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Short Story Competition

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Okkkkkayyyyy here:

"I swear, you're going to love it here Laura!" exclaimed Ashley Garfield as she hurriedly dragged Laura Bailey's suitcases into the guestroom. She was really happy that her friend had decided to stay at her farmhouse for a week. Laura couldn't help but smile at her childhood friend's excitement. "Don't I always?" sighed Laura. Ashley giggled. "Just make yourself at home. Go wash up. Dinner will be ready at 8!" said Ashley before going to the kitchen. Laura sighed and threw herself on the bed. Ashley had invited her to her farmhouse for christmas and because of the fact that she didnt want to be alone on Christmas and that she missed her childhood friend, she accepted Ashley's offer. Laura sighed for the umpteenth time before going to wash up.
It was a day before Christmas Eve and the house was gleaming with Christmas decors. Right now, Laura and Ashley were in the barn feeding the animals. " Hey Laura, could you go feed Ariel, Aurora and Belle while I go milk the cows?" said Ashley as she picked up a bucket. Laura raised her eyebrow, "You named your chickens after the Disney princesses?"Ashley laughed, "Yup. You know how much I love them!" Laura smiled. It was true. When they were little, Ashley loved to dress up as a princess especially Snow White. She still laughed at the memory of Laura's mother had screaming after had Ashley dramatically fainted after taking a bite from an apple. "Hey Laura. Can we watch Cinderella after we're done?" Ashley asked her. Laura smiled "Sure. Havent watched it in a while."
It was Christmas Night and Angela Garfield, Ashley's big sister had came over for dinner. Laura was really happy to see her after such a long time. They chatted over dinner, opened presents watched television until it was time to sleep. Laura was packing her stuff when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" Ashley came in. "Hey. Just thought I should help you with your packing." Laura smiled. "Thanks but I'm done, Ash." Ashley's 'oh'-ed and sat on the bed. They were quiet for awhile until Ashley sighed heavily. "Do you have to leave?!?!" Ashley pouted. Laura smiled. "Have to or else my head will be on my boss's wall." Laura sighed. "I hate your boss," Ashley said dryly. Laura laughed. They both chatted until one of them got tired and went to bed.
Today, Laura was going back to New York. She helped Ashley and Angela with the farm work. Until around six o'clock, it was time for her to leave. Right now she was standing on the porch, saying goodbye to the Garfield sisters. "Come visit us anytime okay? We'll miss you," Angela smiled and hugged her. "I will," Laura hugged her back. "I'll kill you if you don't come back," Ashley said in a low voice and hugged her friend tightly. "I will I promise," Laura laughed. She went back to her car and sat inside, waved at her friends one last time before heading back to her life in the busy streets of New York.

Nice! :) :D (y)
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His phone call was very exciting, his voice full of charm explaining every thing about his proceedings in the new case. How Carl hated thieves, and their cruel intentions. He had worked out a way to catch them, and that was why I got the invitation to his farmhouse. I was reluctant at first, maybe because of the many things I stole from his room during our hostel life, and maybe because I never liked police. But I had to go there. He started acting weird, right from the doorstep. Maybe his plan was lost, maybe something bad had happened. Carl led me inside, in his cozy sitting room. He looked confused, and thoughtful. He was a good friend, supported me in every step, and trying to pay the debt back, I acted like one too. I tried asking him about the case, he kept staring at the fireplace. No reply, no nothing. The night was turning darker, and the room was still dead silent. He hadn't uttered a single word, just the same gesture. Something was wrong, very wrong. That's when I saw the knife, right by his armchair. His face was dimly lit by the burning fire, his fingers moving swiftly in the empty air. I stood up, realizing the danger. His face turned towards the disturbance, which was me in that case. I ran for the door, turned the lock, swung open the door and slammed it behind just in case to stop him from following. Pacing towards the car, I lunged for the door and thrashed onto the driving seat. I could breathe now, I was safe. I glanced at the mirror. I knew the reason now. I was wearing Carl's stolen shirt.
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His phone call was very exciting, his voice full of charm explaining every thing about his proceedings in the new case. How Carl hated thieves, and their cruel intentions. He had worked out a way to catch them, and that was why I got the invitation to his farmhouse. I was reluctant at first, maybe because of the many things I stole from his room during our hostel life, and maybe because I never liked police. But I had to go there. He started acting weird, right from the doorstep. Maybe his plan was lost, maybe something bad had happened. Carl led me inside, in his cozy sitting room. He looked confused, and thoughtful. He was a good friend, supported me in every step, and trying to pay the debt back, I acted like one too. I tried asking him about the case, he kept staring at the fireplace. No reply, no nothing. The night was turning darker, and the room was still dead silent. He hadn't uttered a single word, just the same gesture. Something was wrong, very wrong. That's when I saw the knife, right by his armchair. His face was dimly lit by the burning fire, his fingers moving swiftly in the empty air. I stood up, realizing the danger. His face turned towards the disturbance, which was me in that case. I ran for the door, turned the lock, swung open the door and slammed it behind just in case to stop him from following. Pacing towards the car, I lunged for the door and thrashed onto the driving seat. I could breathe now, I was safe. I glanced at the mirror. I knew the reason now. I was wearing Carl's stolen shirt.

