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Short Story Competition

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The car broke down in the midst of nowhere. Just a tall, shattered guest house stood by the fields far off in the distance, surrounded by nothing but gloom. It wasn't safe in the car, my business demanded isolation. Picking up the briefcase, I paced towards the only building in the area. Climbing the steps, I sensed something following me, something breathing softly as if smiling along. Ignoring, I softly pushed the door open. Surprisingly, the hall was lit up with many lights. Something to cheer about, I thought, as I moved towards the reception. Something caught my attention though, a blood stained cloth on the shelf right behind the reception. Just as I shifted my stare towards the cloth, a man blocked my line of sight. "How can I help you?" He asked, with as heavy a voice as it could be. "I need a room for a night". He handed me the keys, and pointed upwards, without uttering a single word. I smiled at what he did. He was acting like me. Climbing the steps, I heard a news broadcast. Someone was watching TV in the corridor. It was a woman, watching something intently on the screen. "Serial Killing Is Becoming Common In These Areas Of The Country, And..." said the broadcaster, before the TV was killed behind my back. I heard the important part though, "Serial Killing!". Suddenly, the lights went out. I stood in the corridor alone, guessing the next move. The receptionist came out with a torch, but something else too. A butcher knife! The woman appeared out from the front, with a chain and a big smile! "You might have guessed about us, so we thought we shouldn't keep you waiting.." She said, still smiling grimly. I sighed. Two hours later, the car engine chirped to life again, and moved off into the distance. The broadcaster was talking about me!
What to look at?
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Uhh. You r supposed to zoom it a bit. And I believe 14 size is quiet big enough. The font is the best if you need to conserve pages :D
its too small and confusing i cant even read cux my head is aching.
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Don't you know how to read a PDF files. Most books have even smaller font then this.

Uhh. You r supposed to zoom it a bit. And I believe 14 size is quiet big enough. The font is the best if you need to conserve pages :D
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lol do u wan me to point out ur grammatical mistakes in public? if not then shadddup :/
the purpose isnt to degrade him but to advice him in such a way that his stories becum easiily readable
I'm not degrading him, bas aik badla pura karrha tha! :whistle::cool:
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okay ppl here is an awesome peice of writitng by a writer new to this thread... presenting Saiyan

1. The House in the 36th Lane
The wooden window loomed above me. Its ominous hinges creaked like the ceaseless sound of an old rocking chair. The soggy mosses have devoured the whitewash of the walls. The ancient doors lay wide open with it everlasting darkness as far as eyes could see.
The stairs creaked as I went up to the door, I seriously neither believe in haunted houses nor
would I ever expect myself to ever come face to face with a ghost myself. But of the accounts I have heard, this house certainly bears a curious case.
The cell phone rang.
“Is it Mr. Hangs?”
“Mr. Hangs speaking.” I replied.
“Sir, we are from The Daily Crest and we want to hear more about the case of Mr. Palmer and the mysterious house in the 36th lane down town…” said the voice on the other end.
“I am sorry, that house is still under vigilance, and I can’t share much” I said.
“What’s your presumption about the black crosses throughout his body?” the voice insisted.
“I make no presumption, I rather value a solution, I am sorry I can’t share anymore facts without any evidence.” I replied curtly.
With all the might of my right thumb I switched off the phone. I hate the press more than anything! Why can’t they leave a man to his work? Anyways, it is better to continue with my investigation because one does not simply experience cases of such intensity every day.
I took out my small notebook to read some details about the tragic death of Mr. Palmer. It was important for me to clarify few things before I actually entered the house.
‘Atticus Palmer (46) was found dead on the 21st of December 2012 on the front yard of the old Missionary House in the 36th lane of Maple Street. The man was neatly attired with no signs of any physical torture or violence. His body was stretched out open and seemed like it was manually done but surprisingly according to report, not even a single fingerprint was found. The most puzzling issue was that the man’s whole torso was crossed black with no detection of paint. The marks seem like they have been smeared underneath the skin. A clear impression of a long palm with thin fingers has been detected on the skin above his sternum. Yet more, on the top of his belly a paper was found which contained the account of all the things which happened to him inside the house. It was written in first person but according to Mrs. Palmer, it was not the handwriting of her husband. The note gives details of all the things which happened to Mr. Palmer before he died. The things which happened to him are quite incredible as they all beyond human comprehension. The local police force has been reluctant to carry on the case as they term the house to be “haunted”. Even Mrs. Palmer has been silent about the death of her husband. There are abundant rumors regarding this house being “haunted”. The intention of Mr. Palmer in entering the house is still unknown.’

‘The job of a private investigator is truly agonizing’ I thought .Nothing seems to fit in its place easily, yet it is one sport that I adore. I folded the note and then tucked it inside my left pocket. Taking a deep breath I stepped inside the unknown territory of the Missionary House of 36th lane, Maple Street.

This is Arthur Lorn speaking; I am the co-worker of Thomas Hangs. The note written above is what we discovered in the hands of Thomas Hangs (34). Hangs was found dead hanged in an old Maple tree on the front lawn of the Missionary House of 36th lane. His entire torso was covered with black marks but he showed no sign of struggle. Under the orders of the superiors we were asked to dismiss this case and thus the long black mystery of the Missionary House will forever be in the mist of darkness.
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I think this peice of writing deserves a standing ovation. From the content to the vocabulary... from the plot to the style of writingeverything in it is admirable. let us hope that it wasnt just a stroke of luck but a hidden talent that, given time, would get polished and turn into a permanent skill. best of luck Saiyan
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And if you havent already read this... anotha beauty by SamiaSaad

Lisa Worthington peeked into the kitchen and warily watched her stepmother Joanne Kingston preparing dinner. Her father was gone to a clinic for a check up for his illness.The young girl was shaking uncontrollably as she held a gun tightly in one hand and her sister, Lindsey's hand in the other. She looked at her sister who nodded and mouthed a "go on". At this, Lisa took a deep breath, carefully stepped into the kitchen and pointed the gun at Joanne.

