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nisurju said:i need threshold for E..god,i really messed up!!dont think m gettin more than 30..want this 24 hours to be over asap.
my id is rjubsnt@gmail.comima_shah2002 said:yea we wont discuss the paper... i dunno the threshold maybe pretty high compared to other years i am assuming around 70... the ppr was relatively easy... but i think i messed up.. wat abt u...
nisurju said:past really hunts..i worked so hard for physics and then i saw someone! unfortunately we were in teh same room! and then i totally lost my concentrarion!!i dont even think i will get 30..i want the minimum threshold for E!! any idea??
zahraahmed said:i dont think the paper was funny and nothing was repeated in it
anyways it's certainly not going to b 50 because 50 was 49 was back in june 2008 when the paper was v.v.v.v.tough compared to this one. besides its going to be above 68 since it was 65 for june 2010 which was an average paper but relatively difficult for this one!
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