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Why She Won't Wear Hijab!

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Let me ask you something. If you were hired by someone to perform a specific task, and you have to do it exactly the same way he/she asks you to do it, would you call it an immoral thing?

It depends whether the requirements are in context of the task. Besides if I disagree with the task / requirements I won't even take the job.
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well, let's say there is a sniper.... who has acquired his designated target and radios through to HQ to get permission to shoot. HQ however, tells the sniper to hold on while they seek permission from higher up. So the guy higher up seeks permission from the guy even higher up and so on and so on. If this keeps going on, will the sniper ever get to shoot the target?
Of course not!
He’ll keep on waiting while someone is waiting for a person higher up to give the order. There has to be a place or person from where the command is issued, a place where there is no higher up. So our example illustrates why there is a rational flaw in the idea that there might be creators creating creators ad infinitum...
We can’t have creators creating creators forever, or else, just as the sniper will never shoot, the creation will never get created. But the creation is here. It exists. So we can dismiss the idea of an infinite regression of causes as being an irrational proposition.
So what is the alternative? The alternative is a first cause. An uncaused cause!
We could conclude that the nature of the intelligent and wilful force behind the universe, life and everything must have a different nature from the creation, and as we have seen, there are compelling reasons to do so.
So...if the creation is needy, the Creator should be self-sufficient.
And if the creation is temporary, the Creator should be eternal.
And if the creation is confined by space and time, the Creator
should be free of space and time.
And if the creation is common, the Creator should be unique.
And it follows reasonably that there could only be one unique, eternal, self-sufficient being unconfined by space and time, for if there were more than one then these attributes could not apply. How could there be two or three eternal beings, or two beings unconstrained by space or time?

This is why it makes so much sense to believe in One Unique Eternal and Self-Sufficient Creator.
Common sense and reason lead easily or perhaps even inevitably, to the conclusion that the universe has been created by a transcendent
being, unlike in essence to anything that we know.
This, of course, makes it difficult to understand much more about this Creator through reason, and that’s why some people stop right

That is Exactly why we need revelation/guidance from that creator..... to know more about him and us... don't worry if we used logic and commonsense to reach this conclusion we have evan more logical proofs for revelation...

There is a possibility of a certain creator, I don't deny that. However the statements that "the creator wants us to do this and that" are things that I don't believe in. I believe all these thinks come from stories and historical documents by humans itself. That is why multiple religions and religious books exist. Whatever unknown factor caused our existence (might just be physical forces with no thinking / mind abilities) would not instruct us that we should do this and that.

Young children are told so many stories about fairies etc to give them moral lessons. That does not mean fairies exist.
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Covering up is definitely not against freedom of choice because you chose to do that (albeit because of your customs). If someone were forcing you to be either uncovered or covered than that is against freedom of choice.

Good question. I believe that if one wants to cover themselves they should be all means carry forward. I would not call it "cover beauty". If not that is fine too. Beauty is inner not outer. How does one define beautiful looks vs ugly looks? If a woman gets abused because of how she dresses by a man the woman has zero fault on that. There have been cases where women have been abused like that because "men do not approve" and this is unacceptable.

I believe that the reason Islam has so much controversies is not because of the customs itself but because of the way many people enforce it, try to convert others and the attitude towards people who don't abide. Women not driving in Saudi Arabia is unacceptable and a human right violation.
It's not a human right violation. It's protection for women. Women will find it very hard to solve problems on the road if they get into one, and it may also be a sin on them if men look at them, because it's against Islam to do that. Furthermore, women have to fulfill their household duties before everything else.
It depends whether the requirements are in context of the task. Besides if I disagree with the task / requirements I won't even take the job.
what if you take the job, and it is your only choice, and the boss tells you what you do, are you still going to reject it?
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It's not a human right violation. It's protection for women. Women will find it very hard to solve problems on the road if they get into one, and it may also be a sin on them if men look at them, because it's against Islam to do that. Furthermore, women have to fulfill their household duties before everything else.

what if you take the job, and it is your only choice, and the boss tells you what you do, are you still going to reject it?

Why should they find it difficult to solve road problems and who decides whether they will have problems but themselves. Men and women should share the household duties. It is not reasonable in context when both can do it. Why should women be blamed when men look at them. That is like blaming the knife for murder instead of the murderer.

If the boss politely tells me a reasonable job he wants done, I will do it. If he tells me something non-sensible I will refuse the job and quit.
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There is a possibility of a certain creator, I don't deny that. However the statements that "the creator wants us to do this and that" are things that I don't believe in. I believe all these thinks come from stories and historical documents by humans itself. That is why multiple religions and religious books exist. Whatever unknown factor caused our existence (might just be physical forces with no thinking / mind abilities) would not instruct us that we should do this and that.

Young children are told so many stories about fairies etc to give them moral lessons. That does not mean fairies exist.

sister, "these stories" ur talking about is from our religious scripture -THE HOLY QURAN,
n m sure u must have not read if, only if u did u will be having a different perspective about it.
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Why should they find it difficult to solve road problems and who decides whether they will have problems but themselves. Men and women should share the household duties. It is not reasonable in context when both can do it. Why should women be blamed when men look at them. That is like blaming the knife for murder instead of the murderer.

If the boss politely tells me a reasonable job he wants done, I will do it. If he tells me something non-sensible I will refuse the job and quit.
What if they are kidnapped or are hijacked? How on earth are they going to get themselves out. Women are not as strong as men are. Do you mean to say that men should stay home and clean the house, cook, and feed their children, while going to work, and buying groceries and other things??? If this is the case, then there is no need for a woman in the house.
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Why should they find it difficult to solve road problems and who decides whether they will have problems but themselves. Men and women should share the household duties. It is not reasonable in context when both can do it. Why should women be blamed when men look at them. That is like blaming the knife for murder instead of the murderer.

