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Who shall enter Jannah?

Who do you think can enter Jannah? You can choose more than 1 option

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yes sis we cant decide wholl enter jannah and not there are many traditions ive read i am nt exactly sure though so i cant quote it hear
example there was a prostitute who fed water to a thirsty dog and enterd jannah
so in this case she was a prostitute
this means we can never judge who can go to jannah everything is in allahs hand

But feeding a hungry dog. That's all it took to go to heaven. ._.
How is that possible!

Yes, it happened. And somebody had to go Hell for not feeding a locked cat and not letting the cat eat himself.
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No Need to get angry anyone, its good Ab has created this thread :) really appreciate it
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Okay, tell me one thing. If all muslims will ultimately enter Jannah then why did Allah give us a moral code of life? Why are we afraid to commit sins if our destiny is Jannah besides all the sins we commit.
You guys are being too harsh to non-muslims. Even Allah has given them rights. At least, don't deny this fact!

every muslim has to give the proper hisab..they wont enter until and unless they undergo punishment of what they had done.Only Allah can judge that nonmuslims would go or not.We are nobody to determine anyone's destiny.
I think you all should stop discussion about ll this.
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Assalam-u-alaikum everyone :D
I can't help but notice some of the really sad statements some of you are making from your own knowledge and without islmaic evidence form the Quraan or Hadith :unsure: It's not for us to decide or even try to guess who will go into Jannah. Allah is the Knower of the Unknown and who will enter Jannah is in his hands alone. It's within his divine knowledge and we have no right to try and trespass that. Allah has given us a guideline oh how to make sure we do all we can in this world to earn his pleasure and inshallah enter Jannah. There are a few ahadith that mention specific people who will go ta Jannah inshallah such as the martyrs for the sake of Islam, the Ashra Mubashara etc.

“Whoever meets Allah without ascribing anything to Him will enter Jannah.” (Bukhari)
“Whoever prays the two cool prayers (Asr and Fajr) will enter Jannah.” (Bukhari) You can find many many more ways to enter Jannah inshallah: http://amuslimsistermaria200327.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/ways-to-enter-jannah-taken-from-hadith’s/
However the ultimate decision lies with Allah. Instead of arguing over who will enter, focus on what we can do to enter. Yes, its okay to be curios and the only way to get the proper answer is to ask someone more knowledgeable who can provide evidence for their arguments!
May Allah (swt) grant us all the ability to please him and make it easy for us to earn his pleasure so we can enter Jannah inshallah (Ameen)
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Assalam-u-alaikum everyone :D
I can't help but notice some of the really sad statements some of you are making from your own knowledge and without islmaic evidence form the Quraan or Hadith :unsure: It's not for us to decide or even try to guess who will go into Jannah. Allah is the Knower of the Unknown and who will enter Jannah is in his hands alone. It's within his divine knowledge and we have no right to try and trespass that. Allah has given us a guideline oh how to make sure we do all we can in this world to earn his pleasure and inshallah enter Jannah. There are a few ahadith that mention specific people who will go ta Jannah inshallah such as the martyrs for the sake of Islam, the Ashra Mubashara etc.

“Whoever meets Allah without ascribing anything to Him will enter Jannah.” (Bukhari)
“Whoever prays the two cool prayers (Asr and Fajr) will enter Jannah.” (Bukhari) You can find many many more ways to enter Jannah inshallah: http://amuslimsistermaria200327.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/ways-to-enter-jannah-taken-from-hadith’s/
However the ultimate decision lies with Allah. Instead of arguing over who will enter, focus on what we can do to enter. Yes, its okay to be curios and the only way to get the proper answer is to ask someone more knowledgeable who can provide evidence for their arguments!
May Allah (swt) grant us all the ability to please him and make it easy for us to earn his pleasure so we can enter Jannah inshallah (Ameen)

