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Quite an interesting thread I must say :)
There are two stages which human faces in his/her life.
Infactuation: It's the term when one 'thinks' he/she is in love. This happens with most of the teenagers, usually referred as 'love at first sight'.
Sadly, It's merely a crush. While going through some facts, I found out that crush doesn't last more than 4 months to any individual. The period exceeding 4 months is indeed, what we call- 'love'.
Love is the second stage on a person's life. We can describe love in many ways. Love means sacrifice, it means not caring for your own need but doing something to earn happiness of other person, it means 'caring'. Most people in relationship these days take 'wrong' advantage of this word we call 'love'. How? Simple, Old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words". Yeah it's the actions what I m talking about. Actions should be enough to show your love. Let me give you an example:
A child, he just loves his favourate toys, he wouldn't let anyone else play with it. He would cry and cry if someone else uses that toy.
Just like that, when we love someone, possesiveness occurs. We are so keen about not to 'lose' the person we love. But how can we claim to love a person whom we are not sure to spend our lives with? One can't say 'I love you' and then move on. That's not love. It happens once in a life. Why take wrong advantage of it then? When we love someone, the best solution is to wait and tell parents as soon as possible, 'marriage' is what I m talking about dear readers. Yes! Marraige, big word right? So is 'I love you'. If you really love someone, then you would do anything to make sure he/she stays with you forever. But why take the wrong means to do so? The word 'reputation' is very delicate in reality. Specially when talking about girls. Girls or boys, if there's love, there's possesiveness. But when someone even tries to 'act' possesive, the partner bestows him a title of 'narrow minded'. It's not about being open or narrow minded guys. It's about caring, it's about possesiveness, it's about sincerity, it's about honesty. I really hate these 'fake' relationships. It's just a method of 'time pass' to many but look at the others, dear friend. What if your partner is sincere with you? Aren't you kind of 'destroying' his/her life? The biggest threat to this 'love' is opposite gender friends. When a guy has fe-male or a girl has male friends. Everyone tries to 'butt in'. They try to take un-fair advantage of the situation, not all people are like that, but most of them are. It's because no one cares for anyone else these days.
If you really 'love' someone, instead of making 'false promises' try to find ways to get your partner for life time, this can only be done by marriage.
Love is when you leave your partner because he/she doesn't want to be in a relationship, it's when you know you love her, yet you let him/her go. This is love. However, this hurts like anything, yet scarificing is not always 'easy' is it?

Amazingly carried out Salman :D
This is something I read somewhere and this was entirely thought provoking so I thought I should add it here!

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being “in love” which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. When you find out love and you have roots tht grew towards each other and when all the blossom falls u just realize tht You are a single tree and not two!
So for me love is more deeper than just saying I love you in all senses! Its more like loving someone with all their good and bad! :)
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Quite an interesting thread I must say :)

Amazingly carried out Salman :D
This is something I read somewhere and this was entirely thought provoking so I thought I should add it here!

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being “in love” which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. When you find out love and you have roots tht grew towards each other and when all the blossom falls u just realize tht You are a single tree and not two!
So for me love is more deeper than just saying I love you in all senses! Its more like loving someone with all their good and bad! :)

WOW. You said it all. (y)
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Just having a crush on someone and then eventually being friends and finally loving isn't actually love. I'd rather mention my own quote again;

My point is, having a crush on someone doesn't builds in you this feeling to love him/her, it's just your conscience, a 'guilty' one to be more specific. Love never asks the human mind when it gives away your heart to someone, it works totally on its own amazing nature. So, all in all having a crush on someone, isn't actually love.

As far as love at first sight is considered. It doesn't really builds into your heart what we know as love, that's the general idea, however, it's the human mind to decide how to handle that specific feeling, how to interpret it. No. It isn't love at all. Again, love doesn't works on the outside beauty, it's only the heart. :)
i Know , i Agree with you but dont you think that one condition is also like that when our eyes catches one person and its crush only but when we gta know that person more and more , then we actually start loving their heart and that crush thingy just washes away and we give our heart to 'em :) that means crush can wash away and or can be over done by love
and love at first sight is considered to be crush i guess !
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i Know , i Agree with you but dont you think that one condition is also like that when our eyes catches one person and its crush only but when we gta know that person more and more , then we actually start loving their heart and that crush thingy just washes away and we give our heart to 'em :) that means crush can wash away and or can be over done by love
and love at first sight is considered to be crush i guess !

