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Can someone please post more essays? Like something you wrote in your mock or something? In which you got a good grade? I need some story ideas soo yeah. Please please post some essays! :)
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Can someone please post more essays? Like something you wrote in your mock or something? In which you got a good grade? I need some story ideas soo yeah. Please please post some essays! :)
i can share a narrative essay which wrote in my exam and got 17/25 marks (they r NOT AT ALL GOOD THOUGH =/ ) if u need :)
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Okay so here goes what I wrote in my mock examination. Not perfect though. ;)

Topic: Watching television kills communication. Do you agree?

This Earth, that has been spinning around the Solar System for thousands of years, changing every second, new developments, new advancements has finally gotten its people to suffer from a disease called 'lack of communication' or 'lack of socializing.' It is quite well known and has many different names. Perhaps the main cause of the spread of this viral disease is one of the advancements.

Many believe advancements in technology are for the better and make lives easier. They are correct but this one has, unfortunately, led to the spread of a virus; lack of communication. Introduction of televisions was a paradise in its own but who thought it would lead to such consequences? At that time discovery of televisions was a milestone achieved but this discovery led to what is now 'lack of socializing.'

People nowadays own the best of the best televisions or what thought to be called televisions; now more commonly known as 'HDTV.' Its sharp images and fine sound attracts thousands of people to just sit around all day long, in front of the TV screen. All the little social person inside them eventually disappears! They turn into something like a 'puppet.' Spend hours on the TV and do not interact with anyone. Televisions become their life. If there is a power failure, they don't leave their seats to hang out for the mean time. Instead, wait for the electricity to comeback.

Even little kids spend hours watching their favorite cartoon show. This could lead to serious problems as with the children having little sense think of what happens in the TV as something in reality and try to copy the actions of their favorite characters from the TV. Hence, it effects their character. Many turn very naughty and do not listen to their elders, not to anyone. All in all TV calls out for trouble.

Lastly, people who spend all their time watching televisions turn extremely lazy. They procrastinate in all the tasks they have unfinished. Also, don't talk much and live in their own fantasy world. We can call them 'anti-social' as there is no interaction with anyone and only TV 24x7. All in all, TV murders communication by spreading its viral disease of addiction.
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IF ANYONE COULD MARK THIS ESSAY I would be very thankful! :)
The topic of the essay is "tecnology is a curse or a blessing"
here it is:
Why Technology Owes The World An Apology?
A modern farmer looks down from his hi-tech, eight wheeler pick up truck,sees a few insects on the leaves of an onion plant, and without any second thought sprays a ton of pesticide. But does he know what harm is he causing to the world? He is endangering the lives and health of innocent children who will eat the vegetables from his farm. Such situations raises the most debatable topic world-wide: Whether or not should technology advance any further?
To make myself very clear, I am not against the advancements in technology, however, I condemn the over use of it. For instance, if a computer in your house work for only important work, it is good for you, but if it is used for playing games, chatting uselessly and wasting time it is a deliberate misuse of technology, which can bring you a lot of harm, as it wastes your precious time.
Another valid reason I would give to support my believes is that, technology is also a peace killer, nuclear bombs ,for instance. Some say that if the world war III approaches no life will survive because of the nuclear bomb, man made to kill his own generations. And the most apparent reason why people like me, are against modern technology is that it causes a lot of pollution. Modern factories give out large quantities of toxic gases which harm all living beings.
I'll have to admit that technology and brain are two greatest gifts of God, however, they should be used in productive and constructive work rather than in misuse. Unfortunately these gifts are sent with a lot of distractions.
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Can anyone plz write (or share if already written) a report on this topic:

Your Principal wants to make sure that your school is doing all it can to encourage a healthy lifestyle for the students. The Principal has asked you to write a report suggesting the changes
you think are needed in your school to make this possible.

Write your report. You must include the following:

• what is wrong at the moment, so that the Principal knows exactly what has to be
• what improvements you would like to see, both in the curriculum and the school facilities
• how you think students and the school would benefit from these changes.
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I wrote it for my school assignment, when i was 11 or 11 years old.
P.S: The topic(name) is also mine ;)

Here it is:

