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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

haha yeah these r some of my unforgettable funny incidents :D
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

-ever wanted to take revenge?
-do u like magic?
-people you like? qualities in them?
-fav game
-ever bunked classes? which ones and when?
-anything soecial planned this e!d ?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

1.yes i wanted to take revenge from 2 of my so called friends 1 year back who proved to be super hypocrates and very ill minded. But i guess forgiving and ignoring was a better choice and Allah likes those who forgive. so i opted for it ! No grudges now.

2.magic hmm liked it more in childhood. i like that cris angel mind freak show. but not really into magic ..

3.well i like my family first of all. each and every memeber is role model for me with great distinctive qualitties in them. because no matter what happens, whatever the circumstances nd situation is, they are right behind you to guide you, love and care about you. i really like my dad's sense of humour. My mom's innocence and my lil bro sweet talk every time. Elder bro is always there when i face any kind of problem. I admire people with liberal minds. People who are aware of the social, political and economic issues which prevail in the society. Must have good leadership qualities, practice honesty and who love humanity & wants peace.

4.Imran Khan on the top although i have some issues with him.
Dr. Prof. Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy
Zakir Naik
Muhammad yonus
My family
Stephan Hawking
Harsha Bhogle

5.Cricket is my passion ,badminton comes next and chess occasionally.

6.yes couple of times in college and school as well. now i don't remember any particular situation but yeah whenever any boring lecture going on or the weather outside is pleasant then somehow i managed bunking class with my group :)

7.No nothing special about this Eid, its gonna be little boring and not so exciting as my elder bro is not coming from abroad and some other reason as well.... So not feeling like doing fun :| But still will try to have a good time in available resources :D
P.S i m planning well to eat tasty and variety of meat dishes on eid :twisted:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

nice answers :)

-future planned career?
-do you like maths?
-like driving?
-love sleep?
-do you like to be in a group or alone?
-about what u worry the most? :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

Sports Journalist, 2nd priority Work for a well established NGO or make my own!
Not really but if u get the concept then its fine. Sometimes its a real pain
love driving!
hmm not love 8 hour sleep enuf to stay fresh in the remaining day
depends on mood.
my family's health and my Alevels nd then future career ...
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

hey MOTW !!
-any crush u had or a secret admirer?
-any horror muvie u watched n did smthng when a scary part came on? :p
-r u a chocoholic? :D
-the most selfless thing u evr did that u remember?
-the most expnsive gift in ur opinion, u evr gave or got from?
thats it :p :p
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

- Your weirdest desire ? :p
- Your wanna-be personality ? :roll:
- The worst act you'd done to a friend at school ? :twisted:
Thats it ! :)
And oh, by the way, those incidents, were purely hilarious ! :D
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

MysteRyGiRl said:
hey MOTW !!
-any crush u had or a secret admirer?
-any horror muvie u watched n did smthng when a scary part came on? :p
-r u a chocoholic? :D
-the most selfless thing u evr did that u remember?
-the most expnsive gift in ur opinion, u evr gave or got from?
thats it :p :p
No I don't. :/ if its secret why wud i tell u but in any case no1 now.
watched saw and grudge but i don't find the so called scary parts scary i found them funny n laugh. so no entertaining response :(
haha, no not exactly a chocoholic but eat sometimes kit kat and perk...i m lil concious bout my diet nd this is kidish stuff but yeah brownies rocks! :roll:
i don't remember :/
the most expensive gift is true love care and respect for any1 special around in my view. the material gifts yeah gave a mobile to cousin nd most expensive gift i got umm Honda Cd 70 bike which was my need nd gift as well by my father:|
thats it questioner of this week. Thanks 4 the boring questions. kidding :beer:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

ok frst of all brownies do rock ;)
^u havent answered ghalyas janab :p
ohh n thnx for taking out tym from ur bzy schedule MOTW :p
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

^thanku 4 confirming that brownies do rock :p
i m not going anywhere but thanks 4 the reminder :D
oh cumoon its ok QOTW i can dedicate some time for my xpf family uff i got emo! :)

^^@ghaliya: I don't have any :( ( i can create many by using imagination but i wanna be honest bout myself )

yes i want to be. i have a dream of becoming a cricket commentator and then a musician as well at later part of my life. and i m practicing these both hobbies of mine at domestic level. learning classical singing and i practice my commentary at model town greens academy lahore, gadafi stadium as well. so hope i get into the big stage as well !

