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For all SISTERS [ONLY] ;)


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RasoolAllah (S.A.W) said “Part of a person’s being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him” (narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2317, classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Jawaab al-Kaafi, p. 112)

So whatever follows is not meant for guys to read since it doesn't concern them.... even I haven't read all of it coz its none of my business... hope u stay away. :)

Girls what do you do in Ramadan if you can't fast nor pray ? "u know what i mean ::) "

Err... Oddly enough, I came accross some knowledge regarding this some time ago... SubhanAllah, I just skimmed through it...
Here it goes:


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i knw dis is off topic but this is the only way the most of us will view this...sorry if it troubled u...
salaams people, this a long video but plzz watch it...this is how the heartless jews are torturing our muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza(palestine)...
please make lots of dua for them and help them in any way possible....!!
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Abu Hurairah
رضي الله عنه reported​
Allah's Messenger​
صلى الله عليه وسلم as saying:​
There are two types of the people of Hell whom I have not yet seen: people with whips like the tails of cattle with which they strike the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, astray and leading others astray, with their heads like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will not enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance, although it fragrance may be detected from such and such a distance.
[Sahih Muslim - Book #40: Hadith #6840]
Sheikh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said in the explanation of this hadith:
As for the Prophet’s saying: Their heads are like the humps of the long-necked camels tilted to one side, some scholars said, they make their heads look big, because of the wigs and the like that they use until they look like the humps of camels. The mentioned type of camel has two humps between which there is a dip. So that one hump leans one way and the other leans to the other way. Thus, when these woman make their heads look big in this way, they look like these humps.
Regarding his saying
صلى الله عليه وسلم​
: They will not enter Jannah or even smell its odor. Though this is a stern warning, it does not necessarily imply their disbelief or eternal punishment in Hellfire. Like other disobedient people who die as Muslims, they are liable to punishment for their sins, but they continue to be under the Will of Allah; Allah may forgive or punish them according to His Will.
Allah سبحانه و تعالى says in two positions in Surah Al-Nisa’: "Verily, Allâh forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills."
However, if a Muslim wrongdoer enters Hellfire, he will not last therein forever like the disbelievers. So, murderers, adulterers, and those who commit suicide will not last forever in hell but will stay for a specific period according to Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream).
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I found this lovely article here and so thought of sharing..

I wore my best hijab last night, a beautiful, shiny hijab with bright embroidery and sequins. I never wear bright scarves when I go out. I try for dull, matte colors – usually black, if I’m being honest – to match the black abayas I wear. I don’t want to look bad when I go out, but I don’t want to look particularly attractive or decorated when I’m outside my home either. I do it because of this ayah, the ayah in Surat an-Noor,
“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears…” [24:31]

I’m content and comfortable with the way I dress, happy even, but wearing black can be hard for just one reason… there are so many beautiful hijabs out there.

I see them, I want them, and sometimes I buy them. I know I’ll never wear them outside, but they’re so, so beautiful! And I tell myself, “maybe on Eid, I’ll make an exception” or “maybe I’ll wear it as an accessory at home.” And I buy them. I store them in my closet, sometimes thinking of ways and times to wear them, often feeling guilty for owning things I don’t need and don’t use… and always, when I see them, thinking of how beautiful they are.

Last night was different. Last night I couldn’t resist, and I tingled with excitement as I felt the strongest urge to dress up. I showered. I wore my best hijab, a light blue shiny hijab with gold and copper-toned embroidery and delicate, sparkling sequins. I wore my best abaya, too, a long, flowing gown I save for the best occasions. I sprayed perfume over myself and everywhere, a light clean scent that’s one of my favorites.

Normally, I would die before I went out dressed this way. I’ve never left my home all perfumed-up, and I pray that I never do. But last night was different. Last night, I didn’t go out. Last night, after I had cleaned, dressed, adorned, and perfumed myself, I laid out my prayer rug… and prepared to meet Al-Malik, The King.

I learned this from our role models before us. When the last ten nights would arrive, the righteous from our predecessors would get ready. They would prepare for the last nights of Ramadan and for Laylat al-Qadr, and get ready to greet them like they would greet Eid. They would work hard on cleaning themselves, both inside and out.

According to Ibn Jareer*, “They used to prefer to make ghusl every night of the last ten nights, and an-Nakha’i used to make ghusl every night of the last ten nights. Some of them would make ghusl and get perfumed on the nights when it was most hoped to be Laylat al-Qadr.”

Laylat al-Qadr is such a great night, a night we cannot pass up!

Aisha, radiya Allahu anha, wanted to be prepared with what to say on that night, asking, “O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?” To which he replied, salla Allahu alayhi wasallam,

“Say: ‘O Allah, You are the one who pardons greatly and loves to pardon, so pardon me.’” [Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi]

Tamim ad-Dari, radiya Allahu anhu, had a garment he had bought for 1000 dirhams, which he would only wear on the night when he hoped would be Laylat al-Qadr. And Thabit al-Banani and Hameed at-Taweel would wear their best clothes and get perfumed, and would perfume the masjid with the best perfumes on the nights they hoped would be Laylat al-Qadr.

