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Short Story Competition

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What's the topic. I can't see it?
okay. heres wat the scene is... write a story involving two friends one of whome invites the other to his farmhouse in the suburbs of sum city. it can start like this...
" I dont know if I was imagining it... or was my friend really acting weird that day."
and you can continue in evry way
think of the possibilities ... :D
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As we pulled into the lush green hillside home of my friend Sally, i could feel a chill creeping up my back. It was
a gothic styled building surrounded by overgrowing forests; creeping over the whole place like some disease.
"Hey Ro! I am so tired," whispered my friend, Sally.
"Yeah," I said,"It has been a long ride."
"I can't wait to hit the hay dear," said Sally.

Soon we were inside the old building in our rooms which were in somewhat better conditions then the others; covered in
dust and stench of stale air.
"Its so itchy today, Rosella. Its better if we sleep now. We'll eat the meal later. Need anything just ring the bell
and call the butler."
"I got it Sally but are you feeling alright. You look... green," I said.
"No its just the long travel. Tommorow we are going to hike all to the Raven Village ten miles from here."
"TEN WHAT??!!!!"
"sLEEP RO and she closed the lights."
"I don't know if I was imagining it...or was my friend really acting wierd that day but I knew something was wrong
DEEPLY WRONG for Sally never looked so bored. Alas I fell asleep lost deep in my thoughts.

I opened my eyes tO see a full moon shining brightly in the sky, its heavenly light entering the room from the
arched window.
"Ahhh," I gasped for my stomach was burning with fire. I scratched my hand and got up to run towards the washroom
when I noticed Sally's bed empty.
Strange... where did she go to?
Forgetting about the excruciating pain in my belly, I began to search for Sally in the creepy corridors of her ancestral home.
Everyywhere... I could feel eyes following me... hungry eyes, planning something...there was something deeply wrong with this house
and I could feel it in my very bones. I ran towards the central hall which was groped in darkness and called Sally a few
times but no answer came and as I turned to leave, the door shut itself with a bang making me jump several centimetres with fright.
I heard a low growl and in a panicked voice called out,"Whose there?"
THere was no answer. Instead a shadow began to descend out of the darkness; HUGE AND SHAGGY. There was a bear in the
house and I felt faint at the thought. I whimpered and the shadow howled and the light came up to reveal the monster...
I howled in fear as I gazed at the were-wolf looking at me with its blood red eyes. Its dirty paws stretched towards me, while I could
do nothing but scratch my belly.
The lights went out again...
There was a growl and a laugh.
A voice cried in the darkness.
Lighs came up
A huge man shaped wolf fed on Sally who was dressed in a wolf's costume, a look of horror on her face.
"Cut," the director shouted,"Perfect take and its time for dinner."
The whole crew began to descend towards Rosella and Sally scracthing their bellies while the two girls looked at it alarmed.
The full moon shone bright and high while the night rang with screams and sounds of ripping flesh and wolfish howls....
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Its okay i believe. there is a lot of room for improvement but the stry was gud and u tried nicely