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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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Imam al-Jazari’s praise for the Qur’an bearer

وبعد: فالإنسان ليس يشرف * إلا بما يحفظه ويعرف
A person is not honoured or raised
Except by what he knows and has memorised

لذاك كان حاملو القرآن * أشراف الأمة أولى الإحسان
For that reason the bearers of Qur’an
Are the nobles of this Ummah and its righteous

وإنهم في الناس أهل الله * وإن ربنا بهم يباهي
And they are the people of Allah amongst Mankind *
And indeed our Lord has boasted of them

وقال في القرآن عنهم وكفى * بأنه أورثه من اصطفى
He spoke of them in the Qur’an, and it is sufficient
That He gives it (the Qur’an) to those He has chosen **

وهو في الأخرى شافع مشفع * فيه وفوله عليه يسمع
And in the Hereafter, it is an ardent intercessor
And its statement is something surely heard

يعطى به الملك مع الخلد إذا * توجه تاج الكرامة كذا
By it a person is given the dominion and immortality
And likewise, he is given the crown of honour

يقرا ويرقى درج الجنان * وأبواه منه يكسيان
He’ll read and ascend the ranks of Paradise by it
And his parents will also be clothed by it

فليحرص السعيد في تحصيله * ولا يمل قط من ترتيله
So let a person strive to attain it
And let him never tire of its recitation.
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Treat others in a gud way :)


Although it seems no one's reading these posts...but i'm posing in here again...may be atleast one of u wud give sum feedback ;)

Therefore it's necessary for us to have mercy on others!! Allah will reward u for that InshaAllah!!

Remember me in ur prayers..May Allah help us and guide us all to the straight path! Aameen!

i read it bro, dont worry... :D
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"Sometimes there are worries and concerns in your heart, you need someone to speak to but those around you may not understand you, even if they understood your words, the words that come out will not do justice to how you are feeling. Turn to Allah, for it is He who knows you better than yourself and knows how you are feeling. It is He who understands you and can help you more than anyone else.

قَالَ إِنَّمَا أَشْكُو بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي إِلَى اللَّهِ وَأَعْلَمُ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

“He said: “I address my sorrow and grief only to Allah…” (Yusuf/86)"

~Sheikh Abdulbary Yahya


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I heard Allah's Apostle (S.A.W) saying, Allah divided Mercy into one-hundred parts and He kept its ninety-nine parts with Him and sent down its one part on the earth, and because of that, its one single part, His creations are Merciful to each other, so that even the mare lifts up its hoofs away from its baby animal, lest it should trample on it." Bukhari
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Aodhubillahi min as-shaytanir-rajeem. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem.
Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadinin-Nabiyyil-Ummiyi wa 'ala Aalihi wa Sallim Tasleema.
~~ Sincerity in Seeking Piety ~~
By Al-Habib 'Ali al-Jifri (may Allah preserve Him)
An Introduction of the Speaker: Al-Habib 'Ali Zain al-Abidin al-Jifri (may Allah preserve Him), is an Islamic scholar from Hadhramaut, Yemen, of the Shafi'i school of Fiqh and Ashari school of Aqida. He was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, just before dawn on Friday, from parents who are both descendents of Imam al-Husayn, son of 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with them both. He is, therefore, a Habib (an alternative title for a Sayyid), a direct descendent of the Messenger of Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam). There is more information about His interests and activities on His website: http://www.alhabibali.com/ln/en
May Allah enable us to benefit from His wisdom, Ameen.​
Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadinin-Nabiyyil-Ummiyi wa Aalihi wa Barik wa Sallim. Wal-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen.


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By Al-Habib 'Ali al-Jifri (may Allah preserve Him)
An Introduction of the Speaker: Al-Habib 'Ali Zain al-Abidin al-Jifri (may Allah preserve Him), is an Islamic scholar from Hadhramaut, Yemen, of the Shafi'i school of Fiqh and Ashari school of Aqida.
Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadinin-Nabiyyil-Ummiyi wa Aalihi wa Barik wa Sallim. Wal-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen.

