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Who shall enter Jannah?

Who do you think can enter Jannah? You can choose more than 1 option

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We never know. How can we know who will enter Jannah and who won't?
Only Allah can decide.
The entire concept of this thread is insane.

''WHO SHALL ENTER JANNAH''. [Like anyone of us will be able to know that -.-]
How can we know who will enter Jannah and who won't?
The best we can do is live our life, the way we want, and try to achieve less punishment in the hereafter.

My post was in a sarcastic tone. You didn't get my sarcasm there. :p
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you all of u people speak abt islam as if it is something so simple and illogical.....
see first of all the question was raised on how can muslims alone enter jannah and others cannot..... see Allah revealed his message to the Prophet Muhammed FOR THE WHOLE OF MANKIND...... FOR JINN MANKIND.... so everyone whether he be a jew or a christian should follow the message of Muahmmad.... for the people before Muhammad the scripture and the prophet was meant for their people and for a particular time period.... Its Allahs wisdom that HE made this religion for all....

you argued that many people follow many other religions.... and all are correct....
see the point here is that.... Allah says the religion acceptable in the sight of Allah is Islam..... and also Allah should be worshipped the way he WANTS US TO WORSHIP HIM..... SO U CANNOT SAY FOR EXAMPLE THAT I WILL PRAY FIVE RAKAAH FOR ZUHR.... similarly we have to follow the religion Allah wants us to follow and to practice.....

And furthermore.... the jews and christians of today if u see.... im telling u this bcoz u has a very wrong notion about Islam....
have changed their total belief... i mean that they are no longer on the religion of Musa and Isa.... they have all sorts of pagan beliefs and ideas.... and their way of life relle contradicts the teachings of Musa and Isa.... their scriptures are corrupted.... and so many problems.... so u CANNOT SAY THAT ANY ONE WHO ALLAH WISHES WILL BE IN PARADISE....

yes those who were present in the time of Musa and Isa their way of life was to follow their prophets but not now.....
bcoz it is clearly mentioned in their scriptures that there is a prophet to come and IT IS ADDRRESED BY THE NAME
MUHAMMAD.... IN BOTH TORAH AND INJEEL NOT ONLY THAT BUT ALSO.... to testify to him as being the last and final messenger and also practicing the way of life.... ''Islam''... the references can be found in the lectures of AHMAD DEEDATS AND DR. ZAKIR NAIK.....

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edit ur post, cuz this line is really really wrong.

i meant like the person above said that anyone can enter jannah whether he may be of any religion....
so Allah doesnt wish that the non- muslims go to jannah.... OF COURSE ANYONE EHO IS A MUSLIM WILL BE THE WILL OF ALLAH ENTER JANNAH.... SORRY IF IT IMPLIED IN THE OTHER WAY....
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1357911 Why do we think so much about what people say?< Well What others think is none of our buisness actually, what i wanted to say was that if Nabeel and Ab kept on arguing on the authencity of Hadiths then if any non-Muslim by chance read it what would he/she think.
Are we sent on this earth to worry about people? < the answer is No. We are sent here to follow whatever our Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us. Again what others think is none of our buisness.This World is like our exams, Allah has provided us all the answers, now its up to us to follow them and lead a righteous life. Its like a test.
To worry about what people say??? < We Shouldnt,Simple

If one is wrong then the other person has every right to coreect them. If one gives the references form the quran and the Sunnah. Whats wron there, tell me??? < Nothing is wrong. Its our duty to correct and lead eachother to right path. And we are asked to preach thse things to others.

Why dont we think with our minds cooled down... Why do we become so ignorant and so rude??Tell me Maganius why?? Why dont we want to discuss these things?? And leeave them?< Because we have completely forgot the teachings of Quran and our Holy Prophet(PBUH) which is the reason why Muslims today are declining rapidly n why the non-Muslims are over-powering them. We have become rude cuz we have adopted to the ways of non-muslims and they know no respect even for their parents. We have no patience, everyone wants to get the things sorted out fast and quickly. Shataan has taken over our hearts when it comes to Music n Entertainment we'd LOVE to discuss them BUT when it comes to Religion very few will love discussing it but majority will start feeling restless and out ofplace(clearly showing that we have diverted from our Right Path. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Well Allah is Oft-Forgiving, we still have the time to repent and come to right Path but many seldom do.

What if we are questioned for not learning and spreading Islam?? Being Muslims why are we so ignorant? < Cuz we have diverted from the Right Path, we have adopted ways of the non-muslims when it comes to Islamic things we feel out of place and think of them as out-fashioned, way below than standards of so-called Modern Era. Shataan has taken over our hearts, he is now controlling us which is NOT GOOD. But believe me many will ignore this thread WHY because they dont like discussingsuch things cuz they think its booring and better left for Religious Scholars.