"Samba’s Lost Treasure Of Hulu Island"
It was last year’s Summer Vacation holidays. I was bored to death because I had nothing to do, except a lot of free time. I decided to go to the basement of my house to pick up my story books, which were there because I had no free time to read so my mother had put them there. There is a cupboard in the basement where all the old books are kept by my mom including my books and the others. While I was looking for some interesting books I saw some papers, belong to my grandfather and a diary. I took the papers and the diary for reading.
My Grandfather
My grandfather was an Adventurer and was very much fond of hiking. During his life he had visited different places of the world. My father off and on tells about my grandfather adventures which I found very interesting. My grandfather was a very brave and ambitious man. He was also very good hunter of wild animals and often traveled to different countries for hunting.
I put my grandfather’s diary beside my bed and decided to read it like a bed time story. After going to bed in night I started reading my grandfather’s diary. My Grandfather wrote almost all the details of his different journey he made during his life when he was young. But there was one which he never completed.
It was the journey to Himalayan Mountain range. The details of it were also written on a worn paper. From the paper I calculated that that it must be almost 50 years old. There was also a map of an unknown place showing a difficult route and a cave and on it was written: ‘Samba’s Lost Treasure of Hulu Island’. It seemed very interesting to me. I immediately rang my friend Taha to ask him to come at my place tomorrow.
Next day Taha came and I showed him all the things. Taha and I decided to go there. We took permission from our parent’s to go to Hulu Island and explore the Island for Samba’s treasure. First they forbid us, but seeing our excitement they allowed us.

The Journey
We booked our flight for Skirdu. Our flight was on the next day at 8:00’o clock. It was a beautiful morning with clouds on top on us. We reached the airport and sat on our seats. Just as I sat on my seat I fell in a deep sleep. Taha woke me up because it was time to go. From there we went to many valleys and gorges and finally we reached a dock. From there we hired a boat and sailed to an Island. From there our map started and according to our map we had to go south and then we should reach the Island of Hulu. We set out on that same boat towards the north. Our water storage was almost empty and the nearest Island was 6 miles away.

Hulu Island
We reached the Island at night and immediately looked for a nice place to set our tent for sleeping. The Island was quiet except for the noises of owls and other animals. I didn’t sleep well because I am not habitual of sleeping on the ground especially when there are rocks beneath.
Next day we found out that what a beauty is this Island. There are very long trees with dense bushes. There are many animals and have many caves. The problem was to find the cave that was mention in the map by my grandfather. We searched all day for the cave and for food. Days past by and at last we found it.
There were many wild animals at the entrance of the cave. I thought that if we had fire torch in our hand they might give us place to enter. And it worked; we entered and saw many figures on the wall. It was like someone had drawn some dancing figures, like a baby. We walked on and I saw a box. It had a skull drawn on it and was colored golden. We opened it, and saw a golden statue. Just as I was about to pick it up, the whole place began to fall and I woke up. It was my dream full of adventure.

(Sorry for any grammatical, spelling or other mistakes)
Edit; If you like it, then please press the like button without hesitation. Thanks a Lot :D:)
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according to CIE.
i received 20/25 :D

topic "an incident that occurred at school"

I saw her weeping, trying to hide her tears. Everyone else was so busy in their own work to even notice Rachael. I wanted to go to her, comfort her but then how could I, we weren’t exactly on good terms these days so wouldn’t it seem odd? I was too lost in my thoughts, fighting against right and wrong to even notice Hillary.
She had turned round, saw her friends face dripping with tears and stood up during class. She went over to Rachael sat next to her and asked her what’s wrong. Not a sound came from her lips just her fingers pointed at me. By then everyone in class was watching the present scenario.
I couldn’t understand what was happening; everyone looked at me with pity except for Hillary. Her eyes had turned into daggers, her face all red and full of anger.
I kept thinking of all my past mistakes, none were associated with Rachael. We barely talked and even when we did it wouldn’t make her cry, it infuriated me a lot. How dare she blame it at me, I did nothing. Malicious thoughts started raging my mind, I could feel my heart beating faster but I couldn’t do anything until the end of the class.
Bell rang, the teacher left, I got up and I left someone tapping me from behind. I turned round to see Rachael standing, before I could say anything she came nearer to me. I thought she might slap me. I went back a few paces. I tried to say something, but before I could get a word in edge ways, she hugged me. I could feel her arms around my neck, her hair smelled of strawberries.
Something kept me from smiling, I started burning with anger, I didn’t even know why. I could see Hope, Reema and Carly staring at us, they were making faces to annoy me and I knew I would deal with them later. At least I thanked God, Rachael wasn’t crying because of me, but as it is said never take your victory lap unless you’ve won the game. Her hands slowly uncoiled from my neck as her face came close to my ears as she spoke such unwanted words “My brother smokes…”
I was astonished, speechless, what was I suppose to say. I knew she wanted my advice, wanted me to say something to calm her, make her feel that everything will get fine. I was still angry at her but I couldn’t just tell her to go away. I maybe angry but I’m not heartless.
She started her tale of how her father smokes but never as much. Even her brother always lectured Mr. Black. It all started a few days ago when she started to smell the odor of tobacco smoke coming from her brother’s room. She always believed her brother would never smoke, even her mom at times became suspicious but then Rachael changed her mind. It was only yesterday that she saw a packet of cigarettes in her brothers room. She asked him but he simply said that it was none of her business.
I was so indulged in her story. I could see her face she was trying to hold her tears, sniffing after every word. I wanted to comfort her, tell her everything will be fine, but how?? I kept trying to form sentences in my mind, trying to find the right words that will make her smile. I hadn’t seen her smile properly in days, to be honest I missed it. I missed her laughter, her smile, our friendship. But I’ve been ignoring her for the past few days, how can I simply tell her I want her back.
My mind had gone into its own world, I was shaken back into reality when Rachael said my name for the third time, she wanted to know what she should do, how she should make her brother realize.
Like I said I didn’t know the answer, all I said was talk to him again and again. Until she didn’t want to hear no more. She sighed, thanked me and sat in her place. I kept standing there, biting my upper lip, I knew I should have said something better.
Soon Tessie came to me, she wanted to know every detail of what had happened, I couldn’t tell her, it was to personal, I simply changed the topic and soon Miss. Ruby came knocking in our class.
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according to CIE.
i received 20/25 :D