awesome :)
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sorry people my story is being extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely long
here how it starts tho

I don’t know if I was imagining it or was my best friend actually acting weird. Although there was nothing unusual about being invited to his farmhouse, which I have been visiting ever since I was six, but my reservations weren’t mere superstitions either.
For one thing I couldn’t remember ever going to the place without Andy’s parents, for another, never on a hired car. I reasoned with myself the degree to which I was being paranoid and the causes of my best friend’s behavior.

That, however, did not mean that the journey to Derbyshire was any less beautiful. The vast grounds that we passed by in our journey were full of lush green grass and the reddish brown mountains in the background. The small lakes were so beautiful it seemed like they were made of silver and the only more stunning feature was the sunlight falling like rays of gold. Although all this was quite enough to place a smile on my face, my love of it actually lay in the rust colored chestnut trees and the lovely small cottages that were scattered in close groups at random intervals on the fields.

I hitched up the jacket I was wearing, it was a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. As the journey continued north the distance between the houses began to increase, and so did the size of the houses. To many, big houses with unkempt gardens may not be remotely interesting, but to me it meant a lot. As it had been one of these houses that I had spent my entire childhood worth of holidays not to mention a considerable part of my teens. From the smell of the grounds to the crunch of the gravel beneath the car, I loved everything about Derbyshire.

Soon enough we reached the familiar neighborhood of the Steel mansion, and there it was, I thought. The huge somewhat derelict building that I had loved more than my home stood in a morosely grey color which, if anything, only added to its beauty. As if someone had turned a tap on memories started flooding into my mind, at 5 we had first learnt how to ride bicycles here, at 7 we had bought pet rabbits here to take care of and had cried together as we had discovered them dead across the street some time later. I remembered having broken Andy’s new toy car, and had been expecting to be killed by Andy when he had said the words that I still like repeating, he had said that he would always prefer skin over plastic.

the rest il post oon my blog in a day or two in sha Allah
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oops here

I don’t know if I was imagining it or was my best friend actually acting weird. Although there was nothing unusual about being invited to his farmhouse, which I have been visiting ever since I was six, but my reservations weren’t mere superstitions either.
For one thing I couldn’t remember ever going to the place without Andy’s parents, for another, never on a hired car. I reasoned with myself the degree to which I was being paranoid and the causes of my best friend’s behavior.

That, however, did not mean that the journey to Derbyshire was any less beautiful. The vast grounds that we passed by in our journey were full of lush green grass and the reddish brown mountains in the background. The small lakes were so beautiful it seemed like they were made of silver and the only more stunning feature was the sunlight falling like rays of gold. Although all this was quite enough to place a smile on my face, my love of it actually lay in the rust colored chestnut trees and the lovely small cottages that were scattered in close groups at random intervals on the fields.

I hitched up the jacket I was wearing, it was a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. As the journey continued north the distance between the houses began to increase, and so did the size of the houses. To many, big houses with unkempt gardens may not be remotely interesting, but to me it meant a lot. As it had been one of these houses that I had spent my entire childhood worth of holidays not to mention a considerable part of my teens. From the smell of the grounds to the crunch of the gravel beneath the car, I loved everything about Derbyshire.

