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Narrated Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him): I asked Allah's Apostle (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to teach me an invocation so that I may invoke Allah with it in my prayer.
He told me to say, "Allahumma inni zalumtu nafsi zulman kathiran, Wala yaghfirudhdhunuba illa anta faghfirli maghfiratan min 'Indika, war-hamni innaka antal-ghafururrahim (O Allah! I have done great injustice to myself and none except You forgives sins, so please forgive me and be Merciful to me as You are the Forgiver, the Merciful)."
(Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book # 12, Hadith # 796).
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Aoa wr wb everyone...

This thread was much more active previously... what has happened to it?? WAKE UP ppl!!
C'mon we need to make it more lively!! =D

iNnOcEnT kilLeR memyself15 étudiante badrobot14 Haseefa XPFMember anonymous123 Happy Muslimah
:O So true! Been loooonnngggg since I visited here :oops: Jazakallah for reminding me. Been really busy so couldnt post much :oops: Bt here's something my teacher told us today that might be nice to share here ^_^

Sometimes we can't treat a person only with medicines. As a physician, you need to realize that the human consists of three parts - the soul, the mind and the body. Each of these need to be satisfied.; the body can be treated with medicines, the mind with knowledge and the soul with Faith. I think that explains why so many psycologists fail at removing problems like depression: They treat the body with medicines, the mind with soothing knowledge and reassurance... but who will treat the most powerful component of man - the SOUL? What will satusfy it but Faith? That why these books alone wont make you a doctor. Give time to spiritality, it is the best cure hands down.

^She made so much sense to me then. :O A lot of us in the class could relate to what she said, and even if our Faiths differed, I saw so many eyes filled with tears of realization.
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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger (PBUH) said: "Adam and Moses argued with each other. Moses said to Adam: 'Your sin expelled you from Paradise.' Adam said: ' You are Moses whom Allah selected as His messenger and as the one to whom He spoke directly. Yet you blame me for a thing which had already been written in my fate before my Creation?" Allah's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said twice, "So Adam outclassed Moses." (Sahih Bukhari).

Umar Ibn Al Khattab also narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Moses (PBUH) said: 'My Lord! May I see Adam who removed us and himself from the Paradise?" so Allah made him see Adam and he said to him: "Are you Adam?" Adam said: "yes." And he said "Were you the one in Whom Allah breathed His spirit and before whom He bowed His angels and to whom He taught the names of all things?" Adam answered: "yes." so Moses said: "What made you remove us and yourself from Paradise.?"

Adam said: "Who are you?" Moses said: I am Moses." Adam said: "So you are Moses the prophet of the Children of Israel. Were you the one Allah spoke to directly?" Moses answered "yes." Adam said: "Why do you blame me for a matter which Allah had predestined?" So Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said twice. "Adam outclassed Moses." (Sahih al Bukhari).

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One of the most awesomest Surahs in the Quran... short yet so precise and with such exemplary similes... Although it was revealed during a period of war but it sure makes us think. Especially where Allah compares believers to a single structure like a wall. One brick missing and were incomplete. Where Iman and love for each other for Allah's sake is the cement that holds the believers (bricks) together. And the very vital admonishment by Allah to be who you are and not to boast of things you donot do in order to endear oneself in other peoples sight.
Notice the transaction simile as well: Belief+ Good deeds = Paradise! +Victory(success) in this world!
And not to forget the end... How Allah sets forward another example... of a past nation.... so we too gain lessons from them.

1.Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth exalts Allah , and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

2.O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do?

3.Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.

4.Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.

Then coming to the latter half of the same Surah....

10.O you who have believed, shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment?

11.[It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know.

12.He will forgive for you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment.

13.And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love - victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers.
(This verse was revealed in context to an ongoing battle during the Prophet's lifetime)

14.O you who have believed, be supporters of Allah , as when Jesus, the son of Mary, said to the disciples, "Who are my supporters for Allah ?" The disciples said, "We are supporters of Allah ." And a faction of the Children of Israel believed and a faction disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant.