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Grade Thresholds For May June 2013

What do u think about grade thresholds of this year??

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Inheritance and genetics are much easier :p Those topics arent difficult but come on, the paper had no major topics
Inheritance is easy, but that genetics .. ! i have serious hatred for it ;) u r ryt, the ppr seemed to b ful of just genetics n microorganisms ... no main chaps
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Inheritance is easy, but that genetics .. ! i have serious hatred for it ;) u r ryt, the ppr seemed to b ful of just genetics n microorganisms ... no main chaps
I was really looking forward to a 5 marks question on genetic diagram, was highly disappointed
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Dont know about other subjects but it would be low in Islamiyat P1( dont know about p2 as it hasnt happened :p) because the question 2 was new and every time there is a new question, grading is very easy. According to Sir Khurram Hussain, last years threshold was 65 :eek: , so chill out everybody :p:D
what do u mean that it was 65? can u tell
Can the thresholds go soo low as well??
It was 66 for igcse. Dnt know for olevels. But cant be 65 bcoz thats absurd.
The grade threshold for Oct/Nov 2012 was 67 for an A* in Islamiat. But, that was IGCSE where very few students take Islamiat and are not very competitive. I too got an A* after a study of hardly 2 months. However, this is not the case with GCE O level Islamiat because students study for at least 2 years and there is a lot of competition so the curve is always high. Don't expect your threshold to be near 67 at all. It will be way higher than that. Good luck!
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The grade threshold for Oct/Nov 2012 was 67 for an A* in Islamiat. But, that was IGCSE where very few students take Islamiat and are not very competitive. I too got an A* after a study of hardly 2 months. However, this is not the case with GCE O level Islamiat because students study for at least 2 years and there is a lot of competition so the curve is always high. Don't expect your threshold to be near 67 at all. It will be way higher than that. Good luck!

agree with u bro!