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  1. S

    Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry Coursebook 3ed + Practical Workbook - PDF File Request

    Hello, I would appreciate it if anyone could provide the pdf files of these two books, the latest editions as shown in the photos. Thanks in advance...
  2. temuman

    Textbooks needed please share pdf if u have

    Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE Coursebook 5th Edition (Textbook) By Richard Hardwood & Ian Lodge Biology for Cambridge IGCSE Coursebook 4th Edition (Textbook) By Mary Jones & Geoff Jones Please share pdfs for these textbooks if u have thank you
  3. Mustafa215441

    O Level Chemistry 2023 Paper

    Please drop the questions you remember from Olevel May/June Chemistry P1. Not full question just a brief statement which states the whereabouts of question
  4. Dreaming desires

    Science Books Pdf o'levels!

    Asalam.o.alaikum Everyone! WELL I NEED YOUR ASISTANCE! Is anybody here having biology matters , chemistry matters or physics matters book? I need it for my o'levels examinations. I'll be really grateful if anyone of you could come out and help!
  5. haosorbets


    can anyone explain this to me? i have the answers but i don’t seem to get them.
  6. Dogememegod

    Is chemistry easy or physics?

    So. What do u guys think? Chemistry or physics?
  7. Dogememegod

    chemistry electrolysis p4 pastpapers

    Hey. Anyone knows any website or source where free electrolysis p4 pastpapers can be downloaded. I really need them for an important test upcoming. thanks
  8. A


    Hello everyone, I hope you're all feeling great. I have compiled links for sites, YT videos, PPTs, etc., in a single file for various IGCSE subjects, despite the fact that it was primarily made for IGCSEs, It can still be used for GCSEs, O-Levels, and exam boards other than C(A)IE, in fact, some...
  9. pink_princess

    IGCSE Notes - CS, Chemistry, Biology and Physics

    Assalaam alaikum! I'm starting this thread to post my notes for the IGCSE subjects Computer SCience, Chemistry, Biology, Physics. You can tell me which subject you need most help with using the poll and I'll give most priority to that. Insha Allah I'll post here regularly! Hope I can help some...
  10. Slyvre

    Looking For: CDs of O-Level Cambridge IGCSE Coursebooks (EOCQ Answers)

    Hi, I've been scouring the internet for some time now, and I cannot seem to find the CDs for several coursebooks. These include: - Cambridge IGCSE Biology Coursebook by Mary Jones and Geoff Jones CD - Cambridge IGCSE Physics Coursebook by David Sang CD - Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Coursebook by...
  11. N

    Challenging Questions Sets (with worked solutions) for STEM A* A-level students/aiming for Oxbridge

    I put these together during as part of my revision in year 13 and thought it would be helpful for others. Includes questions on chemistry (AQA), physics (OCR), maths (AQA) and further maths (AQA). Probably the most useful are the multiple choice questions (one document of these per subject)...
  12. M

    Chemistry Question please help

    Can somebody please help me with this Q When 0.47 g of E was completely burnt in air the heat produced raised the temperature of 200 g of water by 27.5°C assume no heat losses occurred during this experiment bi) use the relevant data from the data booklet to calculate the amount of heat released...
  13. srsaALevel

    Need companian cd for Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry

    need the companian cd for this book pls. can u please upload the files in the cd
  14. yRommmyyyy

    Chemistry P33 OCT 2019

    pls guys post predictions under here
  15. darkxangel

    Need help with a question in chemistry 3 paper question edexcel

    Edexcel A level chemistry Jan 2015 IAL WCH03/01 Q3 b (iii) Why is uncertainty value times by 2?
  16. R

    need some good websites for revision

    hi can any of you recommend me some good websites for alevel cie? i need worked solutions for maths(9709) physics (9702) and biology and chemistry. it would be great if you could provide some files too.a compilation of pastpapers maybe?
  17. P

    Save My Exams classified Answers (FREE)

    Does anyone want the savemyexams classified answers for free? if so let me know
  18. S

    CIE O/N 2018 Examiner Reports? (Sciences & Maths)

    Hey there! i was scavenging through the internet trying to find these but couldn't If any of you guys have the examiner reports for october november 2018 for physics chem bio & maths i would really appreciate if you could attach them here! Thanks alot in advance
  19. S


    Hey! so im in As and i have to give my exams in May. If anyone has helpful notes and resources for As math, physics., chemistry and biology please do post them on this thread. Also, any advice from people who have done alevels and helpful tips would be really really appreciated. (Stressing &...
  20. Y

    A-Level Chemistry Note
