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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

questions by memyself

do you like cat, rat or any other animal?
@ yes i luv animals, but not like the one,, rat ,, Gross

which cartoon do you like? :twisted:
@ didi and barbie

do you like colouring? :p
@ yeah better then drawing
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

AreebaKausar said:
questions by Silent Hunter;

-Things wich makes you happy?
@ my favourite songs, and singing along with them aloud

do u like studies?
@ as long sleep do not catch me,,YES :-D

-so fav song?
-and seems like you like sleep too? :p ;) :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

AreebaKausar said:
heaven is for Muslims,, and Muslims are greatest nation,, justful ,correct...or God hates non-Muslims ,,, and women should be obedient or take there husbands as their second God,,,every religion and community has got corrupted ,, only Muslims are pure, so and so and so and so( unlimited) are the correct ways of worship?

in real why shall even Muslims enter into paradize when one of world's worst crimes and behavior , even laws( which are imposed on name of Qur'an but are against it in fact ), prevails in Muslim societies, even those whom we call pagans are ahead of us in field of justice,,, and prosperity .may be it is material prosperity just.. but at least no one dies of hunger there..if god had wanted husband to be second to god for wife ,then he could command it ,, but he didn't ,,,how many he women of our so-called Islamic societies dies from torture but our scholars can discuss limit of exposure (parda) all the time,, but such things ,,, NEVER..
Then being corrupted ,,, only Quran is safe from corruption which we Mashallah never opens or understand otherwise muslim community had turned on their heels at the time when they martyred Uthman(r.a) and Ali(r.a),, and various methods, cautions of worship,,, God had made religion easy for us, not completed ,,
I know that i hav said too much,, but when i listen to above religious lectures i began thinking of it and get caught in all headache
Mubarka said:
luved this post ov urx :) i exactly feel da same but never really got to xpress it... n u noe wat only yesterday a sir at our skool declared dat he wont teach gurls.. its a sin dat he sees them.. uhh cheap mentality datx all it is..

u don't know mubarka how much your message pleased me,,,, Muslim Community is till alive,, we have not left our thinking ,our consciousness, i am so glad that u are with me,, I hav seriously lost my words ,, thanks girl :)
and yes ,, why do people like your sir suddenly get reminded about religion after doing every sin , only when it involves the benefit of someone else,,,,do they want to doge God, plus just teach the girls why are you concentarting on such things on which god had forbidden to see girls
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

question by silent hunter:

-so fav song?
@ there are a lot,, a year widout rain by selena gomez,
this is my life and stereo love by edward maya,
let me feel you,, looloo
and many many

-and seems like you like sleep too? :p ;) :)
@ luv it


XPRS Administrator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

AreebaKausar said:
heaven is for Muslims,, and Muslims are greatest nation,, justful ,correct...or God hates non-Muslims ,,, and women should be obedient or take there husbands as their second God,,,every religion and community has got corrupted ,, only Muslims are pure, so and so and so and so( unlimited) are the correct ways of worship?

in real why shall even Muslims enter into paradize when one of world's worst crimes and behavior , even laws( which are imposed on name of Qur'an but are against it in fact ), prevails in Muslim societies, even those whom we call pagans are ahead of us in field of justice,,, and prosperity .may be it is material prosperity just.. but at least no one dies of hunger there..if god had wanted husband to be second to god for wife ,then he could command it ,, but he didn't ,,,how many he women of our so-called Islamic societies dies from torture but our scholars can discuss limit of exposure (parda) all the time,, but such things ,,, NEVER..
Then being corrupted ,,, only Quran is safe from corruption which we Mashallah never opens or understand otherwise muslim community had turned on their heels at the time when they martyred Uthman(r.a) and Ali(r.a),, and various methods, cautions of worship,,, God had made religion easy for us, not completed ,,
I know that i hav said too much,, but when i listen to above religious lectures i began thinking of it and get caught in all headache

You know you raise some really good questions.. It shows that you think. I don't want to debate with you but I would like you to please read my thoughts on the subject...

Yes, heaven is for muslims BUT that does NOT mean that they cannot go to HELL!! want proof? consider this aayah, Allah says (interpretation of meaning) "O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded." (66:6). Aren't Muslims the ones who believe? A muslim can eaisly go to hell fire if he disobeys Allah and doesn't repent (includes stopping from evil action and making ammends if possible). If a muslim commits crime Allah would deal with him and Allah is the most just, the one who was opressed will be compensated by Allah as He (S.W.T) is the most just. When Quran reffers to ppl who are certainly going to heaven it calls them "mu'min". True muslim is one who submits his will to the will of Almighty Allah. If someone has a muslim sounding name that does not make him a muslim, rather his belief AND actions make him a muslim.

