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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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its ok to think out of the box sometimes but some times u just have to accept the reality, for e.g: I have a question, "What does ALIF, LAM, MEEM, means?" or what does "Ya-Seen" means? there are some question which require the knowledge so advance that it is even un-imaginable to human minds. For these kinds of question only Allah S.W.T has the answer.
P.S: i either didn't wanted to offend any one. Sorry if my tone was in-appropriate.
ya seen and alif laam meem are letters and yes their meaning is uncertain. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070615013851AAvksrn

P.S leave this question but generally speaking you can give a thought on any religious issue and do your own search at least.
don't know about others but i don't get offended so easily and i didn't found anyone's tone in-appropriate. :)
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Assuredly We alone have revealed this Glorious Admonition (the Qur’an), and surely We alone will guard it.
(Sura al-Hijr Ayat: 9)


XPRS Administrator
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my mind keeps on wondering different sort of questions regarding creation, can someone tell me .... :/

the video reply you got here was a very good one... just want to elaborate on that:
There are some questions that just dont apply in a context. For eg. if someone says "Do you drive a mountain?" what would you reply? clearly the question is flawed coz driving and mountain don't go together.. you drive a car, maybe horse etc...
Also aristotle's argument was about infinite regression, let's say "A" was made by "B", and "B" by "C" and so on... there has to be someone who created the Nth thing BUT was not himself created... otherwise it would be same as saying "A" has no starting point/no beginning! Reality is that we exist, our existance is proof that there has to be a beginning point. The one that precipated that beginning has to out of that chain.
"Do you not reflect how the camel was created?"... think about it, from the coolest features it has to survive in a harsh desert to the minutest details of it's cell (they say a cell is like a city in itself!); Such intricately balanced design, SubhanAllah. Someone glorious must have designed it and must be keeping it's balance... Someone far above us and our lowly qualities.

hope this helps, beiznillah.


XPRS Administrator
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following "Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created?"( 88:17) I kept thinking about it... and then searched the net for it; found this awesome article:
amazing part of the article was
All of the camel is practical for its survival and for its service to man. A camel’s feet, although hoofed, have large pads that spread out in the soft sand to keep the animal from sinking in. Its face is designed as protection from sun and sand. The thick eyebrows, heavy eyelids and thick lashes all keep out sand, and there’s even a third eyelid that can close in heavy storms. The slit nostrils have special muscles which can close them against blowing sand. The ears have thick hair inside as well as outside to prevent dirt and sand from getting down inside the ear, and possibly causing infection.

A camel’s hump is a lump of fat. This is used as a source of energy when food is scarce. The hump may actually shrink when no food is available, and the camel can live off it for many days. It will then reform perfectly when food is again available. Because food is so scarce, the camel has been designed to be able to eat anything. The lining of the mouth is very tough so that the camel can bite and chew thorny cactus plants without harm to its mouth. This opens up a whole food source not available to other pack animals.

Most incredible is how the camel deals with heat and lack of water. First of all, camels have a low metabolic rate, so energy is used slowly. The body temperature has a wide range of normal. It may start the day at 94 and hit 105 in the heat of the afternoon. Our normal temperature is 98 and at 101, we’re sick. This adaptation allows the camel to function normally even in extreme heat. ...."
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its ok to think out of the box sometimes but some times u just have to accept the reality, for e.g: I have a question, "What does ALIF, LAM, MEEM, means?" or what does "Ya-Seen" means? there are some question which require the knowledge so advance that it is even un-imaginable to human minds. For these kinds of question only Allah S.W.T has the answer.
P.S: i either didn't wanted to offend any one. Sorry if my tone was in-appropriate.
ur tone was fine. :)
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“In this way We
have made you a middlemost community, so that you may act as witnesses against
mankind and the Messenger as a witness against you. We only appointed the
direction you used to face in order to know those who follow the Messenger from
those who turn round on their heels. Though in truth it is a very hard
thing–except for those Allah has guided. Allah would never let your faith go to
waste. Allah is All-Gentle, Most Merciful to mankind.”·

(Qur’an, 2:143)
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"And [yet], among the people are those who take other than Allah as equals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love Allah . But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah . And if only they who have wronged would consider [that] when they see the punishment, [they will be certain] that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment." (Al Qur'an 2:166)


