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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*


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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb..



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reminded me of this ayaah of Surah Baqarah

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱدۡخُلُواْ فِى ٱلسِّلۡمِ ڪَآفَّةً۬ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُواْ خُطُوَٲتِ ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنِ‌ۚ إِنَّهُ ۥ لَڪُمۡ عَدُوٌّ۬ مُّبِينٌ۬ (٢٠٨)
O you who believe, enter Islam completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely, he is an open enemy for you; (208)
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Asalam-o-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!
{here is a story that my little sister made me read and I really liked it so thought of sharing it. :)}

A man woke up early in the morning in order to perform the Fajr Prayer.
He got dressed, made his ablution and was on his way to the Masjid.
On his way to the Masjid, the man fell down and his clothes got dirty.
He got up, brushed himself off, and headed home. He changed his clothes, made his ablution once again on his way to the Masjid.

On his way he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. Once again, he changed his clothes, made his ablution and was on his way to the Masjid.

On his way to the Masjid, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I saw you fall twice on your way to the Masjid, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.' The first man thanked him profusely and the two were on their way to the Masjid.

Once at the Masjid, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and pray Fajr with him. The second man refused. The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same. The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray. The man replied: "I am Shaytan". The man was shocked at this reply.

Shaytan went on to explain: 'I saw you on your way to the Masjid and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the Masjid, Allah forgave all of your sins.I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to the Masjid. Because of that, Allah forgave all the sins of the people of your household. I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Allah will forgive the sins of the people of your village, so I made sure that you reached the Masjid safely..'

So do not let Shaytan benefit from his actions. Do not put off a good that you intended to do as you never know how much reward your might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good....



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RasoolAllah(SAW) said: "Whatever of the izaar (lower garment) is below the ankles is in the Fire." (al-Bukhaari, no. 5787)

It is narrated o the authority of Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) observed: Three are the (persons) with whom Allah would neither speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor would look at them nor would forgive him and there is a painful punishment for them. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) repeated it three times. Abu Dharr remarked: They failed and they lost; who are these persons, Messenger of Allah? Upon this the Holy Prophet observed:
They are:
(01) the dragger of lower garment (i.e the men whose garments fall below their ankles,)
(02)the recounter of obligation( the one who does something good for people and then repeats it again in front of them that I did this and I did that)
(03)the seller of goods by false oath

Reference: Sahih Muslim, Book 1 Hadis # 192


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RasoolAllah(SAW) said: "Whatever of the izaar (lower garment) is below the ankles is in the Fire." (al-Bukhaari, no. 5787)

It is narrated o the authority of Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) observed: Three are the (persons) with whom Allah would neither speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor would look at them nor would forgive him and there is a painful punishment for them. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) repeated it three times. Abu Dharr remarked: They failed and they lost; who are these persons, Messenger of Allah? Upon this the Holy Prophet observed:
They are:
(01) the dragger of lower garment (i.e the men whose garments fall below their ankles,)
(02)the recounter of obligation( the one who does something good for people and then repeats it again in front of them that I did this and I did that)
(03)the seller of goods by false oath

Reference: Sahih Muslim, Book 1 Hadis # 192
Ahh...this is smthng we usually ignore...i think ...I should keep this in mind n encourage others...
JazakAllahu khairen for sharing..


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Yahyaa ibn Mu’aadh said: “The medicine of the heart is five things: reading Qur’aan and pondering the meaning, having an empty stomach, praying at night (qiyaam al-layl), beseeching Allaah at the time of suhoor, and keeping company with righteous people.”


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`Abdullah bin Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) used to supplicate: "Allahumma inni as'alukal-huda, wat-tuqa, wal-`afafa, wal-ghina (O Allah! I beseech You for guidance, piety, chastity and contentment).''

Commentary: "Guidance'' means guidance towards virtue which one needs at every step. The ability to do good and steadfastness on the Right Path is also covered by the term guidance. To comply with the Orders of Allah and to prevent oneself from what He has forbidden is Taqwa (fear of Allah), the importance of which needs no elaboration. `Affaf is prevention from sins. It also means evasion from seeking help from others. Ghina means riches which makes one independent of others so much so that all one's hopes are centered on Allah Alone. The prayer quoted in this Hadith is very comprehensive indeed.
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millions of people have been chosen to reach and touch this holy door........Ya Allah please grant us the opportunity of hajj in every year of our lives
Allahummarzuqni hajja baytikal haraam fi kulli 'aam....inshaAllah aameen.
let us purify ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives in this holy month...inshaAllah...

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(i) I testify that there is no God save Allah only. He has no partner. Unto He belongs the sovereignty. Unto He belongs the praise. In His hand is the good. And it is He who is able to do all things.
(ii) I testify that there is no God save Allah only. He has no partner; Single and Ever-Independent, (He) has taken neither wife nor son.
(iii) I testify that there is no God save Allah only. He has no partner, One, Ever-Independent, He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none comparable (co-equal) unto Him.
(iv) I testify that there is no God save Allah only, He has no partner. Unto He belongs the sovereignty. Unto He belongs the praise. He gives life and He puts to death. And it is He who is Ever-Alive, never non-existent. In His hand is the good. And it is He who is able to do all things.
(v) Allah is my all. He is enough (for me). Allah hears the prayer of the supplicant. Beyond Allah there is no destination. I testify Allah unto Whom I turn to make requests, disconnecting all links with those who go astray for Him. Unto Allah belongs the beginning and the end.

The above 5 du'as were brought as a gift by angel Jibraeel (AS) to Prophet 'Isa(AS) from Allah (SWT), to be recited on the first ten days of Dhilhajj...
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The first ten days of this month are full of significance and merit. According to some commentators of the Holy Quran, these ten days have been mentioned in Sura al-Fajr when Allah swears by the ten nights:

وَ الْفَجْرِ وَ لَيَالٍ عَشْر
I swear by the daybreak, and by the ten nights (89:1-2)

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has said:

There are no days when Allah is as pleased with good deeds as He is in these ten days [of Dhil-hajj].

Keep fast on the first 9 days (not on the 10th)