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ATTENTION PLEASE -- All Muslim Brothers and Sisters

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hey ..u dont need to worry...i mean i can see you are so confused..i got one piece of article..if interested..shall i share? that'd clear ur confusion inshaAllah
ya man ! just wanna know more
thnk you


XPRS Moderator
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^ this precisely tell why islam gives such rulings for muslim women..
and here these 2 short pieces..
A British man came to Sheikh and asked:
Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?
The Sheikh said:
Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?
British man said:
Of course no, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth.
Sheikh replied:
Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men. _______________ _______________ __ Then
the British man asked the Sheikh:
Why do your girls cover up their body and hair?
The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British:
If I ask you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose?
The British replied:
The covered one.
The Sheikh said:
That’s how we treat and see our woman...
Subhan Allah!!!
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assalamoalaikum wr wb!
well the thing is, you really gotta go and check out the Quran and Hadith, if you think what said here is wrong... :( first do that, and then go on telling we are wrong, if you got sound evidences...

We are misunderstanding or 'you'? why r u quoting out of context? Did they hang around for fun (naouzubillah)?
I think it's hazrat Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said k take my janazah in the darkness of the night so non-mahram cant see her being taken!

thnx for that comment .....but plz..we got not much time, whatever u say to us...but kindly do have a check ....what Allah says..! I wont mind whatever you call...
It's ones responsibility to inform others when they see wrong happening, and its kinda wrong keeping quiet, and keeping ur ownself away..
this thread was created to make others aware..!

and u said abt the poll is useless..! this was to see what ppl feel!

On a closing note, my humble request, kindly approach some knowledgeable scholars, and confirm ur thinking that there is no wrong chatting with them for mere time pass..! i hope u will trust what they say..
may Allah guide u and help u in ur deen and dunya...Aameen
may Allah guide us all too and help in our deen and dunya...aameen!!
hey walekumsalaam! :)
so what did u do bf4 making this thread? u shud have done that bf4 starting the thread. u shud have brought all the quotes, sources and others form of information in order to be convincing and clear. and why do u always talk with religious perspective only, why can't you see it in other ways. i m not saying neglect religion but still one should propose his argument in a multi dimensional way..i found the information here in sufficient. plus i m unable to check all the pages. ur 1st post doesn't involve clear stance on ur view. it looks as a opinion nd the quote mentioned may or may not refer to this issue.

when did i said u r wrong? i m just giving my view. u might be right according to ur thinking...

what exactly did i quoted out of context? is dat false info? its not. the things which u r not aware of doesn't indicate dat they r wrongly quoted or something. u just don't want to get the other persons view

is the hadees authentic? ok if seeing non mehram woman is un-Islamic then talking to them on random issues is unislamic as well? what if they maintain hijaab and then communicate.

yeah i appreciate it, i support this healthy discussion. there is something to learn 4 everyone. i am also awaring others like u, saving them from wrong. where is the problem :D

now u r misquoting, i didn't said its useless, i said its bad, caz u can't give a brief answer for it in a pole. its a complex issue. now do i need to agree and like every opinion of you? i have the right to dislike or disagree on a thing.

the last part which u quoted is not being refereed to anyone here. i said u can't do anything for those people who have a weak character and r not sure about their own selves while having some relation with the opposite sex.

yeah i will check inshallah. but i don't want to mix everything with islamic point of view only.
may Allah guide u as well :) no need to get angry as usual bcz of me contradicting with u on some things..
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@foolish: all your influence boss :p
@content: i read it but it pretty much concluded the same each time :p
@my essays: i think you need to get some life AND a pair of glasses :) i never wrote anything as big as that :p

@Tafsir: agreed (finally) :p
@Wrong: I thought the same way BUT it is very clear that a relationship is Haraam no matter how clean and neat it is :D :p

