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O/A Level World Records

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The subjects these people gave:

Pakistan Studies
Urdu A.
Urdu B.
Environmental Management.
World History.
Business studies.
World Geography.
English Literature.
Computer Studies
Food and Nutrition.
Combined Sciences.
Human and Social Biology.
Travel and Tourism.
Commercial Studies.
Islamic Religion and Culture.
Development Studies.
International Mathematics.
Religious Studies.

These are 31 subjects, that most Record-breakers usually choose.
None of them did Food and Nutrition, ICT and English Literature
Zohaib and Ibrahim gave Accounts but not Religious Studies and vice versa for Haroon
Ibrahim gave Computers but not International Mathematics and Development Studies and vice versa for Haroon and Zohaib
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None of them did Food and Nutrition, ICT and English Literature
Zohaib and Ibrahim gave Accounts but not Religious Studies and vice versa for Haroon
Ibrahim gave Computers but not International Mathematics and Development Studies and vice versa for Haroon and Zohaib

Yeah, they all took different subjects.
But the point is, they are not all the same type of subjects.
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And that is something I've been blabbering about for so long :rolleyes: But @Faizan Muhammmad doesn't get a word :mad:

He won't get it.
He thinks that they all just repeated the same type of subjects, to make a total of 38 exams. :p

This is seriously a big deal. So many subjects.
People fail to study a subject for 3 years, still have trouble getting an A, sometimes.
And they were able to study so many. And manage A's. Whoa!
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Wastage of time and money.

It's actually pretty clear why. It may be true that Pakistan has especially talented students that we are able to make world records such as these but when you actually think about it and research it, it turns out they don't even TRY to be at the top of the world in these areas. They give a variety of tests such as SAT, TOEFL, IELTS etc. to try and get into good universities and then make their way to the top of the world in scientific research. Instead of wasting time getting basic education they practically MAKE education. No wonder the western areas are WAY WAY WAY ahead of us in research and technology. Pakistan may as well be the only country where students give over 8 O level and over 5 A level subjects.
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Wastage of time and money.

It's actually pretty clear why. It may be true that Pakistan has especially talented students that we are able to make world records such as these but when you actually think about it and research it, it turns out they don't even TRY to be at the top of the world in these areas. They give a variety of tests such as SAT, TOEFL, IELTS etc. to try and get into good universities and then make their way to the top of the world in scientific research. Instead of wasting time getting basic education they practically MAKE education. No wonder the western areas are WAY WAY WAY ahead of us in research and technology. Pakistan may as well be the only country where students give over 8 O level and over 5 A level subjects.
That's are brilliant counter alright! You mean to say that it should't be the quantity, but the quality of subjects and specificity of the field. So that makes up a total of the same number of counters as there are favors for the topic! (y)
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That's are brilliant counter alright! You mean to say that it should't be the quantity, but the quality of subjects and specificity of the field. So that makes up a total of the same number of counters as there are favors for the topic! (y)

But Haroon Tariq, along with his 38 A's, got a World Distinction in ''Combined Sciences''.
That proves that he is a master of his field, he wants to opt Engineering in the future.
The ''Quality'' and ''Perfection'' criteria has already been fulfilled. This many A's, is just a bonus.
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But Haroon Tariq, along with his 38 A's, got a World Distinction in ''Combined Sciences''.
That proves that he is a master of his field, he wants to opt Engineering in the future.
The ''Quality'' and ''Perfection'' criteria has already been fulfilled. This many A's, is just a bonus.
"I can count to 100 faster than anyone else in this world"
The "faster than anyone in this world" part seems pretty fascinating but if you take a moment to think about it isn't it just counting to 100?
Similarly, O level is basics. Hence, ORDINARY level. Specializing in something ordinary is nice, but not AWESOME! What our country needs is AWESOMENESS ;)

Oh and O level really doesn't prove much. He may be the best student of combined sciences but will he really be able to practically put his talent to use? Let's hope he will.
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"I can count to 100 faster than anyone else in this world"
The "faster than anyone in this world" part seems pretty fascinating but if you take a moment to think about it isn't it just counting to 100?
Similarly, O level is basics. Hence, ORDINARY level. Specializing in something ordinary is nice, but not AWESOME! What our country needs is AWESOMENESS ;)

Oh and O level really doesn't prove much. He may be the best student of combined sciences but will he really be able to practically put his talent to use? Let's hope he will.

