,
I raise my voice and challenge the Imam to see if I can improve,
I listen to each verse over and over, constantly clicking “rewind”…
I make the Niyyah of starting to memorize the Qur’an later,
I sit back and stare at the “play” button on my mp3,
Should I, or should I not, it’s a top-rater,
I finally press that button, and am again hooked off my reality…
The audio ends and I feel relaxed and at peace,
The words still hung in the air around me,
I taste the sweet essence of Iman, like fresh dates of palm-trees,
I surrender to my Lord, for I am blessed by His Mercy!
I see the time of Salah has come close so I press “pause”,
I sigh and check on my messages, before I go for ablution,
I enter the Masjid to see the strict adherence of Allah’s Laws,
I feel awkward yet at peace as the Imam begins his recitation…
I hear the call to prayer break out in the clear sky,
I let the water flow in and out of my hands as I prepare for prayer,
I join the Jama’ah, in a few minutes I begin to cry,
For I just listened to this Surah, this strange peace I find is truly very rare….
The prayer ends, I walk past the others exiting the Masjid humbly,
As I walk back home, I feel the need to listen to that song again,
I seek refuge from my Lord, Allah, the all Mighty,
I feel ashamed of myself, oh how I want to sink down the drain!
I stay in the Masjid and watch everyone leave at their pace,
I watch this one gentleman, confused as he may be,
I see my past in him, for I’ve already been through that phase,
I see my past mistakes in him; I smile at him, he doesn’t see me…
That humble face won’t leave my mind in any way,
I caught him staring at me as I left for my house after prayer,
I wish I could be like him, his piety moves me day by day,
I also want to be a Hafiz, such blessed people are rare…
Oh my brother, I pray that Allah guides you the way He guided me,
Ya Allah, make his heart pure and let Your Words be in his mind,
Open this Muslim’s eyes, let him face the reality,
For, Rabbana, after his death, there’s no rewind…
I toss my mp3 on my bed, frustrated and confused at my state,
In the Masjid I felt like I had become better already,
As soon as I leave the mosque, I have to face my ugly fate,
Oh Lord. What on earth! Oh please have mercy!
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Her Words

Love a girl who writes,
and live her many lives;
you have yet to find her,
beneath her words of guise.

Kiss her blue inked fingers,
forgive the pens they marked.
The stain of your lips upon her-
the one she can't discard.

Forget her tattered memories,
or the pages others took;
you are her every after-
the hero of her book.

-From Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav