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"continue on" game!!! (join in!)

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As he heard these words he was taken aback.
A person who is helpless to find his wife and even more helpless to know where he was and helpless to make comprehension out of the unfolding events, So this helpless man is going to be a saviour?
"The cruel nature have a taste for irony" he muttered bitterly, and now began to plan his next move,

"Where is this prophecy written ?" he asked in a low tone.

"Well, it is written on the Ancient tablet at the Great Castle" she replied

"Written where?" Will asked, confused

"My dad the cheif here, live in the Great Castle on the farside, A great pillar is there on which these legends are engraved, but naturally they are still struggling to know all"

"Struggling to understand what" Will asked, who was now getting little annoyed by the girls vagueness.

"Well these what I told you were written lower down the pillar, higher up, the pillar is damaged and language engrave is foriegn, people at the castle are trying to decrypt it and all"

Will knew asking the girl further would make him even more annoyed. He knew by now his next move.

"We are going to this Grand Castle" he said to the girl.
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'You mean you are going to the gran castillo. I will not accompany you because it would displease my father.' she replied.

'Okay firstly what is gran castillo? Secondly, why would it displease your father.' he retorted.

'That is just the Spanish name for it. My father will be displeased because he is trying his best to prove the prophecy wrong. He has much influence here, but up there...' she said pointing her finger upwards, 'up there, he may not be as powerful.' she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.

'I doubt you will be successful, but if you are, then please take me with you when you return.' she replied.

He nodded then replied 'You must do me a favour, please keep the child with you while I am gone'

When she agreed to that, he abruptly turned and walked out of the house, to his destiny, and to what fate had decided for him.
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He walked. By now he was used to the grayishness of the place, it didnt surprise him, but there was a little desire in him that was surfacing, to see the colours...

He walked on the road, he was thinking what would await him in th Gran Castillo, maybe the girl father would be some big bulky man. May be the Castillo would be like one of those stone made, medieval era structure, with those sky high walls, moats with alligator, and.... his imagination was running.

How would he introduce himself, Will they even allow me inside?, How would he address the chief? and get to see the tablet?
As these questions arosed, he got abit tensed.

But maybe the fate will help him, the fate that saved him from the storm, the fate that guided him into this strange world, the fate that made him a saviour...?

He craned his neck upward now,
The Gran Castillo was there, every bit of his imagination and more...
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The peaks of it's towers gleamed and glistened. It was a castle that looked like it had been pulled straight out of a 16th century history book. Will was so enchanted by it's beauty that any moment, he expected a proud King of the past to step out and banish him. It was both terrible yet so piercingly beautiful.

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He neared the castle, and with every step he would be able to make out the finer details.
The castle was a true work of art, he was forced to think how much time it would have taken to build it. It was wonderful from all aspect but.....it was colourless...

There were turret like structure in the walls after intervals,the wall stretched for miles. As he neared, he saw pair of guard at the entrance,
"Out of the fantasy and in to the real business" he murmered as he stepped up to confront them...
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He corrected his posture and changed his stride to what he called 'right as rain' to appear confident. Showing signs of nervousness or confusion right now would never do. He then approached the guards with a pleasant smile.
'Excuse me sir, this is Gran Castillo right?' he asked confidently.
'Yes it is.' one of the guards replied affirmatively.
' All right, then please let me enter then' he replied. He decided it would be best if he took a polite but firm approach.
'What brings you here, strange sir?' the other guard asked. To Will's relief, they were not the mean sarcastic bullies he had thought they would be.
'My business is my own. I wish to speak to your Sir privately' he replied.
'But Mr. Viktor is not here right now'
'Well then, I'll wait inside, he after was the one who called me here.' said Will, deciding that this would be the perfect opportunity to explore the Castle.
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The guards took him in,
The castillo was no less astonishing from inside, to what it was from outside.
Trimmed grass and plants at either side of the stone pathways, Old trees at intervals, and they walk toward an even magnificent building,

Will followed the guards, As the pathway took a quarterly turn ,Will observed a bunch of aging Banyan tree at the other side of the pathway. Will could feel a unique aura around the trees, the trees which grew almost in a circular manner, almost if protecting something, hiding something?...

Will asked the guard, "What's there?", pointing towards the trees.
The guard stopped and looked at each other, before turning around to face Will...
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'That is none of your concern. You're here for a meeting not for a tour' the dark haired guard replied in a very crude manner. Will could see he had striked a sensitive issue, he decided to would give in to his curiosity later, it would do him no good if he was sent out before even doing anything.

'All right, no need to shout.' he replied calmly.

'My apologies sir, but what my brother here means is that area is Mr. Viktor's prized spot. He does not like it if any one asks, much rather approaches it.' the light haired guard replied. So they were brothers, well at least he now knew which one was light tempered. Keeping that in mind, he moved on, following the guards.
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The Gran Castillo

As he followed the guards, they took him in through an archway, and further into the heart of the castle. Many small buildings were in the castle itself. Then there was this building, the isolated, stone walled, with a 12 feet high door, where the guards took him in. The room was entered was heavily carpeted, with velvety curtains that came over the windows. The fireplace was empty. The couches were present at the sides of the room.

"Here" the dark haired guard said, with a rude tone, pointing towards the couches
"Please, wait here sir, you will be summoned at once when the Sire arrive." cut in the fair haired guard, who obviously didnt want his brother to do the talking.

"Thank you er..er," Will hesitated.

"The Guardians of the Vasils " replied the fair haired guard with his right hand over the chest and bowed with his left hand out stretched.

"The Guardians of what?" questioned Will.

