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Short Story Competition

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Well its certainly difficult to choose one person (thats what this all voting means right!). Ive read only the beginning pages of this thread. And excuse me if Im only comparing two members: Rutzaba and Muhammad Taimoors. Its difficult as both have different writing styles and genres with Rutzaba more into horror, suspense and totally focusing into it, thickening the plot. And Muhammad Taimoor more into humor and just completely taking the story line into a different dimension of his own...mostly some really hilarious ends.
Any pro would choose Rutzaba. She focuses into dwelving deep into the plot and building up the story around very serious lines. Her language, vocab and literary devices usage is great. You are like Anthony Horowitz( sorry if you dont like him!)
Muhammad TAimoor , I enjoyed reading your stories. every bit of it. I laughed like nuts and honestly speaking I like writers who are humorous and think off the hook. Though the story starts would be dark but by the end of it it would be so differnt and funny.You remind me of Rick Riordan!( sorry if you dont like him!)

I really dont know who to vote for. But seroiously people how in the world can you stop your pens. How can you guys limit and stick to the word limit. I can never no matter how hard I try. Its a commendable job. Seriously.

I cant judge seriously nor am I the right person to do so. But then if I have to say something: My mind votes for Rutzaba 's stories but my heart votes for Muhammad TAimoor's stories.
But great writing the two of you!
Man That was Real good! Thanks alot! :D (y)
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i think its a part of movie or series or something... but i dunno bout it and neithr am i concerned.... and so shudnt u ppl be... just write wat cums to ur mind and dun frget to make it interestin!;)
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this is one stry that i am as blnk about as any of u... i havent thot of wat i am going to write
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Forget the voting. New topic for all of us "Shadows" Ok! Try to write on the one word topic. YOu have all the time in the world. Challenge by SOT ZAIDI
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Or another topic could be "Eaten Alive"
Or "Eyes" Or Wrie a story on "The house on the hill (A horror story being written by SOTZAIDI. A creepy long horror story)"
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The car broke down in the midst of nowhere. Just a tall, shattered guest house stood by the fields far off in the distance, surrounded by nothing but gloom. It wasn't safe in the car, my business demanded isolation. Picking up the briefcase, I paced towards the only building in the area. Climbing the steps, I sensed something following me, something breathing softly as if smiling along. Ignoring, I softly pushed the door open. Surprisingly, the hall was lit up with many lights. Something to cheer about, I thought, as I moved towards the reception. Something caught my attention though, a blood stained cloth on the shelf right behind the reception. Just as I shifted my stare towards the cloth, a man blocked my line of sight. "How can I help you?" He asked, with as heavy a voice as it could be. "I need a room for a night". He handed me the keys, and pointed upwards, without uttering a single word. I smiled at what he did. He was acting like me. Climbing the steps, I heard a news broadcast. Someone was watching TV in the corridor. It was a woman, watching something intently on the screen. "Serial Killing Is Becoming Common In These Areas Of The Country, And..." said the broadcaster, before the TV was killed behind my back. I heard the important part though, "Serial Killing!". Suddenly, the lights went out. I stood in the corridor alone, guessing the next move. The receptionist came out with a torch, but something else too. A butcher knife! The woman appeared out from the front, with a chain and a big smile! "You might have guessed about us, so we thought we shouldn't keep you waiting.." She said, still smiling grimly. I sighed. Two hours later, the car engine chirped to life again, and moved off into the distance. The broadcaster was talking about me!
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The car broke down in the midst of nowhere. Just a tall, shattered guest house stood by the fields far off in the distance, surrounded by nothing but gloom. It wasn't safe in the car, my business demanded isolation. Picking up the briefcase, I paced towards the only building in the area. Climbing the steps, I sensed something following me, something breathing softly as if smiling along. Ignoring, I softly pushed the door open. Surprisingly, the hall was lit up with many lights. Something to cheer about, I thought, as I moved towards the reception. Something caught my attention though, a blood stained cloth on the shelf right behind the reception. Just as I shifted my stare towards the cloth, a man blocked my line of sight. "How can I help you?" He asked, with as heavy a voice as it could be. "I need a room for a night". He handed me the keys, and pointed upwards, without uttering a single word. I smiled at what he did. He was acting like me. Climbing the steps, I heard a news broadcast. Someone was watching TV in the corridor. It was a woman, watching something intently on the screen. "Serial Killing Is Becoming Common In These Areas Of The Country, And..." said the broadcaster, before the TV was killed behind my back. I heard the important part though, "Serial Killing!". Suddenly, the lights went out. I stood in the corridor alone, guessing the next move. The receptionist came out with a torch, but something else too. A butcher knife! The woman appeared out from the front, with a chain and a big smile! "You might have guessed about us, so we thought we shouldn't keep you waiting.." She said, still smiling grimly. I sighed. Two hours later, the car engine chirped to life again, and moved off into the distance. The broadcaster was talking about me!
its good but something is weak here in this plot. Perhaps not every plot good for a short story.
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The car broke down in the midst of nowhere. Just a tall, shattered guest house stood by the fields far off in the distance, surrounded by nothing but gloom. It wasn't safe in the car, my business demanded isolation. Picking up the briefcase, I paced towards the only building in the area. Climbing the steps, I sensed something following me, something breathing softly as if smiling along. Ignoring, I softly pushed the door open. Surprisingly, the hall was lit up with many lights. Something to cheer about, I thought, as I moved towards the reception. Something caught my attention though, a blood stained cloth on the shelf right behind the reception. Just as I shifted my stare towards the cloth, a man blocked my line of sight. "How can I help you?" He asked, with as heavy a voice as it could be. "I need a room for a night". He handed me the keys, and pointed upwards, without uttering a single word. I smiled at what he did. He was acting like me. Climbing the steps, I heard a news broadcast. Someone was watching TV in the corridor. It was a woman, watching something intently on the screen. "Serial Killing Is Becoming Common In These Areas Of The Country, And..." said the broadcaster, before the TV was killed behind my back. I heard the important part though, "Serial Killing!". Suddenly, the lights went out. I stood in the corridor alone, guessing the next move. The receptionist came out with a torch, but something else too. A butcher knife! The woman appeared out from the front, with a chain and a big smile! "You might have guessed about us, so we thought we shouldn't keep you waiting.." She said, still smiling grimly. I sighed. Two hours later, the car engine chirped to life again, and moved off into the distance. The broadcaster was talking about me!

man this is awesome stuff... honestly...m im not lying wen eva i read u i feel like writing... i enjoy reading u soo much that even if nobody else wud participate i wud cum to read ur stories... basically im not a horror writer im more originally wa u have seen in the novel of mine... this blog was just to increase experience... so i get charged wen i reasd u... wish i cud be as gud as u... or as gud as i am in my novel.