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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That’s the essence of it.
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A: Theme:

Theme of this verse is God himself. It’s a verse of sura al-Baqara, a Madni sura. It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of oneness of God) and then elaborates various aspects of unity of God that make him matchless, His attributes are completely unmatchable He is Everlasting “He is the First and the Last and the Manifest and the Hidden” (Al Quran). God is fee from all weaknesses and limitations, has perfect knowledge of all (21:110). He is not dependent on anyone for his survival. The purpose of referring to His Throne which extend over the heavens and the earth and beyond, is to show the Great Authority of Allah, and enjoys autonomy in exercising His authority “His are all things in the heaven and on the earth” (2:255).

B: Importance in a Muslim's life:
The importance of the theme of the passage in daily lives of Muslim is that it tells Muslims to believe in Tawhid in terms of God’s uniqueness, majesty and glory. The theme is important for Muslims as it crystallizes the belief of Tawhid and trains them to condemn shirk. There is repetitive mention of God’s authority, unlimited knowledge and powers in order to strengthen the faith of its readers. For example, it says “He is exalted in power, Wise. He created the heavens without any pillars”31:9-10, luqman) and “but God is the one free of all wants “(35:15, Fatir). The objective is to remind Muslims that God alone is to be worshipped and no authority can be compared with him. Many Muslims recite this verse regularly to reiterate God’s power and high position as compared to any worldly authority.


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A: Theme:

Theme of this verse is God himself. It’s a verse of sura al-Baqara, a Madni sura. It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of oneness of God) and then elaborates various aspects of unity of God that make him matchless, His attributes are completely unmatchable He is Everlasting “He is the First and the Last and the Manifest and the Hidden” (Al Quran). God is fee from all weaknesses and limitations, has perfect knowledge of all (21:110). He is not dependent on anyone for his survival. The purpose of referring to His Throne which extend over the heavens and the earth and beyond, is to show the Great Authority of Allah, and enjoys autonomy in exercising His authority “His are all things in the heaven and on the earth” (2:255).

B: Importance in a Muslim's life:
The importance of the theme of the passage in daily lives of Muslim is that it tells Muslims to believe in Tawhid in terms of God’s uniqueness, majesty and glory. The theme is important for Muslims as it crystallizes the belief of Tawhid and trains them to condemn shirk. There is repetitive mention of God’s authority, unlimited knowledge and powers in order to strengthen the faith of its readers. For example, it says “He is exalted in power, Wise. He created the heavens without any pillars”31:9-10, luqman) and “but God is the one free of all wants “(35:15, Fatir). The objective is to remind Muslims that God alone is to be worshipped and no authority can be compared with him. Many Muslims recite this verse regularly to reiterate God’s power and high position as compared to any worldly authority.

how u doin,sir?
guess the cies have got us rollin again...sir,how come only these 2 subjects were found to have been leaked.
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Sir Ifan plz help me with these questions

Q1 : Describe What do you know about the Structure Of the Holy Quran (10).
Q2 : Explain why the Prophet Muhammad was at first friendly towards the Jews of Medina. [10]
Q3:Why is the Qur’an important to Muslims? [10]
Q4:Importance of all articles of faith/pillars of islam
Q5: How do the Qur’an and Hadith differ in importance? [10]
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Sir Ifan plz help me with these questions

Q1 : Describe What do you know about the Structure Of the Holy Quran (10).
Q2 : Explain why the Prophet Muhammad was at first friendly towards the Jews of Medina. [10]
Q3:Why is the Qur’an important to Muslims? [10]
Q4:Importance of all articles of faith/pillars of islam
Q5: How do the Qur’an and Hadith differ in importance? [10]
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Sir Ifan plz help me with these questions

Q1 : Describe What do you know about the Structure Of the Holy Quran (10).
Q2 : Explain why the Prophet Muhammad was at first friendly towards the Jews of Medina. [10]
Q3:Why is the Qur’an important to Muslims? [10]
Q4:Importance of all articles of faith/pillars of islam
Q5: How do the Qur’an and Hadith differ in importance? [10]

