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need islamiat help or wanna help , post here

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Respected Sir ( or anyone else) could you mark this answer about Allah in Himself ( not Oneness):
The Quran is replate with passages that mention Allah. The most important theme regarding Allah is Tauheed ( Oneness Of Allah). This haas been mentioned many times in the Quran. Perhaps the best explanation of Tauheed is in Surah Ikhlas(114):
''Say He is Allah the One and Only, Allah the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

As can be seen it is stressed throughout that Allah is One without any family or diety that has share in His Authority. A vast range of attributes belonging to Allah have been mentioned in Surah Hashr:
Allah is He than Whom there is no God the Sovereign, The Holy One, The Source of peace (and perfection),the Guardian of Faith,The Preserver of Peace,the Exalted in Might, The Irresistable , The Supreme, Glory to Allah( High is He) above the partners the attribute to Him,He is Allah the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
As can be seen Allah poccesses a vast number of attributes which can not be poccessed by His Creation. Thus Allah is indeed incomprehensible.
'' He is above all comprehension yet is acquinted with all things.''
Allah's unmathcable power and Knowledge have also been mentioned:
'' Verily when He intends a thing His command is 'Be' and it is.''
And '' Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge.''
Finally the Quran even gives us symbolic parables about Him:

''Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche and within it a Lamp; The Lamp enclosed in glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star; lit from a tree, an olive neither of the west nor the east whose Oil is well nigh luminious though fire scarce touch it. Llight upon Light.''
is it a four marks question
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Respected Sir ( or anyone else) could you mark this answer about Allah in Himself ( not Oneness):
The Quran is replate with passages that mention Allah. The most important theme regarding Allah is Tauheed ( Oneness Of Allah). This haas been mentioned many times in the Quran. Perhaps the best explanation of Tauheed is in Surah Ikhlas(114):
''Say He is Allah the One and Only, Allah the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

As can be seen it is stressed throughout that Allah is One without any family or diety that has share in His Authority. A vast range of attributes belonging to Allah have been mentioned in Surah Hashr:
Allah is He than Whom there is no God the Sovereign, The Holy One, The Source of peace (and perfection),the Guardian of Faith,The Preserver of Peace,the Exalted in Might, The Irresistable , The Supreme, Glory to Allah( High is He) above the partners the attribute to Him,He is Allah the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
As can be seen Allah poccesses a vast number of attributes which can not be poccessed by His Creation. Thus Allah is indeed incomprehensible.
'' He is above all comprehension yet is acquinted with all things.''
Allah's unmathcable power and Knowledge have also been mentioned:
'' Verily when He intends a thing His command is 'Be' and it is.''
And '' Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge.''
Finally the Quran even gives us symbolic parables about Him:

''Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche and within it a Lamp; The Lamp enclosed in glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star; lit from a tree, an olive neither of the west nor the east whose Oil is well nigh luminious though fire scarce touch it. Llight upon Light.''
i dunno how much 2 mark it out of. is it a 10 marks question?
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Respected Sir ( or anyone else) could you mark this answer about Allah in Himself ( not Oneness):
The Quran is replate with passages that mention Allah. The most important theme regarding Allah is Tauheed ( Oneness Of Allah). This haas been mentioned many times in the Quran. Perhaps the best explanation of Tauheed is in Surah Ikhlas(114):
''Say He is Allah the One and Only, Allah the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

As can be seen it is stressed throughout that Allah is One without any family or diety that has share in His Authority. A vast range of attributes belonging to Allah have been mentioned in Surah Hashr:
Allah is He than Whom there is no God the Sovereign, The Holy One, The Source of peace (and perfection),the Guardian of Faith,The Preserver of Peace,the Exalted in Might, The Irresistable , The Supreme, Glory to Allah( High is He) above the partners the attribute to Him,He is Allah the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
As can be seen Allah poccesses a vast number of attributes which can not be poccessed by His Creation. Thus Allah is indeed incomprehensible.
'' He is above all comprehension yet is acquinted with all things.''
Allah's unmathcable power and Knowledge have also been mentioned:
'' Verily when He intends a thing His command is 'Be' and it is.''
And '' Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge.''
Finally the Quran even gives us symbolic parables about Him:

''Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche and within it a Lamp; The Lamp enclosed in glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star; lit from a tree, an olive neither of the west nor the east whose Oil is well nigh luminious though fire scarce touch it. Llight upon Light.''
Its a 10 marks question.
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Its a 10 marks question.
r u sure cuz it seems kinda short. anyway, i wud giv it a 7 out of ten cuz the references havent been explained. my teacher sayz dat u need 2 elaborate them in order to get gud marks,,..
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Assalamualikum sir.
i hav my CIE islamiat ppr 2moro n i wud really appreciate it if u answer the following questions for me n also pray for me...
Q 1 a) write about the expulsion of 3 jewish tribes from Madinah. [10]
Q 2 a) highlight the importance of the following personalities in the life of Prophet (S.A.W):
Abu Ubaidah (R.A), Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) and Jafar Sadiq (R.A) [10]
Q 2 b) wat lessons can the Muslims learn from the lives of any1 of them? [4]
has the second question ever come if so in which paper
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same here u have to explain it in more detail..not just tell different names
r u sure cuz it seems kinda short. anyway, i wud giv it a 7 out of ten cuz the references havent been explained. my teacher sayz dat u need 2 elaborate them in order to get gud marks,,..
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can someone please answer this for me..
discuss the authority of quran as a source of legal thinking (10)
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than you are reading a book of a writer who doesnt believe in this while read surrah An Najam... and Isra you will see and learn about this......while here is the answer....
Question: Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s (S.A.W) night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa-mi’raj]? [10]
Answer: Isra’ and Mi’raj are about the outcome of the Prophet's journey to At-Taif. A few weeks later after he returned to Makkah, he made the greatest journey ever in the history of humanity; the event of Isra’ and Mi’raj is recorded in Al-Quran and Ahadith. It is the miraculous night journey of our Noble Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), which consists of two phases. Phase onecovers his trip from Makkah to Jerusalem, known as Al Isra’, and phase two covers his ascent from Jerusalem into the Heavens, known as Al Mi’raj. It is the opinion of some of the historians that the Prophet went on this remarkable journey on the 27th night of Rajab (seventh month of the Islamic Calendar).
Some significant suggestive incidents featured the night journey ‘Isra wa-mi’raj’ of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) which could be mentioned as: it happened in one night when the Prophet (S.A.W) was awakened by Jibrael (A.S). The Prophet’s (S.A.W) chest was cleft by Jibrael (A.S), his heart extracted and washed with the water of ZamZam. After this Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) performed the tawaf of the Kaabah, he (S.A.W) Al-Buraq which is going to be his means of transportation at first from the Holy mosque to the Aqsa mosque. Anas Ibn-Malik provides a description of Al-Buraq, ‘Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) entered the mosque. The mosque was amazingly full of the Prophets of Allah (S.W.T) from the time of Adam (A.S) until Jesus (A.S). All of the Prophets stood aligned to pray. They were waiting for what Gabriel had to say. Gabriel asked Muhammad (S.A.W) to lead the prayer and they all prayed two Raka'a(s) (Islamic prayers). This journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Aqsa mosque) is called Isra. Anas Ibn-Malik narrates: 'Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, "I prayed two Raka'a(s) in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel said: You have chosen the natural thing."' (Muslim)
Muhammad (S.A.W) started his ascension journey of Al-Mi’raj from a rock which became known as Al-Mi’raj rock in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. In an authentic Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadis, the Prophet (S.A.W) says, “Then he took my hand and ascended with me to the nearest heaven, when I reached the nearest heaven, Gabriel said to the gatekeeper of the heaven, 'Open (the gate).' The gatekeeper asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel answered: 'Gabriel.' He asked, 'Is there anyone with you?' Gabriel replied, 'Yes, Muhammad is with me.' He asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel said, 'Yes.' So the gate was opened and we went over the nearest heaven and there we (S.A.W) Hazrat Adam (A.S) he said, 'Welcome! O pious Prophet and pious son. Then, we ascended to the second heaven when I entered, Jesus son of Mary, (AS) and John, son of Zakariya, (AS welcomed me. Then, I was taken to the third heaven and I (S.A.W) Joseph (AS) who had been given half of (World’s) beauty he welcomed me. Then he ascended to the fourth heaven and lo! Idris (Enoch) was there. Then, he ascended with us to the fifth heaven I was with Harun (Aaron-AS). Then, I was taken to the sixth heaven. I was with Moses (AS). Then, I was taken up to the seventh heaven. I found Abraham (AS) who said 'Welcome! O pious Prophet and pious son.
