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Biology; Chemistry; Physics: Post your doubts here!

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Axes: labelled both quantity and unit
labels and quantities to be on correct axes

Scales: must fill at least ½ grid in both directions i.e. cannot be doubled
must be ‘sensible’, i.e. not multiples of 3, 7 etc.
should follow instructions, e.g. start from the origin
should have at least three values marked

Points: allow x, • or

(dot maximum size 1 mm diameter i.e. ½ small square)
must be accurately plotted to ± ½ small square
not awarded if scale not sensible

Line: attempt at single smooth line:
curves need not be perfect!
straight lines - must be drawn with a ruler
- must be best fit i.e. equal number of points above and below line
- must not be skewed, i.e. not points at start/end all above/below the line
just saw this in the paper 4 winter 09 ms. It says equal points above and below line :cry: Saad Mughal
Reaction score
Axes: labelled both quantity and unit
labels and quantities to be on correct axes

Scales: must fill at least ½ grid in both directions i.e. cannot be doubled
must be ‘sensible’, i.e. not multiples of 3, 7 etc.
should follow instructions, e.g. start from the origin
should have at least three values marked

Points: allow x, • or

(dot maximum size 1 mm diameter i.e. ½ small square)
must be accurately plotted to ± ½ small square
not awarded if scale not sensible

Line: attempt at single smooth line:
curves need not be perfect!
straight lines - must be drawn with a ruler
- must be best fit i.e. equal number of points above and below line
- must not be skewed, i.e. not points at start/end all above/below the line
just saw this in the paper 4 winter 09 ms. It says equal points above and below line :cry: Saad Mughal
I don't know for sure, but I've made a lot of graphs with 1 point above and 1 below but I did not know this was a necessity.
Besides, this is not in the Physics 09 winter paper. :eek:
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Well because when we have flu or cold (viral infections), we don't take antibiotics because they are not effective (I know this).
A can't be the answer (what I think) because bacteria don't become immune to the antibiotics. Our body becomes immune to bacteria because of antibiotics (I know this is a weird explanation :p)
Reaction score
Well because when we have flu or cold (viral infections), we don't take antibiotics because they are not effective (I know this).
A can't be the answer (what I think) because bacteria don't become immune to the antibiotics. Our body becomes immune to bacteria because of antibiotics (I know this is a weird explanation :p)
well look a maths student is better in our subject
anyway thnx :)