We are disunited and divided among many sects Now, which is killings us slowly. Its the reason why Non-muslim forces are over-powering us Even when are in majority. They want us to completely destroy eachother while they sit back n enjoy THIS. SHame on our part though.
But still we can repent and come to Right Path but again few will. People have completely forgot the teachings of Quran n Believe me they dont want to even read it now. They just place them in their house to Show Others that they are devoted Muslims nothing else, for them its nothng more than a Decoration Piece. Shame on our part. Ab has done a great job by creating this thread. Now is the time for us to share Islamic Info here and help eachother to get on the Right Path and Save Ourselves from Hell-Fire. May Allah guide us the strength to leave all of these Bad habits. >>> Hope so my answers were satisfactory
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As i said b4 I really appreciate Abs efforts. We should post Religious Posts here and Discuss the Issues that we are facing today and how should we cope them. Surely that would help many. I guess.
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As i said b4 I really appreciate Abs efforts. We should post Religious Posts here and Discuss the Issues that we are facing today and how should we cope them. Surely that would help many. I guess.

But this is misleading people. There's something called 'humanity' but abdxyz and a few more are not considering it. Humanity comes before religion.
A person who is born a muslim will enter Jannah no matter how many sins he/she commits. And an extremely good person, who helps everyone, loves his parents, give charity and works for the welfare of people will go to hell just because he wasn't lucky enough to be born a muslim? SERIOUSLY?
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But this is misleading people. There's something called 'humanity' but abdxyz and a few more are not considering it. Humanity comes before religion.
A person who is born a muslim will enter Jannah no matter how many sins he/she commits. And an extremely good person, who helps everyone, loves his parents, give charity and works for the welfare of people will go to hell just because he wasn't lucky enough to be born a muslim? SERIOUSLY?

Well i havent gone through the whole thread though. Why has anyone posted any such info.

Well about the second Part lemme make it clear to you. Allah has given us Free-Will just to test us. He has set us free to do whatever we want. Now for a person who is born in a non-Muslims house: When he grows and matures fully( As Allah has granted us Free-Will ), he should consult Islam, he/she should read about it and Accept Islam. The reason being that it doesnt matter in which family you are born(everyone will account for his own actions) SO when that person grows up, Allah has given him knowledge So to know the dif b/w Right and Wrong. Even after knowing it he doesnt Accept Islam, he is doomed to be thrown into Hell, no one can prevent it.

Finally, Allah is All-Knowing and Oft-Forgiving, He knows whom to forgive n Whom not to. We are no one to judge anyone.
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Nayya Hassan One More thing, We would be called upon to give account of our deeds, so we need not to worry about Others, Allah has given us Knowledge and Free-Will to know the dif b/w right and wrong. What others think and Do is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. We are here to pass a test for which Allah has already has given us the answers. Now its upon us whether to follow them n go to Jannah or Neglect them n go to Hell.
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Maganius Yes every answer of yours is right. And yes. Shame on our parts. We dont want to discuss these. We just dont need answers to all this. Why??? Because we are lost in this world. We want to be lost in this world?? People literraly WANT to misunderstand everything when these type of Topics come. This thread was only for discussing and sharing our point of views and correcting the wrong by referring to the Quran and Sunnah. And what are we doing here. Why are we fighting the right. Why do we want to fight the right. Those who really want themselves to be benifitted will accept whats right. Those who really want to try to be on the right path will think in the way all these things have to be thought. And Im sure. Allah will guide many of them. May Allah guide us to the right path. And instill in us patience and instill in us the strength to except the right. To REMOVE the wrong and to enjoin whats right and forgive all our sins. Ihdinasiratal mustaqeem.

And my sincere apologies abdxyz this was a bit out of topic. I dint want to but I had to.
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Maganius Yes every answer of yours is right. And yes. Shame on our parts. We dont want to discuss these. We just dont need answers to all this. Why??? Because we are lost in this world. We want to be lost in this world?? People literraly WANT to misunderstand everything when these type of Topics come. This thread was only for discussing and sharing our point of views and correcting the wrong by referring to the Quran and Sunnah. And what are we doing here. Why are we fighting the right. Why do we want to fight the right. Those who really want themselves to be benifitted will accept whats right. Those who really want to try to be on the right path will think in the way all these things have to be thought. And Im sure. Allah will guide many of them. May Allah guide us Alla to the right path. And instill in us patience and instill in us the strength to except the right. To REMOVE the wrong and to enjoin whats right and forgive all our sins. Ihdinasiratal mustaqeem.

And my sincere apologies abdxyz this was a bit out of topic. I dint want to but I had to.

No Problem
Now its upon Others whether they want to learn smthng from This or Ignore them.
Btw Well said n please correct the spellings of Allah in 2nd last line :)
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Duas to become a better Muslim (For Guidance,piety & strong imaan)
Join us in this beautiful dua,learn it and write "ameen" below.

"O Allah ! I ask You for guidance,piety,abstinence and independence of means"
Allahumma inni as'alukal hudaa wat-tuqaa, wal 'afaafaa, wal ghinaa
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Dua for FORGIVENESS & to develop KINDNESS for the believers in our hearts:
Join us in this beautiful dua,learn it and write "ameen" below.