That's rare. VERY rare. Maybe once in a blue moon but that does happens. I know a family friend who's married to a girl who accidentally called him, yes, a 'wrong number.'

Yeah, I support that point. :)
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That's rare. VERY rare. Maybe once in a blue moon but that does happens. I know a family friend who's married to a girl who accidentally called him, yes, a 'wrong number.'

Yeah, I support that point. :)
Yeah True ! thats my own experience i'm explaining actually :p
LOL WOW thats sometimes called as Destiny too :)
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That's rare. VERY rare. Maybe once in a blue moon but that does happens. I know a family friend who's married to a girl who accidentally called him, yes, a 'wrong number.'

Yeah, I support that point. :)
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YEAPP ! its in our fate that has to be there anyhow but its really uncommon :)

But that again, humans have a free-will and they don't know their future, they build it. They want to achieve their dreams, they earn it.

P.S I think we're going slightly off-topic.

Hmm, well this is "true love" cuz he dint leave her until he got her.
But, still shocking.
God, this thread is giving me shocks xD.

But he would've left her if she didn't love him back on the other side. True love, and a perfect match. :')
Shocking, for sure. =)
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There are two stages which human faces in his/her life.
Infactuation: It's the term when one 'thinks' he/she is in love. This happens with most of the teenagers, usually referred as 'love at first sight'.
Sadly, It's merely a crush. While going through some facts, I found out that crush doesn't last more than 4 months to any individual. The period exceeding 4 months is indeed, what we call- 'love'.
Love is the second stage on a person's life. We can describe love in many ways. Love means sacrifice, it means not caring for your own need but doing something to earn happiness of other person, it means 'caring'. Most people in relationship these days take 'wrong' advantage of this word we call 'love'. How? Simple, Old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words". Yeah it's the actions what I m talking about. Actions should be enough to show your love. Let me give you an example:
A child, he just loves his favourate toys, he wouldn't let anyone else play with it. He would cry and cry if someone else uses that toy.
Just like that, when we love someone, possesiveness occurs. We are so keen about not to 'lose' the person we love. But how can we claim to love a person whom we are not sure to spend our lives with? One can't say 'I love you' and then move on. That's not love. It happens once in a life. Why take wrong advantage of it then? When we love someone, the best solution is to wait and tell parents as soon as possible, 'marriage' is what I m talking about dear readers. Yes! Marraige, big word right? So is 'I love you'. If you really love someone, then you would do anything to make sure he/she stays with you forever. But why take the wrong means to do so? The word 'reputation' is very delicate in reality. Specially when talking about girls. Girls or boys, if there's love, there's possesiveness. But when someone even tries to 'act' possesive, the partner bestows him a title of 'narrow minded'. It's not about being open or narrow minded guys. It's about caring, it's about possesiveness, it's about sincerity, it's about honesty. I really hate these 'fake' relationships. It's just a method of 'time pass' to many but look at the others, dear friend. What if your partner is sincere with you? Aren't you kind of 'destroying' his/her life? The biggest threat to this 'love' is opposite gender friends. When a guy has fe-male or a girl has male friends. Everyone tries to 'butt in'. They try to take un-fair advantage of the situation, not all people are like that, but most of them are. It's because no one cares for anyone else these days.
If you really 'love' someone, instead of making 'false promises' try to find ways to get your partner for life time, this can only be done by marriage.
Love is when you leave your partner because he/she doesn't want to be in a relationship, it's when you know you love her, yet you let him/her go. This is love. However, this hurts like anything, yet scarificing is not always 'easy' is it?
This for no doubt amazing (y).

In addition to this i would like to point something kinda important. Bismillah
Yea, we have feeling to opposite gender, and it might stay for a bit long time, thus we will like believe that he/she is the one we want as our longing spouse, so we go for the next step - marriage. But we SHUD know that MARRIAGE is HUGE step to take over, cuz the coming spouse will be :
* the father/mother of ur children , one shud make sure he/she have good nature - its where the kidz will nurture.
* the one that u wud share ur time / money / place / everything nearly, and as muslims we have to make sure they are good in the sense ( they wont force u `buy me this and this and this which myt lead u to steal as an example) ( or like they hesitate seeing u praying, taking care of ur parents, etc)

We ( again as muslims) need a partner who shall help us ( and our childrens) to the way to jannah.
Reminding us when its prayer time. Reminding us to take care of our beloved parents. Reminding us to the right when our eyes are close , for short!
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But that again, humans have a free-will and they don't know their future, they build it. They want to achieve their dreams, they earn it.