So, are you saying these records shouldn't have been made?

''Research'' is not the only thing in the world.

Yes, Pakistan is lacking in Research. I agree.
But that's because people fail to take initiative. That's not because we don't have specialists here.
Not everyone takes 38 subjects.
More than 99% students take these normal 8-9 subjects, and study them to perfection. Then they take Normal A-Level subjects, related to their fields.

By taking 38 subjects, and scoring all A's, and still managing a World Distinction in Combined Science (What his future career is related to), Haroon Tariq proved to the world that Pakistani's are extra-ordinarily hardworking people, and we have talent, people who can study all the O-Level subjects, and get A's in all of them, and also get World Distinctions, even with that much pressure.

Yes, O-Level is ORDINARY LEVEL, but that's what you realize when you go into A-Level.
It is pretty tough for people who are actually doing O-Level.

And it's not about who counts the fastest to 100. They counted to 1000, in the same time as others were counting and barely reached 100. Now, that is AWESOMENESS, in itself.

So, Overall, i think there is nothing wrong with making a world record, as long as people are able to get perfection in their core subjects, which they will specialize in.
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And that is something I've been blabbering about for so long :rolleyes: But @Faizan Muhammmad doesn't get a word :mad:
Of the subjects that @Nabeel.Ahmad quoted
These many are repeated and not allowed in one session
Except for D in which you can give either 3 sciences OR combined sciences and Human and Social Biology/Food and Nutrition can only enter as a single replacement for Bio
A. Urdu A.
Urdu B.
Islamic Religion and Culture.
C.Computer Studies
D. Physics
Food and Nutrition.
Combined Sciences.
Human and Social Biology.
E. Commerce
Commercial Studies
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But Haroon Tariq, along with his 38 A's, got a World Distinction in ''Combined Sciences''.
That proves that he is a master of his field, he wants to opt Engineering in the future.
The ''Quality'' and ''Perfection'' criteria has already been fulfilled. This many A's, is just a bonus.
That also proves that 3 of his As in physics bio and chm shouldnt be counted :p
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Of the subjects that @Nabeel.Ahmad quoted
These many are repeated and not allowed in one session
Except for D in which you can give either 3 sciences OR combined sciences and Human and Social Biology/Food and Nutrition can only enter as a single replacement for Bio
A. Urdu A.
Urdu B.
Islamic Religion and Culture.
C.Computer Studies
D. Physics
Food and Nutrition.
Combined Sciences.
Human and Social Biology.
E. Commerce
Commercial Studies

Dude, Computer Studies and ICT are totally different subjects and i am giving them in the same session, the upcoming one.
Urdu A and Urdu B, can't be given in the same session, but they are totally different subjects, i mean Urdu A is literature and Urdu B is way more simple. It's so not the same thing. Urdu A is very lengthy and difficult.
Food and Nutrition is a totally different subject that biology. I mean, look at the syllabus. It even has a practical of cooking.

They might seem same to you, because you haven't studied all of them. But to someone who has, believe me, they are not the same.
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How many of u know Bruce Lee's quote? "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once , but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times! "
This quote shows that even if they are giving 28 SUBJECTS and getting all A's it would have been MUCH better if they would have stick to the MAIN subjects and excelled in them..! (y)
The efforts still do not go in vain.. WORLD records are NOT a joke, and are worth an applause!
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These subs are mostly different from each other and yes it is a remarkable feat to get As in all of them
but have u ever thought about how did they give these subs. I mean that they got Bs as well but repeated them multiple times until they got an A
the real deal wud be if they gave all subs in one or two sessions, without repeating any, and get As in all
and Haroon Tariq gave some o level exams while he was in a level so he didnt study the subs in 3 years, he studies them in 5 years with multiple retakes
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So, are you saying these records shouldn't have been made?
Matter of fact, I am. No one would have a problem if such records were made for self satisfaction or even to bring honor to our country's name. However, people tend to get "inspired" by these records and try to best them. Accordingly, they waste time and money as well.

''Research'' is not the only thing in the world.
I can't believe you're actually saying that in this era.

Yes, Pakistan is lacking in Research. I agree.
But that's because people fail to take initiative. That's not because we don't have specialists here.
Not everyone takes 38 subjects.
More than 99% students take these normal 8-9 subjects, and study them to perfection. Then they take Normal A-Level subjects, related to their fields.
Talent without initiative is nothing. Obviously a wooden box full of gold would be nothing but a wooden box if it can never be opened.
I know they don't. Point is, those that do take 38 subjects are wasting their time.