Soon enough we reached the familiar neighborhood of the Steel mansion, and there it was, I thought. The huge somewhat derelict building that I had loved more than my home stood in a morosely grey color which, if anything, only added to its beauty. As if someone had turned a tap on memories started flooding into my mind, at 5 we had first learnt how to ride bicycles here, at 7 we had bought pet rabbits here to take care of and had cried together as we had discovered them dead across the street some time later. I remembered having broken Andy’s new toy car, and had been expecting to be killed by Andy when he had said the words that I still like repeating, he had said that he would always prefer skin over plastic.

Thinking about this I turned towards Andy to see if he was also thinking the same thing… but looking at him only reminded me that he was not acting normal. It was as if he was someone with Andy’s face, with his body… but wasn’t Andy. I looked at him for a couple of minutes as he stared blankly at the road ahead of him, strangely lost in thought. I cleared my throat to bring him out of his reverie, to my surprise however, he didn’t even look at me but started walking into the house maintaining his silence.

I did the only thing that I could have done; I hitched my bag and followed his lead into the house. The mansion from the inside was huge, consisting of many rooms and naturally a lot of servants. I stepped onto the dusty floor of the steel mansion. Everything was as I had last visited there, except that the fire was not lit. having known the dimensions of the house very well, it didn’t matter to me that the light was scarce, but the absence of the servants only added to the abnormalities of my visit.

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oops here

I don’t know if I was imagining it or was my best friend actually acting weird. Although there was nothing unusual about being invited to his farmhouse, which I have been visiting ever since I was six, but my reservations weren’t mere superstitions either.
For one thing I couldn’t remember ever going to the place without Andy’s parents, for another, never on a hired car. I reasoned with myself the degree to which I was being paranoid and the causes of my best friend’s behavior.

That, however, did not mean that the journey to Derbyshire was any less beautiful. The vast grounds that we passed by in our journey were full of lush green grass and the reddish brown mountains in the background. The small lakes were so beautiful it seemed like they were made of silver and the only more stunning feature was the sunlight falling like rays of gold. Although all this was quite enough to place a smile on my face, my love of it actually lay in the rust colored chestnut trees and the lovely small cottages that were scattered in close groups at random intervals on the fields.

I hitched up the jacket I was wearing, it was a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. As the journey continued north the distance between the houses began to increase, and so did the size of the houses. To many, big houses with unkempt gardens may not be remotely interesting, but to me it meant a lot. As it had been one of these houses that I had spent my entire childhood worth of holidays not to mention a considerable part of my teens. From the smell of the grounds to the crunch of the gravel beneath the car, I loved everything about Derbyshire.

Soon enough we reached the familiar neighborhood of the Steel mansion, and there it was, I thought. The huge somewhat derelict building that I had loved more than my home stood in a morosely grey color which, if anything, only added to its beauty. As if someone had turned a tap on memories started flooding into my mind, at 5 we had first learnt how to ride bicycles here, at 7 we had bought pet rabbits here to take care of and had cried together as we had discovered them dead across the street some time later. I remembered having broken Andy’s new toy car, and had been expecting to be killed by Andy when he had said the words that I still like repeating, he had said that he would always prefer skin over plastic.

Thinking about this I turned towards Andy to see if he was also thinking the same thing… but looking at him only reminded me that he was not acting normal. It was as if he was someone with Andy’s face, with his body… but wasn’t Andy. I looked at him for a couple of minutes as he stared blankly at the road ahead of him, strangely lost in thought. I cleared my throat to bring him out of his reverie, to my surprise however, he didn’t even look at me but started walking into the house maintaining his silence.

I did the only thing that I could have done; I hitched my bag and followed his lead into the house. The mansion from the inside was huge, consisting of many rooms and naturally a lot of servants. I stepped onto the dusty floor of the steel mansion. Everything was as I had last visited there, except that the fire was not lit. having known the dimensions of the house very well, it didn’t matter to me that the light was scarce, but the absence of the servants only added to the abnormalities of my visit.

More please! :D
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*facepalm* wait you mean close this thread?? :O I thought you meant announce the winners and move on to the next topic :s