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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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Question: How the Hadith was compiled during prophet’s life? [10]
The first period of the compilation of the Ahadis was during Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s lifetime. Prophet himself would give instructions about the transmission of what he taught, “Preach what you hear me say. Also let those who see and hear me, take upon themselves to communicate my words to others and preach to their children, relatives and friends.” There is another report according to which on the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet said, and “He who is present here should carry this message to him who is absent.”
The Companions had three methods of learning or preservation of the Ahadis which are: memorization, writing, and practice. The companions always tried to observe the actions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), remember his sayings and then apply what they saw to their own practices in their everyday life. The companions considered it their duty to preach the Ahadis to those who had not seen or listened to him. A party of students called Ashab-e-Suffah lived in the mosque itself was entrusted with the teaching of religion to tribes outside Madinah. From this group most famous was Abu Hurairah (RA) who remained in The Prophet (S.A.W)’s Company at all the times and stores up in his memory everything that Prophet said or did. Abu Hurairah (RA)’s efforts were from the very beginning directed towards the preservation of Ahadis.
Abu Hurairah used to write what he heard from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in a book form and more than 5000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Similarly, Hazrat Ali (R.A) had a booklet containing traditions which concerned the orders and instructions from time to time by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) wrote every word of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s speech and more than 2000 Ahadis were attributed to him. Hence during this time more than 10000 Ahadis were collected. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) also used to preserve the sayings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) likewise Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas was engaged in preserving and transmitting the Ahadis It is related from Abu Hurairah (RA) that once one of the companions told the Prophet of his inability to remember what he heard from him. His reply was that he should seek the help of his right hand i.e., write it down. (Tirmizi) Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) began to write down whatever he heard from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). His collections contained around 10,000 Ahadis. Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) himself said: “I used to write everything that I heard from the Prophet (S.A.W) intending to commit it to memory. I spoke about it to the prophet (S.A.W) who said: “write down, for I only speak the truth.”(Abu Daud)
Another report of Abu Hurairah (RA): ‘None of the companions preserved more traditions than me, but Abdullah bin Amr is an exception for he used to write and I did not.” (Bukhari) Hazrat Ali (R.A) used to write down Ahadis concerning the Orders, Instructions issued from Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat Aisha (R.A) also used to preserve the sayings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Abdullah bin Umar and Abdullah bin Abbas were engaged in preserving and transmitting the Ahadis. The Compilation of Abdullah bin Umar was known as Sadiqa. Process of compilation started in the Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) during this period the companions acted and wrote what the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said individually.
sir, how many hadith were transmitted by Abdullah bin Umar bcuz in one place in this answer it sayz that they ver 2000 n l8r it sayz dat they were 10000...wich 1 is right????
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significance of Kutu bis Sitta to scholors
consists of most authentic and reliable Hadiths and Sunnah, which is a primary source of Shariah along with the Quran.
authors primarily intended to bring together the most authentic Hadith collections available
scholors are impressed by the painstaking efforts of the authors of the 6 Authentic Books
authors made great contribution to the study of Hadith and shedding light on Hadith literature for future generations of scholors
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sir, how many hadith were transmitted by Abdullah bin Umar bcuz in one place in this answer it sayz that they ver 2000 n l8r it sayz dat they were 10000...wich 1 is right????
es of abdullah bin umar:2000
the other is of abdullah bin amr:10000
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no it cant can u give me one such example
In November 2009 P2 the question was:
a) Describe the methods employed by the compilers of major books of Ahadith to ensure the Hadis they collected were authentic

In June 2010 the question was:
a) How did the compilers of Hadis (muhaddithun) judge between acceptable and unacceptable hadis.

*Hence proved :D*
can u post plz i need it
b) Discuss the importance of Jibraeel in comparison to other angels [4]
-H.Jibraeel is the angel of Allah, His primary task was to bring messages from Allah
-H.Jibraeel's importance is such that he also performed other different tasks then his primary duty.(Hazrat Maryam's example that I gave)
-Along with delivering the message, at times, he also assisted apostles of Allah in different manners( example of Miraj that I gave and of Hazarat Nuh in building the ark)
-His importance in comparision to other angels can also be noticed from that he appeared in man form also to Prophet (S.A.W)
-Lastly, He also decends on the night of power( Laila tul Qadr)

Hope it helps :)
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Distinctive features of Sahih Bukari
he established rule that lifetime of narrator should overlap with the narrator whom he has narrated Hadith from
established rule that narrators should have met each other
establihed rule that narrators must say that they narrated Hadith from so person
accepted narrations from narrators who not only knew of Islamic teachings but also implementated it
unique arrangement of chapters

Distinctive features of Sahih Muslim
established rule that isnad must be unbroken and that each narrator must possess so qualities
arrangement of chapters according to narratives
explained what each narrator narrating the same Hadith narrated
also mentioned the dfference in the qualities of the narrators and other differences
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no, it states the importance, and that is what i am puzzled about
what i think is that it asks Hadiths as a source of guidance, legal thinking, and thought and action