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Why Islamic Studies?

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MuslimGirl: Do read the entire post before liking anything.
Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb...
liking doesn't mean agreeing with it :unsure: plus...i think everyone has a right to express their feelings..may be he will be convinced, and can accept Islam (Inshallah) who knows?

May Allah guide him, and all of us to the straight path...Aameen!!!
Asslam-u-alikum wr wb wm :)
i read the whole post and then liked it.......as сᴏᴏʟ сяуѕтᴀʟѕ said liking DOESNT mean agreeing with the content......dont u think that the person who started this thread needed ALOT of courage to start this thread bcz this forum is filled with Muslims and Pakistanis..(P.S i liked it bcz of the courage).....more over i've unliked it so NO more ppl take it in the wrong way.. :)
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As a Nepali, this is quite embarrassing. Please don't take this guy as a representative of millions of Nepalese everywhere. I may not follow any faith but I am tolerant of all religions.

This guy just happens to be a troll with no life. 31 years old, registered just a day ago and his only post is one inciting hatred against Islam. The best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them.
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When I was a kid I used to hate doctors.... I thought they were stupid, especially coz they cut open ppl.. or inject them with stuff...torturing idiots....! used to run away from them, coz any disease heals it's self.. no need for doctors.

then I grew up... I found out that actually doctors have a lot of knowledge... although it seems they harm ppl but it is for ppl's own good... aand doctors know what they are doing.... I may dislike their medicines but they help in the cure....

You say 'Islam intellectually very low grade' that's coz you don't know Islam... you don't live Islam. You have never tasted it. If you haven’t eaten a fruit, how can you say it's bad? Just like I thought doctors were evil, you think Islam is bad. One might argue that we can see the effects of doctors... that ppl actually get cured; but then you can also see effects of Islam, if you ponder...

For instance, the place with seriously low crime rate/theft rate is Saudia Arabia.. and it’s coz they practice the Islamic law when it comes to punishing people… Islamic law is a perfect deterrent; and it actually WORKS… better than any man-made law. Even at a personal level, you will find the most modest, sincere and truthful of people are practicing Muslims. In USA they once tried banning Alcohol coz of its ill effects (accidents, people beating members of house, incest etc.)… they couldn’t keep the ban… why? coz the law was man made; in Islam Alchol is forbidden and I’m sure at least 99% Muslims don’t drink alcohol, that also by choice! So we are safe from all those evils I mentioned and more.

And you have so many misconceptions about Islam, for example you mention ‘WIFE BEATING’.. do you know the last and final Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “The best of you are those who are the best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi). I’m a Muslim and all of my extended family are Muslims (Alhamdulillah)… I’ve never once seen/heard my dad or any one else in family use force on women… coz they never need to... plus you aren’t allowed to beat harshly! You can’t even consider it beating, it’s that light.

Here is the reply:

For more detailed explanation of this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/41199

BURKHA (Muslim women covering) reply:

Are Islamic laws barbaric?:

now we come to heart of topic… you say our religion is built on MYTH which is a serious error on yur part, coz we have the only religion in the world that is scientifically proven to be right… in fact Quran (sacred scripture by God) actually mentions so many scientific phenomenon and the science discovered it just recently.. for example Quran (which is 1400 years old) mentions how the universe is expanding, science about 40-50 years ago found this…

as muslims, we accept that we have a creator who made us (just consider that order doesn’t come out of chaos, we are so intricately fashioned down to the last atom that we have to have a creator) and gives us to eat and drink… Now we are thankful to Him, for all his blessings. At the same time we acknowledge that He made us for a purpose (like you make a pen so it writes) and we haven’t been performing our purpose, so we ask God for guidance… The Quran is guidance for humanity; it is powerful advice from our master and creator Allah. It tells us how to live a successful life, how to act, what is right and wrong, who created us, why did he create us, why do ‘bad’ things happen to people, what will happen after we die, everything! In tough times it’s a companion you can rely on.

