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love is a attrction to another so strong dt when u r apart u sink into a deep depression sth dt cannot be xplained bt can only be felt deep inside our souls.but it only happens in true love,,,,ppl nowadays hav forgotten wat tru love is..it is honest it is selflrss and is bold and most importantly it is being able to understand ow the other feels without them even sayin a word.....:love::love::love::love:
this is wat i think love is.......but lovin someone dsnt mean suffocating them...a little space shud be needed!:p :LOL: :p
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love is a attrction to another so strong dt when u r apart u sink into a deep depression sth dt cannot be xplained bt can only be felt deep inside our souls.but it only happens in true love,,,,ppl nowadays hav forgotten wat tru love is..it is honest it is selflrss and is bold and most importantly it is being able to understand ow the other feels without them even sayin a word.....:love::love::love::love:
this is wat i think love is.......but lovin someone dsnt mean suffocating them...a little space shud be needed!:p :LOL: :p


'True love never asks for love back.' :)
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love is a attrction to another so strong dt when u r apart u sink into a deep depression sth dt cannot be xplained bt can only be felt deep inside our souls.but it only happens in true love,,,,ppl nowadays hav forgotten wat tru love is..it is honest it is selflrss and is bold and most importantly it is being able to understand ow the other feels without them even sayin a word.....:love::love::love::love:
this is wat i think love is.......but lovin someone dsnt mean suffocating them...a little space shud be needed!:p :LOL: :p
Space? Space like talking to other girls and boys? Seriously these relationships 'never' last. Love 'never' suffocates anyone. Let's see this in Islamic prospective. Does a married couple have space? No! Love is when you can't live without 'someone'. It's when you want anyone forever. It's when you 'just' want your partner and 'no one else'.
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Space? Space like talking to other girls and boys? Seriously these relationships 'never' last. Love 'never' suffocates anyone. Let's see this in Islamic prospective. Does a married couple have space? No! Love is when you can't live without 'someone'. It's when you want anyone forever. It's when you 'just' want your partner and 'no one else'.

And if you can't get him/her, you shouldn't take any disastrous measures and force or hurt that person or anyone else. Instead, be happy that This One Person is happy. :)
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And if you can't get him/her, you shouldn't take any disastrous measures and force or hurt that person or anyone else. Instead, be happy that This One Person is happy. :)
Exactly! But if your 'truly' love her, would 'never' fall for someone else. There would 'always' be hope in the heart that maybe, one day, he/she would return to you. :)
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I think the most amazing love is the love between two ppl who are virtually strangers! By this I mean when two ppl gt married (arrngd marriage as sum call it) and dey knw nuthin abt each othr and yt lov blossoms btwn them, so much so tht they truly cnnt liv widout each othr at one point. Isnt that so.....miraculous???
And Allah talks abt dis in 30:21 (if i'm right), where He says, "It is frm His signs that he has created for u spouses, and placed love btween you..."
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no not th
Space? Space like talking to other girls and boys? Seriously these relationships 'never' last. Love 'never' suffocates anyone. Let's see this in Islamic prospective. Does a married couple have space? No! Love is when you can't live without 'someone'. It's when you want anyone forever. It's when you 'just' want your partner and 'no one else'.
is kinda space......like talkin to others or stuff i meant space like ur requirements above his......space to xpress ur thougths and ideas!!!!!!if i thought dt love would suffocate i would have never posted this man!:)
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I think the most amazing love is the love between two ppl who are virtually strangers! By this I mean when two ppl gt married (arrngd marriage as sum call it) and dey knw nuthin abt each othr and yt lov blossoms btwn them, so much so tht they truly cnnt liv widout each othr at one point. Isnt that so.....miraculous???
And Allah talks abt dis in 30:21 (if i'm right), where He says, "It is frm His signs that he has created for u spouses, and placed love btween you..."

Umm. True somehow, but isn't it more complicated when two people get married, the traditional way; arranged marriage and what they're going to witness is only problems in the near future and consequently a divorce. I don't know about others, but in real, I know about many such events and there's only pain in the end. ..
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Umm. True somehow, but isn't it more complicated when two people get married, the traditional way; arranged marriage and what they're going to witness is only problems in the near future and consequently a divorce. I don't know about others, but in real, I know about many such events and there's only pain in the end. ..
Yes i understnd wht u mean, bt i didnt mean arrangd marriage in that way. What I meant was when the boy and girl both have a choice in the matter, and there is no pressure from family.
Arrngd marriage is when two ppl are fixed with only opinion of parents, and love marriage is when ppl are wed accrding to their wishes. In my post I was referring to the marriages in between both these exttremes, wherin both parnts are child get equal rights.....i guess this wud be the most common marriages?
I agree with you, in no way do I encourage arrangd weddings, I hope I've made my point clear:)
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Yes i understnd wht u mean, bt i didnt mean arrangd marriage in that way. What I meant was when the boy and girl both have a choice in the matter, and there is no pressure from family.
Arrngd marriage is when two ppl are fixed with only opinion of parents, and love marriage is when ppl are wed accrding to their wishes. In my post I was referring to the marriages in between both these exttremes, wherin both parnts are child get equal rights.....i guess this wud be the most common marriages?
I agree with you, in no way do I encourage arrangd weddings, I hope I've made my point clear:)

That explains it all. +1 (y)
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Umm. True somehow, but isn't it more complicated when two people get married, the traditional way; arranged marriage and what they're going to witness is only problems in the near future and consequently a divorce. I don't know about others, but in real, I know about many such events and there's only pain in the end. ..
Assalam Alikum,

Well, the traditional way in my opinion are of two types:
(1) Inbetween families - cousins as an examples
(2) The one, when a some guy comes to a girls parent ( usually a stranger ) and then parents decide up.

The first type is usually the problem, cuz parents see the niece and nephew as wow, but they at times aren't really well!!

Anyway, for a good marriage parents must take a careful step for choosing the in-laws.
-they must not prefer their niece and nephew blindly ( which mannnnnny do - i hv seen ALoT, that dint bring but hardships )
-they must not prefer the income, looks, race, background, traditions
“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion)” [al-Hujuraat 49:10]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a white man over a black man, or of a black man over a white man, except in terms of taqwa. The people are from Adam, and Adam is from dust.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3270)

-they should concern 2 things - religious commitment and character
In al-Tirmidhi (1085) it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If there comes to you one with whose religious commitment and character you are pleased, then marry (your female relative under your care) to him, for if you do not do that there will be tribulation in the land and great mischief.”

^the hadith above must be followed or as it mention nothing but problem will happen, why? hmm, well, imagine a man (lets say Arab) with good character and is religious and came for a hand of a girl (non-Arab) lets say the girl said yes, but the parents refuse him for being of different country, then either the guy will move on or due to human nature will try somehow to hv contact with the girl ( chatting meeting etc. obviously behind their parents ) and thus, this created nothing but destruction of those loyal creatures ! - P.S. this isnt an imaginary story, cuz i have seen a similar one :(

That all i have for now :D
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here, insaan means uns karne waala which means pyaar karne waala. if i knw a person for some time and we meet each other every day and one day i come to knw tht he has passed away, i will certainly weep cz attachment to different individuals is part of human nature. added to this is the natural attraction towards opposite gender, so a mixture of such things leads to what is reffered to as love nowadays.

Umm. Referred to as love? You're confusing love with attractiveness.
Love is something tooo big to be described in words. One of the members tried to sum it all up though. Read Salman's post on the very first page. I hope it enlightens you. :)