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Why She Won't Wear Hijab!

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Excuse me sir, what are you talking abt??
I am a women, and I cover to please my Creator not to please any man...
I have freedom of choice, and y would anyone force me to do something???
Alhamdulillah ( all praise to Allah) I m mentally and psychologically sane...and I m doing so as it is ordained by My Creator n there is a lot of wisdom behind it. It makes me feel more secured. My beauty is not open for everyone to see at, I have RIGHT to chose what men see of me, isn't that freedom?
It doen't oppresses me! It liberates me the way no other cloth can...
Just tell me one thing, when u go to a bank, do find money on the counter??
No u dont, it is kept safe inside so that nobody can reach it except few authorised ppl... Right, is it money's fault that it's so precious and valuable?? Is it?
Allah has hounoured the Muslim women by this...
And I am proud being a Muslim women...

women who come out half naked feeling that is liberty...It is funny that What makes them feel that? Actually they are the ones oppressed by males because they come out the way men what to see them...
Masha Allah! you gave words to my thoughts. May Allah bless you


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Nice discussion…
Alhamdulillah I also wear Hijab…but when the turns come for niqab…I’ve some problem that is I can’t breathe properly in Hijab nor where air conditioner is on nor when blanket comes on my face I feel like someone is stoping my breathe…Even I love to wear niqab … :)

It only feels it is hard but its actually not... once you take the step for Allah(SWT), everythings becomes so easy Alhamdulilah n the awesome feeling of pleasing your CREATOR that you have Amazing...:) just cannot be described in words...
n u know what Shaitan, our biggest enemy, tries hard n make things appear difficult to us...
Even i can't sleep with the blanket on face, i feel very suffocated...but Alhamdulillah I don't have this feeling with my Niqaab on...maybe i think there is a special mercy by Allah

Sister, don't worry abt the stares or the weird look that ppl might give... I just Love this hadis so much...whenever ever someone criticize the way i dress, i just remember this hadis n then i become happy... :)

قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏"‏ بَدَأَ الإِسْلاَمُ غَرِيبًا وَسَيَعُودُ كَمَا بَدَأَ غَرِيبًا فَطُوبَى لِلْغُرَبَاءِ
RasulAllah(SAW) said, "Islam began as strange,and it will return strange as it began so tooba [glad tidings] to the strangers." (Sahih Muslim)

Remember the Tooba( Glad tidings) are only for the strangers… So be proud being a stranger (y)
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hijab gives you all the freedom in the world.. you can move about in crowds without piercing stares nagging you.. Al Hamdulillah! i feel extremely comfortable in my hijaab and niqaab. sometimes it does get a little hot but that is nothing compared to what lies ahead for the non-pardah observing woman in the Hereafter.. Allah hasn't given you beauty to show off like a decoration item in a shop window.. if you're a Muslim, then you must follow your religion.. and that demands you to cover your body and face fully.. some people don't believe in veiling the face, but if you see the purpose of the hijaab, then it is the most important part of the body to cover up.. and all the four Imaams agree on it too..
here's a video which presents the two views regarding putting on the niqab:

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I cover my hair, not my brain.

Dont judge me with your glare,

There is nothing you can gain.

My Lord says i'm a precious pearl,

I command respect! I'm a muslim girl...
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I wear hijab and I am proud of it
My cousins and friends make fun of me but I don't give a damn...it's my identity and no one can ruin it.....
It makes me feel free and beautiful...like I have a guardian angel over me and I can go anywhere and no one can harm me....it gives me the comfort no other wear can give and I am proud to be among those women who wear hijab with vigour and without shame

Who cares if someone calls u a fundamentalist ..it's our identity and we havvvvveeeee to stick to it
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I wear hijab and I am proud of it
My cousins and friends make fun of me but I don't give a damn...it's my identity and no one can ruin it.....
It makes me feel free and beautiful...like I have a guardian angel over me and I can go anywhere and no one can harm me....it gives me the comfort no other wear can give and I am proud to be among those women who wear hijab with vigour and without shame

Who cares if someone calls u a fundamentalist ..it's our identity and we havvvvveeeee to stick to it
There r many people who look at me and my personality and say...oh no u don't ....u can't be that religious......but I don't need to prove anything to any one for me religion and it's obligations r a personal matter and one must not be neither a fanatic nor ignorant about other religions.....nor an unbeliever to their own religion
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OHH my , the way you guys discuss is as Muslim women are having a shortage of Clothes on them,, Allhumdulillah every one around me stays fully covered, we control our acts and respect.. Me and my family do not needs a burqa, not because we get hot in it, but because since we stay as educated, graceful, no one mistreats us, people on streets behave as if we are their sisters..
Sorry to hurt you but their should be rather more discussion on ever serious topics,.. like those burning faces and others.. Cause just see around you and every girl is fully covered already acoording to her culture and society
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What goes through your mind?As you sit there looking at me
Well I can tell from your looks,That you think I’m so oppressed
But I don’t need for you to liberate me,My head is not bare
And you can’t see my covered hair,So you sit there and you stare
And you judge me with your glare,You’re sure I’m in despair
But are you not aware,Under this scarf that I wear
I have feelings, and I do care
So don’t you see?That I’m truly free
This piece of scarf on me,I wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity…
My modesty
My integrity
So don’t judge me
Open your eyes and see…“Why can’t you just accept me?” she says
“Why can’t I just be me?” she says
Time and time again,You speak of democracy,Yet you rob me of my liberty
All I want is equality,Why can’t you just let me be free?
For you I sing this song ,My sister, may you always be strong
From you I’ve learnt so much,How you suffer so much
Yet you forgive those who laugh at you
You walk with no fear,Through the insults you hear
Your wish so sincere,That they’d understand you
But before you walk away,This time you turn and say:
But don’t you see?That I’m truly free
This piece of scarf on me,I wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity
My modesty
My integrity,So let me be
She says with a smile,I’m the one who’s free