Ashari Aqeedah..??????? Thankyou for telling this... I would NOT be listening to this....
why does this person not follow the aqeedah of Imam Shaf'i .....????? the aqeedah of ahl sunnah wal jamaah? same aqeedah of other 3 famous imams.
for people who don't know about Aqeedah, it is the creed.. the bases of belief.. the trouble with ashari aqeedah is that they interpret aayahs regarding names & attributes of Allah in new ways.. ways in which no one in the salaf (righteous predecessors, sahaba etc.) did... Imam Ash-Shaf'i is himself reported to have said "I believe in Allah and what came from Allah as intended by Allah. And I believe in Allah's messenger, and whatever came from Allah's messenger as intended by Allah's messenger."
(Ahl sunnah believe in the Allah's names & attributes on the understanding of salaf.)
read more:

(I have no intention of starting a debate but I mentioned what I believe and know... it's up to the person reading to decide...)


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^Aoa wr wb!

JazakAllah for telling...I didn't know that... :(
May Allah help us all..n guide us in the best ways. Aameen..
wa iyyakum..
there is a book al-‘Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah by ibn-Taymiyyah, its commentary/sharah by sh. ibn uthymeen is a great book on aqeedah... read the commentary someday, if you are able.
I've read parts of it.. it's brilliant. whn I've tym I'd finish it, insha'Allah.

the thing is there can be difference in fiqh issues, but when it comes to aqeedah, there is no 95% aqeedah.. it's a 100%....
my teacher emphasises a great deal on me learning da aqeedah.
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... The Maturidis and Ash'aris are all part of Sunni Islam, which makes up the overwhelming majority of Muslims.

Both Imam Abu’l Hasan al-Ash`ari and Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi were from the Salaf (the age of the early Muslims, generally defined as those of the righteous who lived in the first three Centuries after the Prophetic age). Both of these Imams simply defended and upheld the transmitted beliefs of the Qur’an and Sunna, as understood by mainstream Sunni Islam in each generation before them, from the extremes of excessive literalism and excessive rationalism.

So what are you talking about...?

Just listen to the talk, its not going to take you out of your school of thought or something. Its genuine advice on how we can attain true piety and avoid arrogance along the way; which is essential for anyone trying to 'groom their soul'.

Be a Muslim, not a follower of a sect. Its not a talk about Aqeedah. May Allah assist us in grooming our souls and guide us all to the Sirat al-Mustaqeem, the footsteps of the Chosen One of His Creation (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam). Ameen.
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read more:

(I have no intention of starting a debate but I mentioned what I believe and know... it's up to the person reading to decide...)

I also have no intention of starting a debate. But you gave me a link, and I'll give you a link, and to each their own. I read your link without pre-assuming, and I request you to read mine without bias. May Allah guide us all.


And please, try to unite the Ummah instead of causing divisions. We have enough people doing that already.

By the way, I'm not a particular follower of any Aqeedah, since I don't properly understand what it is yet. I'll make my choice when I have the knowledge necessary, insha' Allah. So my response is simply, 'Amantu biLlahi wa Rasulihi, Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam'.


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I also have no intention of starting a debate. But you gave me a link, and I'll give you a link, and to each their own. I read your link without pre-assuming, and I request you to read mine without bias. May Allah guide us all.


And please, try to unite the Ummah instead of causing divisions. We have enough people doing that already.