So when Allah tells us something is bad for us we stay away from it and we find true happiness in submission to Allah. A lot of other faiths say God says this or this but they have no proof for their statements, we on the other hand have logical proof for our beliefs. By Quran’s miracles, that we appreciate, we know for a fact that what it tells us is the truth. (Plus Quran’s style is such that it makes you reflect and come to a conclusion)

Lastly, I'd encourage you to be the judge; read:

"plus you aren’t allowed to beat harshly! You can’t even consider it beating, it’s that light"....We are in the 21st century, men and women are equals and such beliefs do not conform to with modern society.

This guy is looked up by many as the ideal "muslim"...

For those claiming I am a "troll" with no life or ignorant on the topic, iI have actually read the worlds most accurate direct translation of the Quran I am well informed on this matter and so please do not twist the truth to make people believe your lies.
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"plus you aren’t allowed to beat harshly! You can’t even consider it beating, it’s that light"....We are in the 21st century, men and women are equals and such beliefs do not conform to with modern society.

This guy is looked up by many as the ideal "muslim"...

For those claiming I am a "troll" with no life or ignorant on the topic, iI have actually read the worlds most accurate direct translation of the Quran ) I am well informed on this matter and so please do not twist the truth to make people believe your lies.
Twist the truth? Yeah right. Everything is so open in front of you yet you deny it. And sorry to say, your nothing but a 'loser'. If you have 'had' read any translation of Quran then I believe you wouldn't have even wrote your this all. And I see you got yourself some 'fake' videos. People like you are the one's who bring destruction in this world.
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After so much being said, more arguing with this person would just mean aguing with a wall, considering he has 'indepth knowledge of islam' ;)

So people, please refrain from further advising because he won't change his way of thinking, its quite clear!
So let it be and just ignore....
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Well well dude.... you think you can make up false image of our religion? and as said before......go check the Quran and Hadis and then come here...... all of people here tried convincing you alot... through quotations and true vedios.... but its up to you if you deny it....

I pray that you come towards the truth very soon Ameen
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Why are students so obssesed with Pakistan studies, in particular in its Islamic aspects.
Islam intellectually very low grade..its true..its a very regimented religion, based on DOs and DON'Ts..every aspect of life is instructed in islam without any proper logic..its based on brainwashing and DOs and DON'Ts.FATWA, BURKHA, WIFE BEATING,KAFIR,INFIDELS,MADRASSA, JIHAD, BLASPHEMY, MAMBO JAMBO STORIES, MYTH considered as truth etc..all these r hallmark of ur religion.its against freedom, free thinking,humanity, etc..kill kafir, kill infidels is ur culture.
XPC Moderators, I would like you to express your view rather than trying to suppress this thread and freedom of free speech in this forum like Islam does. Unless of course, you guys feel so insecure about Islam you feel the need to remove this?
"Dude if you're not a muslim or do not believe in Islam, atleast then don't insult it. I am sure no faith or religion that u believe teaches you to disrespect other religions. Even no culture or ethics teach you that. Show respect and gain respect."
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Why are students so obssesed with Pakistan studies, in particular in its Islamic aspects.
Islam intellectually very low grade..its true..its a very regimented religion, based on DOs and DON'Ts..every aspect of life is instructed in islam without any proper logic..its based on brainwashing and DOs and DON'Ts.FATWA, BURKHA, WIFE BEATING,KAFIR,INFIDELS,MADRASSA, JIHAD, BLASPHEMY, MAMBO JAMBO STORIES, MYTH considered as truth etc..all these r hallmark of ur religion.its against freedom, free thinking,humanity, etc..kill kafir, kill infidels is ur culture.
XPC Moderators, I would like you to express your view rather than trying to suppress this thread and freedom of free speech in this forum like Islam does. Unless of course, you guys feel so insecure about Islam you feel the need to remove this?
"Dude if you're not a muslim or do not believe in Islam, atleast then don't insult it. I am sure no faith or religion that u believe teaches you to disrespect other religions. Even no culture or ethics teach you that. Show respect and gain respect."
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TheNepaliWarior: After All This You still cannot see the right path, can you?(n)

When I was a kid I used to hate doctors.... I thought they were stupid, especially coz they cut open ppl.. or inject them with stuff...torturing idiots....! used to run away from them, coz any disease heals it's self.. no need for doctors.

then I grew up... I found out that actually doctors have a lot of knowledge... although it seems they harm ppl but it is for ppl's own good... aand doctors know what they are doing.... I may dislike their medicines but they help in the cure....