OK Salam :p

If what you say is true . . . I am amazed!
You are studying in a mixed school yet you manage to stay away from the opposite gender for Allah's pleasure.
Congrats. You accomplished what is impossible for many :p
haha dat was a joke, doesn't had to be true dat u write bout games alot or not. nevertheless purpose served. u took my word. :p
yeah bcz ur mind is stuck and confined maybe dats why. keep trying jk ;)
my eyesight is fine but thanks for the offer dude :)
oh i so not demanded u to agree. clapping kr do agree krne kay liye? :D
ok leave relationship. talking on core issues might be important. just like u r in a parliament, or any other department, hospital any place name it. can people live without not communicating as they have to manage things in collaboration.
do issues not need to discussed? this is not practical to maintain a complete deadlock in talk for non mahram woman's. this is gender discrimination. islam gives equal rights to both male female, and to have healthy society and everything running smoothly, ideas and issues need to be discussed with all. messages need to be delivered clearly. Bool kay lab azaad hein tere :D
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haha dat was a joke, doesn't had to be true dat u write bout games alot or not. nevertheless purpose served. u took my word. :p
yeah bcz ur mind is stuck and confined maybe dats why. keep trying jk ;)
my eyesight is fine but thanks for the offer dude :)
oh i so not demanded u to agree. clapping kr do agree krne kay liye? :D
ok leave relationship. talking on core issues might be important. just like u r in a parliament, or any other department, hospital any place name it. can people live without not communicating as they have to manage things in collaboration.
do issues not need to discussed? this is not practical to maintain a complete deadlock in talk for non mahram woman's. this is gender discrimination. islam gives equal rights to both male female, and to have healthy society and everything running smoothly, ideas and issues need to be discussed with all. messages need to be delivered clearly. Bool kay lab azaad hein tere :D
sorry dude... too lazy to read it all :p
so, whatever helps you sleep at night :)


XPRS Moderator
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why do u always talk with religious perspective only, why can't you see it in other ways. .
bcoz Islam is a complete way of Life! Our Lord created us...and He gave us the complete code of life..whether be it some worldly matter or some religous. To lead a gud life here and in the HereAfter....it's for our own benifit to follow that code laid down by Allah!

is the hadees authentic? ok if seeing non mehram woman is un-Islamic then talking to them on random issues is unislamic as well? what if they maintain hijaab and then communicate.

that was to show her high level of modesty..nothing else..that's why i quoted cuz u wrongly said they interacted and stuff!

Rvel Zahid said:
now do i need to agree and like every opinion of you? i have the right to dislike or disagree on a thing.
yup...u CAN disagree with me , but plz dont with the what Allah said in the Quran or what is said by Prophet Peace be upon him in the Ahadith! You wanna hate me? fine? u wanna say this and that to me...ok it's all up to u...but plz not with Allah's laws..!

Rvel Zahid said:
i don't want to mix everything with islamic point of view only.

ok..but u need to know what it says...following it is for the sake of ur own gud...nothing more than that!
just like u buy a complete new machine and refuse to go on with what the users guide say and instead u wanna use that machine the way u like but not only to what the manufacturer said? o_O

Rvel Zahid said:
may Allah guide u as well :)

aameen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jazakAllah for that beautiful dua...!

Rvel Zahid said:
no need to get angry as usual bcz of me contradicting with u on some things..
it's not that..and u can clearly get the answer to this question in the beginning of my post!
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bcoz Islam is a complete way of Life! Our Lord created us...and He gave us the complete code of life..whether be it some worldly matter or some religous. To lead a gud life here and in the HereAfter....it's for our own benifit to follow that code laid down by Allah!

that was to show her high level of modesty..nothing else..that's why i quoted cuz u wrongly said they interacted and stuff!

yup...u CAN disagree with me , but plz dont with the what Allah said in the Quran or what is said by Prophet Peace be upon him in the Ahadith! You wanna hate me? fine? u wanna say this and that to me...ok it's all up to u...but plz not with Allah's laws..!

ok..but u need to know what it says...following it is for the sake of ur own gud...nothing more than that!
just like u buy a complete new machine and refuse to go on with what the users guide say and instead u wanna use that machine the way u like but not only to what the manufacturer said? o_O

aameen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jazakAllah for that beautiful dua...!

it's not that..and u can clearly get the answer to this question in the beginning of my post!

islam is the complete guidance. but logical reasoning and talking with other knowledge is not haraam! like mixing it with political , cultural and giving a scientific touch to your argument would be more interesting i think.

i m just trying to follow it, for dat u need to understand 1st which is not dat simple 4 me


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yes yes u have a big heart, u listen to everything with a calm head. i m the wrong doer. u listen quietly whatever i say. u r the innocent one i m the faulty one who displeases u but u ignore my words for Allah's sake simply gr8 too good.
Infact, Xpfmember should not have deleted your post. Because s/he does have a big heart, s/he does listen to everything calmly and quietly. S/he does have very strong faith in Allah and Imaan. Masha'Allah!

JazakAllah Kheir for the thread, Xpfmember! May Allah Reward you for doing so!