By the way, I'm not a particular follower of any Aqeedah, since I don't properly understand what it is yet. I'll make my choice when I have the knowledge necessary, insha' Allah. So my response is simply, 'Amantu biLlahi wa Rasulihi, Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam'.

at the end you said you don't have knowledge of aqeedah issues... then kindly don't defend those beliefs.... you will be asked by Allah on qiyyamayh about it
"Say, "My Lord has only forbidden immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed - and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know."" (7:33)

I knew some refutations for those beliefs that's why I said against that, with the link to a scholar's writings.

secondly the book I mentioned, ibn uthymeen's commentary on alAqeedah al-Waasitiyyah, read it... it's laid out like a mathe book... like 1+1 = 2
Islam is very clear... Alhamdulillah.

may Allah guide us... Aameen. :)


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The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The likeness of me and you is that of a man who lit a fire and grasshoppers and moths started falling into it, and he tried to push them away. I am seizing your waistbands and trying to pull you away from the Fire but you are trying to get away from me.”

(Muslim, 2285, from the hadeeth of Jaabir; a similar hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3427 from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah).

What is meant by this hadeeth is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) likened the way in which the ignorant and disobedient rush to fall into the Fire of the Hereafter by means of their sins and whims and desires to the Fire, and their keenness to fall into that Fire, even though he is trying hard to prevent them from doing so to the way in which moths and other insects are fatally attracted to the fire. Both of them are keen to destroy themselves because of their ignorance of the consequences.

(Sharh Muslim by al-Nawawi)
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at the end you said you don't have knowledge of aqeedah issues... then kindly don't defend those beliefs.... you will be asked by Allah on qiyyamayh about it
"Say, "My Lord has only forbidden immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed - and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know."" (7:33)

I knew some refutations for those beliefs that's why I said against that, with the link to a scholar's writings.

secondly the book I mentioned, ibn uthymeen's commentary on alAqeedah al-Waasitiyyah, read it... it's laid out like a mathe book... like 1+1 = 2
Islam is very clear... Alhamdulillah.

may Allah guide us... Aameen. :)


I also provided a scholarly link.

Islam is very clear, Al-Hamdulillah. And Islam tells us to enjoin what is good, and forbid what is wrong. Because of that, I have to reprimand you as a brother, for preventing the Muslims of this thread from watching that lecture, when it invites to goodness and forbids the wrong, simply because you differ in Aqeedah from the scholar. Whatever differences you have with the Asharis have nothing to do with the video and the lesson contained therein, which is from the Sunnah of the Beloved of Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), and the practice of the Salaf-us-Salih. Al-Habib 'Ali is a direct descendent of the Messenger of Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), with an unbroken transmission chain of knowledge (isnad) leading straight back to the Best of All Creation (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam).

You quoted Ibn Uthaymeen; this makes me realize that you and I are inherently different in our schools of thought. You are from the followers of Ibn Abdul-Wahhab an-Najdi, am I correct? While I am not. I follow the Salaf-us-Salih but not the way he did; and I follow the overwhelming majority of Muslims; a Hanafi from the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Ja'mah who do not follow the Wahabi movement which is concentrated only largely in Saudi Arabia

Yet, I don't hesitate in calling you "brother" nor do I consider you unworthy of attention. Nor do I throw away any good advice you give to me. I disagree with your school of thought, even oppose it on multiple levels, but still consider you and yours my methodologically-different brethren. I wouldn't hesitate on listening to a Wahabi scholar if he said; "Pray five times a day." or if he said: "La ilaha il-Allah" (though I would remind him to say, 'Muhammadur-Rasul Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), if he did not add that, as part of general courtesy on reminding a brother of the Complete Kalimah, that makes us all Muslims).

Neither would Al-Habib Ali, the scholar in the video above. So why do you refuse to listen to Al-Habib when he invites to good and forbids the wrong, and prevent others from listening to good advice on the grooming of one's soul, simply because you have a different opinion on another, entirely different, matter? Allah will question us all.

Please. Do not do that, and most importantly, do not prevent others from doing that. Watch the video, act on it for the pleasure of Allah. Its good for you. It isn't going to change your Aqidah, and its not going to decrease your faith - on the contrary, it may end up increasing it insha' Allah.

