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Who Is Allah?

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that isnt the point....u cant just lock it coz ppl are arguing..
the truth has to be put across and that is our duty!
Don't get me wrong..I dont wanna lock this thread because of arguing but the truth is obvious and that member Estranged will keep coming back trying to argue with us and he will waste our time even though he knows he's wrong!!
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Don't get me wrong..I dont wanna lock this thread because of arguing but the truth is obvious and that member Estranged will keep coming back trying to argue with us and he will waste our time even though he knows he's wrong!!
If the thread is gona get locked then he will be ov the impression that v are not able to answer his questions..n we dont want dat do we?
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If the thread is gona get locked then he will be ov the impression that v are not able to answer his questions..n we dont want dat do we?

Well many members like Salman Pak Rocks and Nibz and many other answered many of his questions and tried to convince him but he doesnt seem to understand and u can read there posts again if u like!
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Well many members like Salman Pak Rocks and Nibz and many other answered many of his questions and tried to convince him but he doesnt seem to understand and u can read there posts again if u like!
Yes they did..n i hav been following this thread from day one Mashallah
but thats how ppl are..evn if u answer and finally u plan to move..they are quik to say that ur movin coz ur afraid ov losing..iv seen it a LOT!


XPRS Administrator
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SalmanPakRocks Id suggest u lock this thread so that no further discussion can take place.

Don't get me wrong..I dont wanna lock this thread because of arguing but the truth is obvious and that member Estranged will keep coming back trying to argue with us and he will waste our time even though he knows he's wrong!!

Yes truth is clear but you do find the ppl of book questioning our messenger and Allah responding in the quran... (what is rooh, dhulQarnain etc...)
If they ask we should respond... but in Quarn Allah asks far more burning questions from them...! When we ask questions they must also be prepared to respond.... we don't always stay defensive...
My advice to you is this; most ppl spend most of their life learning for the dunya/world.... you being a muslim should try to spend a few years learning the Quran and the deen... it'll help u be a better person and will help the deen of Islam... you don't realize how many ppl are lost in this world.. how many ppl are opressed.. how many commit suicide... If you knew quran n u try spreadin it then u can help them, insha'Allah...
The more I study Quran, the more I learn how awesome it is... "Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe." (21:18)

Thank God we have such a wonderful robot as the site Administrator!
Alhamdulillah, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah..
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Assalam-o-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu, all Muslim brothers and sisters!
(I made this writing yellow and bold so that it can stand out so that everybody doesn't miss out a very significant fact I just found out ALL Thanks To Allah SubhanaWatallah )
Okay so this fella here, known as Estranged, has clearly gone to Google and searched out something, ANYTHING he could find AGAINST Islam because obviously he just wants to deny all rational and excellent explanation given out by many Muslims here (a special thanks to badrobot14 for producing a very convincing response! Jazakallah Khair! Allah will surely reward you for this.) I have the evidence right here that he just copied off EXACTLY what someone known as "Arnold" posted----> Please check this
out: http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/islam/TFKBEVNR1TL2C0KVM Go down to the comments in this link and read the first comment made by Arnold. All I am trying to show here is that Estranged has no valid argument to make against our Religion Islam and you're just trying to hide this fact by coming up with other people's misunderstandings.
Nevertheless I WILL try to solve this mistake made by Estranged. So you or let's say "Arnold" asked why it says one of three, not one of four or ten or many, exactly one of three. Because Allah knows that many humans will nauzubillah try to associate Hazrat Marium and Hazrat Isa with Allah "The One and Only" so therefore He explained to us in the Holy Quran why this ain't correct.
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No, I won't lock this thread. It would show him that we are trying to supress his 'foolish' views.
And this is an 'international community' everyone has the right to speak and give their opinion. But some people like the one above are just mentally crazy. These people hate muslims so much that they try to spread violence everywhere by the use of their foul tongue. We should practice patience as it's said in the Quran:
"Oh you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere." (2:153)
We should tolerate what people like him say, because when they kill, it's peace and when a muslim kills, he's a terrorist. :)