XPRS Moderator
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In what state will I be....?
By Asma Bint Shameem
Today I share some thoughts with you that run through my head
This is what I so often think as I lay here on my bed
What would I be doing and in what state will I be....
That day when Malak ul-Maut will approach me?
For surely he will knock on my door, oh so suddenly
My choice of place or time, it's not going to be
On the day that I meet him, what will I do?
There's no hiding that day, no one to run to
What will be my response to him? O What will I say?
I didn't prepare for this....please come back another day?!
Please go back...go back. I'm just not ready yet!
Just a few more minutes...seconds... any time that I can get!
I would want to say goodbye but he wouldn't let me
I would want another chance but that surely couldn't be
When he will come for me, I wonder, will I be in heedlessness
Worrying little of the hereafter, in my state of carelessness
Or would I be the one who loves and lives upon the Sunnah?
Would the last words on my tongue be la illaaha illAllaah?
Would my kafan be made of silk, being sent from Heaven above?
Would it be so soft, so fragrant, wrapping my soul with love?
Or would it be so rough, so ugly, made of fire from Hell
A wrath, a torment from my Lord, full of nasty smell?


XPRS Moderator
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And what would happen when they bury me, six feet underground
When they lay me on my bed of dust, with no one else around
So scared and alone....the thought keeps haunting me
In what state will I be....when the angels will question me?
Will I be able to answer them....the questions they will ask
It seems so easy now....but what a lofty task!
Will I be scared to see them, will they be of horror to me?
Will I be able to bear them, when they sit in front of me?
Will I be able to give them those answers so easily?
Or will I stumble and stagger....not knowing, confusedly?
Will I stutter and stammer just like a hypocrite would?
Or would I be able to respond to them just as a Mu'min should?
Will my grave be a piece of Jannah, green and open wide...
with Mercy from my Lord so Kind, my good deeds on my side?
Will I rest in my grave ever so peacefully?
Or will my grave be a wretched place of torture for me?
I pray my grave is not a bed...of torment and agony
I hope so earnestly that my Rabb will forgive me
And when everyone will be raised with the rest of humanity
In what state will I be.....when my Lord will resurrect me?
Will I be pleased to see my Rabb? Will I be eager to greet Him?
But more importantly will HE be pleased with me, the Day I meet Him?
Will my face be black with sin that day or will it be shining white?
Will my scale of deeds weigh heavy for me....would it be feather light?
O where will I run then ...where will I hide? This is what scares me!
In what state will I be....when the book of deeds is handed to me?
Will it be given in my left hand or I will hold it in my right?
Will I be guided firm on the Siraat; my Imaan so big, so bright?
Will I be among the wretched or will Allaah be pleased with me?
In what state will I be...when I stand in front of the Almighty?
I shudder and I tremble when I think of that Great Day
When I ask myself..."Am I ready to meet my Lord today?"
I cry as I lay here....thinking. I shed my wretched tears
Please forgive me O Allaah, how I wasted all those years
I sinned all my life Yaa Maalik, Oh how I forsook you
Unless you forgive me O Allah, how can I meet you?!
My sins are so heavy Yaa Rabb, I can hardly bear the weight
But I'm hoping for your Mercy, Allaah, don't leave me to my fate
For how long will I live? I don't know when I'll die
But like the prophet said I should expect it so close by
Let me stop this way of life; let me snap out of this trance
Let me turn my life around now that I have this perfect chance
'Cos today I am closer to my Lord than I was yesterday
Did it ever occur to me that today could be my last day?
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Bismillah AlRahman AlRaheem

During the time of Prophet Musa, there was a pious man, who used to pray day and night on the roof of his house. One day some people came and told him that there was a garden where a tree was being worshipped by a group of people. On hearing this the pious man picked up an axe and went to that tree with the intention of cutting and uprooting it altogether.

Satan (the Devil) came to him in the form of an old man and asked: "What are you aiming to do?" The pious man explained what was happening and his intention to cut the tree. Satan said: "What have you to do with it? If God wished the tree to be cut, he would have sent his Prophet to do it."

The pious man did not listen. The two went on arguing and quarrelling till they came to blows. He managed to knock the Satan down on the floor and sat on him, aiming at cutting his throat. The Satan begged him for pardon and release saying, "Let me suggest you one thing which would help you in this world as well as in the next world. I shall pay you two dinars everyday. You can pay partly to the poor and partly spend for your own self. Leave this tree uncut till God commanded whether it was right or wrong to cut it."

The pious man was misled by the Satan. He thought the suggestion was right and returned home. On the second day, he saw two dinars under his pillow. He was delighted with the money and spent some after the poor. But on the following day, he did not see the money again as expected, so he again took over his axe and came at that tree. Again Satan told him in the form of an old man and asked him, "What do you want to do?" He said, "I want to cut that tree." Satan told him that he had no power to do it so it was better he went back home. He did not agree and again they fought. This time the Satan succeeded in overpowering the pious man and knocked him down on the floor.

