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Poetry! =P

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delete this comment, i've deleted mine. Just bcoz I'm not that kinda anymore... I'm glad I left the path of stupidity but not the path of 'insanity' :D 'Insanity' is still part of me, it often displays itself in front of others...but every time I face my best friend (insanity), I pledge myself to leave this friend, somewhere far away..
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Lost Innocence

Wind whistling,
Snow glistening,
We try not to,
But we're all listening.

Loud screams,
Bad dreams,
It's very far,
But close it seems.

Sad day,
Lost our way,
All we can do,
Is simply pray.

Innocence gone,
Life no longer long,
We may not know,
But we're all doing wrong.

Joy lost,
The Holocaust,
We look to see,
Hearts covered in frost.

Wars fought,
Sins taught,
Making mistakes,
Hoping not to be caught.

Not taking blame,
Pushing for fame,
As advanced as we are,
We're still all untamed.

Too much pride,
Needing a guide,
We will deny it,
But behind lies we hide.

Hurting others,
Betraying brother,
Many forgetting,
To appreciate mothers.

Lies are fed,
Filling heart and head,
Through all of these years,
Innocent blood has been shed.

Children abandoned,
Lonely and stranded,
We're all wasting the life
That we have been handed.

Taking from the poor,
We're loving no more,
Fight to be free,
End up starting a war.

People starting fights,
No longer enjoying the sights,
While mere mortals are taking
Our God given rights.

Soldiers killed,
Void can't be filled,
Pay close attention,
For pure souls have been tilled.

Need to find peace,
Work together like geese,
But greatest of all,
The hate needs to cease.
yes, the truth. And it reminds me of nothing but the ongoing situation in Iraq and Syria. Here wait! I dont want to be called terrorist for showing sympathy for those humans. But all that hurts me is that humans are killing other humans.. whoever is the victim, at least they are humans. Now if u say, the also kill others, wait! those killed by America are the greatest in numbers. When America kills, isn't that blood shed?? America is still the biggest record-breaking terrorist in the world, her waging of wars in every country (wherever there is a name of Islam), her mission to eradicate Islam..and yet no other country has used atomic bombs (Remember! those were Americans' bombs in Japan's Nagasaki and Herosheema).......huh:(...but the world doesn't admit..the world is silent and everyone else except muslims is innocent
I wanna talk a lot about it but I'm gonna hold on (my exams..lol):)
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Lost Innocence

Wind whistling,
Snow glistening,
We try not to,
But we're all listening.

Loud screams,
Bad dreams,
It's very far,
But close it seems.

Sad day,
Lost our way,
All we can do,
Is simply pray.

Innocence gone,
Life no longer long,
We may not know,
But we're all doing wrong.

Joy lost,
The Holocaust,
We look to see,
Hearts covered in frost.

Wars fought,
Sins taught,
Making mistakes,
Hoping not to be caught.

Not taking blame,
Pushing for fame,
As advanced as we are,
We're still all untamed.

Too much pride,
Needing a guide,
We will deny it,
But behind lies we hide.

Hurting others,
Betraying brother,
Many forgetting,
To appreciate mothers.

Lies are fed,
Filling heart and head,
Through all of these years,
Innocent blood has been shed.

Children abandoned,
Lonely and stranded,
We're all wasting the life
That we have been handed.

Taking from the poor,
We're loving no more,
Fight to be free,
End up starting a war.

People starting fights,
No longer enjoying the sights,
While mere mortals are taking
Our God given rights.

Soldiers killed,
Void can't be filled,
Pay close attention,
For pure souls have been tilled.