bullied many juniors and beat one of my class fellow because he was speaking some real bullshit in 9th grade i think felt bad bout this...baki i was a diplomatic easy banda at school so no fight n all. school days fun days only!

ok glad u found those incidents funny :)


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

Hey MOTW! Nice answers there :D

Here are my questions:
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've seen someone else do?
- If you were assured you would not fail, what endeavor would you attempt?
- Your perfect dream vacation spot?
- What is your greatest achievement so far?
- If you could change one thing about your personality, how would you be different?
- What was an act of kindness you offered or received?
and lastly, what's the best advice you've ever been given?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

Hi ,Thanks 4 liking :)

1. well on TV you are always watching embarrassing acts going on ! turn on any channel and you will see strange acts of brutality, unjustness shocking things going on ! In real life i haven't seen any big embarrassing moment or i can't remember any now but yeah once my friend really degraded and humilaited a fellow of my school for fun they put lipstick on his lips and pant bi utaar di hawww :D

2.i would strive to serve the humanity in best possible way. educate the masses. Learn more about my religion, do some social work becuase these things gives me most inner satisfaction and peace.

3. Murree, Kahmir and Abbotabaad

4.academically: winning the intra region debate competition at my school in 11 cambridge, winning the intra region BSS cricket torunament, the other satisfaction is that i am focused and determined about my future. I know my priroties well. I guess i m on the right track so this is a achievemnt as well that i m managing everything well.

what i would like to change is my short temperedness and the element of emotionalism in me. i will be more bold, confident and consitent in my life matters if i change these things.

can't remember any special act of kindness that i have done recently to anyone. yeah but the special act of kindness recently i have gone through is when i got into a serious problem and one my good friends was there to help me out , support and care for me a lot which was great n very kind of her.

many but my Dad always says me that work hard, be disciplined and focused about your studies
my bro always says me study smart, maintain physical fitness, stay awared of what's happening in the world....
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

The incidents are so damn funny! lol i can't stop laughing :ROFLMAO:
Way to go rviboy !!! u were singing ! :ROFLMAO:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

lol yeah i always have a big laugh when i remember these..thanks 4 liking it. there are many more :D..i will share someday :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

haha nice incidents :)

-happiest moment?
-biggest mistake?
-ever cheated in exam? :p
-snow or thunderstorm?
-your views about XPF?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

thanks :)
yet to come. but when i hang out with some dear friends and last time when our family went to Murree, those were pretty special moments.

not trusting my bro's advice in judging one person which cost me later.

yeah many times in school exams :D but never got caught (warning 220 volts BEWARE: I believe its not a good long term practice, u can't cheat in cambridge exams + u gotta enter professional field at some stage )

thunderstorm is better , snow balls can hit you hard on head resulting in potato growing which will hurt u:D

XPF is a very good social forum . It is very user friendly. It gives users more rights and ways to express their views on varied topics. Very helpful for students. But the real thing which makes xpf great is its PEOPLE. they are very friendly, special breed :) and they are doing same educational qualifications as others so its fun to be here. But there is one lil problem, that is sometimes moderators can ban or edit posts on their own personal likings and dislikings. some method of monitoring them should be introduced. second there are less people in study threads. like the maths, physics, bio threads in Alevel section. I would like it more if more people try to help there! :) On the whole its awesome!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

hey MOTW

so rviboy,, my questions:

-if you can marry one of star celebrities who would it be?/?/? :wink: ( i know it is a over-bold question ,but hey I WAS ASKED THAT TOO,SO I'LL ASK IT AS WELL)

-best profile you have ever seen on XPF? :D

-best members of XPF? :roll:
-someone you hav wanted to kill? :evil:

- your zodiac sign? :)

-who people you hate? :crazy:

-who people you like as friends? :friends:

-ur fav. food? :roll:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'rviboy'

Hi Areeba.

ok u got a tough one so u felt it important to throw this question on me as well :D revenge hmm :) kidding!
i don't know any star personally and marriage is such an important decision of life, so i can't decide blindly! but i like many stars long list! :D

Your's look good. the avatar and signature both making it look quite colourful :)

Princess Zahra, Working Hard, Destined 007, libra94 and many others who have helped me a lot in studies and are my friends also!

No one! i can't hate someone for long.

Pisces (I don't believe in horoscope and stars, take it as a game only)

people who r honest, people who mean also what they say i.e no hypocrites. Friends who are there for you when you r in problem. Must have a good sense of humour and r sincere with u.

Briyani on the top! Karai, Liberty Paratha Roll, Masar Chaawal :D, baki jo milay chup krke khaa lete hein :(