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Asssalam-o-alaikum!! (U may say Wa-alaikum-os-salam in your hearts)
I have got this most extraordinary Idea!==> Share a Hadith, a Quranic Quotation or even a good--very good Piece of Advice here!


How many of us may read it ===> may even implement on it, and in return you shall get the reward and others benefit!
Awesome, no?
I mean, just posting a single quranic verse or a hadith ( or even an inspirational story, an ADVICE..anything), is it sucha BIG DEAL? Don't hesitate then! JUST POST IT!
You know our religion is very easy but we have made it difficult for us!!

Groom Your Souls is what the topic says!

Look, man is made up of body and soul. The body is a cage, and the soul is inexhaustible fountainhead of life that temporarily resides in it. It never dries up even after the death of the person in whose body it dwelt for a certain period of time. Life goes on. It never ceases.
The soul is so invigorating a force that within few hours of its liberation from the body (cage), the body decomposes and stinks. Thus, the soul nurtures the body till it remains in it. Body signifies impermanence, and soul the permanence. Most people all their life take good care of their body but ignore the soul. They keep their body well-treated, and the soul maltreated. After liberation from such a body, the soul, not even for a while, hovers over the departed person (body), and joins the mainstream of life.

Very few people take a good care of their souls. They honour the soul’s permanent link with eternity. They do not corrupt the cage (body) and do not pollute it with filth. When liberated from such a cage, the soul, in its state of consciousness, hovers over the deceased for a certain period of time.

I hope you get FULL ADVANTAGE of this thread and GROOM your souls well!
Thank You (JazakAllah)
May Allah bless you all!!
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Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59 [maghazi], Number 411:
Narrated Uqba:

One day the Prophet went out and offered the (funeral) prayer for the people (i.e. martyrs) of Uhud as he used to offer a funeral prayer for any dead person, and then (after returning) he ascended the pulpit and said, "I am your predecessor before you, and I am a witness upon you, and I am looking at my Tank just now, and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world (or the keys of the world). By Allah, I am not afraid that you will worship others besides Allah after me, but I am afraid that you will compete with each other for (the pleasures of) this world."


XPRS Administrator
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Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's thoughts on egypt:

The situation in Egypt is a mess. My heart and dua's go out to the people and land of Masr.

Some points to think about:
1) The millions of Egyptian celebrating the coup: do you really think that this heralds in an age of freedom and democracy? Do you really believe that the army will honor any democratically elected party in the future? Think ahead and don't let your hatred of one group blind you to the reality of the Egyptian army. Did you yourselves not cheer and celebrate when the army was put in its place by Morsi himself barely a year ago?

2) O people of Egypt: please, for the sake of Allah, keep your hands free of any bloodshed. Follow the advice of our Prophet (SAW) when he told Muslims to flee to their houses in times of civil unrest, and to break their own weapons and swords rather than kill innocents.

3) For all Muslims in other lands: pay heed to what it taking place, and be amazed at the animosity of so many millions of people to the 'Brotherhood'. While I myself am obviously not a member and actually have have many points of disagreement with them (some theological, some methodological), in the end of the day they were democratically elected, and they are nowhere near as evil as their enemies portray them. Yet, so many ordinary Egyptians are so caught up in their anger against the Ikhwan that they are willing to side with the most evil faction imaginable (the remnants of Mubarak's regime and the very same group that attacked and killed protestors two years ago). This phobia and insane hatred of the Ikhwan does not bode well for Egypt's future, or even for the future of any Islamic political parties. It also shows that much more work remains to be done at the grassroots level before Islamic political parties expect to be in power. Average people need to learn to be patient, and to show respect and be civil even with those whom they disagree with.

4) Lastly, Allah alone knows what is truly going on. However, I must say that something does not seem right. How is it possible that such large crowds gathered so fast, and these events transpired so quickly, and the tide changed within a few weeks?! Morsi was not really given a chance. Are there other players involved? Is this a type of Operation Ajax by some parties (Google if you don't know), or is their consent being manufactured (Google 'Manufactured Consent'), or is it genuine and spontaneous frustration (hard to believe, but possible)? Time will tell...

In the meantime, may Allah grant Masr and its people safety and security, and may He protect the innocent men, women and children who live there. Ameen!
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Described by the UN as being amongst the most persecuted people in the world, there were more than 125,000 internally displaced persons in the Rakhine state by the end of 2012 alone. Rakhine state is one of the most impoverished and densely populated areas of Myanmar, and the waves of violence in the region have worsened conditions substantially. Local communities are in dire need of food, shelter, healthcare and safe drinking water.

More than 200 people were killed last year in sectarian violence between Buddhist mobs and Bengali-ethnic Muslims, known as Rohingya in western Burma.
The violence has forced thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee their homes and stay in refugee camps.
Human rights groups have accused Burmese police and troops of disproportionate use of force and arrests of Rohingya Muslims.
Human Rights Watch has accused Burmese security forces of targeting Rohingya with killing, rape and arrest following last year's unrest.
Attacks against Muslims and mosques also spread to central Burma in April after a dispute between a Buddhist couple and gold shop owners in the city of Meikhtila.
Many have heaped the blame on Buddhist monks for inciting violence against Muslims in the Asian country.
Described by the UN as one of the world's most persecuted minorities, Rohingya Muslims have been facing a catalogue of discrimination in their homeland Burma.
They have been denied citizenship rights since an amendment to the citizenship laws in 1982 and are treated as illegal immigrants in their own home.
The Burmese government as well as the Buddhist majority refuse to recognize the term “Rohingya”, referring to them as “Bengalis”.
Those who want to help the muslims in Burma can visit the site