The pious man was surprised at this and asked Satan why it so happened that he could not overpower him this time. The Satan replied: "Whoever does a good deed purely for the pleasure of God, no one can face him but if he does it with an aim of worldly gain, then he loses strength and stands to fail."

Why did the pious man win on the first day and lose on the second in his fight against the Satan? Because his first intention to cut the tree, was to please God and nothing else. But the second day, his good intention had changed and it had become for the sake of money. So the God given spiritual strength which he had on the first day had then disappeared and so he lost.

During the time of Prophet Muhammad (s), his enemies - ten thousand strongmen, once planned to attack him. The Muslims were then but very few. Having received the secret news of what was about to happen, the Muslims dug a very wide ditch around them for their defence so that the enemy may not attack them all of a sudden.

From the enemy side, a warrior by name 'Amr Bin Abd-e-wadd' who was very famous for his strength, courage and art of fighting, landed in the midst of these Muslims by jumping over the ditch! The Muslims lacked the courage to face him. Only the lion of Allah, Imam Ali (a) came forward to challenge the intruder!

Both drew their swords and were soon locked in a fierce duel to death against each other. At last, Allah bestowed victory to Imam Ali (a) who threw Amr down on the ground and mounted on his chest ready to kill the arch-enemy of Islam, but before Imam Ali (a) could do this, Amr spat in the face of our Imam.

Everybody around was certain that as a result of this insult, Amr would meet his death even faster still. But instead Imam Ali (a) moved from Amr's chest and walked away! People around were too surprised to see why he left loose such a dangerous enemy after overpowering him. Amr attacked again and after a short while, Imam Ali (a) again got control over him and this time he killed the enemy of Islam.

After the battle was over, people asked Imam Ali (a) about the reason why he had spared Amr's life when he first got control over him Imam Ali (a) replied, "I wanted to kill him for the sake of Allah only. He spat on me and thus made me angry. Had I killed him at that moment, it would not have been for the sake of Allah only. It would have also been for the satisfaction of my anger. So I let him free. When I controlled my anger, I killed him purely for the sake of Allah.'

This is how the Ahlul Bait - people of the household of our Holy Prophet. have set examples of sincere intention. Before any action we take, we must be clear in our minds that the action is in accordance with the commands of Allah. That, it is for his sake and pleasure alone.

To keep away from insincere and impure intentions is indeed difficult but not impossible. This can be done by constant thinking and true understanding of the aim of our life. We have to understand what Allah really wants from us.
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the only general in history who didnt lose a single battle
da 1 who broke nine swords in a single battle.......
da brilliant crafty war strategist
yes its da SWORD OF ALLAH i talk abt..
after all how cn da sword of Allah be vanquished
May Allah have mercy on him.
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The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There are two types of people of Hell that I have never seen: people with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they strike the people, and women who are dressed but appear naked, walking with an enticing gait, with their heads looking like the humps of camels leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise, nor even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be discerned from such and such a distance.” [Muslim]
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da best books
tafseer: ibn katheer
seerah: raheeq al makhtum n the history of islam
fiqh: Bulughul maram
stories of prophets :by ibn katheer
the ashara mubasshira: the precious pearls
the khulafa e rashideen: the pious caliphs
amongst many others thes r da best n most authentic 1s n ull enjoy readin as well
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someone asked me a question that if someone makes a promise of Allah or Quran(kasam of Allah or Quran) and he breaks it or want to undo it then how should he do it?
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Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "When any of you sleeps through the prayer or forgets it, then let him pray it when he remembers, for Allah Mighty and Majestic says, 'Perform the prayer for my remembrance.'" [Sahih Muslim]
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Strong persons go to gym to make their body in shape...
Bt the "stongest of all" knees down to ALLAH to shape their soul...
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This topic if fabulous . I have also added some quotations of Hazart Ali(RA) .