If the boss politely tells me a reasonable job he wants done, I will do it. If he tells me something non-sensible I will refuse the job and quit.
ofcourse the men are blamed equally sis,
plz go throught this video willl help in getting some of ur doubts cleared if not all :)
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What if they are kidnapped or are hijacked? How on earth are they going to get themselves out. Women are not as strong as men are. Do you mean to say that men should stay home and clean the house, cook, and feed their children, while going to work, and buying groceries and other things??? If this is the case, then there is no need for a woman in the house.
No I mean that both men and women should look after the house together and go to work. Why should they be kidnapped assuming everyone follows moral values? (Not sure how a woman can get hijacked)?

Anyway lets just agree to disagree. Also statistically more men lose their lives on the road than women in countries where both genders drive equally.
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ofcourse the men are blamed equally sis,
plz go throught this video willl help in getting some of ur doubts cleared if not all :)

The woman shouldn't be blamed at all.
Also I'm not anti Islam or anything, I have concerns over different things to do with religion.

Why would different religions exist with conflicting beliefs if there was one creator?
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No I mean that both men and women should look after the house together and go to work. Why should they be kidnapped assuming everyone follows moral values? (Not sure how a woman can get hijacked)?

Anyway lets just agree to disagree. Also statistically more men lose their lives on the road than women in countries where both genders drive equally.
If both have to go to work, then who's going to look after a kid, if they have one, if he/she is still an infant. And after that, who's going to guide the child in his/her studies. I'm sure both the parents are going to be tired when they come home from work and wouldn't want 2 do anything, but sleep.
That's because women drives lesser times than women!
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The woman shouldn't be blamed at all.
Also I'm not anti Islam or anything, I have concerns over different things to do with religion.

Why would different religions exist with conflicting beliefs if there was one creator?
That's because the books of the other religions that conflict with Islam have been altered.
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If both have to go to work, then who's going to look after a kid, if they have one, if he/she is still an infant. And after that, who's going to guide the child in his/her studies. I'm sure both the parents are going to be tired when they come home from work and wouldn't want 2 do anything, but sleep.
That's because women drives lesser times than women!

Women drive as much as men as far as private vehicles are concerned. Even proportional to drivers a large percentage of men who drive have problems than women (in the western world). Maternity and Paternity leave exists and it works out in most families where parents work during school hours. How is a women with no work experience supposed to guide education for the child anyways.

Even using your explanation, the man and women could take turns at who works and who takes care of children.


XPRS Moderator
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People following other religions would argue that Islam has been altered. Tell me yourself how should I decide whom to believe?
Allah says in the Quran, that He's gonna take care of this Book Himself.
You know what? The Books revealed earlier for that particular time, and those people, However Quran is a book for all people, and for all times to come. Honestly, you'd be amazed if you read it. And then with time, those same things are what they find out after a lot of researches. Many things are still under research and haven't been proved yet.


XPRS Moderator
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People following other religions would argue that Islam has been altered. Tell me yourself how should I decide whom to believe?
Allah says in the Quran, that He's gonna take care of this Book Himself.
You know what? The Books revealed earlier for that particular time, and those people, However Quran is a book for all people, and for all times to come. Honestly, you'd be amazed if you read it. And then with time, those same things are what they find out after a lot of researches. Many things are still under research and haven't been proved yet.
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Allah says in the Quran, that He's gonna take care of this Book Himself.
You know what? The Books revealed earlier for that particular time, and those people, However Quran is a book for all people, and for all times to come. Honestly, you'd be amazed if you read it. And then with time, those same things are what they find out after a lot of researches. Many things are still under research and haven't been proved yet.

Ok lets just agree to disagree. I'm not posting any more here. Its this idea of enforcing that the Quaran is right and not the others is what doesn't go with me and many others of different faiths. I have read translations of it and personally I think there is a possibility that it has been written by those who wish to enforce ideas on upcoming generations. This http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/013-forced-conversion.htm is what makes things look suspect to me and many non islam believers
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Sorry, I don't buy that. Then who created that creator? If a creator really existed and enforced "You must do as I say" ideas then that would be a manipulative creator in fact doing an immoral thing. E.g If a child is ill treated and manipulated by parents, the child has absolutely no reason to respect the parents.
the creator has been for ever and always will be.
Where did everything come from?
if a parent scolds a child for his/her wrong doings, that wont be called ill treating. parents do tell their children good manners and punish them if they refuse to follow, dont they?
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Women drive as much as men as far as private vehicles are concerned. Even proportional to drivers a large percentage of men who drive have problems than women (in the western world). Maternity and Paternity leave exists and it works out in most families where parents work during school hours. How is a women with no work experience supposed to guide education for the child anyways.

Even using your explanation, the man and women could take turns at who works and who takes care of children.
A woman does not have to have work experience. Not all women go to work, and still they are able to coach their children. All that is necessary is proper education at school. From then on, the child can learn independently, and can clear his/her doubts through the mom or dad.
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People following other religions would argue that Islam has been altered. Tell me yourself how should I decide whom to believe?
Examine the books individually. All the books have the same main message, but the other things may differ. And there are some verses in the other books, that contradicts verses in the same book. In the Qur'an, you can never find a verse that contradicts another in the Qur'an