P.S: This picture serves a perfect example ;)
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No, I won't lock this thread. It would show him that we are trying to supress his 'foolish' views.
And this is an 'international community' everyone has the right to speak and give their opinion. But some people like the one above are just mentally crazy. These people hate muslims so much that they try to spread violence everywhere by the use of their foul tongue. We should practice patience as it's said in the Quran:
"Oh you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere." (2:153)
We should tolerate what people like him say, because when they kill, it's peace and when a muslim kills, he's a terrorist. :)

P.S: This picture serves a perfect example ;)
View attachment 13660
Your right..I've changed my mind keep it open for discussion :)
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One error, just one, and the entire Quran becomes a lie because it claims to be the letter for letter dictation of God. And if that claim is a lie then so is the rest of it. I think we can all agree on that much.

So here, we clearly have the Trinity being misunderstood as speaking about God, Jesus and Mary, rather than God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In fact, not once does the Quran ever correctly mention Christians believing the Holy Spirit was the third aspect of the Trinity. So how could the creator of the universe make such a blatant error?? The answer is, he didn't, Muhammad did. How could Muhammad make this error? Very easily. Some Christians honored Mary so much that it is easy to see how an outside observer could think they take her as God and part of the Trinity. but in truth, the Trinity has always consisted of the Holy Spirit, not Mary. At most, Mary was worshiped as an intercessor, not a God of the Trinity. Christians would pray to Mary to ask her to pray to God on their behalf. They do not ask Jesus to do this because they believe he IS God and part of the Trinity. So although, there was what I would call excessive devotion to Mary, she still was not considered a God, Muhammad just mistakenly thought she was, which is why he scolded them for it through his Allah hand puppet.

So my question to Muslims is, how could you have possibly glossed over and missed such a clear and blatant error?? How could you still believe the Quran is the letter for letter dictation of God?? God doesn't make misunderstandings of people's beliefs, humans like Muhammad do. It's so obvious and staring you right in the face. How can you not see it? Is your need for Islam to be true so strong that you can live in denial and lie to yourself if need be?

Did the Quran get the Trinity wrong?
Sami Zaatari
One common claim that is made against the Quran by the Christians is that the Quran doesn't understand the Trinity, that the Quran's understanding of the Trinity is wrong, and ignorant.
The Christians make the claim that Islam believed that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a member of the Trinity. For instance they quote the following verse:
And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, 'Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. [Qur'an 5:116]

So from this verse the Christian asserts that the Quran did not know what the Trinity was, as Mary is not in the Trinity, hence the Quran was wrong. For starters the Christians themselves have committed the mistake, not the Quran, if anyone reads Surah 5:116 (the above quoted verse) they will see that the verse says NOTHING about a Trinity. So we need to ask our Christian friends from where do they assert that this verse is mentioning the Trinity? The Christian has simply read what is not there.
In fact in the very same Surah, in passage 73, the Quran does mention the Trinity:
They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. (5:73)
In this passage the Quran does mention the Trinity, yet it says nothing about Mary being included in the Trinity of the Christians. The Quran also mentions the Trinity in another Surah:
O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.(4:171)
Here again the Quran attacks the Trinity, yet again there is nothing about Mary. So already we can see a problem with the Christian argument, the Quran when it attacks the Trinity it mentions the Trinity quite clearly, and when it does so it says nothing about Mary being involved within the Trinity. Now when the Quran mentions Jesus and Mary being worshiped as gods it never mentions the Trinity at all!
So the burden of proof is now on the Christian, show us where the Quran says anything about Mary being in the Trinity, I have quoted two passages from the Quran which attack the Trinity, and neither of these two passages say that Mary is in the Trinity.
So the Quran attacks both the Trinity, as well as Christians who have wrongly raised Mary to such a high degree that she has become like a god. Here is the proof that some Christians have turned Mary into a godly figure:
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Didn't I mention before you weren't going to believe me coz u r not open minded... u hav already passed judgement on me so even when I give you the truth with refrence you deny it....

