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Need key book/solution book for Pure Mathematics.

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Here are the links . It has pdf version of Pure Mathematics 1 & (2&3), Statistics 1 & Mechanics (4 books). Given the global situation we all are in, I hope even the pdf versions can be used to the best of measures.

Pure Mathematics 1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/11PGBTGpX6VN4YCoooTVqqNakK_PX_i0-/view?usp=sharing

Pure Mathematics 2 & 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10e8B4mdH0Dw8S9OTmhi0RBSk-VXhFz8e/view?usp=sharing

Statistics 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W_23pBonQdkc2uV478V4ZUR8C9fL_fkq/view?usp=sharing

Mechanics (latest edition, Cambridge, scanned - best copy) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1af6vfa0Po8tqe6KHQFefDHT7uUbnfaSI/view?usp=sharing
Do you happen to have the worked solutions of pure maths as and a level new édition?