Need to find peace,
Work together like geese,
But greatest of all,
The hate needs to cease.
Classicy Classic(y)(y) I also have written alot on such topics. I'll post mine after my exams..
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yes, the truth. And it reminds me of nothing but the ongoing situation in Iraq and Syria. Here wait! I dont is ant to be called terrorist for showing sympathy for those humans. But all that hurts me is that humans are killing other humans.. whoever is the victim, at least they are humans. Now if u say, the also kill others, wait! those killed by America are the greatest in numbers. When America kills, isn't that blood shed?? America is still the biggest record-breaking terrorist in the world, her waging of wars in every country (wherever there is a name of Islam), her mission to eradicate Islam..and yet no other country has used atomic bombs (Remember! those were Americans' bombs in Japan's Nagasaki and Herosheema).......huh:(...but the world doesn't admit..the world is silent and everyone else except muslims is innocent
I wanna talk a lot about it but I'm gonna hold on (my exams..lol):)
Firstly, for a girl, u have got an amazng Insight on current affairs (y)
Human nature......we cant deal with anythng peacefully and the virtue of compromising Is lacking not only amongst non-muslims but also muslims....Iraq-Iran war a proof of it.
Lol yeah...and whn some1 else wants use to nuclear bombs in their defence...america jumps im to stop them nd imposes sanctions even when sm1 is just building such weapons...not tht im supporting ke thy should use atom bombs but tgey used when thy wanted and ddnt evn apologize for massacre of humans it lead to in japan
Good luck for your exams :)
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Firstly, for a girl, u have got an amazng Insight on current affairs (y)
Human nature......we cant deal with anythng peacefully and the virtue of compromising Is lacking not only amongst non-muslims but also muslims....Iraq-Iran war a proof of it.
Lol yeah...and well some1 else wants use to nuclear bombs in their defence...america jumps im to stop them nd imposes sanctions even when sm1 is building such weapons...not tht im supporting ke thy should use atom bombs but tgey used when thy wanted and ddnt evn apologize for massacre of humans.
Good luck for your exams :)
yes, right. And your point to muslims just burnt me...the bitterest of truths is that muslims are in the most ruined state. Who dares to be cruel to muslims if they are united and if they are 'sensible'. At this time, Muslims are in the most undermined state and the only reason is because Muslims themselves have chosen this path..Look at Saudi Arabia (the biggest Muslims country, most honored Holy place) has chosen a way which doesn't suit it. Saudi kings and princes are just engaged in their extraordinary luxurious lives. At this point, Saudi should have been ahead in supporting muslims and creating peace..Look at other non-arab states, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nigeria, who don't like to claim to be muslims, claiming is far way they, at this time no one likes to say the name of 'Islam'. All are afraid of America. All show sympathy for European countries (why? bcoz they are power) Power 'is' always attractive but to power comes to only a nation, which doesn't lose its own identity. Muslims are afraid to support each other..rather they support America (what a fool) Muslim ummah and muslim countries have lost their identities, they like to be called anything but muslims. They like to follow any way but islam. Look at the current muslim States' princes and princesses, what they are?? Their moto is all to follow western culture as much as possible. I admit and I'm heart broken to see this situation, muslims themselves have chosen this way.
My grief at its peak..I wish I could do something
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yes, right. And your point to muslims just burnt me...the bitterest of truths is that muslims are in the most ruined state. Who dares to be cruel to muslims if they are united and if they are 'sensible'. At this time, Muslims are in the most undermined state and the only reason is because Muslims themselves have chosen this path..Look at Saudi Arabia (the biggest Muslims country, most honored Holy place) has chosen a way which doesn't suit it. Saudi kings and princes are just engaged in their extraordinary luxurious lives. At this point, Saudi should have been ahead in supporting muslims and creating peace..Look at other non-arab states, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nigeria, who don't like to claim to be muslims, claiming is far way they, at this time no one likes to say the name of 'Islam'. All are afraid of America. All show sympathy for European countries (why? bcoz they are power) Power 'is' always attractive but to power comes to only a nation, which doesn't lose its own identity. Muslims are afraid to support each other..rather they support America (what a fool) Muslim ummah and muslim countries have lost their identities, they like to be called anything but muslims. They like to follow any way but islam. Look at the current muslim States' princes and princesses, what they are?? Their moto is all to follow western culture as much as possible. I admit and I'm heart broken to see this situation, muslims themselves have chosen this way.