topic "an incident that occurred at school"

I saw her weeping, trying to hide her tears. Everyone else was so busy in their own work to even notice Rachael. I wanted to go to her, comfort her but then how could I, we weren’t exactly on good terms these days so wouldn’t it seem odd? I was too lost in my thoughts, fighting against right and wrong to even notice Hillary.
She had turned round, saw her friends face dripping with tears and stood up during class. She went over to Rachael sat next to her and asked her what’s wrong. Not a sound came from her lips just her fingers pointed at me. By then everyone in class was watching the present scenario.
I couldn’t understand what was happening; everyone looked at me with pity except for Hillary. Her eyes had turned into daggers, her face all red and full of anger.
I kept thinking of all my past mistakes, none were associated with Rachael. We barely talked and even when we did it wouldn’t make her cry, it infuriated me a lot. How dare she blame it at me, I did nothing. Malicious thoughts started raging my mind, I could feel my heart beating faster but I couldn’t do anything until the end of the class.
Bell rang, the teacher left, I got up and I left someone tapping me from behind. I turned round to see Rachael standing, before I could say anything she came nearer to me. I thought she might slap me. I went back a few paces. I tried to say something, but before I could get a word in edge ways, she hugged me. I could feel her arms around my neck, her hair smelled of strawberries.
Something kept me from smiling, I started burning with anger, I didn’t even know why. I could see Hope, Reema and Carly staring at us, they were making faces to annoy me and I knew I would deal with them later. At least I thanked God, Rachael wasn’t crying because of me, but as it is said never take your victory lap unless you’ve won the game. Her hands slowly uncoiled from my neck as her face came close to my ears as she spoke such unwanted words “My brother smokes…”
I was astonished, speechless, what was I suppose to say. I knew she wanted my advice, wanted me to say something to calm her, make her feel that everything will get fine. I was still angry at her but I couldn’t just tell her to go away. I maybe angry but I’m not heartless.
She started her tale of how her father smokes but never as much. Even her brother always lectured Mr. Black. It all started a few days ago when she started to smell the odor of tobacco smoke coming from her brother’s room. She always believed her brother would never smoke, even her mom at times became suspicious but then Rachael changed her mind. It was only yesterday that she saw a packet of cigarettes in her brothers room. She asked him but he simply said that it was none of her business.
I was so indulged in her story. I could see her face she was trying to hold her tears, sniffing after every word. I wanted to comfort her, tell her everything will be fine, but how?? I kept trying to form sentences in my mind, trying to find the right words that will make her smile. I hadn’t seen her smile properly in days, to be honest I missed it. I missed her laughter, her smile, our friendship. But I’ve been ignoring her for the past few days, how can I simply tell her I want her back.
My mind had gone into its own world, I was shaken back into reality when Rachael said my name for the third time, she wanted to know what she should do, how she should make her brother realize.
Like I said I didn’t know the answer, all I said was talk to him again and again. Until she didn’t want to hear no more. She sighed, thanked me and sat in her place. I kept standing there, biting my upper lip, I knew I should have said something better.
Soon Tessie came to me, she wanted to know every detail of what had happened, I couldn’t tell her, it was to personal, I simply changed the topic and soon Miss. Ruby came knocking in our class.
how did u know that u got 20/25? btw IGCSE or O levels?
i am curious :p
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we have to sate the whole incident
That means, should we tell what happened before the incident???? Like when they ask to right a accident in a railway disturbance....should we write about buying the ticket and sitting on the railway bench
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That means, should we tell what happened before the incident???? Like when they ask to right a accident in a railway disturbance....should we write about buying the ticket and sitting on the railway bench
yeah......juss give an introduction/background.....what is the disturbance...etc