Q3:S The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Allah which is the only book which is pure scripture in its true form. The Holy Quran is not just a book; it is a book of warning from Allah Al-Mighty. It is a book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and betterment for mankind for all times. The Quran says “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures” (25:1). The central theme of the Quran is the Tawheed, belief in messengers, belief in the Hereafter and the designation of man as Allah’s deputy. The Quran talks about the origin of the man (96:1-5) the structure of the earth and heavens. It talks about the past civilizations and criticizes the conduct of different nations. The Quran contains directives for the head of the state as well as for common man, rich and as well for the poor, for peace as well as war, for spiritual well being as well as material prosperity.
The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105) Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.
The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).
Q5: The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Allah which is the only book which is pure scripture in its true form. The Holy Quran is not just a book; it is a book of warning from Allah Al-Mighty. It is a book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and betterment for mankind for all times. The Quran says “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures” (25:1).The central theme of the Quran is the Tawheed, belief in messengers, belief in the Hereafter and the designation of man as Allah’s deputy. The Quran talks about the origin of the man (96:1-5) the structure of the earth and heavens. It talks about the past civilizations and criticizes the conduct of different nations. The Quran contains directives for the head of the state as well as for common man, rich and as well for the poor, for peace as well as war, for spiritual well being as well as material prosperity.
The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105)Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.
The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).
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Q5: How do the Qur’an and Hadith differ in importance?

