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Teen Issues

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Well,just like youu guys,my anger was a great issue for me...i mean,whenn i would get pissed,i was really like a raging storm that wouldd destroyy anyone that comes in its pathh...i used to hurt several people physicallu and it used to hurtt me a lot to know that i wass the cause such and suchh thing happened to somebody....but well,i also noticed that pain subsides anger,so whenever i used to get into fights,i used to let others hit me so that the pain would help distractionn from the anger....and it really used to workk till,the people became aware that no matter how they hit me,i wont hit 'em back...so even they stopped hitting...which was a really,really big issue for me,duee to my temper...so well,i had no choice but to go for self-injury...better i do stuff to me than others around me,right? And well,it went to the extent of cutting..still got scars...people started calling me a retardd and such,but little that they knew that it wass for their own benefit...but well,i avoid anger by staying away from people && not caring...(excpett parents of course) and believe me,it really helps a lot..and if i do get angry,i play really aggressive music and lose all my pent-up energy and rage in it...
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I think I grew up very quickly , and jumped from childhood directly to adult. Maybe I didn't live my teenage and I'm probably not familiar with the teenage behaviour and can't associate that with myself in anyway! :/
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Loved the style and way of writing :)
Dont feel useless...... get up..... muster up some strength and show the world that you are something much bigger than they thought :) ;) Fight the difficulties.... and the more you fight the more chances that you will win :) you say that you were an A student MASHAALLAH :) ...... be confident and maintain this level... Life is not a bed of roses.... one has to fight the difficult moments ..... sometimes and get beautiful moments ... ;) :)
my case is the same i had a unsatisfied maths exam and i have chemistry exam tomorrow i thought i don't have good luck ..but u inspired me thx man u are gr8
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I have a weird problem. I don't get hurt easily ! Even when people do bad , my heart comes up with an explanation to their behavior, I forgive without them even asking for it. . But when I DO get hurt, oooo its deep :cry: I still debate with myself over optimism versus realism!


XPRS Administrator
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I have a weird problem. I don't get hurt easily ! Even when people do bad , my heart comes up with an explanation to their behavior, I forgive without them even asking for it. . But when I DO get hurt, oooo its deep :cry: I still debate with myself over optimism versus realism!

Well for muslims, forgiving people is good.... "And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;" (3:133-134)
So you really need not to worry about forgiving ppl, it's good... but that doesn't mean you stop being cautious where you should be when dealing with them... Prophet (S.A.W) said "The believer should not stung from the same hole twice." (Bukhari).... I think we get hurt when we xpect too much from people.. so we need to have reasonable xpectations from them and trust Allah S.W.T and make dua to him in times of distress....
just my two cents on the topic....
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i have quite many problems..
one is the difficulty to control my confidence..i mean i don't really understand it.. i feel like i'm either under-confident or over-confident..

For example, if i feel like i can't do well in the exams, i'll be like really nervous n i'd think that it is impossible for me to do well, and when i feel like the exams would be easy, i wouldn't be serious in learning and i'd be careless. -.-