Second; there are many ways to prove Quran is unaltered... I'll mention the way I find easy to explain:
you know bible has many thousands of manuscripts.. none of which are identical.. If Quran had been altered 'a few decades' or even more ago.. you will find differnt manuscripts of it...
Rather we have one same Quran in arabic.. go to any shop and say I want Arabic Quran.. you will get word for word identical book... he WON'T ask you 'Do you need king james version or this version or that version' coz it is one; unchanged.
Plus Quran was preseved NOT JUST in writing but in speech...
millions of muslims have it memorized; word for word in arabic (another miracle: Allah made it easy to memorize even for non-arabs; its a 600 pg buk!)... so even if you change and produce a distorted version, it wouldnt last a day as we have it memorized. :p
And it was handed down to us like that.. meaning companions of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) memorized it from him.. then the later genration from them and this way it came all the way down to us... EVEN IF u burned all qurans in the world we can produce it again within hours... no problem.

I think you gave him enough evidence badrobot and i suggest u ignore him..he'll just waste ur time not more!
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Anyone knows a good site for translating Arabic to English?
I have found something convincing in Arabic but need to translate it..it's long!
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Orientalist look for mistakes in the Koran until he found





This is an Orientalist, Dr. Gary Miller, a professor of mathematics and logic in the

University of Toronto Kndiagansahkan missionaries are very active in the call to Christianity and is also of those who have knowledge of the Bible prolific, this man loves math dramatically ...

Therefore, like logic and logical sequence of things .... One day he wanted to read the Koran in order to find where some of the mistakes that strengthen his position when his call for the pain ... Slim Christian religion ....

He had expected to find the Koran is a book written 14 centuries ago talking about the desert and so on ... but he was astonished that he found it .... But discovered that this book contains the things that do not exist in any other book in this world ... he had expected to find some hard events passed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, such as the death of his wife Khadija, may Allah be pleased or the death of his daughters and his children ... but he did not find anything of that
But made him confused about his command he found that there is an entire chapter in the Quran called Maryam and the honor of Mary, peace be upon her. There is not unprecedented in the books of the Christians, nor in Anagelhm!!

Al did not find the name Aisha or Fatima, God bless them ...
And also found that Jesus was mentioned by name 25 times in the Quran while the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not mention, but only 4 times the man pushing the confusion
Taking carefully read the Koran more and perhaps find a Majma it ... but it shocked a great and wonderful verse, but a verse No. 82 in Nisa:

Will they not ponder the Koran Had it been from other than Allah they would have found therein much discrepancy "
Dr Miller says about this verse "of scientific principles known at the present time is the principle of finding mistakes or errors in fact that the theories prove correct Falsification test ... The irony is that Muslims call the Holy Quran and non-Muslims to find errors and will not find it ...

He also says about this verse, "There is no author in the world has the courage and is writing a book and then say this book is free of mistakes, but on the contrary the Koran tells you there is no errors but displays you have to find the mistakes you will not find
Also verses that stop Dr. Miller is a long time then verse 30 of Sura of the prophets:

"Have not those who disbelieve, that the heavens and the earth were joined together ripped them apart and made from water everything living not believe"

Says, "This verse is exactly the subject of scientific research that won the Nobel Prize in 1973 and was the Big Bang theory which states that the existing universe is the result of a huge explosion occurred from the universe with its skies and planets"
Valrtq thing is coherent, while the hernia is the thing loose Glory to God .....

We come to the other part of the verse is talking about water as a source of life .....
Dr. Miller says, "This matter of the wonders of modern science as proved recently that a living cell consists of a cytoplasm, which represents 80% of the cytoplasm and the component mainly of water ......

How can an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago to know all this not for the connector that revelation from heaven
Dr. Miller, who converted to Islam and then seemed to give lectures around the world ...... and also has a lot of debates with Christian clergy who is one of them