In essence only ppl whom Allah likes and shows mercy to will go to heaven(afterall He made it).. So you enter paradise by Allah's mercy not your deeds. Does that mean you can do whtevr you want? No, coz the way to get Allah's mercy is by obeying Him n his prophet.. doing what he told u to do(like prayin Salah) n abstaining from wht he forbade.
As the Quran says "And obey Allah and the Messenger, that ye may obtain mercy." [Quran 3:132]

If you think Why can't a non muslim who does 'good' go to heaven?
Well trouble with that statement is what is the definition of GOOD..? a person can kil 10 ppl and say I'm good, not bad atlest I didn't kill a hundred. Allah created us so he has the right to define what good is. It's His heaven he decides who goes in it and He told us the purpose of our life is to worship him alone(see 51:56) and naturally you worship him on HIs terms not yours.. Only true muslims do that! The proof that this is truth is quran with it's infinite miracles..
And Allah isn't unjust so not all non-muslims will go to hell, only the ones on whom He made the truth evident in this world and they rejected it will go there as they deserve it; as for the rest read here the 2nd last paragraph.

husband issue:
This is a misconception among the masses.. maybe they base it on this hadith:
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 285 Narrated by Abu HurayrahThe Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Had it been permissible that a person may prostrate himself before another, I would have ordered that a wife should prostrate herself before her husband."
This is NOT equating husband to 'second god' (ma'azAllah) Because we do know from the Holy Quran that the family of Hazrat Yusuf(as) prostrated to him, that does NOT mean Yusuf(AS) was being taken as 2nd god rather it was to show respect.. Shirk (the idea of anything even close to a second god) is severely prohibited many many times by Allah. In law given to our prophet (SAW) even the kind of sajda to show respect is prohibited.

Remember, in our deen (to my knowledge) status/honour isn't given from Allah except that you get added responsibilities with it, so for example It was narrated that Jaabir (RA) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fear Allaah with regard to women for Allaah has entrusted them to you and intimacy with them has become permissible for you by the word of Allaah. Their rights over you are that you should provide for them and clothe them on a reasonable basis.[Narrated by Muslim, 1218] And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives.” [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3895) and Ibn Majaah (1977); classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi]

Also the schoars of Islam do talk against torture very strongly(at least I hav heard many talks on being merciful to ppl), if people do somthing wrong you shouldn't pin that on islam. Quran speaks uneqvivocally about it: "And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) shall be questioned. For what sin she was killed? "(81:8-9))(she will demand restitution for her blood.-ibn kathir). The reason scholars also talk about 'parda' is that Allah mentions it in quran and ppl break that command of Allah more commonly than say torture. There is wisdom in that command since it's from Allah and He is the Most wise.

And you are right we r going Away from quran we really need to open it, try and understand it.. read it's tafsir and to explore what our creator wants from us and then obey him. the epitome of obedience and submission is Ibrahim (AS) He is ordered to slay his own son... He doesn't question the logic of it, or that he dislikes doing it.. he just tries to do it. from a secular perspective someone may call him a tyrant for trying to kill his own son BUT Allah made him a leader/example for us. Whatever Allah orders us to do it is better for us weather it makes sense or NOT..

About Headache from islamic Lectures:
whn u r sick and u have to go to a doctor.. u dnt jst go 2 any1, you go to a good doctor, not the 1 in a shed where even the word "Clinic" is spelled wrong... same way to know Islam u see the knowledgeble ppl.. the one who respond with guidance from Allah's book and His Prophet's advice Not someone who calls to islam but doesn't practice it. Alhamdulillah we have good knowledgeable ppl still among us their lectures don't give headache since they r that good...
Try n start from here or here (famous with ladies), inshaAllah. :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

questions by arlery:

Define yourself.
@ i am a 14 year old girl who actually loves every hobby from writing and poetry to badminton and i am motivated from religion to t.v ,,, ao that is me
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

badrobot14 said:
AreebaKausar said:
heaven is for Muslims,, and Muslims are greatest nation,, justful ,correct...or God hates non-Muslims ,,, and women should be obedient or take there husbands as their second God,,,every religion and community has got corrupted ,, only Muslims are pure, so and so and so and so( unlimited) are the correct ways of worship?

in real why shall even Muslims enter into paradize when one of world's worst crimes and behavior , even laws( which are imposed on name of Qur'an but are against it in fact ), prevails in Muslim societies, even those whom we call pagans are ahead of us in field of justice,,, and prosperity .may be it is material prosperity just.. but at least no one dies of hunger there..if god had wanted husband to be second to god for wife ,then he could command it ,, but he didn't ,,,how many he women of our so-called Islamic societies dies from torture but our scholars can discuss limit of exposure (parda) all the time,, but such things ,,, NEVER..
Then being corrupted ,,, only Quran is safe from corruption which we Mashallah never opens or understand otherwise muslim community had turned on their heels at the time when they martyred Uthman(r.a) and Ali(r.a),, and various methods, cautions of worship,,, God had made religion easy for us, not completed ,,
I know that i hav said too much,, but when i listen to above religious lectures i began thinking of it and get caught in all headache

You know you raise some really good questions.. It shows that you think. I don't want to debate with you but I would like you to please read my thoughts on the subject...

