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Yeah i do get your point. I also agree that there is some supernatural force that is helping the world run, GOD is just a name given to that force. What i don't agree with is the blind faith that people have in that force. People always rely on that force to help them in their times of misery. Rituals and prayers to keep the force happy is not what i agree with. Why should we not make our own lives, why should we depend on "GOD". I don't want people to stop praying it, most of the wars on planet earth are caused by this GOD of ours. Rock brings people together. That is what i would prefer. A world which does not live with this thought in their mind that GOD will always be there to help, I want people to be together as one, not to be discriminated because they worship one god and not the other. Once this problem is solved i can bet the world would be a better place to live in. Because of this f*****g (sorry for being abusive) GOD i am not allowed to be friends with a Muslim boy or girl. I have always been kept away from Muslims, do you think this is the right way to live in this world. Who gives this GOD the right to choose my friends ????? I would love it if you would give this question a thought and replied. I was born and brought up in a Muslim country (Bahrain) for 7 years. And it is a sad thing that i have ZERO Muslim friends. Why??? Because they worship Allah and i don't. DO YOU THINK THIS RIGHT??? And people still ask me to believe and worship GOD. I'm sorry but i wont.

Hmmmmm...I see the problem !
But who has stopped u from not being friends with Muslim ? I mean like Muslims can be friend with any person whatever religion the person practise because of Humanity ! The one created us has made us same, with equal rights, and He is providing everyone thier needs ...
And All muslims r free to make friends ...yeah ! May Be there may be some problem but here is UAE u will find ppl of all religion but we don't make anyone realise that u r different ! We all r friends !
Even I've many non-muslims in my school , But we live, play together and we nvr come on religion that we or the person follows ! Indeed, We r not bother abt the religion he or she follows....!! It not bcuz that we worship Allah and u don't ! Allah has not put any restriction on us ! But may b it differs on the ppl live there !