Prophet (S.A.W) (S.A.W) Al-Bayt al-Ma'mur (The Much-Frequented House), Prophet Mohammad said, “Seventy thousand angels enter into it (al-Bayt al- Ma’mur) daily and, after they come out, they never return again.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) The Prophet ((S.A.W)S) (S.A.W) crowds and crowds of angels as he ascended. They were true worshippers performing all parts of prayer—prostrating, kneeling, and standing The Prophet (S.A.W) (S.A.W) wonderful things. The Prophet (S.A.W) and Gabriel (AS) kept ascending, until they reached a point where Gabriel stopped. That was the farthest place Gabriel was allowed to reach; it was the Lote-Tree (Sidrat-ul-Muntaha meaning the Tree of the End). Jibrael (A.S) said to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) “If I walk further, I will incinerate” (Sahih Bukhari).
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) saw four manifest rivers, The River Nile and the River Euphrates and hidden ones, than he visited the Jannat. He had also the opportunity to see Malik, the guardian of Hell than the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached to a place called Lohe-Mahfooz where he could hear the scraping of pens as they wrote the destinies of mankind. From there the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) reached Arsh-e-MuAllah there the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was addressed by Allah and Allah (SWT) said to him, “Muhammad! I have enjoined on your Ummah FIVE prayers daily.”
After this the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) started descending and he arrived back to Masjid-e-Aqsa and from Masjid-e-Aqsa back to Makkah. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) told that “On the way back to Makkah he (S.A.W) saw the camels of Makkan merchant having containers of water. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) drank the water” (Sahih Bukhari). Next morning the Prophet (S.A.W) told the story to Abu Jahl then decided to seize the opportunity to ridicule the Prophet (S.A.W) and his message and asked Prophet Muhammad whether he would repeat the same story if he gathers the dwellers of Mecca, to which the Prophet (S.A.W) agreed. For the very first time, Abu-Jahl started to gather people to listen the Prophet (S.A.W) who narrated what happened with confidence. However, the people kept clapping their hands as a sign of disbelief and mockery. When Abu-Bakr (Prophet Mohammad’s closest companion) heard about this, he said his famous quotation “If he (Prophet Mohammad) had said that, then it is true. I believe what is far more than that. Allah says “……. pray to your Lord and slaughter (the sacrifice). Surely your antagonist is he who is without offspring” (Quran, 108: 1-3).
I thought that the first time 50 prayers were enjoined upon him.
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Respected Sir ( or anyone else) could you mark this answer about Allah in Himself ( not Oneness):
The Quran is replate with passages that mention Allah. The most important theme regarding Allah is Tauheed ( Oneness Of Allah). This haas been mentioned many times in the Quran. Perhaps the best explanation of Tauheed is in Surah Ikhlas(114):
''Say He is Allah the One and Only, Allah the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

As can be seen it is stressed throughout that Allah is One without any family or diety that has share in His Authority. A vast range of attributes belonging to Allah have been mentioned in Surah Hashr:
Allah is He than Whom there is no God the Sovereign, The Holy One, The Source of peace (and perfection),the Guardian of Faith,The Preserver of Peace,the Exalted in Might, The Irresistable , The Supreme, Glory to Allah( High is He) above the partners the attribute to Him,He is Allah the Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
As can be seen Allah poccesses a vast number of attributes which can not be poccessed by His Creation. Thus Allah is indeed incomprehensible.
'' He is above all comprehension yet is acquinted with all things.''
Allah's unmathcable power and Knowledge have also been mentioned:
'' Verily when He intends a thing His command is 'Be' and it is.''
And '' Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge.''
Finally the Quran even gives us symbolic parables about Him:

''Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche and within it a Lamp; The Lamp enclosed in glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star; lit from a tree, an olive neither of the west nor the east whose Oil is well nigh luminious though fire scarce touch it. Llight upon Light.''
killbill this is not appropriate for 10 marks it must be atleast 500 words n ur doesn't even are 200 , im attaching thx file , I made thx for my self get sme points frm here if u need and make ur ans long


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