You say 'Islam intellectually very low grade' that's coz you don't know Islam... you don't live Islam. You have never tasted it. If you haven’t eaten a fruit, how can you say it's bad? Just like I thought doctors were evil, you think Islam is bad. One might argue that we can see the effects of doctors... that ppl actually get cured; but then you can also see effects of Islam, if you ponder...

For instance, the place with seriously low crime rate/theft rate is Saudia Arabia.. and it’s coz they practice the Islamic law when it comes to punishing people… Islamic law is a perfect deterrent; and it actually WORKS… better than any man-made law. Even at a personal level, you will find the most modest, sincere and truthful of people are practicing Muslims. In USA they once tried banning Alcohol coz of its ill effects (accidents, people beating members of house, incest etc.)… they couldn’t keep the ban… why? coz the law was man made; in Islam Alchol is forbidden and I’m sure at least 99% Muslims don’t drink alcohol, that also by choice! So we are safe from all those evils I mentioned and more.

And you have so many misconceptions about Islam, for example you mention ‘WIFE BEATING’.. do you know the last and final Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “The best of you are those who are the best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi). I’m a Muslim and all of my extended family are Muslims (Alhamdulillah)… I’ve never once seen/heard my dad or any one else in family use force on women… coz they never need to... plus you aren’t allowed to beat harshly! You can’t even consider it beating, it’s that light.

Here is the reply:

For more detailed explanation of this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/41199

BURKHA (Muslim women covering) reply:

Are Islamic laws barbaric?:

now we come to heart of topic… you say our religion is built on MYTH which is a serious error on yur part, coz we have the only religion in the world that is scientifically proven to be right… in fact Quran (sacred scripture by God) actually mentions so many scientific phenomenon and the science discovered it just recently.. for example Quran (which is 1400 years old) mentions how the universe is expanding, science about 40-50 years ago found this…

as muslims, we accept that we have a creator who made us (just consider that order doesn’t come out of chaos, we are so intricately fashioned down to the last atom that we have to have a creator) and gives us to eat and drink… Now we are thankful to Him, for all his blessings. At the same time we acknowledge that He made us for a purpose (like you make a pen so it writes) and we haven’t been performing our purpose, so we ask God for guidance… The Quran is guidance for humanity; it is powerful advice from our master and creator Allah. It tells us how to live a successful life, how to act, what is right and wrong, who created us, why did he create us, why do ‘bad’ things happen to people, what will happen after we die, everything! In tough times it’s a companion you can rely on.

So when Allah tells us something is bad for us we stay away from it and we find true happiness in submission to Allah. A lot of other faiths say God says this or this but they have no proof for their statements, we on the other hand have logical proof for our beliefs. By Quran’s miracles, that we appreciate, we know for a fact that what it tells us is the truth. (Plus Quran’s style is such that it makes you reflect and come to a conclusion)

Lastly, I'd encourage you to be the judge; read:
Nicely said and explained dude.
It moved my heart (Though I AM Muslim :p )
You ARE the Man, Thumbs up (y)

After so much being said, more arguing with this person would just mean aguing with a wall, considering he has 'indepth knowledge of islam' ;)

So people, please refrain from further advising because he won't change his way of thinking, its quite clear!
So let it be and just ignore....
Ignoring wont do anything. The best is to lock the thread
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@Everybody: Please correct me if I am Wrong Thank you.

