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The answer is No. A child, when asked to solve the riddle, will say no. The last line is, "Can you solve the riddle?" So the answer is obviously No.
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Try this one??the one who gets the answer is a genius!!

Group of friends is trapped in a burning house. The house is going to collapse in 12 minutes so they desperately want to get out. They have to run through a hallway which is in flames. If someone wants to pass through he has to have a fire extinguisher to hold the flames back at least a little. Problem is that the friends have only one.

Only two people can go at once. Than somebody has to return with the extinguisher and other two can go.

There is one fireman among the friends who moves through flames with ease and he can ran through the hallway in one minute. His best friend who is in great shape can run through in 2 minutes. There is an older man who needs four minutes and a drunken guy who will need 5 minutes to pass through. If two people go together they move at speed of the slower one.

How will they do it so that they all get out before the house collapses?
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First the fireman and his friend will go which will take 2 minutes...then the fireman wil return with the fire extinguisher which will take 1 minute! He will pass the extinguisher so that the drunk man and old man go together in 5 minutes..the friend which went first will now come with the extinguisher in 2 minutes and then they both i.e friend and fireman will return in 2 minutes!! Am I right?!
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Here are some tricky questions..Lets see who can solve these....
Here goes the first one...
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught 3 fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us , we will have one each.

How can this be possible
one is the father one is the son of the father and one is the son of the son of the father.. .(?__?)
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hi i got got some :D
1) What has roots that nobody sees and is taller than trees. Up it goes and yet it never grows??

2) What goes up and never come down?? (logic :p)

3) A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in?
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hi i got got some :D
1) What has roots that nobody sees and is taller than trees. Up it goes and yet it never grows??

2) What goes up and never come down?? (logic :p)

3) A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in?
lemme guess...
1 Ans:Mountain..
2 Ans:A person's age is something that will increase (go up) and will never decrease (go down).
3 Ans:The stranger was a baby and the women died in childbirth.
Am i r8??
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one is the father one is the son of the father and one is the son of the son of the father.. .(?__?)
Lol.....It was already solved but I guess U didn't see that...But thanks for solving...Ur correct..Keep solving..I'll post new ones soon...
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Hey Guys!!
just try to solve these riddles out...
1. There was a man one night. He started to run straight forward. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. When he got home, there were 2 masked men, Who were the men?
2. A lady shot her husband, drowned him in water, and hung him. Then they went out to dinner. How is this possible?
3.What is the longest word in the dictionary?
4.A boy went to a carnival, and went in a booth. The man in the booth said " If I write your exact weight on the paper, you give me $50. If I can't write it, then I give you $50". The boy saw no scale around, so he said okay. The man ended up with $50.How?
5. Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they will crumble. What am I?
6. There are 20 people in one room, an empty, square room. Each person has a full sight of everything in the room.If you are not allowed to move, other then your eyes, where can you place an apple so that everyone in the room except one can see it?
7. Samuel was walking outside one day, when it started to rain. He didn't have an umbrella, a hat, his cloths got soaked, but not a single hair on his head was wet. How?
8. What question can you never answer?
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Hey Guys!!
just try to solve these riddles out...
1. There was a man one night. He started to run straight forward. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. When he got home, there were 2 masked men, Who were the men?
2. A lady shot her husband, drowned him in water, and hung him. Then they went out to dinner. How is this possible?
3.What is the longest word in the dictionary?
4.A boy went to a carnival, and went in a booth. The man in the booth said " If I write your exact weight on the paper, you give me $50. If I can't write it, then I give you $50". The boy saw no scale around, so he said okay. The man ended up with $50.How?
5. Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they will crumble. What am I?
6. There are 20 people in one room, an empty, square room. Each person has a full sight of everything in the room.If you are not allowed to move, other then your eyes, where can you place an apple so that everyone in the room except one can see it?
7. Samuel was walking outside one day, when it started to rain. He didn't have an umbrella, a hat, his cloths got soaked, but not a single hair on his head was wet. How?
8. What question can you never answer?
1. NO IDEA! :p
2. Photo development (tbh, its very old now) and a dinner! :p
3. Smile (cuz there is a mile between the frst nd the last word) (same goes for this one) :p
4. he wrote "YOUR EXACT WEIGHT" on the paper! (this came up before in THIS thread) ;)
5. Leaves??
6. On ANY 1 person!! :p
7. he HAS no hair! xD
8. ummm...wen wil u die? i guess...
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1. NO IDEA! :p
2. Photo development (tbh, its very old now) and a dinner! :p
3. Smile (cuz there is a mile between the frst nd the last word) (same goes for this one) :p
4. he wrote "YOUR EXACT WEIGHT" on the paper! (this came up before in THIS thread) ;)
5. Leaves??
6. On ANY 1 person!! :p
7. he HAS no hair! xD
8. ummm...wen wil u die? i guess...
not bad!! o_O
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Okay...I am back with my riddles...Now here is a tricky one. Try to solve this one..If anybody can't get the correct answer then I'll post the answer.here it goes:

Times are hard in a small rural town--business is slowing and people are moving out. It so happens that there are two horse dealerships in town. Unfortunately, there's only enough people to support one of the dealerships. So the two owners meet and decide that one of them must leave town. Since neither of them want to leave they devise a competition to see who gets to stay. It is decided that they will race their horses across town. Now they don't want to damage their horses so they change the race rule so that whoever's horse crosses the finish post LAST wins the race and gets to stay in town. So the next day they set off. Both are ambling along taking rests and getting nowhere nearer to finishing. After a few hours, a wise old man tells them to dismount and gives them some advice, after which the two sprint back to the horses, get on and gallop towards the finish line. Assuming that the race rules were not changed - what advice did the old man give them ?
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Here is another one:

During the Holocaust there is a Jewish man who has managed to evade the Nazi soldiers for many months. He has finally made it to the border of Germany, but to his dismay, there is a massive river blocking his way with only one bridge over. The bridge was under Nazi control and any person caught trying to exit Germany will be killed on the spot, but any Polish person caught trying to enter Germany without the proper papers will be sent back to Poland. There is only one guard on this bridge and he only checks the bridge for people every three minutes. Now, no matter how quickly any person may run, this bridge will always take exactly five minutes to cross. How can the German man exit Germany without being caught and killed?
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Try to solve this one:

Jack,Dave and Phil went out to dinner. A very hot lady came up and said that she'd only date a single man from their table. All of them were fighting over it, but in the end, everyone got to go out with her. How?