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ATTENTION PLEASE -- All Muslim Brothers and Sisters

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But Our Lord..created us ..who better than Him can know what's good for us?
Everything is possible..and is the Best for us!!

hmm ya man ! think so :)
but at skool you guyz r mixed , work your mixed , life your mixed
dono how it goes but as an outside look you will get the time where you need to talk to guyz
like if your workin nd your manager was a guy ? what do you do ? stop workin ? or if youre workin with a guy as a team ?
if you in class and needed help ? wats wrong with askin a guy ? like in my case only one complete genious in my english class lol hes the only dude who actually can help ..
wat if your a girl livin on your own (independent ) you for sure well have to talk to ppl around to get yourself goin

nd again you a girl ? or a guy ? but you givin advice to guyz in here nd you by that talk to guyz nd girlz i dono actually ?

im sorry to bother you guyz ! i know i have nothin to do here but i really wanna know more !
apology again !


XPRS Administrator
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I think most of us follow cultural Islam, where it's a mix of Islam and culture.. so when we see stuff like muslim men and women should be seperate and about the gaze; we're like "that's too extreme.."
The thing is atleast in my experience following these cool teachings of our way of life is from fruits of eeman; the more you grow in it the more you submit to commands of Allah and you enjoy submitting too... (M not saying m a really fantastic muslim but the little I do practice.. it just makes me peacefull)

(skip the starting 3 mins)

After you do see this, remember a muslim knows that Allah is the most wise, AlHakeem... He is AlWadood - the Loving, all of His commands are for our own good. So try to cutoff the relationships that are only gonna hurt you... Remember, The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third.” (Sahih Bukhari)
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hmm ya man ! think so :)
but at skool you guyz r mixed , work your mixed , life your mixed
dono how it goes but as an outside look you will get the time where you need to talk to guyz
like if your workin nd your manager was a guy ? what do you do ? stop workin ? or if youre workin with a guy as a team ?
if you in class and needed help ? wats wrong with askin a guy ? like in my case only one complete genious in my english class lol hes the only dude who actually can help ..
wat if your a girl livin on your own (independent ) you for sure well have to talk to ppl around to get yourself goin

nd again you a girl ? or a guy ? but you givin advice to guyz in here nd you by that talk to guyz nd girlz i dono actually ?

im sorry to bother you guyz ! i know i have nothin to do here but i really wanna know more !
apology again !

no need to apology , we are just discussing some matters around here :)
and btw thats what i said to these guys and also GSL and now third its you :)
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After you do see this, remember a muslim knows that Allah is the most wise, AlHakeem... He is AlWadood - the Loving, So try to cutoff the relationships that are only gonna hurt you... Remember, The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third.” (Sahih Bukhari)

if they are alone , if their thinkings are bad , then smthin bad would happen , but what if in public , or in a bio tuition as i said before :)
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Rules laid by Allah S.W.T are best as He is the creator. He knows what is best for His Creation.
Our Holy Prophet(s) said, "This world is believer's prision and unbeliver's paradise"
This means that we muslims have lots of restrictions upon us. But nevertheless, these are for our own good. How much will a man live in this world? 60 years and even 100 years? One day he has to die as Allah says in Quran:
"Every Soul has have a taste of death"
But in Jannah we would be there forever. We should work hard now in order to attain social bliss in hereafter.
May Allah guide us all and have his mercy upon us.


XPRS Administrator
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hmmmm :/ its kindof hard to think of it
how can you guyz live in the same frkn world nd never talk to each other !
you cant try to coz its hard to work with this !

It's not you can't talk, but there are limits on interaction...
If there is a need like to buy stuff etc. we can interact with modesty but we don't talk casually, for no reason....
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Rasul Allah didnt slap anyone , in the army when they was preparing for war, Rasul Allah hitted someone strongly by mistake on this stomach and told him to be in line , he told him "You hurted me" that man said that , than Rasul Allah rushed to him and uncovered his stomach and he told him "Beat me" Rasual Allah said, that man didnt beat him , but he kissed his stomach , Rasul Allah said to him "why u didnt beat me?" that man told him i wanted the last thing to be between you and me , is that my skin touch your skin , and that man died in the war

so how Rasul Allah could slap someone ???????
your'e right but i think then he must have ordered that whosoever does this shall be slapped..i mean i'm sure i read it somewhere authentic..
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i am shaking hands with muslim girls , now what should i tell them ?
its wrong to shake hansa man.. i mean once i was passing by a really old and nice aunty who was our neighbour and i said "assalam-o-alaikum" but she did not reply "WOA",.. she told me that Girls are not suppose to answer a boys salam,vice versa, but they should answer it in heart if a boy says salam... we can ofcourse interact with old and elderly people but she was telling me regarding our age..
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its wrong to shake hansa man.. i mean once i was passing by a really old and nice aunty who was our neighbour and i said "assalam-o-alaikum" but she did not reply "WOA",.. she told me that Girls are not suppose to answer a boys salam,vice versa, but they should answer it in heart if a boy says salam... we can ofcourse interact with old and elderly people but she was telling me regarding our age..

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It's not you can't talk, but there are limits on interaction...
If there is a need like to buy stuff etc. we can interact with modesty but we don't talk casually, for no reason....

mmm ... ! guess it just needs some time for me to get all this =p
it sounds abit complicated ! each has a different view on here

thx for replying ;)
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i think u want to slap most of the people's world :D
Sir.. THink Before You speak.... such non-laughable stuff..
u see what ever our parents teach and do is always right.. wouldn't ur parents mind watching u huging and talking to a girl all day long..
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Sir.. THink Before You speak.... such non-laughable stuff..
u see what ever our parents teach and do is always right.. wouldn't ur parents mind watching u huging and talking to a girl all day long..
lol man he was kiddin dont get all serious ! =p

nd i dont get when your talkin about the parents ?
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take it easy man :unsure:
i am takin it easy.. i mean wouldn't they mind.. and do you know a time when Prophet (pbuh) would have been talking to a women alone (na-auzobillah)..c'mon..we don't need to be Secular ..we are muslims..all those interactions we see in hollywood movies doesn't make it right..