You seem rather upset? What fainates me is the fact you call me a "loser" merely because I am against some of the values promoted by Islam. Am I not entitled to my own beliefs? And as for your comment questioning my knowledge on Islam, FYI I have read the translated version of the Quran I showed you in the video above. And none of the vidoes I posted were fake- they are 100% genuine and you do not seem to have even viewed them before you passed this little hateful comment.
I understand Islam promotes several good values as well- I am not denying that. I am just against the idea of the Quran inciting hatred against any non-muslim (Jews particularly
), the fact women are considered inferior to men and how its instructions to its followers are not logical or pratical. How can you prove "Allah" is real anyway.
All religion should cease to exist. We humans of this planet were meant to be living together in harmony, but instead are divided by RELIGION. We must only have 1 religion, and that is the religion of Humanity whereby everybody is able to choose their way of life, without having to conform to a book for guidance .
"After all, life has no other meaning than what you give it"- TheNepaliWarrior, 2012, XtremePapersForums
Who said women are more superior?o_O Islam only tells not to treat them badly and not to think of them as they are lower than you.
And you mean why dont we see him? If so then heres the answer:
What would be the difference in the Creator and Created if you can see the creator like all the created?
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@Everybody: Please correct me if I am Wrong Thank you.

Who said women are more superior?o_O Islam only tells not to treat them badly and not to think of them as they are lower than you.
And you mean why dont we see him? If so then heres the answer:
What would be the difference in the Creator and Created if you can see the creator like all the created?

Direct translations taken from the Quran which just shows how women are classed as being inferior to men.

4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

4:34 As for women you feel are averse, talk to them suasively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them) and go to bed with them (when they are willing).

Another passage from the hadith editor Muslim. Muhammad says this at his farewell pilgrimage:
Fear Allah regarding women, for they are your assistants. You have the right on them that they do not allow any person whom you dislike to step on your mat. However, if they do that, you are allowed to discipline them lightly ... (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. 3, p. 446, ed. Safiur-Rahman al Mubarakpuri, Riyadh: Darussalam)
Also, Maudidi can be quoted "As to a beating, the Holy Prophet [Muhammad] allowed it very reluctantly and even then did not like it. But the fact is that there are certain women who do not mend their ways without a beating. In such a case, the Holy Prophet has instructed that she would not be beaten on the face, or cruelly, or with anything which might leave a mark on the body. (vol. 1, p. 333, note 59)

There, here is evidence right infront of you which is hidden from the rest of the world since most people do not have access to the highly accurate tranlated version of the Arabic scripture (Koran)
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You seem rather upset? What facinates me is the fact you call me a "loser" merely because I am against some of the values promoted by Islam. Am I not entitled to my own beliefs? And as for your comment questioning my knowledge on Islam, FYI I have read the translated version of the Quran I showed you in the video above. And none of the vidoes I posted were fake- they are 100% genuine and you do not seem to have even viewed them before you passed this little hateful comment.
I understand Islam promotes several good values as well- I am not denying that. I am just against the idea of the Quran inciting hatred against any non-muslim (Jews particularly ), the fact women are considered inferior to men and how its instructions to its followers are not logical or pratical. How can you prove "Allah" is real anyway.
"- TheNepaliWarrior, 2012, XtremePapersForums
Haha I called you a loser because your just posting 'fake' links. What proof does a video give? I make a video that you are next 'terriorist' in the most wanted list of U.S. This is a 'fake'. It's not the translation of Quran pak you 'moron'. GET SOME LIFE.
And you speak about proving 'Allah's existence'? And also you say you translated Quran. LOSERS like you can't even do their homework let alone translation, even if you did so then you must have known from the verses about the countless miricles in Quran.
Btw How do you prove your the son of your father and not the 'neighbour'?
Who started the fight first? U know what ISLAM SAYS U LOSER?
On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear (guidance), yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (5:32)
^^ THIS IS QURAN. Now please shut up.
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Direct translations taken from the Quran which just shows how women are classed as being inferior to men.