I really love this lyrics from Free song of Sami Yusuf

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OHH my , the way you guys discuss is as Muslim women are having a shortage of Clothes on them,, Allhumdulillah every one around me stays fully covered, we control our acts and respect.. Me and my family do not needs a burqa, not because we get hot in it, but because since we stay as educated, graceful, no one mistreats us, people on streets behave as if we are their sisters..
Sorry to hurt you but their should be rather more discussion on ever serious topics,.. like those burning faces and others.. Cause just see around you and every girl is fully covered already acoording to her culture and society

Sis AreebaKausar, i haven't come across a single post in this thread that indicates that Muslim women have a shortage of clothes. Perhaps you have misunderstood the posts here. Now as to the issue of everyone respecting the ladies in your family because of education and grace, i am stunned that you think that all men think alike. Some have sicknesses in their hearts, hence you cannot comfortably conclude that you are being respected! I personally felt offended because of the tone you have used above, everyone has their opinions and i think we should respect that....

When we say hijab my dear sister, we are not referring to a mere piece of cloth that cloaks our heads and bodies, we are talking about our identities as a whole! Hijab is an attitude, when you wear that 'piece of cloth' that covers you, you are infact staying away from other vices as well! When you wear hijab in fact you feel more embarrassed to sin, since you are aware that you are on the streets, where you are an 'ambassador' of your religion!
Tell me sister, when two ladies walk out onto the street, one in a shiny sequined salwar kameez and the other fully clad in a burqa? Who will attract more attention?? I leave you to answer that question....

And as you stated earlier, every girl is fully covered according to her culture......i want to ask you, do western women fully cover up themselves too, in accordance with their culture???

Personally, i feel hijab gives me the protection and respect that no other item can give me, be it education, grace or anything of that sort.....

And lastly you said that we should have discussions on more serious topics, well all i can say is that i guess you haven't explored xpf enough....there is something for everybody here:)

Such threads are not meant to accuse people who don't wear hijab, rather they are encouraging them to learn about its benefits, and for those who already wear the hijab, these threads are well, a motivation for them to continue!!
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Sis AreebaKausar, i haven't come across a single post in this thread that indicates that Muslim women have a shortage of clothes. Perhaps you have misunderstood the posts here. Now as to the issue of everyone respecting the ladies in your family because of education and grace, i am stunned that you think that all men think alike. Some have sicknesses in their hearts, hence you cannot comfortably conclude that you are being respected! I personally felt offended because of the tone you have used above, everyone has their opinions and i think we should respect that....

When we say hijab my dear sister, we are not referring to a mere piece of cloth that cloaks our heads and bodies, we are talking about our identities as a whole! Hijab is an attitude, when you wear that 'piece of cloth' that covers you, you are infact staying away from other vices as well! When you wear hijab in fact you feel more embarrassed to sin, since you are aware that you are on the streets, where you are an 'ambassador' of your religion!
Tell me sister, when two ladies walk out onto the street, one in a shiny sequined salwar kameez and the other fully clad in a burqa? Who will attract more attention?? I leave you to answer that question....

And as you stated earlier, every girl is fully covered according to her culture......i want to ask you, do western women fully cover up themselves too, in accordance with their culture???

Personally, i feel hijab gives me the protection and respect that no other item can give me, be it education, grace or anything of that sort.....

And lastly you said that we should have discussions on more serious topics, well all i can say is that i guess you haven't explored xpf enough....there is something for everybody here:)

Such threads are not meant to accuse people who don't wear hijab, rather they are encouraging them to learn about its benefits, and for those who already wear the hijab, these threads are well, a motivation for them to continue!!
listen i don't use any offending tone...i cleared my point.. now you go on with this dscussion. We should rise against those making fun of silly woman in west But.. stay cautious that what an agressive image you are creating to world of Islam,, just move around youtube and facebook to see.
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listen i don't use any offending tone...i cleared my point.. now you go on with this dscussion.
sorry but i really did find it offending......perhaps i may have taken it wrongly but well i think we should all learn to respect other peoples opinions. My apologies if i did misunderstand you but please do take time and read what i have written, it may help you understand the aim of this thread, and what we believe in:)
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sorry but i really did find it offending......perhaps i may have taken it wrongly but well i think we should all learn to respect other peoples opinions. My apologies if i did misunderstand you but please do take time and read what i have written, it may help you understand the aim of this thread, and what we believe in:)

Sister, i aGREE to your opinion but the problem i saw around woman around me are,

Husband burnt his wife alive,

Woman whose family is focing her for a marrige to 65 years old

A girl deprived of all her inheritanced wealth, as her uncles lawfully took them under so-called islamic laws
(i was alost victum of this)

the discrimination a girl faces againsty his brother,

and how a woman died giving birth to his eleventh child, maybe you should talk a little about equality between man and woman, population growth control at time of prophet p.b.uh, right of a girl, right of a wife, as well that i didn't saw any where in XpC
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OK.. I WON'T reply anymore but you have done your duty withHijab, come to other points as well.

may creator shower his blessings on you. bye