walaikum assalam.... sis the reason behind creating this thread was not to argue or prove to the people I know something. Alhamdulillah I have studied the Quran and ahadith and yet know that eventually only Allah knows who's going to enter Hell or Heaven. But when I noticed here that some people think that people who have ascribed partners with Allah also have a chance to enter Heaven. Which goes against the Hadith and the fundamental concept of Tawheed in Islam. Hope you understand :) Though I agree with you that some people have just posted randomly quoting verses/ hadith without actually knowing the reason behind creating this thread, and the most importantly ignoring the concept of Tawheed and its necessity in entering Jannah. Salam :)
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But it's wrong. We are no one to decide it!
would you say the same thing about whether Muhammad (SAW) was indeed a prophet or not? then you may say this same thing as well as majority of the world don't even believe in him????? You will say NO, because believing in him is a part of our faith and so is the belief in Hell/Heaven

They are so lucky. :)
The sins they committed before accepting in Islam, will be washed away, Inshaa Allah.

See, luck is a factor. They are lucky so they accepted Islam. Allah chose them to enter this beautiful religion.
Not everyone is this lucky!

There is no such thing as luck in Islam. Alhamdulillah they realized the truth themselves and so Allah helped and guided them... :)

Infact, I remember a hadith (though this is off-topic) which says: 70000 will enter Jannah without any hisab (accountability) for not believing in luck, bad omens, etc ( Bukhari Volumn 007, Book 071, Hadith Number 606. )
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example there was a prostitute who fed water to a thirsty dog and enterd jannah
so in this case she was a prostitute
this means we can never judge who can go to jannah everything is in allahs hand

Seriously? What religion was she from?
And when did this happen?

But feeding a hungry dog. That's all it took to go to heaven. ._.
How is that possible!

This story comes to us through the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) that there was once a prostitute in the tribe of the Bani Israil. She passed by a dog going around a well about to die of thirst. So she took off her shoe and, tying it to her head wrap, lowered it into the well to get some water for the dog. Because of this one act of kindness, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) forgave her her sins. Because she lived before Prophet Muhammad she would have been a Muwahhid (believed in Allah alone) and must have followed either Musa or Isa (A.S) . Therefore she was forgiven and was entered in to Jannah :)
P.S please research and understand the context before posting here. Don't cherry-pick verses or hadith. :)
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walaikum assalam.... sis the reason behind creating this thread was not to argue or prove to the people I know something. Alhamdulillah I have studied the Quran and ahadith and yet know that eventually only Allah knows who's going to enter Hell or Heaven. But when I noticed here that some people think that people who have ascribed partners with Allah also have a chance to enter Heaven. Which goes against the Hadith and the fundamental concept of Tawheed in Islam. Hope you understand :) Though I agree with you that some people have just posted randomly quoting verses/ hadith without actually knowing the reason behind creating this thread, and the most importantly ignoring the concept of Tawheed and its necessity in entering Jannah. Salam :)

got it :) its sad =(
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This story comes to us through the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) that there was once a prostitute in the tribe of the Bani Israil. She passed by a dog going around a well about to die of thirst. So she took off her shoe and, tying it to her head wrap, lowered it into the well to get some water for the dog. Because of this one act of kindness, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) forgave her her sins. Because she lived before Prophet Muhammad she would have been a Muwahhid (believed in Allah alone) and must have followed either Musa or Isa (A.S) . Therefore she was forgiven and was entered in to Jannah :)
P.S please research and understand the context before posting here. Don't cherry-pick verses or hadith. :)

thanku for correcting ma mistake :)
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The concept of this entire thread baffles me.
abdxyz created this thread saying:

Some people on xpc have a wrong misconception about who will enter Heaven and who won't.
Now he's trying to clear this concept up for us as he has read the Holy Quran and Hadith and has vast knowledge about all this.

I have studied the Quran and ahadith

And yet you are forcing your own beliefs on everyone else. You are making claims that NON-MUSLIMS WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN. ALL NON-MUSLIMS WILL BE THROWN INTO HELL FOR ETERNITY. HEAVEN IS ONLY MADE FOR MUSLIMS.
Islam is a religion of peace. We should have love for all of humanity.
Brother, you need to understand that there are different types of religions in this world.
Some people don't even believe in the existence of God, they are Atheists and live their life in ignorance. They are the ones who will suffer for eternity in Hell.
Then there are the Christians, who believe in ONE GOD.. and also in Life after death!
Then there are the HINDUS, who don't believe in ONE GOD, but worship idols.
There are those who believe in the teachings of a certain Prophet like Hazrat Isa's followers, Hazrat Musa's followers..
Then there are those who don't associate with any Prophet, live their life blindly in ignorance and don't believe in God.