4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

4:34 As for women you feel are averse, talk to them suasively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them) and go to bed with them (when they are willing).

Another passage from the hadith editor Muslim. Muhammad says this at his farewell pilgrimage:
Fear Allah regarding women, for they are your assistants. You have the right on them that they do not allow any person whom you dislike to step on your mat. However, if they do that, you are allowed to discipline them lightly ... (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. 3, p. 446, ed. Safiur-Rahman al Mubarakpuri, Riyadh: Darussalam)
Also, Maudidi can be quoted "As to a beating, the Holy Prophet [Muhammad] allowed it very reluctantly and even then did not like it. But the fact is that there are certain women who do not mend their ways without a beating. In such a case, the Holy Prophet has instructed that she would not be beaten on the face, or cruelly, or with anything which might leave a mark on the body. (vol. 1, p. 333, note 59)

There, here is evidence right infront of you which is hidden from the rest of the world since most people do not have access to the highly accurate tranlated version of the Arabic scripture (Koran)
For your information, there are many, and I mean MANY, different translation of Quran-e-Pak. That is because Arabic is a vast language and one word has many meaning so people translate it in the way the like, and secondly People like YOU have translated wrongly so that more people like YOU could take those fake translation as prove and do what YOU are doing right now.
Only few of them are correct, if YOU and people like YOU read these correct translations then only YOU can tell what Islam is in reality.

Note:YOU doesn't refer to Nepali but it refer to non-Muslim that have the same doubt
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Haha I called you a loser because your just posting 'fake' links. What proof does a video give? I make a video that you are next 'terriorist' in the most wanted list of U.S. This is a 'fake'. It's not the translation of Quran pak you 'moron'. GET SOME LIFE.
And you speak about proving 'Allah's existence'? And also you say you translated Quran. LOSERS like you can't even do their homework let alone translation, even if you did so then you must have known from the verses about the countless miricles in Quran.
Btw How do you prove your the son of your father and not the 'neighbour'?
Who started the fight first? U know what ISLAM SAYS U LOSER?
On that account We ordained for the Children of Isra`il that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear (guidance), yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (5:32)
^^ THIS IS QURAN. Now please shut up.

I feel you are getting increasingly upset over this friendly conversation. To make some things clear...
1) I never claimed to have translated the Quran- I said I READ the translated version. I am sure that as a moderator, you possess an adequate IQ level to comprehend such basic statements.
2) One can use DNA tests to check to see who their parents are.
3) This is not a fight. I am not fighting in anyway. This is merely meant to be a friendly conversation where I can listen to everybody's views and opinions.
4) Lastly, all the quotes from the Quran I have posted above are genuine- I can guarantee the world that the phrases are 100% accurate.

I am sorry buddy, but you are arguing against something by merely hiding the truth and instead making up lies. I suggest you use correct evidence to back up your statements.
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I feel you are getting increasingly upset over this friendly conversation. To make some things clear...
1) I never claimed to have translated the Quran- I said I READ the translated version. I am sure that as a moderator, you possess an adequate IQ level to comprehend such basic statements.
2) One can use DNA tests to check to see who their parents are.
3) This is not a fight. I am not fighting in anyway. This is merely meant to be a friendly conversation where I can listen to everybody's views and opinions.
4) Lastly, all the quotes from the Quran I have posted above are genuine- I can guarantee the world that the phrases are 100% accurate.

I am sorry buddy, but you are arguing against something by merely hiding the truth and instead making up lies. I suggest you use correct evidence to back up your statements.
You are not a Muslim, You are not a scholar,nothing, than how can you 100% guarantee it?
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I feel you are getting increasingly upset over this friendly conversation. To make some things clear...
1) I never claimed to have translated the Quran- I said I READ the translated version. I am sure that as a moderator, you possess an adequate IQ level to comprehend such basic statements.
2) One can use DNA tests to check to see who their parents are.
3) This is not a fight. I am not fighting in anyway. This is merely meant to be a friendly conversation where I can listen to everybody's views and opinions.
4) Lastly, all the quotes from the Quran I have posted above are genuine- I can guarantee the world that the phrases are 100% accurate.