As far as sects and aqidahs go - let's not divide the Ummah. That's the reason the Jews are munching on our heads. Whatever your sect or Aqidah or school of thought or fiqh or whatever, listen to good advice and act on it. Its our duty as Muslims; Sayyidina Ibrahim ('Alayhis-Salatu was-Salaam) would not have hesitated for a nanosecond in doing so.

Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin, 'Abdika wa Rasulika, wa Salli 'alal-Mu'mineena wal-Mu'minaati wal-Muslimeena wal-Muslimaat. Wal-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen.


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I also provided a scholarly link.

Islam is very clear, Al-Hamdulillah. And Islam tells us to enjoin what is good, and forbid what is wrong. Because of that, I have to reprimand you as a brother, for preventing the Muslims of this thread from watching that lecture, when it invites to goodness and forbids the wrong, simply because you differ in Aqeedah from the scholar. Whatever differences you have with the Asharis have nothing to do with the video and the lesson contained therein, which is from the Sunnah of the Beloved of Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), and the practice of the Salaf-us-Salih. Al-Habib 'Ali is a direct descendent of the Messenger of Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), with an unbroken transmission chain of knowledge (isnad) leading straight back to the Best of All Creation (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam).

You quoted Ibn Uthaymeen; this makes me realize that you and I are inherently different in our schools of thought. You are from the followers of Ibn Abdul-Wahhab an-Najdi, am I correct? While I am not. I follow the Salaf-us-Salih but not the way he did; and I follow the overwhelming majority of Muslims; a Hanafi from the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Ja'mah who do not follow the Wahabi movement which is concentrated only largely in Saudi Arabia

Yet, I don't hesitate in calling you "brother" nor do I consider you unworthy of attention. Nor do I throw away any good advice you give to me. I disagree with your school of thought, even oppose it on multiple levels, but still consider you and yours my methodologically-different brethren. I wouldn't hesitate on listening to a Wahabi scholar if he said; "Pray five times a day." or if he said: "La ilaha il-Allah" (though I would remind him to say, 'Muhammadur-Rasul Allah (Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam), if he did not add that, as part of general courtesy on reminding a brother of the Complete Kalimah, that makes us all Muslims).

Neither would Al-Habib Ali, the scholar in the video above. So why do you refuse to listen to Al-Habib when he invites to good and forbids the wrong, and prevent others from listening to good advice on the grooming of one's soul, simply because you have a different opinion on another, entirely different, matter? Allah will question us all.

Please. Do not do that, and most importantly, do not prevent others from doing that. Watch the video, act on it for the pleasure of Allah. Its good for you. It isn't going to change your Aqidah, and its not going to decrease your faith - on the contrary, it may end up increasing it insha' Allah.

As far as sects and aqidahs go - let's not divide the Ummah. That's the reason the Jews are munching on our heads. Whatever your sect or Aqidah or school of thought or fiqh or whatever, listen to good advice and act on it. Its our duty as Muslims; Sayyidina Ibrahim ('Alayhis-Salatu was-Salaam) would not have hesitated for a nanosecond in doing so.

Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin, 'Abdika wa Rasulika, wa Salli 'alal-Mu'mineena wal-Mu'minaati wal-Muslimeena wal-Muslimaat. Wal-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen.

I'll be breif due to tym shorage...
Being a direct descendent of Rasool Allah(SAW) doesn't guarantee anything... remember the story of son of nooh (AS) in the quran...?? more proof: hadith -
"...O Faatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allaah, ask me for whatever you want of my wealth, I cannot avail you anything before Allaah.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2602) and Muslim (206).

I wont mention my school of thought, but I will say if you call yourself a hanafi then take the aqeedah from Imam abu Hanifa as well. there are no issues in it. Alhamdulillah, Imam abu Haneefa was awesome, may Allah have mercy on him.

The reason I wont watch the video is that scholars allow those firm in knowledge (students of knowledge) to learn, n read from people of different aqaaid (coz they can judge b/w right and wrong) BUT for the general masses it is NOT recommended for fear of misguidance.

peace bro. :p