My grief at its peak..I wish I could do something
So true.....but sadly i cant comment much on the luxurious life saudis lead...i live in KSA and the govt here has not giiven us the right of free speech i.e right to speak against then :p
No one can stop the inevitable....all of this has already been said in the Quran...muslims broken into nations...the country which all muslim nations would look up to in times of any crisis remains neutral even when palestinis are being killed. A s dante quoted that 'The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crises'.
We cant blame other countries....pakistan itself is a reflection of how western practices are slowly eating out the very fundamentals of islam. A country where pakistan idol has got long queuesyet no one comes out in rallies for support of Palestine.
Sad really sad.
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So true.....but sadly i cant comment much on the luxurious life saudis lead...i live in KSA and the govt here has not giiven us the right of free speech i.e right to speak against then :p
No one can stop the inevitable....all of this has already been said in the Quran...muslims broken into nations...the country which all muslim nations would look up to in times of any crisis remains neutral even when palestinis are being killed. A s dante quoted that 'The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crises'.
We cant blame other countries....pakistan itself is a reflection of how western practices are slowly eating out the very fundamentals of islam. A country where pakistan idol has got long quesues yet no one comes out in rallies for support of plalestine.
Sad really sad.
(y) oh u reminded me. I just forgot to mention Pakistan, who is in the biggest loss. My country Pakistan has all its self-made paths to follow. Far from being called a muslim state according to the current situation here. I can only say 'yhan to Islam ka asoolon ki dhachian urai jati hain'. Other than that, there is just a messed up state everywhere. People here salute Raheel Shareef but I don't although I respect him as an Army Chief, but when he loads his guns and sends his soldiers in his own homeland, to kill his own people..huh!! what else is left to be called the most stupid nation ever. They should punish the criminals. They should promote justice but not this way. They should improve judiciary, make reforms and implement and act upon seriously upon the reforms... I dont think any country has ever set troops inside her own home..:rolleyes:..I am Pakistani and I live in Pakistan and I admit we are in the utmost ruined state ever. We are not just on the wrong way, but inviting outside enemies. Being broken from inside is what only attracts and satisfies our enemy. But!! They say 'just kill them' and this 'them' includes not only the criminals but also the common innocent citizens, children and women.
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(y) oh u reminded me. I just forgot to mention Pakistan, who is in the biggest loss. My country Pakistan has all its self-made paths to follow. Far from being called a muslim state according to the current situation here. I can only say 'yhan to Islam ka asoolon ki dhachian urai jati hain'. Other than that, there is just a messed up state everywhere. People here salute Raheel Shareef but I don't although I respect him as an Army Chief, but when he loads his guns and sends his soldiers in his own homeland, to kill his own people..huh!! what else is left to be called the most stupid nation ever. They should punish the criminals. They should promote justice but not this way. They should improve judiciary, make reforms and implement and act upon seriously upon the reforms... I dont think any country has ever set troops inside her own home..:rolleyes:..I am Pakistani and I live in Pakistan and I admit we are in the utmost ruined state ever. We are not just on the wrong way, but inviting outside enemies. Being broken from inside is what only attracts and satisfies our enemy. But!! They say 'just kill them' and this 'them' includes not only the criminals but also the common innocent citizens, children and women.
Thats what i said. We need a leader who can change this system, cause right now, with this judiciary system and an overall system where the more 'powerful' individual has his say.....ordinary people ;like us cant brind a change.
You talking abt talibans? if so thn cruel as it may seem but i dont think that eother our govt or raheel shareef had any opt apart from initiating a war against them. If talibans are against the govt thn attack them...not kids as thy did in APS.
Leader...thts wht we need. A leader with charisma and who has a heart of true pakistani. Only then can our country can have any hope.