The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105) Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.
The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).
Q5: The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Allah which is the only book which is pure scripture in its true form. The Holy Quran is not just a book; it is a book of warning from Allah Al-Mighty. It is a book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and betterment for mankind for all times. The Quran says “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures” (25:1).The central theme of the Quran is the Tawheed, belief in messengers, belief in the Hereafter and the designation of man as Allah’s deputy. The Quran talks about the origin of the man (96:1-5) the structure of the earth and heavens. It talks about the past civilizations and criticizes the conduct of different nations. The Quran contains directives for the head of the state as well as for common man, rich and as well for the poor, for peace as well as war, for spiritual well being as well as material prosperity.
The Holy Quran commands to educate and convince people about the usefulness of its injunctions. The Quran lays down the rules and regulations relating to life " Surely , we have send down to you [O Muhammad (S.A.W)] the book [this Quran] in truth that you might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (that is has taught you throw divine inspiration) , so we not pleader for the treacherous " (4:105)Islamic law assess individual actions as they relate to fundamental values that each law tries to preserve, ranging from individual well-being to property and wealth, these values are on the basis of Islamic principles of moral thoughts and action. The five fundamental principles are the heart of Islamic law represents values of accountability and public order protected by jurisprudence as the Quran says: "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2): life, religion, reason/mental faculty, property, and progeny. From an Islamic legal point of view, civil society is governed by laws that regulate the financial and family relationships that exist in the public sphere. Criminal behavior is also an issue that received extensive treatment in books on Islamic law. The scripture of Islam is, by contrast, rather limited in its specification of particular punishments for criminal acts. According to the text of the Quran, few crimes have prescribed punishments. These include apostasy, theft, adultery, murder, slander, highway robbery, and the consumption of alcohol. Looking at Islamic law as a whole, it becomes clear that laws regulating punishment for criminal behavior are meant to preserve the values enumerated above. These five "fundamentals" are the values upon which the philosophy of Islamic law is based.
The Holy Quran talks about the pillars of Islam e.g. it says: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion, been true (in faith) to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight.” (98:5). The Holy Quran also gives the honor to make treaties with other nations and to conduct international relations with peaceful means. The Quranic principals on the conduct of war prohibit the killing of women and children; waging a war of aggression; destroying places of domicile; and killing prisoners of war etc. The Holy Quran requires Muslims abide by their contracts because they would be made to account in the Hereafter for the promises that they have made. So Quran as provided and regulate our lives in accordance with its command: “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is more right (or stable) ………..” (17:9).
For the purification and guidance of Muslim’s minds and souls the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) issued many instructions and commandments. They helped one to have a clear view of other fellow beings, characters and eradicate evil thoughts. People with evil and ambitious thoughts can never work for the peace, pleasure, satisfaction and wellbeing of others. Good will only comes forth from such minds which are guided and committed to welfare or humans. However, in deserving the following injunctions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) his or her actions must benefit the society. The Holy Quran defines the roll of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in elaborating the teachings of the Holy Quran when it says: "...........And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad SAW) the reminder and the advice (the Qur’an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought." (16:44) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) himself conscious of his mortality, attached a great deal of importance to the knowledge of his own Hadis. The Hadis lay down guide lines to govern Human behavior in manner which is appropriate to the way of life which Allah (S.W.T) desires for an individual to lead. They provide directives for even the most minor aspects of human life e.g. what a Muslim recites when he sneezes; start eating, look in the mirror, drinks milk etc. The most brilliant thing about the Hadis is the way they cover the vast dimensions of human life, suggesting appropriate ways to structure, ones thoughts and actions. Hadis not only provide directions but also mention rewards and punishments to those particular actions to encourage conformity and discourage disobedience. “The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s cause or like him who perform prayers all the night and fasts all day” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) not only guides individuals how to act, but also establish a system of believes which go in line with the teachings of the Holy Quran. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) elaborates the beliefs pertaining to Tawheed, the finality of his Prophet Hood, Articles of Faith, Pillars of Islam etc. He guides us to think of the welfare of other members of the society; to avoid considering other fellow beings with inferiority; to think of one’s self as a humble servant of Allah (S.W.T) to keep the mind clean from all corrupt ideas, to base all our actions on noble intentions etc. Since Islam does not only provide knowledge of virtue and evil, but also provide the application of its system of values and beliefs in the form of appropriate norms, therefore Hadis play a significant to modify an individual’s approach towards life in all thoughts and actions.
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Q1: Describe What do you know about the Structure Of the Holy Quran?
The Holy Quran is composed of words and teachings which are of Allah (S.W.T) Himself. He alone is the author and protector of Holy Quran. Allah himself decided upon and set all the teachings contained in it the words of the holy Quran are the written expressions of Allah al-mighty through which he communicates with mankind no one have the ability to produce book like the holy Quran as Allah says in holy Quran “ even if human beigns and jinn’s should cooperate with one and other to bring forth the book like holy Quran , they would never be able to bring anything like it , even though they all helped one and other”(81:27)
The expressions and the teachings of the holy Quran are unchangeable no body among the humans and the jinn’s as the ability to change it because the Quran will always will be protected from change and alternations or as Allah said in Holy Quran “we have without doubt sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption) (15:9). The purity of of the holy Quran has been preserved since the last 1400 years which is the clear testimony of the Quran’s divine nature.
All distinct features of holy Quran are directives and the instructions contained in the holy Quran are of universal and addressed to all people of all ages "we have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind"(39:2) while God revealed old books for particular nation for a particular period. So Quran is the last and perfect book of Allah it is comprehensive book ,it deals with every aspect of life as Allah says in the holy Quran: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion"(5:3). The earlier books contain only a code or morality and justices, but none was comprehensive to contain a complete code of life so undoubtedly the Holy Quran says “This is an Admonition to all the people of the world........”(81:27)
There are several places in the holy Quran where the stories of the previous Prophets and nation have been narrated by the Allah al-mighty these stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasy for e.g...the story of Prophet mosses and pharaoh is true for Allah said in the holy Quran “ we recites to you some of the news of the Moses and Pharaoh and truth “ (28:3) these stories are intended for mankind or severe consequences if they failed to obey Allah similar to those who refuses to obey him.
There are several matters which are concern to all yet they cannot be interpreted by human mind logically on its own as Allah says in holy Quran “these are announcements of the unseen……” (11:49) Allah alone himself expertly deals with the unseen things and revealed to us in the holy Quran and gives reasonable explanation to us for e.g. the creations of the universe, life after death, etc. As Allah says in Holy Quran: “and He had set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not shake with you ….” (16:15)
When certain scientific concepts mentioned in the Quran are studied in the light of 21st century scientific discoveries which were unknown to us like the Quran tells us about three developmental stages of human embryo, which only recently the scientists have discovered.
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Sir Ifan plz help me with these questions
Q1 : Describe What do you know about the Structure Of the Holy Quran (10).
Q2 : Explain why the Prophet Muhammad was at first friendly towards the Jews of Medina. [10]
Q3:Why is the Qur’an important to Muslims? [10]
Q4:Importance of all articles of faith/pillars of islam
Q5: How do the Qur’an and Hadith differ in importance? [10]