It was all part of the preparation.

The last ten nights are here, and it’s time for every sister to pull out her prettiest hijab, her prettiest abaya, her sweetest perfume, and the best phrases of du’aa. It’s time to meet Allah in prayer at the best time of the year, to greet the best of seasons and the best of nights. So long as we’re at home, there is every reason to make a party of our clothes… and if we are going to the masajid, then we can still do our best while avoiding anything haram.

It’s time to bring our cleanest and best on the outside… and work hard on bringing the cleanest and best on the inside, too.

Oh Allah, allow us and our families to witness Laylat al-Qadr. Oh Allah, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the punishment of the Fire! Oh Allah, you are the One who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon us. Oh Allah, you are the One who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon us.Oh Allah, you are the One who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon us. Ameen.
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I wish you could meet my sister... she would show you how real muslim women behave... she will even cover her face with a veil in public when in Islam it isn't even nescessary to cover your face... in fact people in my family tell her against it; yet she will do it in hopes to please Allah. (and Allah made her, gives her to eat and drink, gave her the ability to see and hear... if that Allah who is so wise/loving and to whom she owes so much asks her to cover her head; she'd do it no questions asked except 'is the comand really from Allah?'. It's best for her to obey Allah.)
I wish I could meet your sister, it would have been a great motivation...
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I wish I could meet your sister, it would have been a great motivation...
Trust me, I thought the same when I read that post :p

lol... she's just a normal human being... :D
LOL @ Her brother's opinion :ROFLMAO:
We know she's a human being :p Albeit MashAllah a nice one so it would be inspiring to meet her and hear her out about her motivation to Hijab :D


XPRS Administrator
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Trust me, I thought the same when I read that post :p

LOL @ Her brother's opinion :ROFLMAO:
We know she's a human being :p Albeit MashAllah a nice one so it would be inspiring to meet her and hear her out about her motivation to Hijab :D
yes... don't you ppl know, 'ghar ki murghi daal brabr...' (meaning: whatever is yours is undermined... i.e. u dnt ever value what u have) :p
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An actress who left showbiz

Satesh khan's story

The journey that has begun

About 10 years ago when my parents split up. I had this urge to have a perfect family since. I grew up learning from the circumstances, from people around me, from places I traveled and live. I had a sister who died of Hepatitis at the age of 17 and I was only 11, my younger brother was 9 and elder one was 13. We had never heard of any sort of disease nor had we known that people can die so young. My family needed a strong leader to help fill the void left by the death of my sister.

It was a shock for the whole family, nobody could believe for years that she was gone. Though four of us left behind, I, My two amazing brothers and my mom were too affectionate.

I didn’t feel like I was lacking love or attention. But there’s always been something missing. I had trust issues and I wouldn’t make friends so quick. I used to be a very happy person and cheerful but a lot of things changed after the death of my sister.

It wasn’t just the pain of seeing my family break down in front of me and the shattering of the image of my father whom I idolized, nor was it the traumatizing loss of my amazing elder sister who I deeply loved, depended on and looked up to, but it was a loss of my innocence, of my vanished childhood and the resulting shattered belief in life. Inwardly I felt fate had abandoned me and taken away all that I held so dear. I would never let my pain be known and carried on with an outwardly smile.

By the time I was 16, I felt like my life was falling apart from an emotional aspect. As far as my Education, career and my future God had truly blessed me. I was so grateful and lucky that I’m physically in the position I’m in Alhamdulillah.

I took almost four years to find myself with the help of some amazing friends. I’m pretty sure most girls of my age go through this.

When I was 18 I started working as an Actress and made some really Good friends. My co-Actors Sarah Chaudhry, Mariam Ali, Affan Waheed, Jamal Shah, Layela Zuberi were like my family. I could totally be myself with them..

Strange thing was, every time we’d sit together we’d talk about GOD and nature and HIS creation. How we fit together in this world and It’s system. Because I’m very spiritual and always have been, I was really interested in all of this stuff. But if you talk about religion and Qur’an, I’d run away !!!

Well My Journey had begun then to Where I am today. I’ve lived a Kaafir’s life. I was only called a Muslim because I was born in a Muslim family otherwise I have done much to disappoint Allah Subhanahu Watalla and My Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him).

I was looking for a miracle to happen. I was probably waiting for Angels to come down and wipe my tears off. And that actually happened, My friend Sarah . She had left Showbiz and moved to Abu Dhabi with her husband, went all religious. Definitely left me with too many questions.

One evening Sarah was online and she said to me I have a question to ask from the youth, She said “We know everything, somewhere back of our heads, we can differentiate the wrong and the right without getting confused. Then I fail to understand, WHY don’t we follow it”

My thinking process had increased and then I started feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. I hated myself like never before. I was upset because I used to be a really nice girl, I used to be loving, caring, disciplined and smart. And maybe I was feeling this way because I’ve always been extremely sensitive. The question that shook me was ‘’Why have I ruined myself into this worldly environment’’ I knew she was hitting me where it hurts the most. She knew I was capable of changing.

