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Post your LUMS admission decisions here.

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Hey we have to attach the mailing label on the return envelope..which mailing label do we have to paste? the one we pasted when we first applied?
yup dude...its the same one we used before....infact for ALL postal communication with LUMS,we have to use that mailing label...if u dont have a copy than just print it....download mailing label is still valid in ur online application account...
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The question is "Who they call for interview?"
seriously u r overthinking a guys post in this thread that only DOUBTFUL candidates are called for interview........the guy waz not from admission committe...hw can he be sure?.....pessimism wont help in interview....be optimistic and that would help u by boosting ur confidence......however GOOD LUCK to u and all others waiting for their decisions....hope u all get in...
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Everybody with interviews needs to calm down. Think about the people, who haven't recieved ANYTHING since January 15 when the applications were sent. Calm down, be confident, and be successful! And please pray for all the other hopefuls!
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hmmm.....BTW guys i visited LUMS today(for the first time;-)....n it was GR8.....there was some cultural event and everyone was dressed like villagers and farmers(awsm outfits;-)).....the SSE building is really COOL...its 5 stories and each hosts a department.....lums administration is very cooperative....All in All a SOUND first impression...

oday or yesterday.
Yesterday was daaku day.
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hmmm.....BTW guys i visited LUMS today(for the first time;-)....n it was GR8.....there was some cultural event and everyone was dressed like villagers and farmers(awsm outfits;-)).....the SSE building is really COOL...its 5 stories and each hosts a department.....lums administration is very cooperative....All in All a SOUND first impression...
That was paindoo day xD You were lucky. I heard yesterday was daku day xD
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^the above reasoning is just so priceless. lolz, carry on thinking that girl.
Rubab but you missed my question, what they do during the physical verification process.
cant wait to hear your experience tomorrow.
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NUST is one of the Best institutes for engr!
I know a lot of students will probably hate me for saying this but engn at lums does not have That much value, or so i have heard form a 1000 ppl!!
+ my sister is doing Mba from lums & she said that the reason that lums took 1000 students last year was to cover the growing expense's of the engn school!!
(for all the angry reader's, its just my opinion & what i have been hearing since past 3 years)
Nust may not have facilities like lums but its come's under the top 3 schools for engn & lums doesn't!
Hopefully lums will grab the top position soon but for now, nust rules!!

Love you instead for saying this. But since i am not an insider can't vouch for the up in the seat number thing. But you make sense. Obviously you must have also seen lots of sparks flying in this thread amongst the last year students. It seems to be an endless debate, but anyways whoever wanna go lums go lums, want nust go nust. End of debate.

Nyways just tell me noni , was that really hard for your sis to get in mba. As i have heard that. would you mind telling her bachelor cgpa , i mean is it like over 3.6s would help you. And also i have heard if you have zero work experience then stay away from applying, i want to confirm that through you, is it true?. Atleast how many years work experience at minimum is good enough to apply at lums.
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^the above reasoning is just so priceless. lolz, carry on thinking that girl.
Rubab but you missed my question, what they do during the physical verification process.
cant wait to hear your experience tomorrow.
thnx :D em also curious to know that
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Dude, it's not just LUMS. It's in most universities and schools. Heck, I KNOW people like these. The LUMS admin can try their best to stop it, but in a way it's not possible. The best anyone can do is to try and keep from being corrupted. Btw, believe me, this doesn't happen in LUMS alone. It happens everywhere.

Really what other colleges or universities?, at the school level i don't knowl, but university-wise, not really, may be some private colleges where rich brats come, similar to lums, but not everywhere. Like i have seen universities in punjab province, things seem to be weird and vulgarish at places(colleges, institutes etc), but they are still under control to a greater extent compared to what is written in this blog about lums.
And to be honest ,at some places where i have seen the candid interaction( not as intense as at lums), i sensed it wasn't discouraged entirely by the management, may be little bit warnings here and there, , perhaps because they want to ape a foreign, american-ish college outlook, to look more modern and upmarket. and i noticed the desi mentality, if atmosphere is like this, it sorta ups the place's value in ppl's mind.
And yes lums could curb it, if not suppress it entirely, but if it just wants to, it is possible. If you have policies as strict to kick the student's out over low cgpa's ,you obviously can do a lot less than that to curb such activities.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but yes U.S colleges have a very bad party culture, i had to find that out few months back for reasons and i was shocked, however much importance i might lay on education but thank you i am not so sacrificing at the end of the day.
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Really what other colleges or universities?, at the school level i don't knowl, but university-wise, not really, may be some private colleges where rich brats come, similar to lums, but not everywhere. Like i have seen universities in punjab province, things seem to be weird and vulgarish at places(colleges, institutes etc), but they are still under control to a greater extent compared to what is written in this blog about lums.
And to be honest ,at some places where i have seen the candid interaction( not as intense as at lums), i sensed it wasn't discouraged entirely by the management, may be little bit warnings here and there, , perhaps because they want to ape a foreign, american-ish college outlook, to look more modern and upmarket. and i noticed the desi mentality, if atmosphere is like this, it sorta ups the place's value in ppl's mind.
And yes lums could curb it, if not suppress it entirely, but if it just wants to, it is possible. If you have policies as strict to kick the student's out over low cgpa's ,you obviously can do a lot less than that to curb such activities.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but yes U.S colleges have a very bad party culture, i had to find that out few months back for reasons and i was shocked, however much importance i might lay on education but thank you i am not so sacrificing at the end of the day.
Dude, they don't have the same principles as we do :p And some people just forget that this is Pakistan. Long story short, we can't change it. Besides, these guys are adults. They know what's right and wrong. So yeah, the most we can do is make sure we don't start acting like them :p
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I've seen the Roots library in Islamabad a few years ago. A small derelict room, with three ancient computers with mismatched keyboards/mice. A broken shelf with a cracked glass cover with seven old, tattered copies of textbooks for classes that weren't offered. In the cramped room, there was also a man who sat there and yelled at anyone who went near the computers of the bookshelf and would demand thousands of rupees if you touched anything, claiming we had broken stuff. THAT was depressing.
dont worry about lums library... its great! base floor with all books and stuff and pretty decent computer, also ive heard they have pretty vast collection of books there. other floors on the same building, house computer labs for use of students... there's even a quite lab, while in others you can make a ruchet if you want... also there are computer labs in physics department and bio ones... (dont know about others)
i know this since ive personally been there and even live for 4 5 days while on psi fi . also heard frm my brother who graduated last year....
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err guys is there a POOL at lums?....i luv swimming bt ddnt see one at lums:p
Never heard of a POOL at LUMS o_O toxicdevil is there?

dont worry about lums library... its great! base floor with all books and stuff and pretty decent computer, also ive heard they have pretty vast collection of books there. other floors on the same building, house computer labs for use of students... there's even a quite lab, while in others you can make a ruchet if you want... also there are computer labs in physics department and bio ones... (dont know about others)
i know this since ive personally been there and even live for 4 5 days while on psi fi . also heard frm my brother who graduated last year....
*happy dance* FINALLY A REAL LIBRARY :D (I'm such a nerd *facepalm*) You went to PsiFi? Lucky :( I couldn't go because my team-mates' parents had an issue with sending them alone to LUMS -__- Mein to tyaar thi.