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Account banning policy

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Actually we seriously don't wanna argue with the lamest person alive on this earth!
Cuz We know we are right!


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dear...here the reason was PERSONAL and not something related to her behavior to mod..[/quote]
it is said in previous posts that one doesn't simply ban without any valid reason!


XPRS Administrator
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m too tired or I'd have locked this thread for offtopic.... and yeah I might get called a dictator for it.. :D but m willing to take the risk.. :p sadly I gotta leave.. do plz ppl.. don't waste tym.... study or so something good....
offtopic = bad....
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Okay, before this thread get any serious, let me clarify few issues.
Firstly the admin NEVER ban people for a clumsy reason!!! There has to be a very good reason to ban! It goes when people go over their limits and start doing stuffs which are socially unacceptable. Now about the friend whose is not specified, I think this issue is a so serious that it cannot be raised in front of the public. And to be honest I got proof why admin never bans without a good reason...

I and badrobot had lots of arguments together and to be honest it went ugly most of the times and frankly I forced them to go ugly because I was testing his patience and successfully he was brilliant, he never burst out and it showed how well sustained he is to people. He could have banned me ages ago but he didn't and it shows his temperament, I am not popular so banning me was a piece of cake for him. Ask badrobot14 if you want, as far as I know, he is a true Muslim. (I regret in revealing this because in the future I can't argue with him :p) All the mods and admins have a well balanced set of mind but it is true that they can get emotional sometimes, we all are humans, mistakes can happen and popular members are expected to have few unfair advantage, that is human nature and even I have to tolerate it, just search inside you, don't you reply and talk to popular members daily while you ignore the ones who are not? I have been here for some time and have observed people and derived many types of characters here, so it is not always that the right decision can be taken. So it is recommended the whole issue of banning gets discussed once more and judge it whether it was ethical to ban someone... badrobot and the others have bore a lot in the past and they have worked well enough but it is better if all the admins and mods discuss banning that any member not just her from the very beginning, please I am strictly not appealing to anyone's emotions but want to see proper justice is being done! :)
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> without specifying the faults the admin finds with that member, --> Please do not mis-inform ppl.. coz admin did NOT have any issues with her... but yeah.. that begs the question, why the ban...? well its coz one of the staff member felt like doing so.. based on some reasons.... and its my job to look into it and if I find those reasons unjustified.... to unban her... but m not supposed to specify to the public why that happened or why the unban.. if it does occur.... as they say, you don't wash your dirty laundry in public....

> all the admin had to offer was to ban that thread. --> no.. that's wat you think.. the admin however, did tell that user he will look into it.. He also told Monster on his profile page that he will reply when he can.... not to mention he asked some ppl about details so he could judge.. coz sadly.. the admin here doesn't work on emotions rather on evidence... ofc no good waiting patiently for him to sort stuff.. we must act and start debates over how we were wronged... that will be v.benificial... I suppose.. :p

> the suggestion of changing the moderators on yearly basis through a fair electoral process, --> yeah.. like that's a flawless system which will definitely work! ppl elected wd b angels that wd never make a bad decision..! I don't get why ppl just assume stuff before thinking about it....
Although I must say we do have elections.. but atm we are too busy to conduct them... please do understand we also have limitations... we don't ask for pro-memberships so that u have the right to demand stuff from us.... this is a site made by students for students to help them...
I think this is an educational site first and foremost... and if that section is working properly you shouldn't be too worried about who is on the moderation staff... granted.. if u have an issue u can ask the moderation team leader or the admins about it.... in the mean time you can download the notes n stuff from other accounts you made...

>"Today its her, Tomorrow it can be you" --> ofc, I suppose many members here have been banned by the moderation staff... coz I don't think logically if one person keeps getting banned... it means that everyone else will get banned... that just sounds emotional...

P.S. sorry if this post huts anyone.. didn't intend to.... and I know authority attracts a bit of hatred with it (its natural to dispise authority) please do understand that members of moderation staff are also human beings and have emtions.... so when you talk about them do try to not say stuf that might hurt them.... (ofc m a robot so u can say stuff abt me.. :D )

Its really good to see that you actually replied :') All we want you to do is to look into the issue and if you think she was wrong, she should be allowed to make another account.
Banning the thread still wasn't a good idea. If you would have simply said that you'll look into this and reply convincingly to that thread, this issue wouldn't have taken all this hype.
As for the suggestion of changing the moderation staff, it is a suggestion most of us want you to look into, even if this issue wouldn't have risen, we were still planning to make a thread to present this suggestion because as you mentioned it is run by students so other students who are capable enough hold every right to contest for this post, don't they?
The meaning of this thread was not to launch some kind of a protest against the staff but to ask a simple question and to present a suggestion both of which are positive incentives not involving emotions but sense.
Thanks :')
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We aren't the only ppl left in this world!! Besides xpc k saarai loug won't go...
And u r wrong! We are here cuz of them!
And what will we do without them?!

No we aren't. They are here to overlook whats going on in this community. and thats only possible if we are here to run this community. Else its of no use.
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Its Me Also I Created A Thread Regarding Votes For Who Should Be The Next Moderators Nibz Warned Me And Locked My Thread U Can Ask robinhoodmustafa Also :(
tht was seriously bizarre, u were trying to impose ppl who u think shld be mods,even though there was no such vacancy and it wsnt even announced officially that new mods are being recruited..=/
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tht was seriously bizarre, u were trying to impose ppl who u think shld be mods,even though there was no such vacancy and it wsnt even announced officially that new mods are being recruited..=/
i know bt i was just taking people's ideas about members nuthing esle :(
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