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Thats what i said. We need a leader who can change this system, cause right now, with this judiciary system and an overall system where the more 'powerful' individual has his say.....ordinary people ;like us cant brind a change.
You talking abt talibans? if so thn cruel as it may seem but i dont think that eother our govt or raheel shareef had any opt apart from initiating a war against them. If talibans are against the govt thn attack them...not kids as thy did in APS.
Leader...thts wht we need. A leader with charisma and who has a heart of true pakistani. Only then can our country can have any hope.
yes, my reference was to taliban, I dont say not to kill the criminals but I think there should be some specific schemes...eradicate the evil and the evil doers but they must be specific, why are the common citizens suffering?, that was my point. And yes, I'm not on the side of any APS attackers (why would I be BTW) but according to my own beliefs...this was just a reaction of what the gov. is doing in Wazeeristan area for many years. Is not the gov. killing thousands of people there?? The right way is to pick up the criminals and bring them to court, punish them, do whatever....what the hell they have created over the whole of that area? and yes one more point which u may not agree upon, that this is 'not' a way to create peace in country. This is just a way to promote the evil and produce more hatred. Dont u think those children who lost their fathers, those brothers, those sisters will develop feelings against army and gov. Would they not grow up to new talibans??? Would they not take revenges for their bloods lost?..and its just a way to begin the 'chain' reactions like we read in chemistry until they end up killing each other. There are many peaceful ways to eradicate crimes and criminals. But creating mess in your own home is no sensible way.
Yes of course, we do need a leader, I strongly agree with u. We, as common citizens can do nothing
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yes, my reference was to taliban, I dont say not to kill the criminals but I think there should be some specific schemes...eradicate the evil and the evil doers but they must be specific, why are the common citizens suffering?, that was my point. And yes, I'm not on the side of any APS attackers (why would I be BTW) but according to my own beliefs...this was just a reaction of what the gov. is doing in Wazeeristan area for many years. Is not the gov. killing thousands of people there?? The right way is to pick up the criminals and bring them to court, punish them, do whatever....what the hell they have created over the whole of that area? and yes one more point which u may not agree upon, that this is 'not' a way to create peace in country. This is just a way to promote the evil and produce more hatred. Dont u think those children who lost their fathers, those brothers, those sisters will develop feelings against army and gov. Would they not grow up to new talibans??? Would they not take revenges for their bloods lost?..and its just a way to begin the 'chain' reactions like we read in chemistry until they end up killing each other. There are many peaceful ways to eradicate crimes and criminals. But creating mess in your own home is no sensible way.
Yes of course, we do need a leader, I strongly agree with u. We, as common citizens can do nothing
Thousands of people who have been killing us*
And yes ur arguement is point on regarding th fact that the children of those people who are killed eventually do become talibas in sentiment of revenge nd thus their vindictive steps. But now we have started something.....tho its not right but it seems we dont have an option. The geographical condition and many other aspects of wazirastan and afghanistan has made it hard for our army to speicify those exact evil doers, thus the rest of people are being affected. But peace requires sacrifice...but then you can raise the point that its not fair that innocent poeple r being sacrificed..nd thn ill say its pakistan...nothing is fair here :p so the discusion goes on and on
Kher now that we have started this operation (whch is going on quite well ) i believe the only option now we have is to kill 'em all. As quaid said ;'Think a thousand time before u make a decision but once u make it...stand by it like a man' . A wrong decision made...but now our only opt is to kill em all...cux if we wont nd start negotiations...those talibans who we have killed...their famlies will come out to take revenge...nd thus another APS
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Hai saaz tu, tera tarz main
Tu hai dava aur marz main
Dildaar tu.. khudgarz main
Hai geet tu, tere lafz main
Tu hai duaa aur farz main
Aazad tu aur karz main
Hai shaam tu, taareef main
Tu chain hai, taqleef main
Tujhse mila to paa liya
Har cheez main
Hai khwab tu taabeer main
Maana tujhe taqdeer mein
Tera hua is bheed main, is bheed main

Hai teri meherbani
Ke andheron se hum muqar gaye
Hai teri meherbani
Ke bin jaane hi hum sanwar gaye <3<3<3

CAnt get enought of this song