"We have our duties to do" shot back the dark haired guard. His brother looked at him uncertained and they turned to leave.
As they reached the door, the fair haired guard suddenly said:

"And yes, pull the cord down if you need anything" said he pointing towards a rope which descended from the high ceiling in the corner of the room, "Lobson would be at your service". The Guardians of Vasils than left the room, leaving Will alone with his unbounded curiosity...


XPRS Moderator
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Umm... ..
Sorry for the interruption, but are you guys copying stuff from novels or smth! :pardon: or is it really your creativity?
Curiosity, you know! (rule of the game: the last word)
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Well when we write these big chunks, word would naturally be repeated... :D
And it isnt copying, its our own creativity :D :D :D :D
but you wouldnt have read the whole thing? did ya?.

@arlery: Please continue on...


XPRS Moderator
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I didn't read the whole thing!
But when I opened this thread, I was like, " Oh-em-geeee! This is incredible!"

P.S You didn't even follow the rule in your last post! :no:

Rule: You were supposed to use the word 'know' in your post!
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Rules are made to be changed, (We are revolutionaries) :D :D
To be honest, I was still under the notion that we can use any word from previous post and make sure it is repeated.
When me and arlery started to write these large chunks, I thought it would naturally be repeated until it became what it is now (Evolution).

Now how bout you continue? (but read the previous thing so you know the facts right)
and then there is always the good old arlery.


XPRS Moderator
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No, thank you for the offer!
I don't like the theme. :p
Call me when you get a good and interesting theme to talk about!
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[Nibz no we have not not copied anything. It's called creativity of the mind. Anon, great work]

He looked around trying to decipher the meaning of all this. "Vasil"? What was Vasil and why were they called guardians of Vasil. He looked around, there were no windows and certainly no way for a quick escape. Nevertheless, he decided to follow his intuition and look around. He went towards the other couch and as he came to the other end of the room, he looked at the wall, there was something off hand about it. He tried thinking over and over, and suddenly the answer popped in his head. He walked towards it and started pressing every brick he could see one by one, in case there was a secret trap door or passage somewhere. But to his dismay, nothing happened. Frowning, he plopped on the couch, and was gazing at the floor, trying to find inspiration when a red button caught his eye. It was right below the couch, and so he reached down and pressed it.

Just then he heard a loud creaking noise, it sounded like someone was pushing a heavy object at first, then it sounded like someone was sliding it.
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Will looked around him in search of the source of the sudden noise; and soon enough he saw a huge chunk of the floor sliding wide open like a mouth of a fairy-tale beast,revealing a set of what looked like ivory white teeth. The 'teeth' seemed to be shielding a pitch black cavity that infinitely extended below.
'Er,Bad idea,' thought Will; and he turned around to press back the button but suddenly a coloured butterfly landed on his nose. Will exclaimed in disbelief, 'colours!!' and before he knew what hit him he was sinking into the cavity.

He could still feel the tiny legs of the butterfly on his nose bridge. Other than that he felt a strong feeling of nothingness dominating his entire body.

Suddenly he stopped. His mind was exploding with thoughts, did he crash, is he alive, surely he can't survive a raging fire and a great fall. Great fall? that reminded him of humpty dumpty! Oh no, his childhood memories suddenly over flooded him.

'What's happening to me?' he thought as his picture with diapers flashed across his mind, 'this is insane.'

The memories eventually started fading and he managed to open his eyes. To his sheer surprise, he saw a woman. She was lying back on a coal throne looking like a dying swan, but her dress, it blinded it him. It looked as if it was woven from the rainbow itself. He never saw so much colours in his life before.

'It's time,'she adressed him in a faint voice as he tried to shield his eyes with his hand.

'AAAAAAA, ow, time fooo ow for wha AAAA t?'
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"Its time to bring to them what they were deprived off" said the woman
"but" the intensity of the light increased to extent of blinding him,
"Ahh" Will grunted as he woke up with a sudden jolt.
It took him a moment to realize him that he had fallen asleep, or that was what it seems, on the couch.
Bathed in sweat, Will stood up, and looked at the very patch of ground. As plain as ever. He than looked below the couch for a button. Nothing there as well.

"When did I actually fell asleep?" he wondered

He clearly remembered how the guardians left, he remembered still he found the button, but what...?
He than heard footsteps coming at the door.
"Must be the guardians of Vasil" he thought ,"Lord Viktor must have arrived"
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Suddenly, two grey figures of spare proportions flung the gates open and a third one rushed in. He kneeled on his knees and said in a voice mismatching his tiny figure: 'His highness has arrived.'

Will looked at the doors impatiently waiting for Lord Victor's grand entrance. He was there at last, followed by a long trail of guards. He reached for one of the stone walls and pushed against it. Immediately, the wall twisted, turned and flipped; and seemingly from nowhere a colossal throne emerged. It was almost entirely the same shade of grey as the rest of the room except for the several white well-defined angles that rose in a number of places.

Meanwhile, Will was taken aback by the appearance of Lord Victor. As proud as a peacock was the closest description he could think of at the time, except that the plumes that embellished his gown varied among shades of white, grey and black. He was fairly tall and his skin looked as if he had just bathed in a strong bleach but his eyes were darker than black and his equally dark eyebrows tied themselves in a knot which didnot seem to unravel at all.

'Great Heavens!' thought Will, 'this guy's face screams evil, I better be careful.' But he suddenly realised that he didn't prepare what to say!
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He waited for Lord Victor to say something but he didn't. He just stared at Will with stony cold eyes. Will stared back to show he wasn't afraid. Never before he had seen such hatred in ones eyes.

(hey mind not making it into paragraphs??! i hardly read wat you ppl wrote..make it to 2-3 sentences!!)
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Then, both of them gave loud war cries and pulled out their hidden 'Blades of Weight-Loss' from under their cloaks and started to duel, by reducing each others weight. :p :p :D :D