P.S I think we're going slightly off-topic.
YEAAH ! but is it possible to one's destiny ?
LOL yeah so better end it ? :)
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Was reading this the other day. :love:

I have to say right off the top that it's an honor to be given an opportunity to speak about Mom today. In taking some time to compose these words, it became clear to me that it's a rare occasion when we say how we feel about not just Mom, but our parents, our siblings, and many of our other relatives for that matter. Don't get your hopes up, though - it's demanding enough trying to put some words together for Mom. Or should I say, it's demanding enough trying to find the appropriate ways to say what I want to say to Mom. Anyhow, it's Mother's Day - that's all that matters. Once somebody develops a Brother's Day or an Uncle's Day, I'll have more than enough material to work with.
I always love the fact that this day falls in the spring. I suppose whoever was behind establishing Mother's Day was well aware of all the symbols we associate with this season: birth and warmth and light and growth. All very comforting in their own unique way. Of course, these are the exact qualities we associate with Mom. It was that nurturing spirit that brought us into the world and, since then, it has been her reassuring hand that has guided us every step of the way.
Of course being a mother, she can't help but behave this way. But that's the beauty of it. A mother's impulse to care and protect and understand is just that -a natural impulse. Her loyalty is deep in her soul, and her love for us is even deeper. Despite the fact we've probably driven Mom's tolerance to the edge of sanity at times in years gone by, she has always maintained a strong sense of who she is and what she means to us - even when we're most blind to it.
To find the words that actually express how special this woman is to all of us here is to simply speak of love itself - however we care to define it. I know it's not the easiest of words to define, but I'm pretty sure I know what it feels like, because in this life Mom has taught us first-hand. And for that, Mom, you are forever in our hearts.
Happy Mother's Day.


XPRS Administrator
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This for no doubt amazing (y).

In addition to this i would like to point something kinda important. Bismillah
Yea, we have feeling to opposite gender, and it might stay for a bit long time, thus we will like believe that he/she is the one we want as our longing spouse, so we go for the next step - marriage. But we SHUD know that MARRIAGE is HUGE step to take over, cuz the coming spouse will be :
* the father/mother of ur children , one shud make sure he/she have good nature - its where the kidz will nurture.
* the one that u wud share ur time / money / place / everything nearly, and as muslims we have to make sure they are good in the sense ( they wont force u `buy me this and this and this which myt lead u to steal as an example) ( or like they hesitate seeing u praying, taking care of ur parents, etc)

We ( again as muslims) need a partner who shall help us ( and our childrens) to the way to jannah.
Reminding us when its prayer time. Reminding us to take care of our beloved parents. Reminding us to the right when our eyes are close , for short!

Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: May Allah have mercy on a man who gets up at night and prays, and awakens his wife; if she refuses, he should sprinkle water on her face. May Allah have mercy on a woman who gets up at night and prays, and awakens her husband; if he refuses, she would sprinkle water on his face. (Abu Dawood)
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Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: May Allah have mercy on a man who gets up at night and prays, and awakens his wife; if she refuses, he should sprinkle water on her face. May Allah have mercy on a woman who gets up at night and prays, and awakens her husband; if he refuses, she would sprinkle water on his face. (Abu Dawood)
That's love! <3
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Show it now , and then
i added then too, why? i will tell, Now u can stay wid her help her HUG her, and go study to get good grades so tht then she will be really happy :p
instead of studying i'd rather like making her a cup of tea after theee long day... :p
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Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: May Allah have mercy on a man who gets up at night and prays, and awakens his wife; if she refuses, he should sprinkle water on her face. May Allah have mercy on a woman who gets up at night and prays, and awakens her husband; if he refuses, she would sprinkle water on his face. (Abu Dawood)
That's love! <3
True, that is love. Cuz we know this world wont stay, but hereafter will, and who dont want jannah ( and with all those he love ):love:
Jazak Allah badrobot for sharing tht. :)