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Short Scary Stories

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The children were playing tag nearby. I saw one girl trip, fall one hand on the ground, catch her balance and run on. As she ran, she looked at her hand, looked around to find the adults, and turned; the group moved this way. She broke away, ran up and hit me on the forearm. "Tag", she said, "you're its". I reflexively corrected her, "you're it". Her smile vanished. "No." she said, and looked down at the mark on my arm. "You're its".
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The children were playing tag nearby. I saw one girl trip, fall one hand on the ground, catch her balance and run on. As she ran, she looked at her hand, looked around to find the adults, and turned; the group moved this way. She broke away, ran up and hit me on the forearm. "Tag", she said, "you're its". I reflexively corrected her, "you're it". Her smile vanished. "No." she said, and looked down at the mark on my arm. "You're its".
you belong to?
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heres wat ive come up with!
edit it please and tag The Godfather
The enemy within…

I felt something strongly pinning me to the ground, but I was too weak to open my eyes yet alone to resist the force upon me. I could hear voices though, strange muffled voices. I tried to remember what had happened before I had fainted, but was awarded with nothing more than a severe headache. I have little idea of when the sleep took me into its arms yet again.

Neither could I be sure of the time when I next woke up, but this time I could open my eyes for a change. The voices had subsided and the dimly lit room that I found myself in seemed barely visible, but I still realized it was the same cottage that we had booked for our vacations. I was about to sit up on my pillow when I heard people screaming outside, I tried to get what the people were shouting about when the door to my room banged open and five men came in of which I could only see the silhouette.

The light brightened and it was a few seconds before I was able to see the four men in official clothes lead by my father a .44 in his hand pointing at my chest. I looked up at my dad with fear in my eyes, who was now approaching me with great caution, the gun in place.

“Dad?” I blurted out, a tear running down my cheek.
“Son?” he said dropping his gun on the floor and hugging me. The officers weren’t that lenient though.
“What happened dad?” I asked “and why are they pointing their guns at me?”
“You son…” he started but was interrupted by the officer.
“Responsible for the willful murder of 21 innocent citizens on a foreign land…”
“He was possessed!” interjected my father.
“Possessed… Possessed by the Satan perhaps… Well then they both have to go.” Retorted the officer as he replaced the gun on my forehead.
“He is fourteen!” pleaded my dad.
“And already murdered a number greater than his age!” the officer replied.
“May be he is not right in the head” offered the other officer.

“I shall decide that!” said a man in long grey robes who had just entered the room. The people around him stood aside to give way, it was apparent from their faces that they were scared of the new comer. Not that I was comfortable with the man who smelled of fish and was approaching me with his filthy hands, but on the bright hand side the guns were no longer pointing towards me.

The man did a few checks as if he were checking my temperature while he kept asking me questions in order to see that I responded normally. Suddenly the man clutched both my ears and stared into my nostrils… the scene might have been comical had not the allegation been so serious. Just as I was about to turn to my dad to ask him what in the world was going on that the man placed his hand on my chest uttering something incomprehensible under his breath.

I received a jolt down my spine as his hand touched my skin and I started panting for breath. Jerking and tossing my body vibrated as if touched by a live wire. I had to let it out … I had to attack someone! It was the only way I’d get salvation. And then as suddenly as it had started the vibrations stopped. So did the muttering of the man in the grey gown.

I opened my eyes to see the anxious face of my father peering over the man’s shoulder, the officers with fear and curiosity.
“Please sir…” asked my dad on the verge of tears “He isn’t mad or anything is he?”
“No he is not mad” said the mysterious man to my father “And I don’t think it is you that need to fight him” he said facing towards the officers. “Rather its he you will find who has to do the fighting.” He said pointing towards me.

“But what do I need to fight with sir?” I asked fearing the worst.
“Why, your inner demons” he said patting my chest “The enemy within…”
great, infact, pretty admirable and interesting (y) but not scary .-.
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The night was silent. No sounds, no wind blows, not even moon beams existed in the bedroom. Only me and my seven-years-old son on my lap, snuggling innocently on my chest with closed eyes.

I stroke his blond hair gently while humming a lullaby. My other hand tapped his arm slowly, following the rhythm. When I reached the third verse, his small blue eyes looked up to me.

"Daddy, can I ask something?" He asked with a faint voice, almost like a whisper. I smiled at him and replied,

"Yes, my boy. What is it?"

"Was it hard to climb up from your grave to get here?"

I hugged him.

"You'll see, my son. You'll see..."