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Unexpected moments on exam days

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Well arnd a ago week i had my ict pracs and i wasnt prepared !..still i went for the exam . the paer was in frnt and i did not knw wht to do ! i thoughtvi wud be weird if i dnt give any printouts !...so i had no option and i gave printouts of all the source files and wrote my name above as if they were completed questions!
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Oh I just remembered one

Well for my stats p2, the paper was really lenghty and the hall was sooo cold. My fingers started to get stiff and I so I decided to crack my knuckles. Due to the intense stiffness, 4 loud pop sounds came (I cracked 4). And all of a sudden all the people started to look back at me like they had eyes at the back of their head to see who had made that sound. I just turned my head down like nothing occured. :p
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yesterday i had my Eng ppr...n i took 10 mins just to decide which question to choose from section A...!! i was so confused as all d options were so lousy n sick...!! I was banking on d question on contrast or monologue but when i read d question, it was so weird. So finally i chose d 1st one, Narrative, n wrote it so horribly...was so bored...!! :sleep::sick:
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Well eng paper was easy i think!.alhumdulillah ...even i attempted the first ques which was gud nd the 7th which was really gud cuz i had a chance to stuff my business concepts into it!...it was very gud altogether nw fingers crossed for paper 1 hope tht goes well insha Allah:)!
yesterday i had my Eng ppr...n i took 10 mins just to decide which question to choose from section A...!! i was so confused as all d options were so lousy n sick...!! I was banking on d question on contrast or monologue but when i read d question, it was so weird. So finally i chose d 1st one, Narrative, n wrote it so horribly...was so bored...!! :sleep::sick:
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yesterday i had my Eng ppr...n i took 10 mins just to decide which question to choose from section A...!! i was so confused as all d options were so lousy n sick...!! I was banking on d question on contrast or monologue but when i read d question, it was so weird. So finally i chose d 1st one, Narrative, n wrote it so horribly...was so bored...!! :sleep::sick:

ohhh :p same hea evn i attempted the 1st one :) i agree d topics werent dat interesting :(
hw was ppr 1?? I was confused in choosing :p but finally attempted the 1st nd 3rd passages.....2nd was huh :D
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ohhh :p same hea evn i attempted the 1st one :) i agree d topics werent dat interesting :(
hw was ppr 1?? I was confused in choosing :p but finally attempted the 1st nd 3rd passages.....2nd was huh :D

in ppr 2 i was gonna take that multinationl company ka question, but then i took d atricle writting....advicing d retired ppl how to bal bal bal....!! :sleep:

haha yea ppr1 wasnt that boring but there was less time...!!! i chose d 2nd n 3rd...!! :D 1st was weird...what did u guys comment in that...!!? :p atleast d 2nd n 3rd passeges had stuff to comment on...!! anyways u chose just like d rest...all of them chose d 1st n 3rd except me n acas....!!
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in ppr 2 i was gonna take that multinationl company ka question, but then i took d atricle writting....advicing d retired ppl how to bal bal bal....!! :sleep:

haha yea ppr1 wasnt that boring but there was less time...!!! i chose d 2nd n 3rd...!! :D 1st was weird...what did u guys comment in that...!!? :p atleast d 2nd n 3rd passeges had stuff to comment on...!! anyways u chose just like d rest...all of them chose d 1st n 3rd except me n acas....!!
Ohh same :) ppr 2 evn I write an article nd narrative :)
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:D I wonder who, like me, has gotten up 30 minutes before exams start on that day? It was @9:00 am and i woke up at 8:30 am, u can imagine the situation....

not exactly the same situation but me and my friend arrived at the center at 8:30 and realized both of us didn't have pens!!!:p
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an idiotic friend of mine was suppose to pick us up for urdu paper 2.. we all kept waiting for him, calling each other, calling him then finally at 8:45 we decided to go individually, each one of us kept calling him and he never picked up!!! After the paper we tried calling him then again no answer!! after everything ended we went home I got a call from him at 2 o'clock in the afternoon saying that he slept through the paper!!!:p
He had to appear again in october/november!!:D
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God...!! even i did d same thing during my finals but i thought it was ending at 4:00pm when actually it was ending at 4:30pm....n i was waiting like an idiot for d invigilator to collect d ppr n was wondering why is she giving extra time...n d worst part was i was giving it in another centre n not my college...so i didn't know that invigilator....n by the way d ppl(2-3 boys) on my right who i could see were also done with their ppr...i should have known that boys mostly complete their ppr waaaaayyy before time :p n the girls in front of me were still writting, so i thought anyways they always write a lot n till d end...!!!
then after sometime i realised i have half an hour more :eek:
so i quickly started adding more points in every answer...!! i felt like a fool...!!:sick:

it was during my A levels islamic studies ppr a few weeks back (7th Oct)...the pprs r really lengthy n tough...!! it was a miriacle coz in my mock n pre-mock i would take almost all d 3hrs...!!