Islam is a religion of peace, and belief in PROPHETS is an article of faith in Islam. We are supposed to believe in the existence of all Prophet's, including Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Musa.. and our beloved Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Also, we are supposed to respect their followers. Instead of just deciding that they will go to hell, for following Allah's previous Prophets.
While reading the Quran, did you come across this verse.

The Holy Qur'an declares, "Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve." (2:63)

The above divine verse of the Holy Quran clearly mentions Christians, Jews.. as having their reward in the hereafter. Christians do believe in God, and they do believe in the Last Day.

The verse mentioned above paints quite a different picture. God makes a bold statement that attaining His reward extends beyond Muslims to people of other faiths. Islam does not monopolize salvation, nor does it condemn all non-Muslims to hell as a default mechanism.

Let's make one thing clear. Islam does consider the teachings of the Holy Qur'an to be the most comprehensive teaching from God and therefore the most accepted path to paradise sent by God. However, Islam also accepts the truth and Divine commission of all prophets of God; Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Adam, and the list goes on and on (may peace be upon all of them). What sense does it make, therefore, to exclude followers of such great prophets from salvation?
Where in the Holy Quran is it said that followers of Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Musa will be thrown into Hell for eternity?

If and when a Christian or a Jew stands by and fulfills their covenant with God, God Himself ensures their reward and salvation. For such fortunate people, 'no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.'

Allah sent his message through all the Prophets... to various communities, then finally He sent the completed message, the final eternal message through the Last Prophet, our beloved Holy Prophet (pbuh)..
But that does not mean we are supposed to ignore all the previous messages.. and consider the followers of those messages to be destined for Hell.

The God of Islam loves all His creation. The narrow concept that salvation is exclusive to Muslims has no place in Islam. Hazrat Isa was also a divine Prophet of Allah, he was also a preacher. Hazrat Musa was also one. Heck, Allah even talked to Hazrat Musa. How can you say that the followers of Hazrat musa will go to hell, without even quoting a single quranic verse to support your claim?

Those who deny the existence of One God, the Atheists, the Hindus.. those who don't follow any Prophets, they are the ones bound to suffer due to their ignorance.
Not the entire NON-MUSLIM community.

Here is another verse:

Believers, Jews, Sabaeans and Christians -
whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does what is right -
shall have nothing to fear or regret.
-- Sura 5:69

Christianity is also a divine religion, too. Okay, we are lucky to be followers of the most perfect message of God, but that does not mean Christianity is an unacceptable religion by God, followed by people destined to go to hell.

In the End, it is Allah who will decide who goes to Heaven and who to Hell. He will decide which Non-Muslims have a chance at heaven (Those who believe in One God, the Last Day).. and those who do not (E.g Atheists, people who don't follow any Prophets). Allah is the master of the day of Judgement, and He will decide everything. We are no deciders of fate. Only God has that power. So Please!

There are degrees of every religion, there are variations. There are some christians who believe Jesus to be God, follow the ''Trinity''. There are those who believe in ONE GOD, and don't follow the trinity. Even in Islam there are sects, variations.

So a non-Muslim, just like a Muslim will be judged by the only One who can judge – the One who can see right through us. The One who happens to be the All-Loving, All-Knowing, All-Wise.We simply do not know who goes to Heaven or Hell. This knowledge is reserved for Allah alone.

And, No. Saying ''R.I.P Paul walker''.. or ''R.I.P Nelson Mendela'' is nothing but humanity. We follow a peaceful religion, and we love all of Allah's creations. Wishing good for a fellow human is not a SIN, for God's sake. We are no one to decide he will go to Hell or not.