  1. Tum Kisi Ko Chaho Or Woh Tumain Thukra Day To Yah Us Ke Bad Nasibi Hai. Or Us K Bad tum us ko Zabardasti Apnana Chaho To Yah Tumheray Nafs Ki Zillat hy.
  2. Tum Gulab Ka Phool Ban Jao q kay Yah Phool Us Kay Hathoon main bhi KUSHBU chor jata hai jo issay masal k phenk deta hy.
  3. Din ko rizk ki talash karo or raat ko usay talash karo jo tumhai rizk deta hy
  4. Yeh zindagi 2 din ki hai 1 din tumharay haq mai aur 1 din tumharay mukhaalif Jis din tumharay haq mai ho us din ghuroor mat kerna aur jis din tumharay mukhaalif ho us din sabr karna.
  5. Tum acha karo aur zamana bura samjhay , yeh tumharay haq mai behter hai bajaye is k tum bura karo aur zamana tum ko acha samjhay.
  6. Lambi umeedoon se perhaiz kia karo, kyon k yeh dosri naimtoon ko Tumhari nazar mai haqeer bana deti hain aur tum unki shukar guzari nahi kertay.
  7. Jub tum dunya ki muflisi se tung aajao aur rizq ka koi rasta na niklay Tu sadqa de ker ALLAH se tijarat karo.
  8. Apnay dushman ko hazar mouqa do k woh tumara dost ban jaye. LEKIN apna dost ko 1 bhi moqa na do k woh tumara dushman ban jaiy.
  9. Barish ka Qatra Seepi or Sanp dono kay Munah mein girta hai Jab keh Sanp ussay Zehar bana deta hai aur Seep Usay Moti. Jis ka jaisa "Zarf" waisi Uss ki "Takhleeq"
  10. Duniya Tumhain Us Waqt Tak Nahi Hara Sakti Jab Tak Tum Khud Se Na Haar Jao.
  11. Jo Dukh day Us se Taluq na rakho aur jis se Taluq na rakho usay dukh na do.
  12. Insan Gunah Kerne Ki Waja Se Jahanum Mein Nhi Jata Bal Keh Gunah Per Mutmaen Rehny Aur Tauba Na Krney Ki Waja Se Jahanum Mein Jata Hy.
  13. Jo tumhain khushi mein yad aaiy, samjho tum us se muhabbat kartey ho or jo tumhain gham mein yad aaiy to samjho woh tum se muhabbat kerta hay
  14. Acha Dost Kitni Dafa he kyon na rothay usay mana lena chahyay kyon k Tasbeeh k danay kitni dafa he kyon na bikhrein ikathay ker liyay jatay hain
  15. Koi mumlikat Kufer ke saath to chal sakti hai magar na insaafi ke saath nahi
  16. Main ne Allah Ko apney iraadon ke totney se pehchana hay
  17. Jab mere dua qabool hoti hai to mujhe khushi hoti hai ke Allah ne mere dua pori ki. Aur jab mere dua radd hojati hai to mujhey aur bhi zayada khushi hoti hai ke ye mere Allah ki marzi nahi
  18. Tumhari woh khamoshi jis ke baad tum se baat karney ki khawahish paida ho jaiey, tumharey uss kalam sey behtar hay jis ke baad tum ko khamosh ker diya jaiy.
  19. Khoobsorati kaproun se nahe ilm o adab se hoti hay
  20. Her shakhas ki qeemat woh hunar hay jo us ke ander hay
  21. Woh Gunah jis ka tumhein ranj ho Allah Tala k nazdik us neki se behtar hy ji se tum mein ghuroor paida ho jaiy.
  22. Ikhtiar, Taqat Aur Dolat Milney Per Log Badaltay Nahi, Balkeh Be-Naqab Hotey Hain
  23. Dolat Mitti ki tarhan hy aur mitti ko pair k niche rehna chahyay. Agar Sir pe charhao gay to Qabar Ban jaiy gi Aur Qabar zinda Insano k liye Nhe hoti...
  24. Sab se bari khayanat apni Qaum se Ghaddari hay
  25. Gunah Jawan ka bhi bad hy magar borhay ka bad tar hay
  26. Azaadi ki hifazat na kernay wala Ghulami mien griftaar h jata hay
  27. Insan Dukh nahe detay, Insano se Wabasta Umeedein dukh deti hain
  28. Agar Tum kisi ko chota dekh rahay ho to ya usay door se dekh rahay ho ya gharoor se
  29. Jab Tum dunya ki Muflisi se tang aa jao aur Rizaq ka koi rasta na niklay to Sadqa day ker Allah se tajaarat kiya kero.
  30. Agar Tum Seedhay rastay pe ho aur kisi Mushkil ka samna nahe ker rahay to kuch dair k liyay socho k kahin tum kuch ghalt to nahe ker rahay kyon k seedha rasta to mushkilaat se bhar pur hota hy
  31. Tabeyat ki Narmi aur Sakhawat, insan ko Dushmnon k dilon main b Mehboob bana deti hai
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On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Allah said:
'I have prepared for My righteous servants what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, nor has it occurred to the human heart.'"
Thus recite if you wish (1): "And no soul knows what joy for them (the inhabitants of Paradise) has been kept hidden (Qur'an Chapter 32 Verse 17)."
(1) The words "Thus recite if you wish" are those of Abu Hurayrah.
[Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.]