I am sorry buddy, but you are arguing against something by merely hiding the truth and instead making up lies. I suggest you use correct evidence to back up your statements.
Haha get your facts right 'loser'.
1) All the translations you read can, in no way, posses the verses you claim to right so your just 'fake' and that makes you a 'loser' too.
2) DNA test huh? So your at doubt that your even the son of your parents. :ROFLMAO:
3) Just read your first post 'loser'. It would clearly 'offend' any muslim, offending someone is right?
4) What prove do you have? Your verses you posted are 'fake'. Beside 'loser' like you can't even research more before comming up with the statement.

There's nothing to hide, Everything is open. And if you see the 'real' verse i posted. It clears up everything. If you still are at doubt then please consult a doctor. I'll help you find one.
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It seems many students are currently interested in Pakistan studies, particularly in its Islamic aspects. I would like to express some of my views regarding this with you all.

I feel Islam is a very regimented religion, forcing its followers to conform to strict guidelines on how to lead their own lives- every aspect of life is instructed in Islam without any proper logic but is rather based heavily on brainwashing and DOs and DON'Ts. FATWA, BURKHA, WIFE BEATING,KAFIR,INFIDELS,MADRASSA, JIHAD, BLASPHEMY, and MYTHS considered as truth etc; all these are the hallmarks of Islam. It's against freedom, free thinking and humanity. For example the killing of kafirs and infidels is promoted in Islam.
With that said, I would like to go on to say that I feel that ALL religions should cease to exist. We humans of this planet were made to live together in harmony, but instead are divided by RELIGION. There must only be 1 religion, and that is the religion of Humanity where everybody is able to choose freely their own way of life, without having to conform to a book for guidance or instructions.

"After all, life has no other meaning than what you give it"- TheNepaliWarrior, 2012, XtremePapersForum

EDIT: I am not a Muslim hater trying to incite hate against Islam. Islam promotes several good values as well and I am not denying that AT ALL. I am merely expressing my views concerning some aspects of Islam which are not appropriate for today's modern world. I would like to know what you think.

XPC Moderators, I would like you to express your view rather than trying to suppress this thread. Thanks.

if u read the quran u'll find that in various verses Allah has given us a choice to believe so there is no such thing as killing non believers.
world problems r not caused by religion existence, they r caused by the selfish nature of humans and the lack of consience, Islam simply encourages ppl to remember that they r responsible for building the worldand make it prosper (there r various verses concerning this topic and i advice u to read the quran and its tafseer to understand what i mean) in Islam bad manners and evil deeds that contribute to destruction and harming r forbidden and any1 who does such acts will be punished in the hereafter
Reaction score
Haha get your facts right 'loser'.
1) All the translations you read can, in no way, posses the verses you claim to right so your just 'fake' and that makes you a 'loser' too.
2) DNA test huh? So your at doubt that your even the son of your parents. :ROFLMAO:
3) Just read your first post 'loser'. It would clearly 'offend' any muslim, offending someone is right?
4) What prove do you have? Your verses you posted are 'fake'. Beside 'loser' like you can't even research more before comming up with the statement.

There's nothing to hide, Everything is open. And if you see the 'real' verse i posted. It clears up everything. If you still are at doubt then please consult a doctor. I'll help you find one.
I fail to undestand anything you say. You need english lessons. If you need an English teacher, I can help you find one.
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I fail to undestand anything you say. You need english lessons. If you need an English teacher, I can help you find one.
That's because your a 'loser'. You can't understand anything. You failed to understand whatever people told you here before. And you know the best part, you skip all the contents which proves you wrong.
Hey thanks for caring 'loser' but I m good the way I m. But you seriously need a doctor before you blow you head off.