Yes, heaven is for muslims BUT that does NOT mean that they cannot go to HELL!! want proof? consider this aayah, Allah says (interpretation of meaning) "O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded." (66:6). Aren't Muslims the ones who believe? A muslim can eaisly go to hell fire if he disobeys Allah and doesn't repent (includes stopping from evil action and making ammends if possible). If a muslim commits crime Allah would deal with him and Allah is the most just, the one who was opressed will be compensated by Allah as He (S.W.T) is the most just. When Quran reffers to ppl who are certainly going to heaven it calls them "mu'min". True muslim is one who submits his will to the will of Almighty Allah. If someone has a muslim sounding name that does not make him a muslim, rather his belief AND actions make him a muslim.

In essence only ppl whom Allah likes and shows mercy to will go to heaven(afterall He made it).. So you enter paradise by Allah's mercy not your deeds. Does that mean you can do whtevr you want? No, coz the way to get Allah's mercy is by obeying Him n his prophet.. doing what he told u to do(like prayin Salah) n abstaining from wht he forbade.
As the Quran says "And obey Allah and the Messenger, that ye may obtain mercy." [Quran 3:132]

If you think Why can't a non muslim who does 'good' go to heaven?
Well trouble with that statement is what is the definition of GOOD..? a person can kil 10 ppl and say I'm good, not bad atlest I didn't kill a hundred. Allah created us so he has the right to define what good is. It's His heaven he decides who goes in it and He told us the purpose of our life is to worship him alone(see 51:56) and naturally you worship him on HIs terms not yours.. Only true muslims do that! The proof that this is truth is quran with it's infinite miracles..
And Allah isn't unjust so not all non-muslims will go to hell, only the ones on whom He made the truth evident in this world and they rejected it will go there as they deserve it; as for the rest read here the 2nd last paragraph.

husband issue:
This is a misconception among the masses.. maybe they base it on this hadith:
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 285 Narrated by Abu HurayrahThe Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Had it been permissible that a person may prostrate himself before another, I would have ordered that a wife should prostrate herself before her husband."
This is NOT equating husband to 'second god' (ma'azAllah) Because we do know from the Holy Quran that the family of Hazrat Yusuf(as) prostrated to him, that does NOT mean Yusuf(AS) was being taken as 2nd god rather it was to show respect.. Shirk (the idea of anything even close to a second god) is severely prohibited many many times by Allah. In law given to our prophet (SAW) even the kind of sajda to show respect is prohibited.

Remember, in our deen (to my knowledge) status/honour isn't given from Allah except that you get added responsibilities with it, so for example It was narrated that Jaabir (RA) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fear Allaah with regard to women for Allaah has entrusted them to you and intimacy with them has become permissible for you by the word of Allaah. Their rights over you are that you should provide for them and clothe them on a reasonable basis.[Narrated by Muslim, 1218] And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives.” [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3895) and Ibn Majaah (1977); classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi]

Also the schoars of Islam do talk against torture very strongly(at least I hav heard many talks on being merciful to ppl), if people do somthing wrong you shouldn't pin that on islam. Quran speaks uneqvivocally about it: "And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) shall be questioned. For what sin she was killed? "(81:8-9))(she will demand restitution for her blood.-ibn kathir). The reason scholars also talk about 'parda' is that Allah mentions it in quran and ppl break that command of Allah more commonly than say torture. There is wisdom in that command since it's from Allah and He is the Most wise.

And you are right we r going Away from quran we really need to open it, try and understand it.. read it's tafsir and to explore what our creator wants from us and then obey him. the epitome of obedience and submission is Ibrahim (AS) He is ordered to slay his own son... He doesn't question the logic of it, or that he dislikes doing it.. he just tries to do it. from a secular perspective someone may call him a tyrant for trying to kill his own son BUT Allah made him a leader/example for us. Whatever Allah orders us to do it is better for us weather it makes sense or NOT..

