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Unexpected moments on exam days

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Same here 3rd June Plan was actually a plan against students for retakes :( :mad:
I was watching Dragon ball Z and accidentely I opened Facebook! I saw my friends saying Pak Studies again, Oh God why!! And I was Like O_______________O!!!! NoT PoSiBlE!! I got A BIG HEART ATTACK and another Heart attack came that I lost my History book and my notes except for geography notes :( I was like Im dead for sure :/. And my Family planned for Naran Kaghan trip on 13th June so they extended to 20th june cox of me :( I was sooo shocked badly that day :/
I called my all friends than I saw it on BC web than I slept and at 7pm I started doing Islamiat p1 again!!
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shaaaaazi u forgot ur statement O_______O
how they let u enter?? :p
btw rofl calculator in eng exam xD
and one more story :p
I was just w8ing for my urdu ppr to start and i am actually poor in reading urdu :p. There was an essay on MARATHON but i didnt get it at first :p The whole time I was reading "MEERA-THON" And i thought WTH is that :p
so i called the invigilator and she came rushing towards me :p
My legs were on one side of the table cox the stupid seat was not comfortable.
So the invigilator came but she didnt explained me the word and guess what, she tripped from my feet and shouted 'Ouch' loudly in the silent room :p
At first I was scared cox it was my 1st experience with cies. But later in my heart I said "Revenge!!!" :D
:p she didnt even scolded me or looked at me after that :p
Hhehehehehehehe ikr :p im so dumb......its caz f intense nervousness .....im just a scary a scary cat :p
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shaaaaazi u forgot ur statement O_______O
how they let u enter?? :p
btw rofl calculator in eng exam xD
and one more story :p
I was just w8ing for my urdu ppr to start and i am actually poor in reading urdu :p. There was an essay on MARATHON but i didnt get it at first :p The whole time I was reading "MEERA-THON" And i thought WTH is that :p
so i called the invigilator and she came rushing towards me :p
My legs were on one side of the table cox the stupid seat was not comfortable.
So the invigilator came but she didnt explained me the word and guess what, she tripped from my feet and shouted 'Ouch' loudly in the silent room :p
At first I was scared cox it was my 1st experience with cies. But later in my heart I said "Revenge!!!" :D
:p she didnt even scolded me or looked at me after that :p
thats my man (y)
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in urdu p1 i really really wanted to go to bathroom 30 mins before paper started, (they kept us in hall 45 miutes before paper :rolleyes:)
i asked the invigilator, she spoke very softly and I heard 15 minutes, i said ok :unsure:
i counted indivisual seconds and after 15 mins i asked again, she said again very softly , after the paper starts :eek:
this time i counted the nano-seconds and when i asked for the third time (as soon as the paper had started) she said, you are allowed to go 15 minutes after the paper started :sick:
that time i was in the most pressurized condition mental and physical, i could not do the paper at all, thank god it was p1 :p
finally after 45 minutes of agony, i was allowed to go and since it was jt girls branch boys bathroom had been designated far far away, but that is another story ;)
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in urdu p1 i really really wanted to go to bathroom 30 mins before paper started, (they kept us in hall 45 miutes before paper :rolleyes:)
i asked the invigilator, she spoke very softly and I heard 15 minutes, i said ok :unsure:
i counted indivisual seconds and after 15 mins i asked again, she said again very softly , after the paper starts :eek:
this time i counted the nano-seconds and when i asked for the third time (as soon as the paper had started) she said, you are allowed to go 15 minutes after the paper started :sick:
that time i was in the most pressurized condition mental and physical, i could not do the paper at all, thank god it was p1 :p
finally after 45 minutes of agony, i was allowed to go and since it was jt girls branch boys bathroom had been designated far far away, but that is another story ;)

hi5 LGS JT Girls Branch was my whole school's Centre :p
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shazmina jazakillah 4 d tag....nice thread :)

yea i do have one Shazmina...
it was during my IGCSE, when just d night before one of my exams, i read my hall ticket n saw that Core was written for that subj instead of Extened n i was sort of scared n panicked coz i wanted an A or A* in that subj...
so i told my mom to call n speak to d main sir...she did it n said i will get the extended ppr...no worries...!! Alhamdulillah or else i don't know what id have written in d core ppr as tr made us practice d extended ones...n d pattern is sort of different...but i knew d centre i was going to would give me an extened ppr as for a previous ppr d same thing had happened with another person n he realized it after he got d ppr...:p so sir shouted at him but exchanged d ppr....!!
n actually i was scared coz we were giving r exams in another skl/centre n not ours....