The reason why Lisa was about to kill her stepmother was pretty valid to her. A year ago, when Lisa and her mother were returning home from watching a movie, Lisa's mother was shot dead by someone. The only people who witnessed this was herself and Joanne. Well, Lisa was actually knocked into a wall before she could witness anything and Joanne, who was also a police officer, was luckily around the neighborhood when she heard the gunshots and had managed to save Lisa but couldn't capture the criminal. After that, she never really remembered what happened during the past year after she had woken up and was informed about her mother's fate.

Two weeks ago, Lisa had came back home and found out that her father, Ben had married Joanne. She and Lindsey were both against this marriage as they couldn't believe how Ben had so quickly gotten over their mother and married someone else. They would avoid Joanne as much as possible and would spend most of their time in their room when she was around. Since her return, Lisa noticed how Ben has been treating Lindsey like she doesn't even exist. When she asked her sister about this, Lindsey told her that he was mad for trying to punch Joanne for getting in her nerves at this Lisa giggled.

Since her return, Lisa had been obsessed over finding out who killed her mother. She would spend day and night researching in hopes of finding out anything about the killer. Lindsey was never against this as she would help her with her research. One day, Lindsey had given her this bizarre idea that maybe Joanne was the killer. At first Lisa thought that that was a crazy idea until Lindsey found her mother's necklace in Joanne's closet. The same necklace her mother was wearing when she got shot. Due to this Lisa started having second thoughts and would spend most of her time carefully watching Joanne and noticed how she would keep a knife under the pillow and a gun in her the closet but what caught her attention the most was the white substance she would mix in her father's tea! Lindsey herself had never noticed that and they knew they had to take action when their father had fallen ill.

So both the sisters were finally convinced that Joanne had killed their mother and that she was after their father now. Lisa had thought about calling the police but Linsey told her that they won't believe her as Joanne was one of them and that they had to get rid of her by themselves and told Lisa her plan. Lisa's eyes widened and asked her what their father would think and at this Lindsey said that he'll understand and started leading her to Joanne's closet where the gun was kept.

So here she was, standing there pointing the gun at her stepmother whose back was facing her as she cooked
dinner. Lisa looked at Lindsey one more time before closing her eyes and pulling the trigger. The sound of a gunshot rang through the room and when she opened her eyes, she was Joanne sprawled on the floor. She released a breath she was holding and turned to her sister who smiled and told her that their father was safe now. Before Lisa could say anything, she heard someone shout Joanne's name. She turned around and saw her father rushed to Joanne's side and pick up her limp body and cradle her in his arms. Ben had then turned to his daughter with wide eyes and asked her what she had done. Lisa was silent but she felt a nudge from her sister. Lisa nodded her head and told her father everything. Ben did not even move from the spot as he listened with wide eyes. He then gently put Lindsey's body down, got up, approached Lisa, put his sweaty and shaking hands on her shoulder and told her the most bizarre thing she has ever heard: Lindsey was dead. At this, Lisa laughed and told him she was standing right next to her but when she turned to her, Lindsey was gone. Lisa was so confused as she shook away from her father's grip and started running around the house, eye's darting in every room as she called Lindsey's name but she couldn't find her. She dropped the gun and sank to her knees and clutched her head while breathing heavily. How can Lindsey be dead when she was with her the whole time! She looked at her father as he started explaining everything to her.

Lindsey had died the same night her mother had. She was shot dead before Lisa had been knocked unconscious by being pushed into a wall. When Lisa had woken up and had been told about her mother and
sister's fate she had gotten so depressed that she started seeing and talking to both her mother and sister claiming that they were alive but she found out she was hallucinating, she tried committing suicide which led to her father putting her in an asylum. During her time there, she had been able to stop the hallucinations but ended up reshaping the memory of her mother and sisters death and also the memory of her time in the asylum. A week ago, she had been declared stable by the doctors and had returned home. Ben told her that Joanne had the same kind of necklace her mother had and the reason she keeps a knife and gun is because she is a police officer and keeps her weapons with her all the time and that white substance was Ben's medicine. All of this information slowly started to sink in as Lisa started to remember everything: her time in the asylum and her sisters death. The reason why Ben would keep ignoring Lindsey is not because of a fight they had, but because Lindsey was never there. Tears started to fall from Lisa's eyes as she found out the truth and that Joanne was innocent and she had shot her in cold blood.

They both heard the sound of the ambulance from a distance. Lisa's blank eyes stared at the ground as her father started guiding her to the couch, she had two options now. One was to go to prison and the other was to go back to the asylum and obviously she doesnt want to go to either place. Lisa had then decided to choose option three. She roughly pushed her father away and ran to the kitchen, took out a long, sharp knife from the drawer and plunged it into her chest.
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lol do u wan me to point out ur grammatical mistakes in public? if not then shadddup :/
the purpose isnt to degrade him but to advice him in such a way that his stories becum easiily readable
Thnx. Cuz I would not have been able to reply Taimoor on this. :D
Okay Okay. Next time I'll make an ergonomics version aswell. But at least tell me how the story was !!!!