Since, i was the only one who ticked option no. 3, i have justified my point with a Quran verse and an explanation. You can't deny a Quranic verse.

I hope you understand now. And Allah knows best.
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Nabeel.Ahmad Assalamualikum warahmutaali wabarkatuhu.
Id like to clear some points which u have mentioned above.With which ill try my best Inshallah.

Before saying that whoever believes in Allah and the last day, and does good, not becoming a Muslim even after Islam has been chosen as the religion of Allah, is entitled to be blessed by Allah, the following verse should be taken into consideration:

And whoso seeks as religion other than Islam it will not be accepted from him, and he will be among the losers in the hereafter.

(Ali Imran: 85)

And to remove misunderstanding, it should be noted that this verse refers to those Sabeans, Jews and Christians who, as sincere faithful, followed the original teachings of their respective prophets, without ever corrupting the true message, and believing in the prophecy of the advent of Muhammad made known by Musa, Isa and other prophets (see Baqarah: 40), and also those of them who lived in the days of the Holy Prophet but died before the news of his proclamation of the promised prophethood could reach them, because surely they would have come into the fold of Islam if they had known about it. Belief in the unity of Allah and the day of judgement and doing good is the spirit of Islam. This was the religion all the messengers of Allah preached to their people.

Sahih Muslim Kitaab Al Emaan. *I swear on Allah In whose hand is my life Whoever in my Ummah listens to my speech he be a Jew or a Christian and then he doesnt believe in me he will go to hellfire* {Mind you this isnt the exact translation Its just a Mafhoom of the hadith}

"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." {Al Quran verse 85}

"Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." {Al Quran verse 19}

^^^ This is what is mentioned in the Tafseer of the Ayah.

wallahu Alam bis sawaab.
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Again, you quoted no verses that say that Non-Muslims are only destined for Hell.
"Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." {Al Quran verse 19}

Okay, yes.. the most perfect religion in Allah's sight is Islam, but does that mean the message by all of Allah's other beloved Prophets and the message their followers follow is WRONG, and the followers of other Prophets, in today's time, will go to Hell?

Sahih Muslim Kitaab Al Emaan. *I swear on Allah In whose hand is my life Whoever in my Ummah listens to my speech he be a Jew or a Christian and then he doesnt believe in me he will go to hellfire* {Mind you this isnt the exact translation Its just a Mafhoom of the hadith}

This is about the people who reject Islamic Faith. Those people in the Holy Prophet's (pbuh) time, those he preached to, but they rejected his speech. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that those who reject his speech, they are going to hell.

You didn't clarify what you are trying to say.

And to remove misunderstanding, it should be noted that this verse refers to those Sabeans, Jews and Christians who, as sincere faithful, followed the original teachings of their respective prophets, without ever corrupting the true message, and believing in the prophecy of the advent of Muhammad made known by Musa, Isa and other prophets (see Baqarah: 40), and also those of them who lived in the days of the Holy Prophet but died before the news of his proclamation of the promised prophethood could reach them, because surely they would have come into the fold of Islam if they had known about it. Belief in the unity of Allah and the day of judgement and doing good is the spirit of Islam. This was the religion all the messengers of Allah preached to their people.

Quoting the verse again:

"Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve." (2:63)

It mentions ''Believers'' along with ''Christians'' and ''Jews''..
That means it was a time when Believers were there, but Christians and Jews were also there.
Also, The Holy Quran is to be followed for eternity. All the verses, are for all time to come, not for a specific period before the Holy Prophet's (pbuh) time.
This should also be implemented on today's Christians and Jews.
But the beauty of this verse lies in the fact, that along with mentioning the Christians and Jews, Almighty Allah also mentioned that they should be true believers in God and the Last day and they should do Good Deeds.

Surely, there are corruptions in every religion. There are Christians who believe Jesus to be God. Others, negate this concept and only believe in ONE TRUE GOD.
There are even sects and divisions in Islam, our own religion. Who knows which one of these sects is correct!

Only it is Allah who can see through the hearts of humans, whatever religion they are following, and see if they are acceptable for Heaven.