By taking 38 subjects, and scoring all A's, and still managing a World Distinction in Combined Science (What his future career is related to), Haroon Tariq proved to the world that Pakistani's are extra-ordinarily hardworking people, and we have talent, people who can study all the O-Level subjects, and get A's in all of them, and also get World Distinctions, even with that much pressure.

Yes, O-Level is ORDINARY LEVEL, but that's what you realize when you go into A-Level.
It is pretty tough for people who are actually doing O-Level.

And it's not about who counts the fastest to 100. They counted to 1000, in the same time as others were counting and barely reached 100. Now, that is AWESOMENESS, in itself.

So, Overall, i think there is nothing wrong with making a world record, as long as people are able to get perfection in their core subjects, which they will specialize in.
He proved to the world that Pakistan has talent. How does that help Pakistan get any BETTER, though? Forget the country how does that help him better himself? He gave up extra years of his life studying subjects such as business, accounting and commerce when he'll never have to encounter topics related to them in his field EVER.

Well, if it's so tough why are you consuming so much time and money giving 38 of them. Last i checked, 7 were more than enough to get you through a successful life. Then again, despite your late realization, you definitely find out it's ordinary. Kinda demotivating, ain't it? :p

IN THE END, it's just counting. Life ain't gonna get better because of it. Not yours, not anyone else's. :)

There is nothing wrong with making a world record if money if your only issue. Time, however, is more important than any world record in my opinion.
Anyways, i'm out. It was fun while it lasted :)
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How many of u know Bruce Lee's quote? "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once , but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times! "
This quote shows that even if they are giving 28 SUBJECTS and getting all A's it would have been MUCH better if they would have stick to the MAIN subjects and excelled in them..! (y)
The efforts still do not go in vain.. WORLD records are NOT a joke, and are worth an applause!
Ye cheez! (y)
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Matter of fact, I am. No one would have a problem if such records were made for self satisfaction or even to bring honor to our country's name. However, people tend to get "inspired" by these records and try to best them. Accordingly, they waste time and money as well.

I can't believe you're actually saying that in this era.

Talent without initiative is nothing. Obviously a wooden box full of gold would be nothing but a wooden box if it can never be opened.
I know they don't. Point is, those that do take 38 subjects are wasting their time.

He proved to the world that Pakistan has talent. How does that help Pakistan get any BETTER, though? Forget the country how does that help him better himself? He gave up extra years of his life studying subjects such as business, accounting and commerce when he'll never have to encounter topics related to them in his field EVER.

Well, if it's so tough why are you consuming so much time and money giving 38 of them. Last i checked, 7 were more than enough to get you through a successful life. Then again, despite your late realization, you definitely find out it's ordinary. Kinda demotivating, ain't it? :p

IN THE END, it's just counting. Life ain't gonna get better because of it. Not yours, not anyone else's. :)

There is nothing wrong with making a world record if money if your only issue. Time, however, is more important than any world record in my opinion.
Anyways, i'm out. It was fun while it lasted :)
Well said(y) I agree with everything you said :)
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Matter of fact, I am. No one would have a problem if such records were made for self satisfaction or even to bring honor to our country's name. However, people tend to get "inspired" by these records and try to best them. Accordingly, they waste time and money as well.

Talent without initiative is nothing. Obviously a wooden box full of gold would be nothing but a wooden box if it can never be opened.
I know they don't. Point is, those that do take 38 subjects are wasting their time.

He proved to the world that Pakistan has talent. How does that help Pakistan get any BETTER, though? Forget the country how does that help him better himself? He gave up extra years of his life studying subjects such as business, accounting and commerce when he'll never have to encounter topics related to them in his field EVER.

Well, if it's so tough why are you consuming so much time and money giving 38 of them. Last i checked, 7 were more than enough to get you through a successful life. Then again, despite your late realization, you definitely find out it's ordinary. Kinda demotivating, ain't it? :p

IN THE END, it's just counting. Life ain't gonna get better because of it. Not yours, not anyone else's. :)

There is nothing wrong with making a world record if money if your only issue. Time, however, is more important than any world record in my opinion.
Anyways, i'm out. It was fun while it lasted :)
Well said (Y)