''Our Lord ! forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in belief and put Thou not into our hearts any rancour towards those who believe,Our Lord ,surely Thou art Kind ,Merciful''
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَا تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلًّا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ
Rabbana ighfir lana wali ikhwaanina allatheena sabaqoona bil eemani wala taj al fee quloobina ghillan lillatheena aamanoo rabbana innaka raoofun raheem
Surah Al-Hashr ,verse 10
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A very beautiful dua for FORGIVENESS:
Join us in this dua and write "ameen" below.

''O our Lord! forgive me and my parents and (all) the believers on the day when the reckoning will be established''
رَبَّنَا اغفِر لى وَلِوٰلِدَىَّ وَلِلمُؤمِنينَ يَومَ يَقومُ الحِسابُ
Rabbana ighfirli waliwaalidayya walil mu`mineena yawma yaqoomul hisaab
Surah Ibrahim ,verse 41
Dua of Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him)
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But this is misleading people. There's something called 'humanity' but abdxyz and a few more are not considering it. Humanity comes before religion.
A person who is born a muslim will enter Jannah no matter how many sins he/she commits. And an extremely good person, who helps everyone, loves his parents, give charity and works for the welfare of people will go to hell just because he wasn't lucky enough to be born a muslim? SERIOUSLY?

u people dont understand things....
see a person is A MUSLIM '' PRACTISING MUSLIM''..... if he obeys Allahs laws and that of the Prophet Muahmmad....
and fears Allah and does righteous deeds for his salvation.... a Muslim is not a Muslim if he does things that are contradictory to the Quran and the SUNNAH.....

So even if some Non- Muslim does all the good acts....and is a pious...... but he is commiting Shirk..... which Allah will never forgive... AND THE TOPMOST MAJOR SIN IN ISLAM..... so Allah will make Jannah Haram for him.... untill he repents and turns to islam....
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u people dont understand things....
see a person is A MUSLIM '' PRACTISING MUSLIM''..... if he obeys Allahs laws and that of the Prophet Muahmmad....
and fears Allah and does righteous deeds for his salvation.... a Muslim is not a Muslim if he does things that are contradictory to the Quran and the SUNNAH.....

So even if some Non- Muslim does all the good acts....and is a pious...... but he is commiting Shirk..... which Allah will never forgive... AND THE TOPMOST MAJOR SIN IN ISLAM..... so Allah will make Jannah Haram for him.... untill he repents and turns to islam....

Mate mate mate, I've told countless times we are no one to Judge anyone, why dont you ppl just admit it. Allah knows whom to forgive or whom to not.
So Please Just Leave the part who will enter Jannah n who will not.
Our top Most Priority should be to teach other Islamic Values rather than arguing over something which need notto worry, C'mon we re Muslims so why the heck are we discussing such things,

Just stick to Islamic Values, NothingElse.Thanks
Nayya Hassan hope so this justifies it
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u people dont understand things....
see a person is A MUSLIM '' PRACTISING MUSLIM''..... if he obeys Allahs laws and that of the Prophet Muahmmad....
and fears Allah and does righteous deeds for his salvation.... a Muslim is not a Muslim if he does things that are contradictory to the Quran and the SUNNAH.....

So even if some Non- Muslim does all the good acts....and is a pious...... but he is commiting Shirk..... which Allah will never forgive... AND THE TOPMOST MAJOR SIN IN ISLAM..... so Allah will make Jannah Haram for him.... untill he repents and turns to islam....

Allah can do as He wills, he can forgive who He wills and punish Whom He wills and there is no one that can stop Him.
All i'm saying is there is no definite rule that all Non-Muslims are bound to be thrown into hell, as proved by the previous example discussed in this thread about that prostitute who fed a hungry dog and went to heaven. She was not a Muslim. That is, she was a Non-Muslim, and she went to heaven, just for doing a simple good deed. That proves that not all Non-Muslims will go to hell, and not all Muslims will go to heaven. Even for Muslims there are 4 things that are required in order to go to heaven. The entire fate of every single human lies in the hands of Allah, and Allah alone. We are no one to decide that Non-Muslims will go to hell or not.

And as i said before, not all Non-Muslims do Shirk, correct your misconception about this.

As told in the Quran about the Non-Muslims referred to as the ''people of the book'':

''Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. (3:113)''

And also,

Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the ''People of the Book'' had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (3:110)

And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those who believe in Allah, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to Allah: They will not sell the Signs of Allah for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and Allah is swift in account. (3:199)

Before labeling all Non-Muslims as destined for Hell, clear your concept about them. Not all of them do Shirk, as mentioned above in the verses.
And that prostitute went to heaven, didn't she!
Doesn't that prove that Allah can do whatever He wants.
We are no ones to make the rule that Non-Muslims can't go to heaven, or all Muslims will go to heaven.