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This a place for people who dont believe in god but only in
So gather here my brothers and sisters and lets worship our gods and legends of rock.
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What is it in rocks that make u obsessed with it?? :)
Everything about rock makes me obsessed with it. Till date i was all into hip-hop, rap and all that pop crap, but i heard this song by iron maiden called dance of death, what i love about it is that in the first 5 minutes into the song its all slow and calm but then there is this guitar solo which just changes the song. Rock is all about passion and relating the song to your private life. People who understand the songs will truly know why i truly love rock. Its just one guitar solo which can change the course of the whole song. The comments a bit long but take time and listen to a few songs by iron maiden and metallica and i bet you will love them.
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Everything about rock makes me obsessed with it. Till date i was all into hip-hop, rap and all that pop crap, but i heard this song by iron maiden called dance of death, what i love about it is that in the first 5 minutes into the song its all slow and calm but then there is this guitar solo which just changes the song. Rock is all about passion and relating the song to your private life. People who understand the songs will truly know why i truly love rock. Its just one guitar solo which can change the course of the whole song. The comments a bit long but take time and listen to a few songs by iron maiden and metallica and i bet you will love them.
Thank you for the info..i'll try some of the songs by iron maiden! :)
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All of them would sound a bit familiar but the solos and the lyrics and the passion put into making the song is what makes each song different than all the others. ROCK HAS NO REASON, ROCK HAS NO RHYME ITS ALL ABOUT ENJOYING IT NOT TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF IT.
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This a place for people who dont believe in god but only in
So gather here my brothers and sisters and lets worship our gods and legends of rock.
Can u tell me why you don't believe in God? (Please i don't want u to take that question to heart and i sincerely mean no offence! I respect ur choice but do tell the reason..)
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Can u tell me why you don't believe in God? (Please i don't want u to take that question to heart and i sincerely mean no offence! I respect ur choice but do tell the reason..)
No thats fine dude. Is there a god to believe in ??????? I believe in rock cuz the bands are in front of me. I know they exist and are not imaginative beings created by humans. Show me god and ill believe in it. I will not worship someone from a photograph or an idol.
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No thats fine dude. Is there a god to believe in ??????? I believe in rock cuz the bands are in front of me. I know they exist and are not imaginative beings created by humans. Show me god and ill believe in it. I will not worship someone from a photograph or an idol.
Ooh...it's a nice thing to believe after seeing! But tell if it were not for God how would u have been here? How were the universe created and by whom? There are some things that are not seen by the eyes that are there! These things can be feel only by the heart and by the soul and you must blindly have faith in it! And three of these things are God, love and the soul! :)


XPRS Administrator
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I will not worship someone from a photograph or an idol.

This part I agree with.... how can a picture or an idol benefit or harm me.... pretty odd thing to believe... n I must say ur very wise to see this.

But I do have a problem with the other part:
No thats fine dude. Is there a god to believe in ??????? I believe in rock cuz the bands are in front of me. I know they exist and are not imaginative beings created by humans. Show me god and ill believe in it.
Seeing is not nescessarily believing.... have you ever seen your Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat GRANDMOTHER....??? even in a picture..? No. Then she doesn't exist! coz by ur logic, for her to exist she must be infront of us..? no..? now you get why that argument is illogical as well.... the only thing u'd argue is that BUT I'M HERE so my Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat GRANDMOTHER MUST HAVE existed...!!!
Well the universe is here for you to look at..... be in.... so GOD MUST EXIST!!!
now the only question is who is he...? is He those idols that some ppl call towards or what..?! and why should one worship Him...... and why do we even exist..?

I can help you on quest to finding answers to those questions, but first tell me do you understand what I'm saying...?
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Show me god and ill believe in it.
God's respect is so great, that we aren't allowed to see Him. BUT BUT there are specific people allowed to see God. They are those who believe in Him and worship Him correctly, AND they can't see Him now, only in the life after death. :) UNlike Rocks , there is no respect toward them, you stamp them, throw them DO whatever u want with them, High temperature can melt them , change them! How can this become a God that created ALL the things around us including us!!

I do think you also believe God has great deal of respect and honor! Just like in forum, those who has more respect are those you have no information about them except a few, u dont know their look, and their real name :p.!!

Last point is, God is Beautiful !! If He did create these beautiful ( yes beautiful ) things around us and us, don't u think He is FAR more beautiful ( which a rock dont possess) !! Infact He is the most Beautiful thing Anyone can see!! Thus it is one of the rewards of worshiping Him, and those who don't can't get this opportunity....!!

May God guide me and you to the right path wherever it is!
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This part I agree with.... how can a picture or an idol benefit or harm me.... pretty odd thing to believe... n I must say ur very wise to see this.

But I do have a problem with the other part:

Seeing is not nescessarily believing.... have you ever seen your Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat GRANDMOTHER....??? even in a picture..? No. Then she doesn't exist! coz by ur logic, for her to exist she must be infront of us..? no..? now you get why that argument is illogical as well.... the only thing u'd argue is that BUT I'M HERE so my Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat-Great-Great-Gerat GRANDMOTHER MUST HAVE existed...!!!
Well the universe is here for you to look at..... be in.... so GOD MUST EXIST!!!
now the only question is who is he...? is He those idols that some ppl call towards or what..?! and why should one worship Him...... and why do we even exist..?

I can help you on quest to finding answers to those questions, but first tell me do you understand what I'm saying...?

Yeah i do get your point. I also agree that there is some supernatural force that is helping the world run, GOD is just a name given to that force. What i don't agree with is the blind faith that people have in that force. People always rely on that force to help them in their times of misery. Rituals and prayers to keep the force happy is not what i agree with. Why should we not make our own lives, why should we depend on "GOD". I don't want people to stop praying it, most of the wars on planet earth are caused by this GOD of ours. Rock brings people together. That is what i would prefer. A world which does not live with this thought in their mind that GOD will always be there to help, I want people to be together as one, not to be discriminated because they worship one god and not the other. Once this problem is solved i can bet the world would be a better place to live in. Because of this f*****g (sorry for being abusive) GOD i am not allowed to be friends with a Muslim boy or girl. I have always been kept away from Muslims, do you think this is the right way to live in this world. Who gives this GOD the right to choose my friends ????? I would love it if you would give this question a thought and replied. I was born and brought up in a Muslim country (Bahrain) for 7 years. And it is a sad thing that i have ZERO Muslim friends. Why??? Because they worship Allah and i don't. DO YOU THINK THIS RIGHT??? And people still ask me to believe and worship GOD. I'm sorry but i wont.