Is it Satan that took control over me? One by one I stared to Quit and eliminate the bad things and people from my life. I needed good influences. I needed motivation to stand up for the Truth. I didn’t really know what to do but I kind of knew that I’m not too far from the reality.

End of 2011, I find out Sarah is coming back to Pakistan. She invited me to this event, where she’s giving a speech and some other scholars & researchers are attending too. I and Mariam (My friend) had planned to go see Sarah to Islamabad few hours’ drive away from Lahore.

As we reach to the venue Faisal Mosque, my heart sank. The first tear dropped by just looking at that Masjid (Mosque) it looked so spiritual and peaceful. We walked across the corridor and I see book stalls left & right. Boys and girls are standing smiling selling Islamic books. They were so welcoming unconditionally Alhamdulillah that I almost forgot that this is the same world we live in. We entered the first Hall when I found out that the event was organized by Al-Shifa medical college. I was really excited because I was experiencing it for the first time.

The first hall we went to, all girls were sitting there and a fashion show was going on. Lol before you jump into any conclusions this was an ISLAMIC fashion show of Obaya’s (veils) and appropriate dresses for Muslim women. But I was probably expecting a little too much so for me it was almost inappropriate fashion show. As all girls were screaming out loud and they played this ugly music for the runway. Anyway after the show this lady walked up on stag, she wearing a beige coloured veil.

As she starts to talk, She said “Assalam o Alaikum, with the name of GOD here I am today to talk about the most important thing that our youth (especially girls) go through “The void”. Instantly my jaw dropped and I thought for the first time in my life and I MEAN IT (the first time) I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I felt like GOD is communication with me directly. All these years the questions I had on my mind. She had answered so easily in 20 minutes.

I and Mariam were in tears. As she kept giving examples of Hazrat Mariam R.A (Merry) Hazrat Ai’shah R.A (Aisha) Hazrat Khateeja R.A. Everytime She says Mariam, she says ‘Listen to me carefully’ I would look at my friend and we just didn’t know what was happening to us. That feeling can’t be described in words. That woman said this repeatedly ‘Build your connection, build your connection’

As we walked the second hallway I see this man preaching standing on the stage. He is a researcher named Adnan Rashid. He was talking about women in Islam. For an hour, I was listening to him. I was so involved that I didn’t know where I was and who were with me. I was in a state of shock and couldn’t see him clearly; he was a blur as tears wouldn’t stop rolling down my cheeks. My shawl was gone wet.

When he was done talking he walked off saying one last thing to wind up “Look what we have and how we waste it, look who we are and how we deny it. We’re following west, poor confused people who don’t even have family values. We have given them the way of life, we have given them the freedom and we have given them The Religion, and yet knowing how constant our Religion is, we have left it on a side as an Obligation. Wake up People, Wake Up”

January 9th 2012.

Changed the whole purpose of my life. The whole prospective towards this world. I walked out of that place promising to myself that I will bring the Revolution. I will be the motivation and I will inspire people. I had found my identity, I had found myself.

Because brothers and sisters, the fact that is undeniable is that we’ll have to face ALLAH subhanahu Wa talla one day, whether we want it or not. He definitely does not need worshipers but HE’s our creator right? Like our mother and HIS love for us is 70 times more than 1 mother, Imagine that passion of love and imagine its ‘unconditional’.

Imagine if HE loved me even after I neglected HIM so much. HE loved our Atheists, Jews and Christian brothers and sisters that they’re converting to ISLAAM every single minute of the day!!!

Ask yourself why ? I did, and I found the answers.

WALLAHI we can’t even imagine the amount of Love that ALLAH has for us. Tears wouldn’t stop falling down my cheeks as I get flash backs of my life. I’m a sinful person and I’ve been so unfortunate not to accept ALLAH subhanahu Wa talla in my heart and how lucky I am today that I get an opportunity after everything that I have done.

I want you to feel what I’ve felt and if I had known what I know now WALLAHI, WALLAHI I would have been a different person. This is what I am today and I’m only 20. It’s never too late.

I prayed after 6 months and cried like a baby. I remember the last time I cried like that on my sister’s funeral. I found the connection back. I've Quit Acting and I'm practicing Islam. I cover and I respect relations more. I worry about my hereafter. Religion brought the change in me. I'm glad to be where I am today. Some of you would call me crazy and think that I've lost it but brothers and sisters, True love is not something that comes every day. You find Allah when you seek HIM. I've been hungry for years and that's why I'm blessed with Hidayat (Guidance)May Allah guide us all.

Nothing is hard, as long as you’re truly making an effort.


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RasoolAllah (S.A.W) said “Part of a person’s being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him” (narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2317, classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Jawaab al-Kaafi, p. 112)

jazakAllah for this hadith....didnt know it before...