About Headache from islamic Lectures:
whn u r sick and u have to go to a doctor.. u dnt jst go 2 any1, you go to a good doctor, not the 1 in a shed where even the word "Clinic" is spelled wrong... same way to know Islam u see the knowledgeble ppl.. the one who respond with guidance from Allah's book and His Prophet's advice Not someone who calls to islam but doesn't practice it. Alhamdulillah we have good knowledgeable ppl still among us their lectures don't give headache since they r that good...
Try n start from here or here (famous with ladies), inshaAllah. :)

you hav written great info sir ,, but honorably let me just indicate a mistake of yours,, you talked about religion,, wat is taught by God,, and Prophet and i absolutely agree that you have written all correct ,,however we were discussing the social behaviour and that how people take the religion an divine commands,, i was not discussing the authenticity of religion (God forbid) , we were disscussing the wrong concepts imposed on name of religion
and secondly ,, yes we have to get connected with the correct teachers,, but they are still a few the majority is following the wrong ones , that is wat i disscussed "the thing of a majority",you may hav listened some one talking on torture or the real issues but most of us haven't... there is a need of correctness on whole,, the shir'k thing ... that was exactly how i listened it from a well-known scholar,,
Anyways we should end this topic now, please, that was how i felt and i told my opinion when it was questioned,, if it hurt someone i am sorry, because my Prophet PBUH tells me to be soft hearted and moreover Openhearted, again this was my last topic on this aspect
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

What are your nervous habits?
Do you like sushi?
When was the last time you sat and looked at the stars?
If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would it be?
What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
What was your New Year’s resolution this year? How long did it take you to break it?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

questions by Mubarka:

What are your nervous habits?
@ i .... i get easily nevous all the time

Do you like sushi?
@ wat is sushi,, that raw fish..yuck

When was the last time you sat and looked at the stars?
@ in my dream 6 or 7 month ago , hehehhe, i was watching alien and cars as well on star ( honestly)

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would it be?
@ black

What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
@ i have had a lot,, do not remember of any particular..

What was your New Year’s resolution this year? How long did it take you to break it?
@ i know i can't keep it so i didn't do it at all
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

where is every one,, my week has ended,,, aren't i was supposed to nominate someone else?
but it seem like no one is on the thread?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

Your answers were pretty cool. I mean you're just a kid. But you're pretty mature in the head :)
Pick anyone randomly!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

:/oops picked me at an awkward time of my life... anyway shoot your questions!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

have you ever hurt anybody?
any funny incident?
worst dream?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

hurt physically, yeah couple of times in the school days! i have got friends to that job if required :D but mostly i avoid it...yeah but sometimes unavoidable in rare circumstances! lets not share bad memories :)

yup my life is full of funny incidents..but i can't remember all in a rush and some of them i can't discuss here!:D
some of the childhood funny memories which people remind me are these:

i was experiencing for the first time hiccups. I didn't knew what was happening to my body. I got really worried and confused, told my parents full seriously that someone is pushing me from inside! They had a big laugh over it and told me its nothing betaaa but hiccups chill baby camoo :D...

7 years back or so a bat came in my home. i was afraid of them at that time. So for safety i went to the bathroom locked it and was laughing inside that now the rest of the family has to get rid of it. i m cool inside but all of a sudden through a narrow gap under the door the bat came inside and then i screamed like hell!

yeah Eid is coming so this one is relevant: dre was meat in my refrigerator some years back at bakra eid. I suddenly opened my refrigerator and saw a Bakra (Goat) head in it ! WTH! that was kindda scary all of a sudden a Bakra's head lying with his eyes open staring at you , i said to my parents bakray ka mu para hay ! !

yeah once in my junior school i was playing football. i was the goalkeeper. I kicked hard the football it went high up in the sky and after descending it unfortunately bumped into my maths teacher HIPS who was standing in the nearby music area talking to her colleague. She got a sudden push from back...oh man she was so angry :D , the next class was maths and i was scared to go inside the class...but finally i went inside and she said me u donkey bla bla .The rest of the class was laughing like mad...so this was fun, now that teacher lives in my neighbour n i make her remember that event quite often :)

yeah my father is a teacher in beaconhouse so once when he took me to his school and introduced me to the students...one student came n said ohh kitna cute bacha hay sir apka bla bla and touched my cheek and i got turned ON.IDk what happened to me i start singing this song: Choota bacha jaan kay mujhko na samjhana raaayyy. digi digi dum dum. nd her mouth was open kay isko kya hua hay...suddenly on kaisay ho gya yeh! koi current lga kya :D

worst dream: ummm nops. :/
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'AreebaKausar'

haha nice rviboy.
i could not stop laughing :lol: