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Account banning policy

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well apparently MuslimGirl no thanks i read half of it and its enough...HONESTLY speaking this is none of my business i never justify my actions to other mods for banning people nor do i expect them to do that as far as istoleyourcookie is concerned she'll get unban soon :) and if she has a problem she'll discuss it with the admin whats with this whole thread like today its her tomorrow it could be you ARE YOU PEOPLE BRAINLESS or something??? she just got banned on a cyber community she did not get target killed for breaking the rules or something....she just got ban and when she'll get unbanned she'll deal with the admin why is this whole thread even created...ALTHOUGH I DO say that users should be warned or given a reason for banning before they get banned em totally agreeing with this part rest creating this a debate or something its useless ONE WHO DOESNT LIKE THIS SITE OR ADMIN;S WAY OF RUNNING IT SHOULD JUST LEAVE IT :)...
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Okay everyone. Kindly calm down and stop fighting. I've no idea where this all is going now. :/ So many fights.
I am IStoleYourCookie's sister. I myself want to end this drama and so does she; there's no need for it. The admin, I am sure, will come to a conclusion that is justified by facts. badrobot14 will be fair as he always is and look into the matter, I am sure.
Even if banning her was NOT fair, there's no need for all this dramatization and useless arguments. :)
People please stop drifting off and getting personal.
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awww... I feel sorry for you, only if you could read english.. she admitted it herself.. aww :p
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This thread makes me laugh. What a nice read ;-) Hats off to you people who actually brought this issue up. IStoleYourCookie is not alone. I was given an immediate permanent ban which i think was not justifiable. And bear in mind, I was a member of this community well before any of you. I was a member since 2010. Only choice I had was to make this new account and know what the hell went wrong. Found out, that the admin was least concerned about me (never replied my PM or wall post). Yes i am talking about our very own badrobot. What a busy man, aint he?
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well apparently MuslimGirl no thanks i read half of it and its enough...HONESTLY speaking this is none of my business i never justify my actions to other mods for banning people nor do i expect them to do that as far as istoleyourcookie is concerned she'll get unban soon :) and if she has a problem she'll discuss it with the admin whats with this whole thread like today its her tomorrow it could be you ARE YOU PEOPLE BRAINLESS or something??? she just got banned on a cyber community she did not get target killed for breaking the rules or something....she just got ban and when she'll get unbanned she'll deal with the admin why is this whole thread even created...ALTHOUGH I DO say that users should be warned or given a reason for banning before they get banned em totally agreeing with this part rest creating this a debate or something its useless ONE WHO DOESNT LIKE THIS SITE OR ADMIN;S WAY OF RUNNING IT SHOULD JUST LEAVE IT :)...

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awww... I feel sorry for you, only if you could read english.. she admitted it herself.. aww :p
Woah wait... I never admitted that you're right and i am wrong -__- i just said that i have used all my possible explanations to make u understand before realising that ome needs a brain to undersand... Also i mentioned that i just wanted to stop our argument, neither do i want to start it again.
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oh, so gna bring religion in it?

I think our religion also tells us to spread whats "right".. why not follow that as well,through dialogue???????!!!!!! o_O
I am NOT bringing the religion... I am not exactly TELLING YOU to stop, there are many others with whom u can argue so carry on.... Just telling u that it's OKAY to be a quitter... And i could have not gotten a better reference to justify why 'I' quit, so i posted it.

as far as spreading what is right through dialogue is concerned... U think u are right and i think i am, we have presented our views, so no point of further argument!

I am giving up, but i am NOT changing my view

P-E-A-C-E, have a nice day!
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